it FARM TMDT T?MT?f r xiixiu. mil uuiimi in it Ore and. Ji eer Plows Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line 1 k mm will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made. ! expenses like the so called Rig1 . n : i THE WORD "CAN" i I am completely financed with If you read this composition Eastern : percent umuey. one of the objects for which it is ( Suppose that 1 am no greedier I S wriltou will be accomplished. ; than the other fellow for a prof- I There are two other reasous , it- und .suppose again that I am jwhy this is wished on to you. j Just, as anxious for your business iThe first one is that people areas - '-s ' CAN 'hi,boUt!i;.by you , I supposed to be hungry fox this .than ho TAN, "CAN 1 notr I 1 1 sort of stuff and unless they ot I have sold Inflate i:!: Wick I about so much dished up steftiit- ;ui'j " Shatluek pianos in this ; I ing along with the hot cakes in j country, hi other words One1 J the morning thoy figure that the Hundred uud Thirty l-'ive poor 'guy that's peddling that partieu- deluded .mortals have fallen fol iar brand of Coin Separator don't my particular brand or bunk, amouut to more than a soiled ;arul thoy all tell mo thoy like it. duece and his wares are not in j Emmy' isn't it? 1 would like to the same class as thu sport who i ''ear from you to the effect that smears the front iage all over : y" might consider boing'vieUm ' with a lot of Con talk that no one i - i:,n- I endeavor to make, believes. ttio operation of Separation as The third reason is that I need I painless as possible, but oven if the money. j it hurls a little, you'll reel like I suppose that you are begin-1 you do after you have a tooth j ning to wonder what all this line i pulled, so satisfied and content , of chatter is about anyway, but eel that you'll be glad you was ; be patient. I'm liable to say operated on. As to the quality of my pianos and my methods of doing busi ness and my treatment of my i customers after thoy buy ask Quality, Service & Sanitation- Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. !( you are eating oui Mams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. City Meat k Cola Stop Co. ! 1 i Johnson Bros., Props. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. flANOS : The 0- K. Restaurant. j A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Meals at all Hours 25 cents and Upward. J Only White Waitresses Employed. : HEPPNER : OREGON. I something pretty soon. I'm not going to start out and tell you how badly you'll get stung if you don't patronize me, j but are foolish enough to buy a i J'"111' neighbors piano from some of my competi tors. Im' not the only original little philanthropist. Hotweon you ana mc there are some C. Cuy Wakoliuld, State Ag(-nt. mighty decent men in the piano ,Iumo Alhlri,88i Vmil,ton, Ore- business. Whisper it gently, all evidence to the contrary withstanding. You can good piano from any of them You notice that I say "can." You don't always not quite. 1 want you to take particular ' notice of that little word "can." J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans mid Hat mates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings'. First Class Work Only. Make a Specially of and Hare Complete Equipment for House Moving not- gou. Ranch, Lexington. Ore- iron. Store and Warehouse! buy a; a ..i:..,,, .. , , , . Bring in Your Old Ford I ' 1 I E3 li I I "ii .1 I on Dodging Moth.r Ming. Iufiint pri "livrlos nrp iil unknown In Olilim, nnd t'hlni"n linihlhisls Unit II . . e i . I'lIM ll M' ""Mltl I'M llll'lll. .Atll'lMlMK . i A man regardless of how honest; tn ;hl )1o)t(rlnp f ,rnusm,6n,n Z i ho is and all these sort of things, ; of souls, person pawlnu through hit'lei I ! don't want your business bud'0" ,hpr wr " tiio wheel of no w : I,, I, ,.nl.,ii,. ,.i., l.ort tl... 1 l : enough to sell you a piano for . Ml,,os (. nnils jst ,,P1K ,., i u I less than it COStS him. lie CAN ; lime In cross n hrlilire. He rem mount- j ; do all that he CAN but he CAN'T ll0.v i "I'-l'M l.y n : a ,, ,., , .,, . i "Id tins nillecl Menu, . who, l;ollo In i a . sell without a prolit very long, j ,,,, rmppli( pH,,n Knul , ,,,.,,. . ' CAN a inau who buys through ; mouthful of Hip wBtprt of forgetful-; ? a middleman, that buys of a job-i for v,',,l"h ,,B P"P'nr nume is , " I, , . , , , . ' ., MothPr Monu'R soup. Those who drink ; . ;bor that buys of the factory sell of ,,, fnrftn niflt bn(1 pnsil(?rt . to you as cheap as anolhsr ( thronph or hml known In tliplr fnrmpr i J li 1 o nntl tuns on nrlnn rpimrn Into 1 hp "'il'l't re pntlrply Isnm-nnt. Pomp, J Ihhtpvpv, ninnnpn to doilpo Motlipr Mpiik onil piilor tiio w orl'l full of li Hi'"' lollop, which (hoy rllsplny HS mmn us Hip.v run nrlli-nliitp. i . Scnsntioii I!Umh1 liciintifully col !ircd piinnicl ware at Case Furniture i .Slnro For Hiili.scripliiins to thu "Atncri I'nii Doy" mnjra.UM!, see Konnvth liirniK, llcppncr, Oivfon. j:v:-':iy:::t:j:X::.;:i:j::::v;tt;:v;j: ix -vr -v tt : 1 5 Professional Column M I ) ( I 1 III J ! mctxjtac'Kjttjxtcatac'S. U J A. J U Mm. K..I. VAl'CHAN X f.-i .fellow who buys direct from the a, factory, Four profits against and we will convert into a one-ton truck for S350 - You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. ? ? ? ? ? Need Printed Stationery ol any description? hi : Ml ST Permanently loon led in Oddfellow's bVildint; IIEPPNKR, OKKtiON GLF.NN Y- WI'.LLS Lie E. II. Kellogg Hl-MHUrKS TKl'CK ATTACHMENT J New Arrivals: Florsheim Shoes, Ironclad Clothing, Hardeman Hats. "Nuff ced." SAM HUGHES CO. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. two. Foolish iueslioii No. 1- Can a lirui that advertises in the Oregonian and other big dailies, runs a big store, pays hugo rent, enormous managers salary, clerks, lights and an army of help that don't produce, sell as cheap as a small fry like Yours Truly that has none of these expenses? Idlo inquiry No. Can you blame a man that is uufortunato enough to be run I ning a piano business under the above conditions and needs your business, as thoy iftl do. their expenses like Time goes on for ever, for trying to sell you an ; tin inferior piano when you Male your limit to lie lower than he can afford to sell you a good in strumcnt for. Idiotic Interrogation No. :t. Can a inau who sells his paper at a heavy discount to the hanis Flmt Bt.tnpi of Nippon, It was In Mmvh, S7I, Hint postage atoinpi were for f ho first, tinip Issued In .InpHii, following tiio Rvstem of npslorn I'onnli'lps, 'I'll" Klimip were of four ili'iioinlniil Ions of mon, The'-p Rlittnps, howpier, (Ilr-npiTiirpfl t-horily nflrr 1 their Is'.iio, to ho ippho oil In v,'.' ,r another mtIps In (lie ih'iiooilnnl Ion of sen. The"!' (Innoiniiinl ntm mil ullll In 110 torlnr, hot lit the prpMOit, time tberp Ih h fur wider vinlrty. Hip vnliNM hehiK from one ipiHili r of int In Tho llrfct RlflinpK were rMroinely ri'inln In Bpppniniiip, wore without kiiiii unit wprp pilntP'l hv tlin nni'li'iit niHIii'd of woo,! rniii hi Init. T'hIiiv elo' tile inn I'liinp turn ont tlip (InnipH, hs wr know tlipni In thU c-oiintry. In rnor- mnm fpiniillUes -.liii'iin Hoelety Ihille- Animal Under VV.t.r. Thp Hlilllly of ii lii'iiier to ii'innln un der witter for n Ions time Is nm lenlly 'i toiidh n prol'leni in It looks. When the lnk( or pnml N fioi-n oirr n Iiph rpr will eonip to tiio uieler tiiiifion of thu l'o nnd expel hii Ihi mIIi ko (IimI It will form n wide, tint 1 .tit .t The nlr, ? ? ? Our Job Department is now in competent hands and we are prepared to do Commer cial Printing of all kinds in a manner to please the most particular people. Give us a trial older mid become a satisfied customer. Prices Right Promptness Appreciation and Good Work ATIOHNI'.Y-ATI.AW H.-ppnrr Oregon S. K. NOTSON : i . ATTOUNKV.AT-I.AW -Olllro in Cimil ilout;e HKlTNKi;, OUKCON I)K. N. K. WINNAKI) I PIIVSK IAN tV; St lidlKl.N lIKPPNKK, OKKdON i I A. I). MeMl'KDO ... PIIYSh IAN Si;t;K)M . Telephone iL'l! Olllie I'liltemjii lrnj Storu eoliilncr In coiiIhi I ullh llio 1. n n i ol wn. or private capitalists sell to you l(l prM,.,i, , ,i,n i ,rl-1. -t t- as cheap as tho other fellow w ho It ncnin. 'I'liU oponiiioi, i,.. nm n.peiit tieipiHi inne. i r miir mm nnrhriii sre what we guarantee. Can anyone do more? HT.ITNT.i:, OKKtiON HEPPNER I ID K. E. HI-AMAN;"rr()p. Sui t t M,r In N. A ( Ink Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store We Handle Blacksmith Coal in Sacks or Ton Lots. All Wood from our Y.ird will be Sawed for fi3 cents per Cord. I YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED : I has ample capital and linaiicial ! i backing to curry your account S himself, and to whom your paper S .is as (.'noi.l us your cash. I Kcho answers "('an he.'" That Word "Can" is iuipni t iol i as you pay the bill. Must every i dealer is honest and will tin nil he CAN fur you, ami still imiiu a prolit. Now don't p-l the itlea from this lh:it 1 am oiuir tn ti ll you I don't make a prolit llh'ii S your soul 1 can t.ilk tn y u in a ! tijtit! of vnice that has ini llril in- a frmn Alasli.i tn iuy an alti'inpl tn et t ynu tn up with snnie i f the necf-aiy and if I can wheel!': ynu int paying tne liM! Umitl r l l I mil ,lingl' fur I ho sium ipi tl. ity of piano th" other t'uy who tnak'-s plash gets Sm lion dred and Seventy I ie fur I will ho plea'-rtl. I'm a f t r the Coin just as h u'l .it .my f thetn but the pnilit is, t,,i' ; I rrplCsmi tin; I'. S Vn k Piano I'dctory lirt i. My prices are Mauufact un i s Price to tho iJig ! ak t s 1 havtj no running nvcih'.a'l ) lllo Milne thin FUck.lei. "Itetler ht Woman niel thlitr iroriln for n ipiniii r If olio" Whv oV "It "III mm Hip roiiip'oiy tii'.in.r. 8tie hint nlioroli Ion, i g . $ worth Of IiIhiiIih tijlny to lioll her nii"iin;i iloit n." fllo-lMHsh I'o t. Muit Kp Thim. "Ioe lie keep lilt poii,h,.y' "I (iies o not it Im iiiiI of mir. hoilv tvnnllMl to tMkn Hii rn "-I ieioit Tren l'let. I'S in Ml -I ll I'.- on WI..I tl Mt'li. "Mo- ' 1 . vj p. it..-- , i.!. I iiinn? tnnklii' nm I lil n l.iieit '" "Yen ; mi H U ll loi'lll .' - I to- I"n Ti it n ITl t Tm io-c". Opumooi. ''I 1' I 0 '" lull lolll'l f' 't nfli-r tl'XMI lit .1 o'el' k on oinltijil tfn Itnit" "Wimt 'lo i"'i ft to "i rmi then for?' 'I it mil In .v t.r-i tin. n foli'l to 'oii h ton for now. " .Vit- Vi'k Anierl. mi. The Heppner Herald t RiiUf monlldy v.mIi Iu HI I'l'M H anrf OM )K. J. G. TUKNKR l.v 5rulil POM H ANI) ... . DHK.ON U under new inanagemi't,! and will he enlar((ed m d ln-llered in every way possi hie, Our jinn is In m.ike it a Int ol paper whit Ii will he n wiIioiih' visitttr in evtiy hiikiiiess lioune nod liomr in Mortow Coiuily, WOODSON & SWKKK A! KiltM;S. T I.W tifliep in Palm e I lull I. II 'ppner, Ore. SAM Y. VAN VACTOK VniltM,Y..T...V HKi'rvr.i:, oi;i;;un I.Ot IS I'KAKSON HUTS.!:. ui:i.;iN : t. c. I)i:.nnisi;i: A Pr "T"o f r. ' I tn I "! Mr t Ii-i.-the Un i o b Cn tt f,fttii, . hl,'t el t II r'f'.t ' fc'lf Hl' llt lll'ltr.t f t liili'l fnii-r thvi in. I iiv.n-r "P IfU'r't $1.50 Per Year J J f I rnoiish I i ff. I if i l.-hi r , W K'liir.;'oii hur. IU hi t-i mi ll I t er t lne."- j A I or I' Hie I'p To II'. Hi' 1 Mil Mill I I unH I "Ml! l"U IIKI'l'M.i:. i)i:i:'.(iN "It hrti t ! h .itir .it ' I'ot iiioromn Hi' tnt it In ih tn '. mol foe fn'l inliiiii ho ri"i'l"l in" III ! !!. f ' " V I ! till l ..l." 1 " '' t'l k at i ih ' H' '"tt '1 niit'ilpt.