i LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Am erican people has the Food situation equaled the present. WHY NOT HELP by raising your own vegetables? WE HAVE THE SEEDS. I Phelps Grocery Co. THE HORN PASTIME, SOIT DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the day. VICTOR GROSHENS, Proprietor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. I Make u Specialty of Plate Glass, Burglar and Automobile Insurance Alsa write all kinds of Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE 1 oxpcf t a number of land buyers here, If you want to sell your farm or ranch, list it with me. Roy V. Whiteis Heppner, Ore. Phil Cuba returned from Port land last Saturday. E. E. Guild was in from Hard man Wednesday. W. B. Ewing, a well known Cecil citizen, was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammer, of Gurdane. were Heppner visitors Monday. Dr. Osborne, veterinarian, was here from Pendleton duiiug the week. Prank Hobinsou, prominent attorney of lone, was i:i the c ity Tuesday on business, II. S. Soule, of The Dalles, was hero for a few days during the week ou busiuess. FOR KENT- - Barn for 2 or ii hor ses with plenty hay room. Enquire at this oftice. tf Jack Hynd, prominent in the Cecil neighborhood, was a visit or here Monday. Mrs. Sara E. Van' Vactor en tertained the bridge club at her home yesterday afternoon. Not gone or goiug but here to stay. Permanently located at Heppner, Oregon. Dr. )). li, Haylor, eye specialist. J8tf M. I). Clark, of the well known firm of Minor & Co., is spending the week in Portland on a busi ness trip. Ho is accotniiHiiipil by Mrs. Clark. It. F. Hynd, a former well known businessman of this city, now a resident of Portland, wan here Wednesday greeting old Inends. . Mrs. J. L. Wilkins went to Ar- j lington Sunday to visit with her j iatner, b. u Maddock. Lot For Sale Good resi donee lot on Center street, Hep. pner, 00x109. Get busy and plant a gardeu. Easy payments j ; Apply to Arthur Sinitb. 18tf Hob Alstott, well known farm er of the Eightmile district, was a Heppner visitor Saturday. Hulless and beardless seed barley for sale. D. F. Swaggart, Lexington, Oregon. 51d Jim Adkina, a well known Heppner boy began the new week by enlisting in the navy Monday morning. Haled Hay and Grain for sale at White Front Barn. , W. T. McKoberts. Louis Pearson and A. B. Bow ker returned from Portland Wednesday driving a fine new car purchased by Mr. Pearson while in the western Oregon me tropolis. Misses Julia and Ada Ingrain, of Harduian, were Heppner viit ots duriug too week. Introductory Sale of the justly famed Wirtlimor i lirtli lists The Wirthmor at $1.00. The Welworth at $2.00 Waists Ibrjud $1.00 that will win the-favor ofcvvry thrift)) woman. Yes, surely, they're the Wirth mor for in no other dollar Waist would such values be possible. Even though you usually wear more costly blous es it's real economy to have a few Wirthmors for general wear thereby saving the better blouses for dress-up occasions i New Welworth Blouses. Pretty, Attract ire, ApjeaUiy Styles at $2.00. The artist-designers who fashion the new Blouses have wrought wonderfully well this season. They've outdone the best o( the past, as is evident from this fascinating array of charming new styles. And, welcome news to all, many of the very striking models are extremely moderately priced. Radiant Springtime Blouses to Brighten up the Wardrobe. MINOR & COMPANY Dry Goods Department : If You Cannot Carry a Gun, Carry a Hoe. Our coin, try needs the agriculturist as well as it does tin-soldier. Fink I supplies thin year willboex ticinch short.- and nnvsiiiilinel high, and it is the solemn tint y of every patriotic American to do bin oi lier shave lor the w el faro of the country. If you cannot earn a i-un in defence f your country, t.ik. a spade or a hoe and mal.e that pound of yours produce a- it never ha before, thus helping your coun try, in vour ov u mh.iII way. to maintain its standard of living and stemming the tide of high prices which is gradually cnejilfiiig in in its grasp. P. t of all. it will p.iv von hi, in n,l cheeks, good uppctite. in better health, ior jou and jours,-and in dollars and cents for what you will have to sell, and through not having to buy what you can raise yourself. Your country and your home are calling. The I:irst National Bank III IM'NKU, OIU-GON Some sport must have been "toting a pun" last Sunday night Five shots in rapid succession ran? out on the night air giving to old timers a hint of the "good old times" of long ago. Speaking of the weather last Sunday was something strong in the way of a sample for mid April. So far no one- has been found who is willing to express an honest opinion of the same fearing the inarshall might hear of it and run them in for using inllaininatory language. Peter Wuch.i, of Ogauia, Min nesota, arrived in llcppuer Mon day evening to look fur a loca- FOU SALE - Twelve good 'tion '"' f:,rnii"t'- Mr. Wnchahua work mules; also some good work been successfully engaged in horses. See these animals sit that 1 int of indixtrv in Mintm. i:nv I'fiviM) ii i . . J . Wtf w sola fur many jeats but is now lixtlvifi'1 fur ;i ninn iwiti ililit i ll. . 1. Sens tier, agent for the 'mate together with good biisi Humlcy farm tractor; is busyness opportunities. His family these days demonstrating the is tomnoiarilv w:.t,.,l i iwi. , machine to interested farmers, i land j He sold a tractor to Mr. Haver i . . , 1 stick, on Uhea Creek, a few davs Vory ,i;,,,llsm"c b,,,,1ll't is ,.lKr0i that just issued by the Cnion ,. iv..i, ii - Pacific in the interest of the "J " unvnn-iu. lesiueiU ol v...: I l.-l.. . .: . i . . , , ,,iiioM,o i . . iiL.ti louai .vsMjemuoii my place. ner, Oro.-- W. E. Walther, the well known automobile dealer of The Dalles came in Tuesday on a business trip connected with his automo bile agency in this city. Mr. Wal teer is accompanied by Mrs. Walther, his daughter Miss Ger trude Walther, Miss Thompson and Mr. A. T. Brown, also of The Dalles. Tom Stanley was in from the Hayes place during the week. Mrs. Ralph Adkins. of Eight Mile, came in Wednesday to meet her father, Samuel How man of San Francisco, who arriv ed on a visit. Dr. McMurdo was called to the Tucker place Wednesday night. nr. Winnard was called to lone on a case yesterday after noon. Koy (Juackenbush was quite A tiny baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Langdon, of Monument, at the Heppner hospital lust Sat day, weighing only 1 1 pounds. The tiny bit of humanity was reported last evening as having a chance to live. It is, perhaps, the smallest living child boru in eastern Oregon. Ed Day, a former well known resident, now living in" Portland was a visitor here during the week. Horn- At lone, Oregon, Wed nesday morning, to the wife of Mose Gambill, a seven and one half Dound daughter. John Hush, manager of the Morrow Creamery, was a busi ness visitor at Lexington and lone yesterday. Hilly Corson, live wire of the i i- r tit v iow ii oi Lexington, was in ill Wednesday night but is better I Heppner yesterday. at this writing. Heavy gunfire was reported Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Ayres have olT Cape Cod Thursdry and it is Mh been on tlie sick list rc-i believed a naval battle was in cently. j progress. Frank Turner left Thursday I Mr. and Mrs. M. Curran went to begin the season's sheep I to The Dalles Km,.1...v i vi.ii c I J a lew days with their daughters The folder; Futher Hamilton, w ho was op- who arc students in St. Mary's i . Pcnd etou. farmer .f fw. ......... '" " i -I ..n,; I H.Uno .,o...,. Ml " t'VC.ihou wleh Will Uieetiul v. ,V. ,U, ,ls l(.ani, m.xUuU.. , IICIUOU UUSIUCSS .MolUl.IV. : I.......;.,.;.., .: . . enit ed on -...,, 1 v fH atttu.n.li.... Ai-ii.li.mv i..ll I... I i I l I'irti n I I 1 1 t II 1 ( H il tl I I U 11 M UUU I ; w' - ' v ' wr"-viiv i ' " ,y m uuu H, ; NOT1CE-A boy's bicycle was the Oregon cou.itry and is eiu I lis ' able to be on the street. A steinmetz -md Walter ; taken from in front of the '. belhhed will, many l.e.m'iful! dim Adkins and Paul Cemmell Duncan, "employes of the State oj iwn-i .-'.num. iv eve nun' en t ol m-ciivk :i ik o ti,rni I e oai-lec l or I 'or! ruin inrvil-iv i... Mutch ill. Suitable reward and Iciest. It will I'l'oVe of ?reat ; . uesuu.ii. uKCii u lvturHetl itere,t to tl.os,. w,., o.utem to the owner. Mwiiuico illdi,, ., , , , ., ., ... v. .. plate u trip to the I ,ieil;e Not Ih- .1. W. .lohuson mid wif,., ,,f .west next .summer. ;The Dalles, were in lleinm. r The I'i i I'aeitie sinn U Mr. .lohtiMiii sit'i r 'u.-t I'lacid an older for 7 hiiL'e .re during the week on a ; Sat u til ay. Ceo. T. Coyne, a well known (travelling man. made his usual visit here during the week. have morning to enter Uie U. S. Navy, tour of inspection. L H. Duckworth, who has been out at the K'llkenuy Lucj( raiieti on Mutter croclt fov sonic tune returned to town Tuesday Mr. Ihic'uvvoitli reiuiiti. ihe i. Leonard Ha it. who ui ...i i it. i.ii ... . . . .. . t tut wimmu im ouiuiing ti,L.(iocouiotive wimii win eosi from cent htortu in Uiat oectiou very chaigeol the new billiard parlors runner a i uion elevator w hue M-'.""" to Ni'V1"'' each i" the City. I', i vidently believ es Dr. Turner, the w.n P'rcdne U now ii eve hi.cei.iltst ol .lai.e Oten. f i u,i r tv i.o it, Portland, will boat the Pal.no the Herald ortic rvlui lied f 1 1 ui Hotel utMin Tburndny. May ,1rd. Madras Saturday i-vetiieg after ia Ixlngton Wednesday, May ' upending a few week there. 2nd, In lone Tuesday. May Ut. j Jko is here to put in a cu p on Don't full to conult bitu about j hi place near town after which your ryes and clae. Head he is i-laiminv to l-o to Sail I lieL'o ache relieved. Cro ev.. i.. .nter tl... uu.uimi ..on...f! Ti e lone liiatits will meet Hie .trulghtened. Stif.ut.on g,,.ir the f. S urmv. l.i IVarce Ui!'1':1 Killcr. of "'Tl'"" en the ' iiii -ii n rntiii.iu nip 1 1 .1 . ah., The I'. I severe und the loss of lambs .being opened in the Palae.. It,. i..l in pre; will be large. Some sheepmen basement by Michael Curran. j fear u : per cent loss unless was in the eity Wednesday. uiiivi "e.iuivr touuiiious come; speedily. H. H. Kell..-g. tin- well known Don't forget tho Helgiau He w"i'atber prophet, has gone on a lief meeting tonight in tho opera! sort of hunger strike; that is to house. An appropriate program say he refuses M make further !::.h?"t!;'.ri;"'"fHll-'tions untiUhe weather be. iva. .9 uv.u ttfncii 111 iiic; proposed relief work. anteed Consult forget tbc date him. out also tigunng tut. ring tl.eji., urUTiitHtii mid i.'n the has. sau.e arm of the -rice h ill seis-'o io Li vu tvle. comes a bit more safe and sane. Heppner people w by have been depending on H. H. for then daily weather dope are therefore likely to go hungry for weather news before tl.ry ;rt ati more.