NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Am erican people has the Food situation equaled the present. WHY NOT HELP by raising your own veg etables? WE HAVE THE SEEDS. Phelps Grocery Co. THE HORN PASTIME; SOI T DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the day. VICTOR GROSHENS, Proprietor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. 1 Make a Specially of Plate Glass, Burglar and Automobile Insurance Also write all kinds of Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE I expect a minilxi of land buyers here, If you want your (aim or ranch, list it with me. Roy V. Whiteis Heppner, To the runners and Stockmen : of Our Territory. In fn' l':ur i'l the uraw crisis now confronting this nation I it is tl.c p. iii mil,' iut of cure citizen to serve hi country in ni" t i-il'i'ctfe manner that presents itself. The most r!l (live wa tor the tanner to servo hi country at this time J i to plant e er :i ailaMe acre of land that can he cultivated into .oino knnl of tmiii crop lor man or hcast. It U our duty t iM i veili'- i at; i) lv rendin Mich financial aid to the J t.n :n. r a-, a iil eied'le him to till e ry available foot of land, a i -II promote the h e Mock industry. i .in .i . p, ii .', in a .1 t all i 'h ent farmers in a financial J nut o! iv lor the purchase of t-ocd pram und money to in ! i l.i ii' ctop in, i' it ill also acivo to finance them through - t he c ini t h an, I l ai v i st invt of the crop and until such a time a t !( s .fin' i in he in irkch-d conveniently and to pood ail J v.o.t 1 If i n nf flam and hay as well as cattle and !""-- i i ', fil In i' l.'i'li t r Mtino t line to come, and now i I th- tin i !' cp.ii o i i .1 nny availal'le iicie. a well as tn in. ii a e t'le ti'imiM'r of iliimestic animal:. UifHoilu'r, th - will not only ield you a hip profit, ii i. ir lu! to sei e your count')' in this manner. Dr. p in at.d l t im talk it over. The First National Bank III PPNT.R, OllKCON LOCAL AND PERSONAL iiOKX Friday. April 20. to Mr and Mrs. Clarence Scrivner, a fine, nine pound daughter. WANTED Good Kirl for gen eral housework. Enquire of Mrs. Phil Conn. 51 tf M. L. Curran will open his new Billiard Parlor9 in ihe Palace hotel building Fiiday, May 1. Mr. Curran will have one of the most complete and i best appointed 'establishments' of its kind in eastern Oregon. Read his announcement in uti other column. V, G. Scott, prominent Lex ington ciliziu, was in town j es turduy. Mr. Scolt is a believer iu tbe Ford us a business propo sition declaring that lie makes a practice of selling his old Ford every year for enough to buy a new one. " J. II. Bellenbrock and son, of the Monument country, were io Heppner Monday on land busi ness. Mr. Bellenbrock is one of Oregon's old time cattlemen having been engaged in that business all his life and operat ing all tbe way from Rogue River valley to the Columbia river. Mayor Notson received a let ter from his son EJward who is in Iowa asking for his permis sion to enlist in the Iowa Nation al Ouard. Mr. Notson wired tho necessary permission and expected that his sou would en list Tuesday, I, Read the announcement of the Palace Hotel management of j the opening of the remodeled i L'alaco on May '1th and cousider it as a personal invitation to yourself to be present. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will hold a sale of aprons, candy and food iu the vacant storeroom adjoining tho First National bank tomorrow after noon. The Sam Hughes Co. has taken an enlarged advertising space this week in which to exploit their big line of seasonable mer chandise. After reading their ad you better call at their store and ask to see the basement. It will surprise you to see what a world of goods they havo down there. T. J. Mahoney, vice-president of the First National Bank, was a business visitor from Portland tho first of the week. Mr. Ma honey still feels very much at home in Heppner and tho smell of the bunchgrass and newly turned wheat land is good, he saj s. K. S. Pay no, teacher in the! iuow creeK district, was a pleasant caller at the Herald of- fiee Saturday. Mr. Payne reports to sell ! 1 1 inings quiet out prosperous in i his district and that there is indi- j cations of considerable activity! in real estate in tho near future. Ore. I (Z" luidwn eye specialis.1 of i Portlaud, will be at the Palace1 j Hotel again Thursday. May ".id. j 2, in Lexington Wednesday, May! 2 :2nd, in Imo Tuesday. May 1st.) 2 i Don't fail to consult him about 2 j your eyes and glasses. Head 2 aches relieved. t' eyes i 2 ! straightened. Satisfaction KUttr. ! 2 auteed. t'onvdt him. Don't 2 forget the date. .'"Mai f Burton School Roll of lonor : The following pupils of Mur. ton Valley school were neither' absent imr tardy dm in;; the mouth of April Elmer, Dolhe. Fail and Ins Mueiae, M.ilinii llaydcii. Del. ,ble Leach. Madge. Sidney ami! J, Helen Osborne, lay Heuy. Al-' 2 viu and Tommy Ma'atty and I J ,!n e ilt 2 Anna Hetny. Tew l.i-r. hut it Bargain Sale One lot .VMrto w ith pood l am; 1 3 inch wajon with wood rack; 1 t harne; 1 lt. .vsenirer bus; 1 pair Ud pled: 1 modern, V to date ca h r tiMer; I lot ! plain white n.storted prac- II ' ii Introductory Sale of TTT II lraior .The Wirthmor at $1,00. Waists for rust $1.00 that will win the ' " . New Welworth Blouses. Pretty, Attractive, Appealing Styles at -f2.00. The artist-designers who fashion the new blouses have wrought wonderfully well this season. They've outdone the best of the past, as is evident from this fascinating array of charming new styles. And, welcome news to all, many of the very striking models are extremely moderately priced. Radiant Springtime Blouses to Brighten up the Wardrobe. MINOR 8c COMPANY Dry Goods Department p30CI3f SPRMG IHI SAM HUGHES CO. Our Big Spring and Summer Lines of Men's Ironclad Clothing and Furnishings, Florshiem Shoes and Harde man Hats are complete in every detail. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY-The Guaranteed kind-Re-placed free if unsatisfactory. Our customers must be satisfied. WE TAKE ORDERS FOR TAILOR-MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE GROCERY DEPARTMENT We carry the best brands of all eatables. If you don't see your favorite brand on the shelves or counters in the salesroom ask about it; it may be in the basement. By the way have you seen our basement? If not ask to be taken down there. You will never fully realize the actual Bigness of our Store until you see the Basement nearly 2000 square feet of floor space, packed to the ceil ing with bargains in THINGS YOU NEED. That's where we store our Sugars, Syrups, Cereals Canned Goods Etc. OVEEXSWAIIK and Gl.ASSWAUl V Table Como in and lok them otr. IKON. TIN' and tfttAMTi: WAP.I'. for Our bu.MtHMi and pu a-uie is to If you want 'iomo thing not in the justly famed Welwortli Ms a The Welworth at $2.00 favor of every thrifty woman. Yes, surely, they're the Wirth mor for in no other dollar Waist would such values be possible. Even though ycu usually wear more costly bio us es it's real economy to have a few Wirthmors for general wear thereby saving the better blouses for dress-up occasions and hi autiful things for your I'inirp V kitchen vi-or wants in thir-ps o i i;ed. stock we will ct it 1 D.Q. irlES 1 V 8 , tically at your ow n pi ice. Md:2 Pa'a.T Ho. ! t,