s, PPNE Help support Heppner Business Men who help support Heppner. Central Oregon yettt on and off the train at Heppner Gateway. With which la consolidated The lone Uutletln. A first class ncsDapor entered at the peituftV' si lliiu'iier. Oregon s recond-cUsa matter VOLUME 3. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1917. NUMBER 51. HE HERALD EXPLAIN RATES Notice was served on the 0. W. R. & N. and the 0. S. L. offi cials by the Oregon Public Service commission that they will shortly be called upon to explain their freight rates between eastern Oregon points and Portland and eastern Oregon and eastern Washington points and Seattle. On its own motion the commis sion has recently been conducting an investigation of the freight rate question the result being that conditions were divulged which seems to warrant & hear ing of all interested parties by the commission. A letter recently received by the Herald from Public Service Commissioner II. II. Corey show ing the result of the preliminary investigation by comparative table of rates between eastern Oregon points and Portland via. an all down hill water level route and corresponding eastern Wash ington points and Seattle via. an over-mountain route, follows: "We have compared the rail road rates assessed by the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav igation Company in Eastern Ore gon for the service performed, with those assessed by railroad lines operating in the state of Washington and elsewhere and! after such investigation we have become satisfied that sufficient grounds exist to warrant a hear ing being had in conformity with section 28 of Chapter o Laws of 1907, commonly known as the Railroad Commission Act, in order that we may determine whether any or all of said rates HEPPNER TO HAVE A meeting of the organizing committee of the proposed Mor row County Red Cross Society was held Wednesday when au application for a chapter was made and other preliminary work was undertaken. The organizing committee is composed of the following ladies: Mrs. Cohn, chairman;' Mrs. Phelps, secretary; Mesdames Spencer, V. Crawford. Binns, Herren, Van Vactor, Mahoney. Miss Peggy O'Rourke. As soon as the charter arrives the committee will name a date for a meeting of all interested persons when a permanent or ganization will bo perfected. The organization is to be county wide iu scope and residents of surrounding towns and of the entire county are cordially in vited to be present and assist in the important, work of organ izing a chapter of this world wide society of service. Word was received in Hepp ner a few days ago that the ap plication for a charter for the Farmer's & Stoekgrowers Na tionul Bank has been accepted by the comptroller of the cur reucy at Washington. D. C. and, it is understood the organization of the new institution will be proceeded with immediately. The capital of the new bank will be WO, 000. The question of quarters has not yet been de cided upon but it is not unlikely that the. bank will open in tem porary quarters until a perma nent home can be erected. J W. Beamer, of this city will be president of the Farmer's I HEPPHER WILL HELP To the Editor: The Federal I loveniment. through the United Slates Dis trict Attorney, bus requested me to call attention to the proc lamation of I ho President of April (, I'.H". It is unlawful for any alien, who is a citizen of any count i'V which is at war with the Fluted States, to have iu his possession the following articles: Any firearm, wf-.apon, or im plement of war, or component part thereof, ammunition, maxim or other silencer, bomb, or e. plosive, or material used in the manufacture of explosives; any aircraft or wireless apparatus, Ewing Goes To Douglas County W, B. Ewing, ono of the best known pioucer residents of Mor row county, has just closed a & Stoekgrowers bank and S. V. or any form of signaling device, Spencer will be cashier. Mr. or any form of cipher code, or Spencer has been assistant cash- any paper, document, or book ier of the First National for sev-; written or printed in cipher or ornl vrtiirs hill, resiirnecl that , in which there may bo invisible position a few days ago to go writing. with the new institution. It is . All alien enemies of the Foiled ovnnHnd iho nnw bunk will be Slates within this county are ready for business about .June 1. i required to bring in and surren der to the shonll ol I he county AT PALACE HOTEL Manager Wilkins is making many improvements at the Pal ace hotel this spring. The base ment is being entirely remodel ed, the Moor cemeted and walls plastered. A new septic tank and sower system has been in stalled which will give perfect drainage to the basement which will now he utilized for practical purposes. The larger part of the 1 basement will be occupied Ma 4th by M. L. Curran who will on that date open a tirst-class billiard and pool parlor and bowl ing and tenpin allies. The main hotel lavatories will also be in stalled in the basement. On the ground floor also many improve ments are beiiuv made. The lobby is being removed from its- old location to the space former- Score to Big to Publish de'iulies, or to Iho policemen of the or one of his marshals or The story of the ball game : cjlK,s any m all die articles last Friday between the Giants : t ;s unlawful for them to deal whereby he exchanges j f rom lone and Giant Killers of mvo , u.oir possession. The Morrow county holdings, consist-1 HeppneVi js sa,l but true. The!omm. roci..iving such articles ing of 3000 acres of fine wheat ! aUitlule wa8 to high for the 1 slmn givo a Smiled receipt, Tor land for 1750 acres of highly j Giants and they froze stiff audi tllc ,,,-licles so surroundored, proved farm lands in Doughlas , nt pa(.k 0rrniany BC0,T8. !all,t ul Ul0 dose of the war the county, six miles uorlh from! 0n the other hand the Giant .siirroiindere-d articles will be v .1.1... 1 !!. I . ! I 1 - i uaaianu, on iuuj urn ; Kj)iPn5 run up a bunch or tallies; rL,t,unied. Any alien enemy Sixhundredacresof Mr. Ewingsj,jkca oau0f hay as they playfully ; wno fails to surrender such former holdings is in the Cecil , amblcd arcmmi thc diamond. The articles within twenty four hours district and 2100 is located about . HcraJd cam(jf p).jnt thpm,rc forfufl01. tU. publication this 14 miles southeast from Heppner. twonsonSi It W()(1 1)0 unkind ,,,!,.,,, uK. ,iate of pnblic-ilion Mr. Ewing came to this coun j to make public the visitor's score ,., ,pni 07, miT, will be try from California HO years ago! , UMM-ire of print pan-u-is t.o sll. ,,, arrest ,f any such are unjustly discriminatory or,ind by c!use npp'ication to ( hiKh to fill up space with the arUH), V)(, rmi, iM his posses unreasonable. There has been affairs he has accuinulaed a com j Ull,jes Hmtched down by the U1i n,0 articles will be considerable public interest man- petenco bosides rearing a largo Hc,,pnc,.iUl). confiscated and forfeited to the ifestcd through the press in the 1 f;lIlliy-Hc lt!ld 1,ls a! lone is game, however, and use of tho Ended States. pomnarison of railroad rates in 1 numbcra among Morrow toumj t. , it vm M. djiVeront next . All norsons, citizens as well . , I .. f . . . ..!.! Eastern Oregon with those in st ctn.ons anu many mwms,, Washington where it is alleged 're will regret their departure miPrntinu- conditions are more.f"m county. Two of Ins, sons, however, will remain hero for the preseut. ly occiipunl by the oar and will 1 be much more convenient and pleasant for both guests and management. Entrance to the dining room will be directly from the lobby and to the side of the lobby a private dining room if being fitted up where private and family parlies can be served. As will be seen by their an nouncement in another page of Ibis paper the management w ill open the remodeled hoi el May 4. operating conditions arc more difficult. "Wc wish it understood the Commission is not desirous of making unwarranted reduction in the rates of any public service corporation, neither will it per mit rates should they be found unreasonable or discriminatory no-ainst our Oreiron shippers. "As illustrative of prevailing ; "7, clas . r 1 1 Kev. D.. an W rates on gram m urvituii mm Washington: "Walla Walla to Seattle and Tacoma 313 miles, rate 13 3-4c LaGrande to Portland. 302 miles, rate 17 l-2c CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Services. First Mass, H-.iiu a.m. Second Mass 1:!I' a.m. Catechism Class 11:1" 11.111. Evening Devotions 7;'.io p.m. Reverend Father O'Eoiirko. , The Federated Church Sunday school meets at 4 J a. m. There were 1 in our, , I - . L 1 If V,.tf.re u-ill nU.. 1 Classes msi omniay. n Confirmation Service Services will lie held in tho Episcopal chinch tl.i- (Friday; evtuiug, when Bishop Paddock svill make an address and ad minister the rite of contirurition per as others, an: required In bear in mind that it is their halt at once if challenged by any soldier of the United Stales, for soldiers doing guard duty are under inst ructions to shoot and not to argii". Respectfully, S. F N( TSi N, I District Ally. May 1 My Progintu Following is tho program to be given by llm grades of Ib pp tier school on the evening of May J, J'.'I7, at the. Fair Pavilion beginning at eight o'clock. Maypole dance by first gradr (iollvwods dance bv second trade. Maypole dance by third and fourl h grades. Flag song and dance by lift h grade. of the Maypole by Winding si Nl h giadi Son-' "'I 1 Inly lo j mil h grad'-. "My Irish irrade. Military Drill by the boy Ad mission l'T cent s. ic Mermaid'' by srv. lig" by eighth 1 Imvo Ih'cii rt'ti iii's! imI liy tlio mm initti'o liiiviiiH tlu iiuiltnr in cliiM'Ki' to prcsiMit to your renders sonn' nf tin1 runsiili'rntiotis wliicli Iiuvj l"il (lei people el' Heppner to iinilert;ilir ir Kaulzetl reliif lnr the luienenl snl I'erers iu (lie war striken p:ivU of the world. The eoniimttce referred t,i is n vni illiUuy one nnd is eeniposeil of one rppi-esi'iit;ilive from eneh fniternnl ii'Kinii'.silion in tlie loun. the primi i'lil of the IHkIi Kehool and Hie pas tors of Ihe eliiirrhes. Two pnltlie ineelinus have heen held ill Heppner H wliieh eonlributions were received amounting to nearly one hundred dol lars hesides inonthly pledges renehinu nearly or (inite two hundred. It is believed that there are many people outside the city not able to at tend such public meetings, especially at tills busy season, who would be lllnd to add to the funds raised here it the matter were presented to them nnd they are sure there Is a responsi ble and successful means of receciv iiiK and forw uriliug l heir contribu tions. It was willi this thought iu mind Unit Mr. Ilynd offered (o provide the expense of mailing lo every taxpayer In Ihe county an appeal for help. No doubt there are sotue to w hom Ihe ap oetil will room who have already "done their bit" (limugh oilier ave nues, but (here are probably others who will bo glad lo respond lo Ibis nfforl lo beli tho slni'ving multitudes in Ihe pathway of this cruel and hate ful war. Tim most conspicuous, among these distressed peoples who have been en unlit between tin" giant powers ongnged in I bo ronlllcl are Hie llel tilntiH, the people of I'obind, llui Ser bians, and (he Armenian!-.. Wc have naturally beard more of Ihe lieigmu tragedy (ban of the others, lirsl, Ijm- huso thoy aro nearer to us nnd also bemuse of the heroic stand which the Helgian people made In defense of Hir righls ns a people when, In dis regard of Irealy, Ihe (leiniau army invaded their land Vol their suf fering!., tho indescribably tragi"' have not been worse than those of the other three nations ini'iil ioned above. In the rnso of (lie Armenians there has linen n ai.loinn!ie alleinpl on llm Hurt of the. inhuman Turk to cxlermi nnle them. To whnl evliuil the at uvupl hns been successful will not be rully known until Ihe dose of (be war. Many thousands of them, how ever, escaped by llighl to sections undrr tho ptolecliou of (he allied 'roopt. whore Ihev nre being assisted by (he charily of the Christian peo nies of tho World. I hi' people, ot ,',crbia have been driven from their land and llne.e who survive are 111:1111 laining their ob.1clicc as best they an among people already burdened lo the limil of enduiauci. by (lie I less of war. Tin! people of Tol uol have I u driven back and forth 1:1 (Irst one army and then another 'his marched over their laud, plllag- and iloslnolng their homes, coin pelling (he uble bodied to join (be irmed forces and leaving (lie help less to shift for Ihoiiisohos iu a "ni nt rv already shorn "f the means of n living. I shall nialiii no alleinpl (o dc . ribe Hip sorrows of Ihei.e iinfortuii !i(e nnd outraged peoples. To tell WILLOW CREEK ITEMS Miss Lena Krebs has returned W. V. SiiioikI left r,.r I'ortland Thursday morning to al tend the !ooil Roads eonvenl ion, which meels Saturday, ana deeale 1 H,e w bole 1. mi U be -"M"-ible , ., 1 1 iinn everiouc 1 " .. I!.. . at r . I I I : . 1 ,o home alter .siienuinL: 1110 i.m uou bo present at this service but a"u'"8 ; , ,,,.,.,, .. ,, , , , . , . . cordia V urged to meet wi ll us wiu'fi montns in 1 nu .u will leave Saturday morning lor coiumoy uicu i..,ii.r ,, for the 8tudv of the liible next tentiiug. ine wanes. from Ihe M01 row I ounty il Roads associnlioli. j IONE INKLINGS Mr Crawford was down from Heppner Teusilay ininshng ilh Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Noble bis many friemU hfie. Heppner Men Win Road Prize Themo of tho morning sermon visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.; Mr ,j,.s. Hagorty ;willl)0 ine rtacreuness 01 uu ,1111101 .1 ,1 iniioin ine .iiiavon'iiy nein- 111 e 11, t.-,inP liiau I Two lleninier youti' Dayton to Seattle ana laeoma ij,;111C( j Rubbs and 31!) miles, rate 11 l-2c Cupenhaver. have been awarded rvice Raker to rortianu mues. ! VVi7A:s , l)ie (;0Nj R0ad essay Life.1 rate 18 3-4c Wallulah to Seattle ami ma J0 miles, rate 13 lieml to I'ortland 'J." rate 22c Tendlcton to Seatttle miles. ' i;u.;A cr,.t.( rate 13 3-4c 1 n n i llft.m tn Port and. miles, rate 13 l-2c." Icontest which ended March 31. I"aco";The committee of judges gave j their decision last Saturday, miles, ; Mr Hubbs. who is teaching this season in the iov ore uistiici on received a JT ' 'prize, und Mr. Copenhaver. who '-is a student in the Heppner high . school was awarded a prize of Regular evening Mr, Noble had In try Ins luck . h(i 'iVusday. They re angling went out and caught i , ) )( t)l, siruwherry school Pliriwtian nnilenvor at C, '.',) H. three small ti sit just enough to i , i ..., ,.ni , ,v imomsIps. in. Topic, Symmetrical verses give him a liuui.'et-iiii; desire f-rj It nv ,.., W.,H ,oWti from rp-sided Uevelopmenl." Lead. more. 1 1,, vineion th-fiisl of the weel. After a liug-ni.g nine,, e.x : vi) ( uiiy fn,iM,u ,.,,. Ul0 lending over a p.-noH oi s, v. n A luonihs Mr. Kobml D Mi r is ... .i i i i i" i . . I-, . i .. rem e in;: oio i s mm he is d r earning of foil hir villi the fuels as I hey have been Kieseiili'd in (be public press from Mine In time. W'roiii'ed without laiee and 'lis iiessed bi'Voiid our power ul lid'- 'lis Oinre In appreciate Ihey bold out, in heir do. pan. to ii" who have escaped ilie sorrow- whlih lias overwhelmed iliem. nn appeal for human sympa thy mid loll" Wlille I'.iirope lias been pa sing tin. mull lire and Hood ibo i pic of Auieliia have rcii'd .tor. or, Nellio (.'lark. 11. A. Noyj. IV- i ('hnrch of Christ Morning Hiibject. "Loving the Rrethren," This is a w arm sub ject and will be a "warm" ser mon. Evening subject, "Are urn Davinif vour debts','" Special abb: lo walk about the house burn and assume some of the I idly are says I hat F I'S. I IV U M.-Jv imnw'v was a caller ,,. . . r-..' I t at the Herald olTire Saturday. Mymen Dear t.nicnams r riemu jinm-ic. Mr. McKimmey is a pioneer farm- Hymen Rear entertained a! " trof this country and he predicts party of friends at duiner at tho. More Heppner l3oy Lrthst another bumptr crop next sum- I'aluco Grill last evening the Sergeant Erem-h. of the mer. A late spring, he says." occasion beipg the cvu of Hy. '. S. recruiting odiceat The D.ih moans plenty of moisture in the men's departure for Vancouver. ;Ciuie In 11. ppner Sum irronnd when Ihe wathr gets Washington, where ho noes lo looUmg lor iinue reci'io- in warm enough for the wheat to eniisl in the F. S Cavalry. Tlmjwi.-i.t into tho interior M'.n.l i.v grow whi!'' the tendency U hir- occasion was a happy one and mml is i xpei ltd In leim n ( lay. inv an early spring for the wit.rU the cuisine all that could be de-1 Hymen He ir and Win Sie v.nl to dry out the gro ind brfo-e the sired. The foliowin gu sts j will g.. In The Dalh s with S. r warm wratlur conn on. Mr. UitdtUo lm.ii.ihty. jg-i.t Frcn.h nod Lig.- I'ctiv. McKimmoy iM'lantyng a trip to, L. Wilkins. Ray Rodger. ' and .lake "sUu m,i) al -o . the coast as son as his crop is in Fat Crow. D.ivo Wilvn. I-J f ti.y him with ihe iniiiiioii of after which he expects to make CUtrf, Crectu Maddocx, Uscar ,i'tilitiiig in the army, ion an extended viit to hi old home Otto, spencer v.rawivr-1 nnd j jiect to enter tin; cavalry liome d ul li s. Mi s. Norman lon nce is Itiii ly convinced of tie' he t Ihnt a , ' lamb is a lamb and a -hi p i- a ; nheep III Ihese high pMceii times, a- si,.' has 17 pel I. in h- ' iiiider ln r guarding are I'loAllll.' has plsl. l.egnll in this (llsl I I -1 . I I'llly We ill led I'M gel the e!li"r m ill h lielilli-tcie e unit ineiaiil'eh' I'.'.ipl 'is il is spl I llg 1-1 . I' lice was a iei-l r iii h pi ie r 'I oes Hti'l Ni'l in. in ttt -s it div Th. W i'!,, n 'i. i. I"" h.i ! I , .Hy fioh. in g p'ip roiled I, U,iNi.i. who I is scveiely i'I I'.r the pc , V Is r i( id ) 111; pi 'Alt Mr. Mi -Devil of .liinipei on v a in low n I' l lu.iy . 1 i;,.. I',i,le niii'l hi- regular I ! I l Id'. :H He lhipii-1 h 'i I rli rs ii ml .1 V M I Ilit id .oil. '.v ho 1 1 It t rented laud (e H h'l e has all IV ed I l oin ' ' Vof'il in. I Ills' W ei l( il Ii -I X i ll s of pel -iniiil pi i .pel I V 1 . 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1' from h'i'i-eloild t d-lo i ii ,tii Iii ii.- lb' In nig hi ad ol 'i, J,". and w ill slim a l.uge ,ii iagi' for , i iniin I Ik- di tallied eoiidil ions a K"hl , I oi barve-l I In- produi Is of our ' j fiirno' our loiiii s. nnd our fariorb-' Mi.ue ri 'i-n to abnormal pi h c and Xlliel lill lill i Mlddelllv bi'i'olllil Hit Korld s banker llui of our abundance we -ball i irclv tn ii I- r (o thi'ir I I. A i mi. ill colli t ibiili.ui from luanv people l(,j.ill reinb an amount pi nport nuii'l I I ., 1 1,, ..,1 I n In I he III lit I llll" mailing suh,hl. , ,,t,. f n, i (, 1 1 . J si.ii- imv.- hi'ldltlg lhal ! elu II l- Hiini (en fill" cub to ioIiivp ine ippaiiuiit "inn i.ni ..III lllveli "III be for" -il iled w II bout ..pell-e, l.li'l If ri'lli I ' bi ' d- I roved I he lo--. ( III I'O'li i.l'-c iov led lo Instii.inii The i iii 'Hal b I Ier l.b b i- Hole.' "i' "'" ' " I, ill i-n i. furl In i th I ' il "'.il .,11 nun Sim" " hi !' I bos I" lll.lUi' (in Ii rill- i fo i Ine If d.iooi , - ill .1' i ... lo v le.m I M V ill -lie I !l"il I "I'l I ib'lt lull til l! " Ihe ci Illlti I' V III ' " lb.lt Ho n- ,1' h... are .,ll I i"lt I" lb" letl. l ii siivr, . I'ol Ii-" C'lllilnl". e Can I, .1 - i I,., a ; , 1 1 in ii t A . . ' .i's and ii i I fail" a v. In .il A ' . i i, It-ill1-! V Ol :ii. e x pi i 1 1 Tin; Hi , i niniei' I' e i i.il i In'i V a hie lo eai r v on I he I ue . day I If f (he i tn nn ' . y i.o -ne ' fui Us ,. oi a . f Iho i lull chili pi i t. I" -i i In.n h Hid f .( sc. 1 1 i'i S it 'i r 1 1 .i 3 nnd is .I lo live ll-liatl l.ndi avi I is ! I e i s i i. pi i v I am :(. .1 ... ic- Ihe it ry ..n ,f i"iMn o '. i pi v i .ii aiel a i i i ta n a i v planning a 1 1 a n prty l"r M i I y if M.i; Wf atlii.TIJj.1ll il VMlllMJ. I 1 I no .'llll of III. HI' ', I III j 1. 1 d'l hi, 111-, it lid i I si' ' i .an mil tee iiii f w i' h ; ' ',1 in th.n' iveiieU 1 the Hi in Iii'l.ai.a. Eirl (iordvii. '.Stewart will tutvr the navy