Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 27, 1917, Image 3

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Ota and. Jolm Deer flis
Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc.
Van Brunt and Thomas Drills
Bain and Webber Wagons.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines.
In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line
will supply you. .
"We have got it will get it or it is not made."
A COMPOSITION ON .expenses like the so called Big
:! THE WORD "CAN" I am completely financed with
2! If you read this composition I Eastern ." percent money.
2':oue of the objects for which it is j Suppose that 1 am no greedier
2 j written will be accomplished. j than the other fellow for a prof.
1 There are two other reasons j it. aml suppose again that I am
2 1 why this is wished on to you. just as anxious for your business
2 The first one is that people arcas ,1G is I CAN do better by you
2 1 supposed to be hungry for this than lie CAN, CAN 1 not?
2 'sort of stuff and unless they gel 1 have sold to date i:ir Wick
2 'about so much dished up steam-! and Shattuck pianos in this
2 ling along with the hot cakes in j country. In other words One
;! the morninsr thev Rkui-o that the 'llund red and Tl-.irty Five poor
2 'guy that's peddling that particu deluded mortals have fallen for
Sjlur brand of Coin Separator don't! my particular brand of bunk.
2 amount to more than a soiled ! and they all tell me they like it.
2!dueccand his wares are not in j Funny isn't it? 1 would like to
2 jlho same class as the sport who i hear from you to the effect thai
! smears the front page all over you wight consider being victim
2 ! with a lot of Con talk that no one i No.
1 :in
1 endeavor to make
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all times.
If you are eating our Hams and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
eritire satisfaction.
The third reason is that 1 need
the money.
1 suppose that vou are begiu-
tho operation of Separation as1
painless as possible, but even if'
it hurls a little, you'll feel like
you do after you have a tooth j
m lot k CM Slnp n.
Johnson Bros., Props.
Bring in Your Old Ford
I ', . I 11 I ; n ' ' ' '
and we will convert into a one-ton truck tor
S350. -
You retain all parts and equipment taken from
the car in making the change.
ning to wonder what all this line j pulled, so satislied and content
of chatter is about anvwav. but i ect mat you tl be glad you was.
operated on.
As to the quality of my pianos
and my methods of doing busi
ness and my treatment of my
customers after they buy ask
E. H. Kellogg
Cnituty HlfC-lit fur
E. E. BEAMAN, Prop.
Successor to N. A. Clark
Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store
We Handle Blacksmith Coal
in Sacks or Ton Lots.
All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for
65 cents per Cord.
be patient, I'm liable to say
something pretty soon.
I'm not-going to start out and
tell you how badly you'll get
stung if you don't patronize me,
but are foolish enough to buy a j your neighbor
piano fiom some of my competi
tors. 1m' not the only original j
little philanthropist. Between j
you . and me there are sou.! C. ,iuy Wi.kelield, Mute Agont
mighty deceutmeuin the p.ano r(nn(; Atl ivudlelon, Ore
business. Whisper it gently, all
evidence to the contrary not
withstanding. Vou can buy a
good piano -from any of thorn.
Vou notice that I say "can."
i Vou don't always not quite. I
! waul you to take particular
notice of that little word "can."
'A man regardless of how honest
he is and all these sort of things,
I don't want your business had
i enough to
Plans and Intimates Furnished- for All Kinds of Buitdiiifls.
First Class Work Onhj.
Make a Siwciallij aand. Hare Complete
Eqitijimntt for
House Moving
gon. Uauch. I.e.xinglon. Ore
gon. (Store ami Warehouse ;
Arlington, Oregon. Tiiidl.
2 1
K. fj. Menge was in from Uhea
creek Tuesday.
.1. I. I '.ally and son were up !
from lone Tuesday.
llulless and beardless seel'
bai ley for sale. I'. I''. Swaggarl, i
sell you a piano for 1 Lexington, Oregon. old
less than it costs him. lie CAN ! David llyiul, prominent sheep- j
do all thai ho CAN but he CAN'T ; man of the Sand hollow count ry, !
sell without a prolit very long. , was a lleppner business visitor
CAN a man who buys through ; Wednesday,
a middleman, that buys of u job-, Ocur Keilhley, well known
her that buys of the factory sell fiighlmile fanner, was in llepp.
to you us cheap as another ner Tuesday.
... .r rk
1 m&Fhh&m
follow who bays direct from the I
factory, Four profits against;
Foolish question No. 1-
I Can a linn that advertises in
the Oregoniau and other big
dailies, runs u big store, pays
huge rent, enormous managers
' salary, clerks, lights and an army
of help that don't produce, sell
as cheap as a small fry like
'Yours Truly that has none of
those expenses?
Idle inquiry No. 2.
j Can you blame a man that is
Tho above picture represents but one
of :i'0 different designs we are showing
in our book of "lleauliful Homes "
Kvcry design and plan Ihe work of ex
ports and not one item in modern con
struction lias h'-oii overlooked.
Investigate Our
Free Plan Service
Thomas Ivoss, the well known 1
wool buyer, was here from Kcho
Tuesday sifting n the wool silu '
ation in this county.
I'OU KKNT - I tarn for 2 or :!
horses with plenty hay room.''
linquire at I his ollice. t f !
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huffman
were in from the Slanlield ranch
for a day r two during the
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kay Martin, of
The Dalles, were here for a day
or so during the week.
W. I). Humphrey, of IVndle.
unfortunate enough to bo run
ning a piano business under Ihe ton, wns u business visitor
'above conditions and needs your Monday.
business, us they all do, their' Not gone or going bul here to
'expenses like Time goes on for stay. Permanently loe'ted ai
ever, for trying to sell you an lleppner, Oregon. Dr. D. K
inferior piano when you state llaylor. eye specialist. Iif
No matter what,
h ive in mind 1 1
erv. 1 or Shed
kind of building you
mie, Plai n. Silo, i rau-
all the perp
Xing do-
t nil h:ve b".-en worked i.ut for y.jii.
on; si;i:vici: dkpautmi.nt is of
untold value to jvi. Vt ' m choose
y.eir p!,in.. Jo'ir in ii.-i i,tl. ronip.iif
;ihi( s and get kI"- i-.
Phone L''l-':'l 1 have a man "who
kiiou s" and w ill i- ill ou you.
your limit lobe lower than ho
icau hlToi'J to sell you a good in
.Mruincht for.
Idiotic Interrogation No. il.
i Can a man who sells his paper
at a heavy discount to the batiKs
or private capitalists sell to you
' as cheap as the other fellow w ho
has ample capital and liuaiiciul
, bucking to carry your account
himself, and to whom your paper
is as good us your cash.
I a ho answers "Can he''"
That woi'if "Cuti" is import ml
as you pay tin bill. Most every
dealer is honest and w ill do all
he CAN for you. and still niak.
a prolit. Now don't gel the idea
from this that I am going l tell ;
.you 1 don't make u prolit Itless
your soul I cuu talk to you in u
tone of voice that has mi lled ire
from Alaska to l,os Angi.les in
an attempt to gi t you to loo-., n
up with some of the necessary
and if I can wheedle you into
paying me 1'ive lluijdred Peal
Iron Jingles for the same quit.
lly of piano the other ejiV who
makes it splash g;t Six Hun
'red and Seventy l ive for I
will be real pleased, I'm aft' i
he C"Hi just as hard a any of
ih m but the Niiiit i- Ilia1 :
I represent the p, s Wn k
Piano I'rfetory Ihrn t.
My prices are Mimfjci urei s
Price to tlei Pig Dealers
1 hive no luntnit ovi ih'iid
II. ('. Oay. well known Pigbt
mile resident, was in the city
t. II. Duckworth left Wedlies
day morning for Prosscr. Wash
iligtoll. lo slop his lioiisehold
goods, ill storage Ihele. lo this
city where he has di eeli d to
locate permanently.
FOU SAI.i: Twelve good;
WOl k lllllles; fib o Sollie good work
horses. See these animals :il
inv place. CCY IIOVKU. llepp-lie)-.
Ore. loll'.
Percy liniiigii-. foiiner well
KlloWII lleppner le-idelil wa-
here during the week making
arrangement s lo erect u modeiii
! brick building on Ins property
oil Main si I eel del ween the
lleppner t'aiav'c- and 'augn .
Son's ha il war- I I . The
building W ill he e- pecially lie.
signed for tie- pastime bu-ines)-
and will b cnpied by I i ii i daiie
I. I! D irk '.unth. who l o o'
ty at ne I tr-'Hi Pi..,-, r, Wil li.
Iligtoll. ha- hmiehl the ,
McAI. e ilwi llii.g he -r the p.
hoiise on M-till si I h"
Sl'lelHlloll w a 1
hlh I, I, ilell. d the d. a!
, -I I " 'It SlM o.,d
d in e lot on 'filler si 1 1 . I .
pm r, .' x I1 I lets)
plant a W ': 1 1 . pt pa :i
l Apply to Ai 'bur Sinitl.
follows the flag
r- ' .
Union Tiicific System
stands able a nd flad to
pivc to the Nation the
same supreme service
in time of war as in
time of peace.
i dFTsn iTi m n,i
i w i r '
I oil
Tin Palace Hotel inaiiaeenient v. isln-s to
aniiouiice to its patrons and friends that
on and lifter May -1. 1 it 1 T. Ihe Hold I,ob
by will be in what wns formerly Ihe bar
liioiil The etil nine.. ill be in the front
of the Hotel instead of I he co-ie The
side iIimii- w ill I Nurd, I he ( Irill w ill
liau mi cot ranee from I In- sidr si n et so
that patrons may inter and Inne the
drill without pa-i-in.' through lln- I,obby
4ihir.ii Itvj .lriuni'i (Orflirslrn
ilurinit the Ihiiinr kod Slipper boni s mi
May lib at w hich tune v.e will jippi eci.iie
the oppoi hind v of show inn lie' people ol
lleppner and Morio . co'int shi" of our
I'ecclit iuiplOU-llll lltS which V. beeu
w ill prove a beiii lit ,o only In iril'.n l es
hilt lo the.genei III public a - well
Wc extend a cordial in ilalcn to one
and ail.
31. X. nullum iHqr.