Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 20, 1917, Image 2

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S. A PATTISON, Publisher.
An Independent, Local News
paper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Post Office an second-class matter.
Terms oj Subscription,
One Year - - $IJ)
Six Mont ha - -Three
Mont.hu - -
FRIDAY. A I'll I L 2, Ml 7.
all the real wealth of the world
will be compelled to pay the bill
while the bond-holders clip cou
pons and draw down interest.
If it is financed by a direct
graduated tax on incomes and
on excess profits the wealthy
classes will be required to bear
a fair share of the burden.
The question before the coun
try is whether we shall follow
the plan advocated by Wall street
; profit takers who are generally
looking out for the "main
' chance" or that which is advo
cated by Presidsnt Wilson and
i which has been tried and not
FOREST. Notice is hereby giv-
en that the lands described be
; low.embracing 397.33 acres, with
I in the Umatilla National Forest,
Oregon, will be subject to settle-
Service Will Be Crippled Un
less Relief Comes Soon.
PAYING THE COST OF WAr! fuund wanti"& the Dritiah
. . . : government.
War is a monster with an in-;
satiable appetite for lives and
money and the fruits of industry.
The human mind cannot grasp I Ntiv" of Au.u.n. Ar. wurd. in
: .,..;.,. ,,f (1,., nf ,1m 1 th Art of Tracking
iur iimoriici., w, ... ...v-j ,M ,,,...,, H1,i H,(,(, (e A1S.
European war to date. It is so uniim! uborigiiie i nt tim final uf
great as to be staggering. War H'R American Indian, ami Ills weapons
not only consumes food and f ,v';?d "l,J "T',yf f,'s"'01",a lo!"'
I urn offcotivo only at, short ranee, but
clothing and munitions -all kinds ils ,,,ntpr tho nntlvo Australian Is
and descriptions of property but! innn'pioiisi.v ncijimtml to uis environ-
it ruthlessly destroys an incal-1 !""',f- .His 1,i','s iu !",,1"8,e
J r i i 1; no wl0iLri of tlie liuhila of unlninla on
culable amount ot food and ! land, In the irroniirt, in nws ami tmuVr
buildings and other evidences of I wiuit, ami uu wonderfully developed
wealth While women and child-1 l,,;r7',fobTn,lT , .
.1 He decovfl jicllfnns by ImllnlliiK Ibeir
ren are starving and freezing ,.,!, r-atcbes ilnd;s by diving below
all over the world war ships and H'1'"'. locntos nu opossum in n treo by
submarines are sending to the ""' " "r by tn night of
. niiisrintoc5i, flnils kiiiiIsph bv olisurvliiH
bottom of the ocean countless iim nr-iimi of birds mid fnilowa a bee
thousands of tons of food and ! ' norc of Umiey.
fuel and other supplies of which I , A'IJ' "'".V"" .,v""'" 1,PVM ,r"0,k
. , ,. I hnwever dim, In sand, on rock or In
the world is in such dire need. Klass (Hh nu easy prey to th black
All Of the COSt Of this COllSUmp- ! frll.nv. Cblldren are tuncht to ltaT;
tlon and destruction must be1 'iz"" "f" w '" "..
: lo find their absent mother bv follow-
paid by this or future genera- hug n-neka too indwtiiwt to nerve R n
tions. If paid by the present ! t-'"1''" tl,r " Kiiropenu. when whlio
man 1h lost, in t Mo desert or o child
Waataful and Conflicting Ragulationa
Hampar Railroad Cradit, Whila Ad
vanca In Labor and Matariala Out
tripa Rtvanuat, Chairman Krutt
achnitt Talla Congraaa Committee.
Unified Fadaral Control Will Improva
la v7 . . w e- tv r..
ment and entry under the provi- ff; HE WORK oHOE OF. IO-UAY .
sions of the homestead laws of ; h 'ft.coriFORaAND.SERvicEA
the United States and the act of 'Iv-U '.'N'
June 11, 1900 (34 Stat., 233), at; BY vvTJMeS
the United States land office at
La Grande, Oregon, on May 10,
l'JK. Any settler who was ac
tually and in good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultu
ral purposes prior lo Januay 1,
l'jOO, and has not abandoned
same, has a preference right to
make a homestead entry for the
lands actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon the appli
Washington. April 2.-The condition ! uons oi uiu ueibons meiiuuueu
In which the railroads find themselves below, who have a preference
as a result of constant Increases in i rjKht subject to the prior right
wages, prices of material, taxes and . , , . , . , ,
other expenses, while their revenues of any such settler, provided
are restricted by legislation, was at rile- ; such settler or applicant is qual-
insiy ueacribeu by jnnns wrmtsennut. ifio( to ma,e homestead entrv
Buy a pair of
and you will
get 16 hours
f solid com
fort everyday.
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Masonic Building
generation it will mean vastly
increased revenues to the gov
ernment. If by future genera
tions it will moan great issues of
interest-bearing bonds which
will mean an intolerable mill
stone hung about the necks of
generations yet unborn for, in
the last analysis, war bonds
must be paid by those whose
labor produces the wealth of the
E' ghn 1 has devised a system
of Bpecial war taxes upon in
comes and excess profits which,
the chancellor of the exchequer
declares, will not only pay the
daily cost of war but will pay
off all war indebtedness within
forty years. These taxes are
drawn, to a great extent from
tho wealthy classes - from those
who are able to pay them. All
Incomes above what is necessary
for a decent living are taxed and
the greuter the income the great
er the proportionate tax rate.
All profits above a reasonable
return on the investment are
taken by the government to pay
the cost of war. Kngland's
working people are better paid;
und are living better today than
ever before and while the bulk
at rays from lioim the final resort, in to
secure h "black 1 rn Iter." National
(.! ets rn pi 1 1 0 Magazine.
Metsagea Thoy Carry Are Packed
Small Gooaa Quills.
The Kcuurul notion tliut all that haa
to bo dono In forw arding a dispatch by
plgeoua is to catcli Uio bird, tie a let
ter to its leg and then liberate, it. Is
wrong, ns tho method of attaching tho
inessiiKc is of great importance.
Trior to the Hlotfo of I'arls tbe meth
od of uillxlntt the message to the bird
mid not received that attctitlon wblcli
It demanded, and consequently many
dispatches were lost In transit.
At flint the mesKaRo was merely
rolled up tljilit'y, waxed over to pro
tect It from tho weather and then at
tached to n feather In tho btid'a tail.
lint It was soon found that (bo twlno
which kept the missive in pljeo cut or
damaged the paper, and tlawfore in
older lo prevent It from bebig peeked
by the pigeon and from being Injured
by wet t lie dispatch was In-a'fted In a
small Koosequlll two inches tn length.
Tho quill was then plerceil eloso to
each end with a redbot boifkln, so aa
let to xptit it, and iu (bo boles waxed
hllk threads were Inserted to a til x it to
the strongest lull feather. Uy attach
lug Iho message lo Ibis jmrt of tbe
bird'H body lis (light was not. In any
way interfered wlth.-1.ono Nitmir.
Hunting tha Emu.
The imthcs of AunIiiiIIii tire Ingen
h is. A bliok on discovering eniiia
fi-rdlng on a plain will nwrr bis bio k
and bind with mi emu dUn. ullolnu
of the masses who are giving up it 10 bang down well on (bo ldu to- Pt-'f cent higher than It was. The sav
their lives ate drawn from that'"1"''1 ""' miKI,sl,''l,lllK ,lir'l- l Id" '"8 to the public In passenger fares
iii mum no wm carry inuoeii nv The , uhimikh un uuh-ipiht u (.iiihv
Chairman of the Executive Committee
of the Southern Pacific Company, in
his testimony during the past few days
before tho Joint Congressional Com
nilttee on Interstate Commerce, which
Is making a study of the question of
railroad regulation. Mr, Krultschnitt
urged the committee to recommend a
plan of regulation which will center
responsibility for regulation and Its
results iu the federal government, sn
that conditions affecting both expenses
and revenues may be mady subject to
a uniform policy Instead of the waste
ful and often conflicting policies In
volved in the system of combined state
and federal regulation.
Why Roadi Need More Money.
Mr. Kruttsclinltt's testimony also had
l bearing on the reasons for Uio appli
cation of the roads to the Interstate
Commerce Commission for a general
advance In freight rates. n showed
that while the price of transportation
has declined in recent years, the cost
of producing transportation, like the
cost of almost everything else, lias rap
idly advanced. This lie illustrated by
showing that if freight and passenger
rates bad Increased during the past
twenty years in the same proportion as
averago commodity prices the railroad
of the United States would have re
ceived $l,BM,nnO,000 more for trans
portatlon In 1915 than they did receive
This saving to tho public was effect
ed. In aplte of an Increase of 03 per
cent In the cost of operation of trains
by a reduction In the average passen
ger rato per mile from 2.01 cents in
1805 to 1.08 centa In 1015, a decrease
of 3 per cent, and by a reduction in the
average freight rate per ton mile from
8.30 mills In 1805 to 7.3 mills In 1913, or
13 per cent. During the same period
tbe cost of operation per train mile
rose from 02 cents to $1.78, almost
doubling. At the same time the aver
age price of 340 commodities enuincr
atcd In a bulletin of the Department of
Agriculture Increased 115 per cent
Transportation is practically the only
commodity in general use that has not
Increased tremendously In price during
tbe past twenty years, freight and pas
aengcr charges being lower than they
were twenty yean ago.
Big Saving to Public
It rates bad risen proportionately to
the Increase In the cost of other arti
cles of ordinary use, Mr. Kruttschnilt
told the committee, the average pas
senger rate In 1015 would have been
2.05 centa a mile, or SO per rent higher
than It was, and the average freight
rato won in imvo noon 1..1 rents, or Ci
and the preference right is exer
cised prior to May 10, 1917, on
which date the lands will be sub
ject to settlement and entry by
any qualified person. The NW1-4
SE1-4, Sec. 5, T. 7S., U. 28 E.,
40 acres, application of W. 1.
Allen, Monument, Oregon, and
Lot 1 (13.38 acres), Lot 2 (13.95
acres), S 1-2 N H 1-1, E 1-2 SVV
1-4SW1-4, E l-2Vl-2SWl-4ofS
Wl-I, NE1-4 SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T.7 S.,
k 9S orwl tho SK 1.4 V. 1.9
SE 1-4 of SV 1-4, Sec. 32, T. G S,
K. 28 11-., W. il., acres,
listed without applicant, total
area hereby restored being '&)!.
33 acres; List. i-l!S. February
15, 1!)17. (!. M. I:wvk, Assistant
Commissioner of the General
Land Ullke.
uiXWiUiki-m iff i
1 mAyM-' i
.Mjliilrtl Tract
LMKirtmcnt of llm Interior, U. S. Land Office at I
Lit Ut'unde, OiH'goii,
March 5lh, 1817.
N ftici' in hereby ttiven that, as directed by the
CuniriHsionor nf the lleneval I.nmi (iVn-r, nniler
pitivmion- tit Sec. J l-i5, U.S., pursuant to the np-
plicaMLn t
I'hil M'KCins. (f I,clih OrrRon,
Serial Nu. hi;. vk wo will nlRr at puhlip U
the htsrhcrtt biddrr. but at nut less than lfJ.:'Jt pf
nt-re, at lOo'elixdi A. M.. on (tti dav nf mn
1117, i if xt. at this office the following tract fo land:
SW 1 I SK 1-1. Sec. M. Tp. 1 h?., R. i R, W. M.
Thii tiii'-l i onfeic 1 into ihe m:rket on a slew
ing that the renter portion thereof is mountain
ous or ti'O ruurh for cultivation.
The sale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared closed when tin we present at the hournam-
ed haw cerm'il biitding. 1 ho jtersun making the
hichest bid ill be reuuired to immediately pny to
tlie Keot'ier the amount thentii
Anv peiMin-'. clniining Ftdvi-rsf ly the ahovc-ile-acribed
land me udvised to tile their eliiintH. or ob
ject iom. on or before Ihe lime dignntod for sbIo. I
('. IH'nn. Register.
N"t an Sku f. Receiver.
t1 -1
the lunch service recently inaugurated by
Union Pacific System
that is proving immensely popular, is
a new reason why you should insist that your
...p. tickets read Union Pacific System.
Coffee . . ,
ftandwiches ,
Plo . . . .
Hard Boiled
Krss . . . 5c
Special Meat or
Fowl Sandwichen
(in season) aoc
All "Off-the-Tray" footis are of same high quntily
as served in Union Pacific Svstem dining cars. The
wattera pass through day and tourist cars with light
foods at small prices. You will enjoy thia feature.
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent
' iiiiii
class the linaticiiil lu i r 1 1-1 is
)laooi on tho vc;il:hy thus, in a
nu'iHtirc, oipialiinir tho hunlon.
Wall Htroot tiiiiiin iiil intorost
hto strongly in favor of hon.l
issnos as tho only moans ot rais
ing war funds ,i is shown hy
circulars now hoin siMit out lo
all parts of tho country advocat
ing that plan, in w hit h tlio state
merit is niii'lo that "tins war,
like all other modern wars, will
h ive to ho paid for principally
hy homl issues." They have
rvidontly not hoard of the I'ntish
plan, or. if thov hae tlt. ,o
ivit approve of it. h- seem lo
wwnt labor to tlll'lllsh not only
tho lives hut ihe moile .
President Wilson, in his war
ine.snue faor.-t tin- Ki'vlisli plan
for in thai document ho :..es;
"It will in oiv e also o eour. e.
Ilu if runtiiiM: of adequate eiedlt
to tbe ffovcrnment. sustained.
hope, ho far as they cati - uit -nbly
he fcustann .'. .v hepn r iit
iroiicration lv well eom'ehed
Ux.ition. 1 fay t-uMained m far
s ma.. bt t' lUitahie fy taxatoin,
because it seoms to mo it would
b most unwise to ha-ie the cre.l
iU w hich w ill now h r,oecs-ar
entirely on nvuiey Urrowo I."
If the war is In aticed by bond
issues it will mean that the fann
er, tho laborer, the common citi
mi who produces ami distributes
sl.in ii homiu'i'iiut: unit tun- ur tn
lliliiwliii; silil.s ur "wmlillri." TliMt
Ins li'l'i nun nill pintrmlo lu'Voml Dm
si. in mi iiinlit mil t.i tin- cIIkiw. and flui
l"ii'!iiin li l In-lit up, llh Hie liniul
at rlvilit n ii u; li s .i It, I lior-tv innktliit
-i I'll a I iiiiiiniii.il of nu I'liiu a liciiil nii'l
ih'i U. Now unit thru linml nrirail
ill he hloimlii n Hi,, en. mill a 1f fur
1 1 . .I lilu. iiml ns llii Mil k alk aloin!
Ill' llllilllll'M H CIV lllulilM) (if lp Mill
vliilc nt Hie miiiic Him' l.y niiania i f
t! Iii;; i in- lie iluina a Mpciir u 1 411 if lUn
l I'Hii'l. lie pi.NiciU tlinn iintft. i'loo
cn.nih to n'i-iir Iin I'lnl.
Ht Tradamarka.
I.llilii icilliciiilcil .l.iliiiiiv c.'t a Jnli
a . ulli. I...V f.ir ttio rtlriit nf a
l.ir.-i- nciriu rallnav, Afi-r 1 lia.l
lin ii'..ii III,. J. .Ii acrcraf ilnta Itirr
k'uvc linn 11 f.'iin t. till .'ii nilli Ii a
I'cr-.uiiil It.-. ..t .t."
W lieu j. Mini ,T. .tinny ifiim. to R j.r.
Ii. iiI.H .rii!i'li Hist .HI, I, ' Hurt loll
,iim M-ililn innik for Mcntltlcailmf 111
' ' n.-.i.l. ht ,.r .li:r ' .n rf
fi.-in In. iiiiii nn. 1 iH.iu'.l or " a
"i ' i near l.y (.. kit liiin.ir a g.V'i
ill in-'i'. leu, 1 1 1.-. a lie icITiicI . lit.
1.1-k mil uioli- n. Ina air-wor lit tliia
l i ininal iptciy, ' Notlilm; tAi cpt in
v'k" V.iiitli l'iiiiiaiii.iii
l'.r.o .
I W ta'
.,.o.' if hrf ,
l.-l p
tn r 1
I .. O-.' I lc (
0-., " M...h ,1 1
n lhal Ou.l J, K.,M ,
. M IVren.h. 1. 1,1.
tl.Mn!.l I'niry Nu. iv:;:. (or
1: 1 2 w 1 4 i un.hir 1 n n ji t m m
ha flr-l .( it imK n lo makr li,l f,, ,,,
.r. f I. e. .!.; .h c;im I.. II,. land ll.l.dw, b.
l lr r llr, ...r , (., , , t,M (f
a.' UltilVk i'n-i.-n. rn Ihe ti, 0ai o(
! I' "
I U'-M'-! hin... a. a ..rM
me tr..c X tSmnint. pf
Coal. H ,!,.f
11.1 l.oer Oira..,
Ke Vrrl
iihi ami In fn-klii rntca $l,r,IO,(MKi,(KKi.
I'nlTprsnl nillroail liaiikrnptrr uinlcr
I tills roiliiiMlon In ratra ami Inerea .-i1
Cost of operation, lip aiiM, win avohli 'l
i only ly licavy citpciiilltiircj to uMaln
; Incroaacd cHlelctiry In train morrnipiit,
j iiiakiiin It l"""ill to haul inorp toii.a of
I frt'ltflit per hvoinotlre. 'I'll I linl rc
tlui'i'il the a vera ice coat ef linnllnj a
ton of frclnlit. Iiut Hie iltlinc In the
arera;; frelclit rato lift tl re.ln.-f.t the
' net revenue of tho ronila from c.n h ton
Imiileil. If the oprratin cmla of Hip
rallria'la, tnclii'ling the prl-ea of coal.
Ial"r ant niaterlnl, continue to al
i ranca at Ilia t'leaent rale a lot of mil
! roaila will he In the liainla of rc cln ii
j hv 10H imlrs lome rclh-f la atTor.lc.l.
1 Mr. Krtittavtihllt tohl tho roiiimltteo
I 'wing to tho rle of ronimoil ty
prh'ca," lie ml. I, the pnr hanlnu pnrr
, of the ilollar hai fallen M per cent anil
the rallroaita are In the poaiiion of t..
lug eoinpellnl t.y law to accept pnv.
ment for tlielr aervlce to tho pul.!l,- :i
currency worth 4. renta on the dollar.
Publie'a Chitf lrlrtt.
"'I'tia pnMic'a g'eaiet ln'rirat is Pi
a'tejnaie tianaponatlon fa lltl.a an 1
n"t ao nun h In low ms At to m
coiniimlllira firl.-ht ratea fdin a tr:y
amall proptirtlon ef their iot.
clU'lltig low gia1 C"inmt1tijr, tl a
pe.niage cf ilia freight rate m t'-e
ct It pi allglit at t'-" eff.-r no j'isti r a
! tlon for any t'lhatantlal In. tee Ira
prt. re to tti consumer It may te
UtatrJ wltti little fear cf C l.tia lj. tlon
thai tli couiumer achlom. If nor,
prcflta from a lowering of freight rat, a
'ritortlonata rhargea are 1 tlilrg of
th paat. and uinler th attempt to nit
ratea to their lowrat poull lc ttfc-nre
lli tntereat cf tha h"l nt-llo In the
rliaraetrr anl Han. lard rf tno.apoi
tlon la auN'rdlnatr1 1 1 the Interot .t
that part of It. a puKIc only thai r. (.
tJ lower ratea-tlmt ta to aay. the hij
pert and (heir agrnta and hot the g. n
cral ,-uMle, Ida ultimate ivnauuier"
I .uhiH .1 Trart
Dei'Rttiili-iit of lh" Inl.-riur. tr. S. l.iitul Ollioe al
Ltt (jrumif, Oii'v.-oii.
March 5. 1917.
Notice i I.it.'I.v ki fii tliai. as titrrct.'d by the
Citmini'sinni-r uf Liu1 lii'ti.-'iil l.antl olllce, uniler
pni ifi'itiH nf S.--. Jl''. K. S.. uiruant to the flp
nliviitii.ii "f
William II. I .liin' ...if Cecil. Or.-an,
Serial Nu. i'l ''..II. -v. ill tiller at mil.lir i;,!,.. U.
i the llinli'l I'l.'-ler. lull lit ,t..t le.i llwill fci.MI per
I aere. in In tiYI... k A. M.. un ll.e -ih il-.y of May,
; 1'.'I7. net. al tin ..ll the f..il..'. I met of land:
i SW 1-4 Nl',1 I. See. '''.. l I S.. It 21 K.. W.M.
) I Iii ' liiiel i . ..r.i. r. . 'iiln the n ,,rl.el on a i-how-
llltf lll.ll lite a' it" I "'l I I..I1 I lieV.h.f i. lll.illlltHIl).
: .iu". ur I.ni r t h I. .1 eull : nt i.-ii.
'1 lie Hiile miI noi l.e kepi in. ell, but Mill he de
elared elose.l lien I ln,-e preeiit at the hnurnain
v haM" eeii-e.l liiil'l nif . Ihe peiwen nrnkintf the
ll'elie-l l.i.i 11 tH I.. I.-.IU re ! t.i iiiiiu..,li.,t ly pay (,.
the tier li ll. ...til Hie I.
Am I--' el. . ".me ti Iver-. h the tiU.ve ile.
. .i i.Ih-.I t.u , me i. li .. . t. I t'.. ir elirn... or oi.-
te.lle.l- .-it el ..-t'..ie 'lie I l"le t - ,1 ,;it. I or sltl'.
! I S ii s s' licet .to,
N'.i N SKII I . Ileeeiler.
UC service Fnrnituro.
M,L Quality
BEST PHce Undertakina
H hi: ll i: ii in to rn
I ..l:l.. I I l. I
Ofptitinti'iit ..
I. tl I , Mii.le. lit e
NO IU K I. It.
II. e I etl.tn:..!
.ler tl.e I ,el l-.ol
III. l ft., til I' .
. I l . 'I.I
the h l.e '' .
a-re a' I '-
l-.l" ... I ..I I.
Ml I 1 I
I, . l,- ' :
lieu tl i...e
Ilial i
..ii.; i .
. II s
t.att.i I t;t'.e at
.lire, led In
,i.d ..tl. e un.
eiir uu'iV ll.
. 1,.
. .1
I. Vi.nl l-'e ..
Hie 1.... I. .
p, I.. I:.
In ,
... I..I ; . .t ,'.
a -l..w.
....... -i n
;i li
the hour
"1 11'll.M
.1. itl iiteijr
l.,.e .le
. . c . ...
...-I l 'i
I.e.. .er
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore.
All Kinds of Fire Wood
Rock Springs Coal.
"Best in the West"
All orders entrusted to me will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Phone Main 396 or Main 393.
t 4-1 I'
It l,...'H
to tlr I' K ...!
per j.. .e at e
L I'l' !' .
ol i. i
' l.. '. I 1
11. o 1 i.
.m. o o-r a
ou. ... I . p . II
1 1....- ;
,',.! . k-.'t
' ... I I .-
the h '
p, P Ih. II.'
. p.-.
.1 .. . h ,
- I...I '
- t at ,
a !.. -. ', a ie-.l.-
..,t ... . .. o .. r ...
o . ... , .wt f. ,
I'l W Ilea
' LAN th.t I i e.f.'.
To sell to iU luiyi-rs wlio will ctininu'nce tn arrive
lu re on the '.Mil. of thi nvmili. Ifymi want to
scnil me tlie full particulars, nml ilcsci s i t i n i el ymir
lainl, ali your lowest rice uml tlie ternu. also a full
list of what jroes w ith your ranch if iuiprovci ami full
description of all improvements. Lam! NOKTII of the
Inse line preferrcil. hut ran s-!l huvl anywhere in
Morrow Coimtv.
My charge for ellir laml i FIVE rER CENT.
The quicker I hear from you. the quicker your
ranch will bo soM.