'I I' HEPPNER HERALD -grade raw material in this town i to make a fine band from and it i has been reliably informed that ; a competent instructor and lead- S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local News paper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, I'ost Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $l..r0 Sir Month - ;- 7-r, Three Month - - r,0 h'h'IhA V, MAY !,, HH 7. er resides here. So why in the world should the town longer try to worry along without a band. If the commercial club or the city council or the ministerial association or some other live organization doesn't get busy pretty soon and stir up a band ! the Herald will call upon the CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Services. First Mass. 8:00 a.m. Secund Mass 10:30 a m. Catechism class 11:30 a. m. Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church i RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL j FOREST. Notice is hereby giv l en that the lands described be- low.embracing 397.33 acres.with in the Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settle ment and entry under the provi sions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11. 190G 34 Stat. 233), at the United States land office at Sunday school at 9:4" a nr We have classes for every age, 14 in all. and ranging from the ''tiny tots" tw grayheaded men and I La Grande, Oregon, on May 10, ! ladies of the town to supply the ! womeu ujd fur euch the Word ; 1917. Any settler who was ac ! long 'felt want; and it may be nas a worth-while message tually and in good faith claiming depended upon that when the ltiere 13 a wani1 welcome lor , any ot said lands lor agricultu YOU SPEND 14 HOURS A DAY IN YOUR SHOES Klta Work Shoe of To-Day yj; ' fltmt.COMI-OirrABLE AND SERVICEABLE, ladies get busy on the bandyu' 'question there will be "Music in I Theme of the morning sermon i "Xsone Ulher rvalue. CONSCRIPTION Congress passed the conscnp-1 e pr turn hill last. Saturday night by a) heavy vole thus adopting the j mpw1PAPFR; selective draft plan of recruiting iNCWarArLro the army. i What a barren place a city Topic, "Boy Drcumeis as World 1 tions of the persons mentioned i ,j 1 : . i mi.. ..... While the sentiment of the WU.UM1 UL' VVU",ul nwuiivi. , UUilUors." Leader, L'earl La below, why have a preference ral purposes prior to Januay 1, l'JOG, and has not abandoned same,has a preference right 'to There will be no preaching make a homestead entry for the service in the evening. , lands actually occupied. Said Christian Endeavor Cr.'M p. m., 1 lands were listed upon the appli- f I. . - - ... ..".Si, " nW si ' Buy a pair of ourWORK WELT SHOES and you will get 16 hours f solid com fort every day. I If it were not for the existence ft mill rv li:is lieen s t r n n a 1 v against conscription until recent-!0 the Pre8S in a community lv. there has no doubt beenaithere would be very little life in considorahle change in public opinion on the question since the declaration of war and the action of congress will ,.. Good Tidings." The evening service has been They make known advantages which attract families and busi- ness enterprises. Yet the aver-' ject o! sermon, arus.' 'Dives and Luz- right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such settler or applicant is qual ified to make homestead entry and the preference right is exer cised prior to May 10, 1917, on which'date the lands will be sub ject to settlement and entry by any qualified person. The NWl-'l SE1-4, Sec. 5. T. 7 S. , R. 28 E. , 40 acres, application of W. T. Allen, Monument, Oregon, and Lotl (13.38 acres), Lot 2 (13.95 to assist in the support of these ; 8 ppftfc-.:nnal f,llimn : 1-4 SWT -4, E 1-2 W1-2SW 1-4 of S factors by that advertising I rrOieSSlOnai UJIUmn b j wi-4, N El-4 SE l-4,Sec. &, T.7 S., mmmmmaemmmmmm ! K- 5 E., and the bh 1-4, h 1-2 DR. N. E. WINNARD I'HYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HErPNER, OREGON Resolutions of Respect Whereas it has plenscd our heavenly Father to call to his oteruai home Brother John V, liustnus, who was always a faith ful mem her of Heppner Lodge. No. 09. A.F.A M. and beloved by all its members for his many noble qualities, Rosolved: That in the loss of Brother Rasmus Heppner Lodge has lost one of its most esteemed members, and while wo bow in humble submission to the will of the Omnipotent, we deeply tle p'ore the loss wo have sustained. To tho bereaved wife and fam ily wo extend our sincere and hnrtfelt sympathy in their sad boravement and hope that their deep frorruw may bo relieved by a trusting faith in Cod. And be 1 SAM ; yAN y ACTOR i ic luriLcr Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON GLENN Y- WELLS ATTORNEY-AT LAW Heppner : : Oregon SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 32, T. 0 S, K.28K., W. M., 357.33 acres, listed without applicant, total area hereby restored being 397. 33 acres; List (1-1988. February 15, 1917. C. M. P.HtTK, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. Trace. II. A. Xoyes, pastor. rtu ,.f nu.,:.i any circle of human activity. I The papers are public institutions Morning service at 1L a. m.. in a broad sense. They mould j subject of sermon, "A Day of murh more! puuuc sentiment, iney encour- r. i.i ; i i,,. iu. aire business, lhev bnne the Cll' fill I . I J V V 1 1 t ) y 1 1 1 v. U V 1 1 1 " " ' i 1 t u i try than it would have been a! interests of a town toother, j fT?. ?!B' B p,m'; "b" month or so ago. A provision of the new law t l.... ...:n i l. ! in;n vt ill iiieei Willi jo mtuti a i- , . . .... i i.or 1 I 1,5 5 acres) I An A l.iM) proval is that which fixes. the ; fKU bfnesu3 man unwilling j tmtmwmm : .ACVes)) s 12 NK sV minimum age at 21 years. This will slop the enlistment of im nialuro scliool hoys, who are too young to stand up under the rigors of active campaigning, and places the burden of nation al defense upon those who are nearer the physical and mental prime of life. Another feature of conscrip tion that is to be commended is that all classes will be called up on to bear an equal share of the burden, the rich and powerful as well as the poor and humble. In the light, of present day in telligence war is an unspeakable horror anil any attempt to glorify it is coming to be looked upon as a i he of past barbaric thinking. li is with us, however, and the o ily tiling to do is to meet the conditions it imposes with the same fortitude that we would meet the midnight prowler or would-be assassin. Conscription, however, must not stop with the drafting of men. Money, as represented by excess profits and unearned in comes must be drafted into the public service and every material resource of the country must be required to do its bit. Profits and incomes are no more sacred than are the young men of America. E. N. Gbnty Shoe Store Masonic Building 7; .i urn itt ii I IS IB It Kd3 which every progressive man knows pays. If the two papers j R j yAUGHAN of this city were to go out of) ' ' dentist business and no other were to take their places, the chances art; that three-fourths of the business men of the city would soon 1)C compelled to close their affairs and go elsewhere. The papers do not ask charity. They do ask, and have a right to ask, advertising patronage from every business house in the city. Pendleton Tribune. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY.AT-LAW Office in Court IIouso HEPPNER, OREGON Rrjulii monllily visit, lo HF.PPNF.R tnd lONE Wntch ppr lor datrl DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist TORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Department of the Interior, U. S. Laml Office ut La Grande, Oregon, March Gth, 1917, Notice itt hereby Riven that. a directed by the Commigftiowr of ilw (Jertenil Land office, under provisions of Sec, 2155, lt.f,, pursuant to the ap plication of Phil Hipgins, cf Lens. Oregon, Herial No. 016500, wc will offer at public nule, tu thf highest bidder, but at not lettft than per acr. at lUo clock A. M.. on the 8lh day ot Mnv. 1917. next, at this office the following tract fu land: SW 1-4 SE 1-4. Sec. 29, Tp. 1 8.. R. 29 E., W. M. Thin tract in ordered into the market on a tdmw in that the greater portion thereof is mountain ous or too rough fur cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person milking the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thertf Any persons claiming adversely the nlKjvc-de-scribed land arc advised to tile their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for side. C. S. Dunn, Register. Nolan Shut. Receiver. IlEITNl .tt NEEDS A BAND The HiT.'lId lt;i I invasion several 1 UcsuIvimI: That wo ilnmn nnr works a vi) to make the above ! charter in mourning in miMiioiy I HEPrVER. ivh ;:i k anil as it has not noticoil of our clepui'ti'd brother, that any ; tr;iins of patriotic music ! thus resolutions bo npreud upon Ivinv waftrd aUmt liv th" April t ho minutes of tho lodge, u copy x' I'Ii.m s as a n suit of its initial i sent to tin) family of our dc et lot t it (oiifuliiitiy f."i's to hat p.tiiel brother and copies bo aeninwith the furtluT elueida- sent to tho Heppner papers for tion that ll' i'piii r Needs a Hand, i publication. A I'uMhU seat town of the size and eomnii'teial importance of Heppner i- not liv inv up to its h-'st iile.is if it has no hand. 1 here are o many times w hen a hand I . t,.- . 1. -1 m a tow n like lleppil'T tliat l! I i iie to eiiiun- ei a!r thi 1:1 I lu re are not tmly true-, w I . . i a land is iiredod lii.t t here are t .mo-, hen a hand nni: t lie ha I reeacille-.s of e-p.-nse a ' i I tl-rn food lleppmr 111 t'i' l;a lo Ii Signed Frank (lilliain. John liar, H. Culm. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lsilu-d Tract Dt'imrtmrnl. of the Interior, U. S. Loud OITicu lit L Cirande, OrcKuil. Murch 5, 1917. Notice la hereby Riven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land olUcc. under provisions of Sec. 5155. R. 8.. mirsuanl to the aji nlicntion of William II. I'.ninir. of Cecil, (iremni. Serial No. OirifiL'l. we will offer at public mile, te m . p, I.. i i me niirnesi Diiiaer, uur ai not less tnan jj.mi per ....t in oimc iiuici, ii.-ri'ML-r, un, j acre, at woriock A. M.. on the th day of May. mo. next, at thisollice. the toilowinir tinet ot Innd SV 14 NK1-I. Sec. M. Tp. 4 S.. It. ;7 E W.M. 1 his tract is orden-d into the markt-t on a t.hiw itnt thill the greuler portion thervof m in. .viutijlii otis or too rniiKti for cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but w ill lie de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have cease.) bidding- The person making th highest bid ill be reouireit to immediate pay u the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the aUive de scrilied land are advised to tile their claims, or oh jections. on or before the timcdcsiK hated for sale. C. S. 1)1 NN. Itegiiter. Not N Skid . Kieriter. TTOKN EY-AT-LAW ORECON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON T. C. DENMSEE For Fine Up To Data Homo ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPrNER, NOTiei: rvn win icatidn I olatcl Tract f)er.artinrnt of the Interior V. S. Land Ollicc nt La lirande. Ore., March i. li'l 7. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed b th eu.iniisif.nr .if Dim I.ii..p1 I anA ..i)i..m .n. OREGON j der the provisions of Sec. SIM. It. S.. pursuant to inc application oi Mil hael Turrrn. of Lena Oreiron v.,.r,,.,. . til Nn. Ml ..:. wilt offer at public sale. ! NOIII I. IOII II I' I -1 AtlON ' w highest bidder, but al not than .'' pel rvpaitincnt of the i.l.-n,.r, C. S I ar.d oifire ' acre, at Oo . kn-k A. M.. on Ihe sih ,)Hv ol Vuv at Ihrtlall.-s Oteu -n Miir,-li IM'SI at tins enVe Hie fi.ll.m-ing irn.-l i,( w . l ' . land. N.il're is hrl.l.v g.ii-M that l.u.t A 1..l,....,n ..II .. . . l.o iiuitla by tho Miuare foot ir. I o.n. ., ,,,,.,, , ,, Blwlr 7: I;!' w. l i ":tt eil II 4 fiillou a- I ln. .l.tll... ' . . " .''at thegivaier i.ri.n ihemd is ii euniaii, Notice lo Water Usm All charges for irrigation will. v'llO II Dl I it T ri!ll S.e II r..n.l,,i. IS llltv u ' .wmlui rvuah fi c iiilivaiani. t Weill V'.tlVO COIltS. if 1 I'M for tho haa'1'1 nolue,.f t,l,,,i lo make t'mallise tear The sale mil n. Ih kept ein. but '! -i i. . . t..u.l th.-t, llnHn imwi.l .1 ik. I , m , im.'H"i-.iiiMiirijinii..1e Inn! al.ive desefb. . t V. . ' lllst 11HM Mill, 110 feet lirilill.il i i, .. . name.1 haie ceasisl bid ling. I he per... n mnki'.i e , "-"' mo i.r i n a I.I Of ihe h'lM bid will W r.nuir..l lo m.tned alely iltlH flin' luT t'llt'll atlu It IOI1HI la. IM.H...I ..I, ii,. ,i ,, ,. iy to me lie,ener ihe anaanii iiiensif. I . .. i a . ' May. I 'l An K-tans claiming adirrelv Ihe alie..lc- .a ,. ,i , ... .'HUIIl. net. ; t'laiii'S'il nam.s ... ii.. i scnbtsl land are adttsed to p'e thetr ,-:a'i. ei ' " ."It II : .1 . ..... .. I II IU 'lIH'r l.lglll .V MUICr I O J.'hn S .ll.-s.m M.ilea. Il;v,rsen . () i Krai. ill all . I I o... ... I r M i - .1 1 ' i - rd a ii i'i ' II... It,.,, ......... !le ot tun- im ti. Noliir In lhe PiiKI.c. I -" v I ASM i :? ' K.9 ' '-WW; "Off'the-Tray" the lunch service recently inaugurated by Union Pacific System that is proving immensely popular, is a new reason why you should insist that your tickets read Union racihe bystem. 1"C inc IK 5C Cnffsn . , fndwicllP3 1'IB . . , Douehniits Hard Boiled I'gfts . . Snerml Meat nr Kiwi Sandwichei On uca-ion) . 2oc 5 All "Off the-Tray" foods are of same high, quality as served m Union Pacific Svatem dining cars. Tli waiters pass throudh dny and tourist cars with light foods at small prices. You will enjoy this feature. Win, McMurray, General Passenger Agont Portland EH Ei HE S?.r:,!?e Furniture BEST price 3 Undertaking i Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. C. H. GOLDSMITH, DEALER IN All Kinds of Fire Wood and Rock Springs Coal. "Best in the West" All orders entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Phone Main 396 or Main 393. Ian lum I - t r .ii'u- ol In r ton n th;lt has , ''" rf.ie-ll.tia ihi t-r U-h'Te Ihe tt,n .1. "MMial.-.l .. ale. r. H PI N N ll.v.i. r NOIAM MK II r . It.-r. i.ei A to r!i"1 a I 'ami, I w:li to annmiiicti M II I HJISK t)oK i s K I,..- .1. .. t ' t II .' I ll) hi'1!' it ,i .r. a l' i o' n- 1..-..I. I; k'l'ini n ;. 1 1. nil 'it. y a! t l.o i i ;'ii, No.il' I! o::rN vol!! I IOII Ii Ill ii MH'V U. ,ai.-.l 1 ra. Till .. I I S,,. Iw., ,.m.n f ,),, .,,. I H land tiir.re at I ai... l. o... A,-t,l .f '"' ' " . l'-. a- .i r. t I., ika I iviliui.,, ..lih,- i,. , I ..., ,,.ti, . . . I ,' s "'l krtj) m.-; if i'l'' we NNiUio'it i.iiiin' tor it ttliotluT it I'.itroiis uinl fiiomU mul H.V ! tl.'l. :i. . on t!'.. !... , ii'Nn or'puli'.u- . nonrily that I have ! ' ' " '" ' ' ' i'.ir-, cl'iini-tl my iUm in rrjjir J lo , I'l'iih lii,o i lo-iiij; my huMnt.sH mill Ifavitu: ii loll of M iH'iit.'r mid tint I tmved.vidtd ! ' 'a'n'..( !" N U U ' I III' hum.' lO rt'lllliilt 111. r. .11.1 hhikIimI i ....... ...... ,'.IUULk il tlj . . I - 0 wai iii JOVir """"T HI DPIOr'. I W t'l If. """"' '-" I' tal n..ll, Noil ,ist. j take thi i pHrtunitv of llmnUinir I ""r. "' i- i 'i.ii! ji ii noiiii , my Biroiit ror jvmt liiHinons ' ' ' l lalll ki'ili Ullil fnurti'sii' ntnl l.nin , .... -- -. H-v ..IV paiilll tMnMih t" I: tM-Im , iMo laiv ouU t 'U luntiiu'tl in the fuUro. 'I'' 1 1 ' i M i 11 Mil isfUNl :.l!f IMIir 1 ilJ V Norn i: ion rt tmr,T! s rVtMmrnl t'f tntft t'f t' S. tjil.tl i" rr La v.mii'W ttrrtfurt. Mm ti h 11, NOTU'K U htrri't tun 1 h r, . t (hr CatniMii-wHt of liirl .Jti.r un .-r VT-in mhi vt rr 't.S 11 tsir iMt f,, (olhvhist hnl lf tmt ! nH 1 fhh I. Mar. m ncl. t h v4h(0. ih0 l .i-vi! ff tt n vt thai th ut v 'f liij-hl il-pi'tier. (Irt-oo. May 1. f'lT. l land Ut I 1. 1 ft I Ti. t.t M I h. tra ta lefwl int.. ihe m. Ir en a -a a thai Ihe arealcr tw.i.1 lhrie.. la r,i.ni'-.a f, lw I Nil I a.T Xp. S ( y v , m. nr .a tus h taj rilii. aia. IK. aa a il t,..llk. w i!la.,l. The aaV tn'l n. he fcei.l ,Kn. hut a. II ,tr ,tar.. rl.ar. .,n K, m, , i.,, ! fUM -acl h- th- -w-.,-f at 1 K h.. if "tt.w.1 li.if (t-Mrtl l,..i t ,., n,,,.,,, t ",i l.M,i. ll-p Hiafl r-al..r lh. h aKa.1 t. .1 a ..; I, .... ml i m rnnl 'r,i ihh r "I l'l 'd eaxu rr.1 in .tT.nwPai.lt I at te lh lletr .rt il-t a'. . -1 ),. rr, j I par to Ihr K.-.-ier the atn--anl lrwrr.(. Itftt. i'm, a.!."a. I'tal-e.lr ' An a ria'tn.na a.l.etaalv .la ara .r-lr a"l. la-.t ar a.i a..) ... I r ,k.,.. , , t 1 hr.1 land aia.lrd In air Os.-r I a in. ... 'd"e. iHv. en.rlnf..r o . (.t ... u.Ativnt. on or bet.e ll- li-ne tr-r-ai..l t... a I ll'S I,...,,, I.av. ' 1 '"'' Mee-ff VL.. Mall I K..,,,, Jm.' LAN fl, a I K.MI'.I THE BRICK M ATI l c Alkl N. I'rt.ps. ICli CREAM and CARD PARLORS. The O. K. Restaurant. A CU'D I'LACI". I() I'.AT. MoaU at .iil I Uhii !!, tr'il. a il L'pw.u.l. Only White Waitresses Employed. HEPPNER : OREGON. 07 1 - I i .:Jlii,,,l', 1 J