HFPPNFR HFRALD :high cost of living all over the ; jr-aKO&sriaeMS RESTORATION TO ENTRY country and yet we are to.aoyig Sessional UlUmil g s. a. pattison. publisher. the public service commission 01 Oregon that a great railway sys I sa:33f::tS&tssaKas3! i en that the lands described be- An Independent, Local News- item w;n haui freight over a ! DR. R. J. VAUGHAN pupa: Entered at the Ileppner, Oregon, l'oat Offiee an xeeond-cluus matter. Ti-vmx r.f Subscription. One Year - - $1.r,Q Six Months - - 7 H Tli ) Month - - () Fh'IDA V, AI'HIL 27, IUI7. HEPPNER, mountain range one half mile high for a less freight rate than they will haul the same tonnage an equal distance down hill over a water irade; another instance I of waste of energy when patriot- ism and the best interests of the ; nation are calling for conserva tion of all necessities. Another ; wasteful practice of transporta : jy OTSON tion companies is to haul trans continental freight by a circuit DENTIST Pt-rmanently located in Oddfellow's Building OREGON GLENN Y- WELLS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hcppner : Oregon CONSERVATION OF ENERGY j U0U3 routc in oncr to get a mg In these ihiys of war stresu, 1 haul over their own lines instead HEPPNER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oflieo in Court House OREGON when the country is tip against '; of sending it through by the tlic real tiling in cxhorbitant . most direct route at a saving of price's of the necessities of life ; almost half the distance, thereby and murh is being said about ! saving time and energy and re- HEPPNER, alleged shortage of food sup-j leaning ears for other DR. N. E. WINNARI) PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OREGON I tion3 of the persons mentioned needed ' ' below, who have a. preference low.embracing 397.33 acres, with in the Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settle ment and entry under the provi sions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233), at the United States land office at La Grande, Oregon, on May 10, 1917. Any settler who was ac tually and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultu ral purposes prior to Januay 1, 190G, and has not abandoned same.jhas a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the appl: YOU SPEND 14 HOURS A DAY IN YOUR SHOES The Work Shoe B JFLEXlBi.E.COhFORTADLE: p'ies, a clamor, amounting al-j service. ' most to hysteria, is heard from; The secretary of agriculture' all sides advising people to prac-jhas recently recommended to the tic; economy in their eating and senate that the Council of Na general habits of life. The big tional Defense be empowered to dailies and , 1 he little weeklies fill j fix maximum and minimum food their columns with advice and 1 prices. lie should go farther a lmonition ahont the little, the , than this by asking that power trivial things of life, apparently ! be extended to them to stop in blissful ignorance of the really j gambling and speculating in food kit wastes which consuuiu! a stuns, to auonsn wastetui metn genuine menace to the public ods of transportation and distri welfare. "Eat less meat, con-'bution and to take necessary suine fewer potatoes, cut down j steps to prevent further waste 011 your Hour bill, t-ave your po-: of energy whether practiced tato peelings and plant them in ; from motives of personal gain, the back yard," etc., are sam-j lax business methods or ignor ples of the advice being handed ! ance of national needs. DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such settler or applicant is qual Office Patterson Drug btore jne to make homestead entry HEPPNER, OREGON and the preference right is exei cised prior to May 10, 1917, on Regular monthly visits lo heppner nd ione which date the lands will be sub watch paper tor d.,e. ject to settlement and entry by DR. J. G. 1 UKINLK I any qualified person. The NW1-4 Eye specialist ! SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T. 7 S., K. 2ti K l porti and OREGON II) arms fmnliention of W. T . ; Allen, Monument, Oregon, and WOODSON & SWEEK ... I Lot 1 (13.38 acres), Lot 2 (13.95 acres), s i-z l-4, v. i-z w 1-4 SW1-4, E 1-2 VV1-2SW 1-4 of S Wl-4, NE1-4 SE l-4,Scc. 5, T.7 S. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Ileppner, Ore. of To-Day COMFORTABLE A(jD.5tRVlCEASLE, Buy a pair of our WORK WELT SHOES and you will get 16 hours f solid com fort every day. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store j Masonic Building I out by newspaper writers, col lege professors and professional econoinisls who seem to have in vented a panic in their own minds while endeavoring tfl "throw a famine scare" into the public thinking. While Lite Herald is convinced that many of we Americans eat too much it is also convinced that many of the workers of the country are, right now, eating far too little for their own physi cal well being. A country whose producer.- are underfed is not a well prepared country when the test of war comes. England discovered (hat fact when the present war begun and one of the first things she done as a national preparedness measure, was to advance the wage scale to all workers ami to provide liberally lor the dependent fam ilies of her soldiers. The next step wiiii to lix prices on food stud's as a guaranty that specu lators should not practice extor tion on the people and then Eng land began to be prepared. (iennany, it few days ago tried the experiment of cutting 'down the ii,! r: tieii of her workers and Ibe result was strikes and riotiii" ;u!!.!i.', the populace w nidi ; pe, dii.v I roiight about a The. present movement to in crease production of food stud's by intensive, farming, increased acreage and back yard garden ing is good and will prove a big help in solving the food problem but it is not enough. The same conservation of energy which is being preached to the common man should be insisted upon from the big corporation. It is a time when self interest should be side tracked and when every citizen should be enlisted in the Armv of the Common Good. We learn from the Condon Globe Unit the Fanner's Union of that place will build unother grain elevator. The one built last year and the bulk system oMiand. ling grain is giving the Gilliam county, men eminent eatisfuc tion. II. 28 E., and the SE 1-4, E 1-2 : SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 32, T. 6 S, j K. 28 E.. W. ML. 357.33 acres, ; listed without applicant, total SAM i 1. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LitW . . I r n Vitrlif c trfr Imilwr ?tl7 HEPFVER, OREGON j " . tHi VO, IHUb if X .'. I- 5, 15)17. C. M. P.iarK, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON T. C. DENNISEE For Fina Up To Data Homes ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE HOK PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oro-jon. March 28, 1917 Notice is hereby ffiven that Gii3t A. Johnson, of lone, Oregon, who, on December 15, 1911, made Homestead Kntry No, 0!7fi7, for K 1-2 S W 1-4. Sec 14. Township 1 8. It 21 K, W M. has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to lh land abovit describ ed, before !te(ristr and Receiver U. S. Land Of flee, nt The Dalletf, Oregon, on the 11th duy'ot May. 1!U7; Claimant naims us w itiuiH-st'H: John S. Johnson. Mathiaa llulveraon,, Orm Grnhill, all of lone. Oregon, J timet T. Downing, nf Hood Hiver. Oregon. II. V HANK WOODCOCK. Keffistrr. NOTICE HOK PUBLICATION Ibolnlcd Tract 0 Department of the Interior. U. S. Lund Office at Lit Grande, Oregon. March 5th. 1917. Notice Is hereby riven thai, aa directed by the Commissi oner of the General Land ofltce. under provision "i of bee 'Jff5. U.S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Phil Hifrgins, cf Lena. Oregon. Serial No. mwwi, wc will offer at public sal. I" the h wheat bidder, mit at not lesn than $2. Ml pet aero, at in o'clock A. M-. on the 81 h day of May. 1117. next, at this office the following tract fo land; SW 1-4 SE 1-1, See. 29. Tp. 1 S., ft. 29 E.. W. M. This tract is ordered into the market on a show ing that the greater portion thereof is mountain- oua or too rough for cultivation. The shIb will not be kept open, hut will be de clared closed when those uruent at the hour nam ed have ceased Induing. 1 he person making t he highest bid will be riniuired to tmmcdiately pay te the Keceiver the amount thereof Any persons clniming adversely Ihc above-tie-scribed land arc advised to file their claims, or ob jection!, on or before tho time designated for sale j ; I C. S. Dl'NN, Ri'lfiattT. N'll.AN !KIH'. lU'Cl'iviT. 18 "OfF'the-Tray" the lunch service recently inaugurated by Union Pacific System that is proving immensely popular, is a new reason why you should insist that your tickets read Union Facitic system. ait , . .umiuLj-yu loc !'C irC Coffrn , , , Sandwiches . Pm ... . Iif-nic'tnuts , Hard Huilfid Spec ul M.'at'or 5C ds at small prices. You will enjoy tlna feature. Fowl Sandwichft , . (in staMon) , aoc Wm, M-;Murray, General Pacseuger Agent rT,.ll. w ,., ..-.-vw, Portland Alt "VWJ iU. T.." tnnAm it-a nf cnmn UivU niiallttf 50 as served in Union Pacific System dining cars. The waiters pasWhroufjh rlav and tourist carwn hkiii "1 th -I'nii starvation i ivwT.ial ci irot',i am. W li.'i I Anu'i nci'ds to do just now i-' lo l;,kc immediate and iaetie:d sli ; t eonsere the eiH'U'v of the country, for, in the In ! i. that word 1 1 iv 1 1 1 ,i .enls e cry material thuv th.il i'. l !' 1 1". 1 1 to insure 11 I'oU'i.tial and incoMiiu ralile peo ple. I ! i r human leni reprc-seni.-; a certain aniount of ener O ; ver I'M h, I nf w licat, every I id of c i d. i cry r.idlon of ea line H pivm ii!s a certain ) 1 m a i r t !' Mm'i d i iierey ready t' I II i d .i elihaiii'e the to i f and i 1 ! i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 Hi' the peiiplc as a u hoi. . I he I eal dam er to he cininl I t'l-.l li.ON i H"l -o iniicli in Ii.uim- I c I In' potato pri hnes I ' I I n I In ,,(' , ' hlie-i. t ', . "i h r ihn a hill w m in the Mat,, hisla i the doMt uctiiin a a ii i aiw of en- ' e ." it I . ipu fircU 1 1 n eil o! I he uieas- ihaler-i luio of dilinpin, McATEK & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD : PARLORS. ' : ' The O. K. Restaurant. A GOOD PLACE TO F.AT. Meals at all Hours 25 cents and Upward. J : OnlyVhite Waitresses Employed, j j HEPPNER : OREGON. ! : : i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IhoUjIcU Tract Dfiiartmrnt of the Interior U. S. Liuul Ollico nt Lii uiantlf, Urt-Kon. Murch 5, 1917, Notice is hereby given that, us directed ty the' Commissioner t( thn Oencnil Land ofllce. iiihU i liroviHions q( See. 215-V R. S., rtnrnnnl to tho on nlitatiun of William II. Kwinir of CvCit. On u-Mi. nrinl No. niMKil, wp m ill (Ti;r st iitihlic bhIo. lo the hifh"t hiildcr, hut st nt li thn i per iirtt ut luo'rliN'K A. M.. on lhe Kth Any i.f Mhv. ll'7. mxt. nt this other, thr followniif trart of land. SW 14 Nf'l-l. See. T. I S.. It. 27 V... W M. 1 his tract in ordered into Iht nmrlii-t on n how inu Ilint. the gn-rttcr tiortion thereof ti ntitihttnn mm or too rotmh for euUivntion. The snlo will not Ihj kept opin. but will he de rlirrl elosett when thorn- present at the hour ntini-i-l have eeaned hutilinir. 1 ho person irmkinir the lutrhent h'd mdl he riiioired to iinntediatlv u.v l the Ueeeivei the amount thereof. Anv pernm t-Uiminv advrrelv the h1kvi de-Nt-rihwl land are arivixrt! in til their chum, or jeetion;t, on ur U'loie the timedeiir ti:ti- for n V. S. Ih'SN. Ueiiiti.-r, Nol.AN Shll V, Ueeeier. BE Sf' Furniture unoeriajung nrnT DtOl Price NOTICE Ki lt ITIU ICATIOV Ijiiliilil Tni.'t W I M . I I 1 ' t i l.i.l til .1 i"ieie a!o' f- l.r la lii introduc. d tuiv j,, o! foo.l-t'. . :,.e,'.d I" lin e.i lire that I'llt.'-huiir heell III the hahit c.uioa N ii,' fi ot a",d Xe'i'tahles i' to the ii,, r rather than tnakoiJ u c it in t rn' th;n d. splay in: ' I their eat "i it lo'.i m" ami do. ' I sue to com u-v e 1k- lift inter-J i t of the coii'il ry. i 2 The pi.-ei t car .-h.oit ii-e has J hi eii ti i d a -aii cti I'. r (fce ! ? GRAND OPENING PALACE BILLIARD PARLORS, May 4, 1917. I'AUSDN S OUt IIKSrUA will fiirni: h iiiiimo ull tl.ty mid li-ht udi ohiiionts, lYllct Saiuhv iclies. Ice (.'ream and Cuke will be sened 1'KI.K to all. Aiordi il invitation is cxteinlcd to nil. ixrr.r tiik lapiks v, Irihl that e ei imil.v wiil ceine iul hpeud tho day u ur j;uehU, try our uew tuiliurd tulilcu Hint enjoy the uiumc cf tl i Hp'einliJ orrbrHtra. Very repcctfu',y. M. L. CURRAN, Prop. Palac Hotel Building, HEPPNER, OR. . 1 1 Ih'pftrtmrnt of the Intermr, I', S. I.nnd t nticr n! Im Grande. Ore.. March b. '1. NOTICE is hereby irlven that, n directed h the t'oinmins'oner of the (ieneral Land iilire. un dr lha pruwsMtna of Srv. Ztov. U.S., pursviant tt I the apptiratvon of Mtrhael Curren. of .cm. Ore (ton Nei tal ro. i'i 'i" we him ouer hi i uuic- n.i'. it I the lni.he-t hi.liler. hut at nl lei (hmi f pi t t a re at 10 (i ct-k A. M on the Mfi ttav .( M iv pti;, tie!, at lh iTnr. ll.o fi.ll.twio tinrt tl land. , NKI 4 SWM Sec I. 1p2S. It t W M 1 h traet otderM lulu lhe trarKrt on a h..w inn tlmt the irreairr portion ihert) i ir.ut.lntn or t'f nih (r oillnatu.n. 1 he mV a ill iM.t ehpt iiriv hot w'H Ir de rlatft rlmrt whni the preH-it at the hmu naitirtl hvr e airil h ihluu' the p'r-Hn innkinn lite hirneot ! d d I'e ritpi'et to unine! iitt I pav to (he Iveier the aowMint thereof A ieriMin elaimiMir advrridv the aUedi etitwl land are alvi'l fi ItU In if i-ihii-i-. ( rt tei-t "1 l-f-Te tin t'iw tiKitat-t .-t .. r I'l S ti.ir..',r Ml AN Nhil IV., i Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. : C. H. GOLDSMITH, DEALER IN All Kinds of Fire Wood and Rock Springs Coal. "Best in the West" All orders entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Phone Main 396 or Main 393. Norn i: i i i hi i aims 14)1 to I Tia' t l a id or . fVpartttMit i f the tntei .or 1' ! at l a liimmle, Onift. Math 't HI NOlH'K i heW .en ha. a dt (Wmn'Nt.rf o( hr Urn era I I and trft .-e , r n i'ihi ( S,-- ' I U (ir Tn-. i.. 1 IM-I i"-" - M. ha ' C r-r . ( t ma hct'tl Sn n -ll iPr j d i f i., to the hth-t butrtrr. (-til at m tl-t-i J l-r aere attooekok A M , t the t K U ar lH", next, at Ihie oT--r. tha i- v l' f ' of tan!, Ula I t. i He I, Tr t . K 7 r W M I 1 hta tear ta orileee "ntn the ma-Wet n a l in that the abater pitt-i tlirrr f ta rr i vui o P PHiaN ('f c olu at ' The aV tll W ket uprti l-Mt he it. T rUM rVt hen th.w .rr-,t.( at I t.e h.-.r limt hr ee1 r.t.pia lhe n tk t he liei eref the n-ninl tHerto-f. Anf wfr1 cta mina' atlvrrp! hw ar d- I WANT LAND i To m 11 to .ii hi'iver-; w ho will conimenee to arrive h.ere on the 'Jotli. ut thi.i month. Ifou want to sell, s nd li.e the I'n 11 p;i!'tii ulars,- and de.-erintion o o:ir land, als our lowest in'iee and the terms, also a full lit of what with yo'ir raneli if inijiroveil and f nil ih scrii'tion of all imprnv merds. l.ar.d N'OUTH of tho ha.-e line i ii ft rre 1. I"it ean sell land anywhere in Mol ' o A ( 'o'IMt ) . THfcll-AKGl.K lilt: RANCH 1 HE QL'ICKLK I CAN SELL IT My i hai.e for m Wing land 1 h.e i,iii U r 1 i. a i- fro-ii ram h w i.i he .-.ivi. W. D. NLWLON Lexington, sMVK N.RCKNT. von, tho ii neker your Oregon 3 ' u-ritml Uft,l linr.lil lit f ' lK.tr ri. i- J'tM tlt un i4 I- I''-1 ' " 'l- '"l f.- I I -I IH S K.r . I OL. Mki) t li-.