4b r KB in h A TM TIT FIT TAHITI 7fT r a niii iiu.rLJ3jM.MUo J' lr J i 01 r and. Join Deer Plows El Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line GIL UAH k mm A COMPOSITION ON ST ,he s C!lIlod ! THE WORD "CAN"! I am completely financed with i If you read this composition ; Eastern 5 percent money, one of the objects for which it is j Suppose that I am no greedier i 1 1 written will be accomplished. than lh( other fellow for a prof, j 1 There are two other reasons , (. nd suppose again that lam j 2 why this is wished on to you. :.iust as anxious for your business I The first one is that people are as he is I CAN' do better by you 1 I supposed to be hungry for t bis thtiu he CAN', CAN 1 nol? I 'sort of stuff and unless they get ; 1 have sold to date V7, Wkk : 5 j about so much tllshed up steam-""l Shattiu-k pianos in this 5 ling along with the hot cakes in icount ry. In oilier words (Hie f the tnorninx they ligurc that the Hundred and Thirty Five poor J Iguy that's peddling that particu- deluded mortals have fallen Tor ; 5 lar brand of Coin Separator don't :my particular brawl of bunk,!; J amount, to more than a soiled ! they all tell me they like it. j ; jldueoeund his wares are not in Funny isn't it? 1 would like to j !the same class as the sport who hwir Irom you to tbe elieet that ! 'smears tho front page all over :.Vou might consider being victim w 1. 1 a ot. nf Con in k that no ouo "' leuueavor u tnauo i " w- :boliuvos. ' i ,'nJ operation of Separation us Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. If you are eating out Hams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." The third rcasou is that 1 need tho money. I suppose that you are bogin- niug to wonder what all this line pullod, so satislied and co painless as possible, but even if it hurls a little, you'll feel like you do after you Lave a tooth nte u I- Citj lit k Coll Co. Johnson Bros., Props. ed that you'll be glad you was operated on. As to the quality of my pianos and my methods of doing busi- r 31 -111 IE E3E Bring in Your Old Ford on '1 and we will convert into a one-ton truck for - S350 - You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. SPIANOS E. H. Kellogg County wrent for HENDRICKS TRUCK ATTACHMENT ui J.S IB I III gon. Ivauch, Lexington. Ore gnu. Store and Warehouse Arlington, ( regoii. .'ind I . E. E. I3EAMAN, Prop. Successor to N. A. Clark Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store We Handle Blacksmith Coal in Sacks or Ton Lots. All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for 65 cents per Cord. YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED of chatter is about anyway, but be patient, I'm liable to say something pretty soon. '. I'm not going to start out and tell you how badly you'll get "s d 111 y treatment of my slung if you don't patronize me, j customers after they buy ask but aro foolish enough to bay a neighbors piano f;om somo of my competi tors. Im' not the only original littlu philanthropist. Between you and me there are some. o. Cuy Wakelield, State Agent, mighty deceut men in the piano ; Houu, AtU,n!SSi LVmllelon, Ore- business. v nisper iu gunny, un evidence to tho contrary not withstanding. You can buy a good piano from any of them. on notice that 1 say "can."' - You don't always not quite. I J Want you to take particular J notice of that little word "can." J A man regardless ot how honest J i he is and all these sort of things-, J don't want your business bad J enough to sell you a piano for J less than it costs him. lie (JAN ; do all that he CAN but ho CAN'T' J sell without a profit very long. J ! CAN a man who buys through J a middleman, that buys of a job-. ber that buys of tho factory sell J to you as cheap as another 'fellow who buys direct from the - factory. Four profits against 2 two. 1 Foolish question No. 1- Can a linn that advertises in I tho Oregoniau and other big I dailies, runs a big store, pays J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and list iviu lex Furnished for All Kinds of Buildifinx. First Class Work Ouhj. Mal;c a Sjirciallii of and Hare Complete Fxi inneiit for House Moving Henry lilulini, a former well known farmer of I his .county, now residing at Walla Walla, came in Sunday on a business trip. MKN AND WOMKN-Do you want more money, Ci lo spi per day, all or spare time; easy con genial work' right at home. Write today before your teni. lory is gone. ,) . M . Cnughluu, 7'Ja Chamber of Commerce, Foil land, Ore. , SPORT SHIRTS all Up-to-the-minute Ties in styles and shades j Men's Clothing and Furnishings : Sam Hughes Co. i 0 0 71 'I 4i i 5. i V- i m LET US QUOTE YOU THE PRICE OF THIS HOME COMPLETE. The ubove picture u preseitts but one .f rIM uNlTercnt doitrus we are showing in our book of "I'.eauliful lloiins." Kvi'iy design and plan the work of cx pcrt. ami n..t one it in in nioib'i u con st ruction h is Iron overlooked . Investigate Our Free Plan Service No imitNT wh.i'- lmd of budding Joii 1, ic in 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 tit . l'-.ii ii. Silo. (uau. try. lbu or Shul all lb-' perph-xing de tails been wolUed out for you. on: si.KVifi: hkpaktmi.ntu ..f unlo',.! vii! i: to ! . N " ' i boo..- Jo,ir plan-. )"! Ul.t'ii.i!. (..mpalo v ,i'ik - and fi-t idi' i I'Iioiik '."'I 'l. I l.ao a man "alio lino-As" and dl ' ') y 0 HEPPKER PLANING AND CHOP MILL IIEPPNEK : : OREGON 0 huge rent, enormous muntigers salary, clerks, lights and un army of help that don't produce, sell as cheap us a small fry like Yours Truly that has none of these expenses'' Idle "inquiry No. l Can you blame a man that is unfortunate enough to lie run uiu a piano business under the 'above conditions and needs your business, us they all do, their expenses like Time goes on for ever, for trying to sell you an inferior piano when you stale your limit to be lower than he 'can ufl'ord to sell you u good in struuicut for. Idiotic Interrogation No. II. i Can a man who sells his paper at a heavy discount to the IniuKs or private capitalists sell to you as cheap as the other fellow who hasumple capital ami liuancial backing to curry your account himself, and to whom your paper is as good as your ea-h. F.cho answers "Can lie?" That word "Can" is import ml us you pay the bill. Most every dealer is holiest und w ill do all' ho CAN for you, und slid wain;' a pl'olit. Now don't gel the idea from this that I am going to toil you I don't make a protil Ith ss your soul I can talk to you in a tone of voice thai ha- melted u e from Alaska In l.os Angeles in llll llltempt to g I you In loosi ii up with soiof of the necessary mil if I can wheedlo you into paying Hie I'ili; iPiudied Ileal Iron .lin'le f.r the same ipnl. ity of pi.inn the other t: .j y who inaket a splash gets Six llmi- dn.l uml Seventy I ie f..r I will be leal pleased. I'm after tho Colli just h bird a- any "f them but Ibe ! n I iv t b il ; I n prcsi ui ibe IV s irk 1'i.iuo Factory Din 1 1 My puce are Minufid uter I'rieer. to 'J.'i lbg Depict v I Lave no runuiug nvelli'a'l Stir I IS A MUSE One Week Commencing Monday, May 7, 1917 BIG Q JAiC i.R SHOW Hilli Class YanflBTille and Corned Drama Complete Change of Program Nightly. The Show That is Different. Admission Monday Evening Free. The Oldest Lady and Gentleman in the Opera House Monday Evening will Each Be Given a Valuable Present Children Admitted Only With Parents