Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 20, 1917, Image 1

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Zep support Heppncr Business
Men who help support Heppner.
Central Oregon gets on and off
the train at Heppner Gatewa).
Willi which is consolidated The lone Dullvtin. A first class twspiM'r cnlcml lit the pist.nTVr al lli-,,ii-r. Oroton as vi'inl-el:i maltcr
'1 I'
The grain elevator project of
the lleppuer Fanner's Union,
has become an assured fact. No
longer is it only "talked of" or
"hoped for" but by the action of
the building cointnitto last Sat
urday it became a certainty.
Bids for the construction of
the plant were opened last Sat
urday and the coutract was
awarded to J. W. Johnson, of
Seattle, for a consideration of
about $18,000. Besides Mr.
Johnson the Tum-a-Lum Lumber
Co , and the Burrill Construction
Co , submitted bids there being
but slight difference between the
respective (inn's figures but
after careful consideration on
the part of the com milieu, Mr.
Johuson's bid was accepted as
being the best.
Because of the excessive price
of steel for re-inforccmeut of a
concrete structure the com mittee
decided to build of wood but
along all other lines the plant
will bo of Iho very latest uikI
best in design, machinery and
construction. Experts who have
examined the plans and specifi
cations agree that, when com
pleted, tho Ueppuer Fanner's
Union will have one of the very
best and most modern elevators
in the state.
Power for operating the ma
chinery will be supplied by two
Opponents of the road bond
bill contend that Iho proposed
bond issue will become an added
burden to the general taxpayer.
As a complete answer and ref- towards the cost of building good
utation of this argument, the roads. All the individual ever
Everybody wants good roads.
The need for improved highways
is admitted. Every citizen is anx
ious and willing to pay his share
Legislative Good Roads Commit
tee has incorporated the follow
ing statement as a part of its
argument in support of the bond
bill which will be published in
the official state pamphlet:
"We have ascertained from
the records of the office of the
Secretary of State that the in
come from tho present quarter
mill tax is $220,000 per annum;
that tho income from auto licen
ses based upon the present num
ber of automobiles at Iho in
creased license rale effective
August 1st, will bo not less than
$310,000 per annum lo bo used
in paying iuterest and principal
of bonds. The above funds will
be sullicient not only to pay Hie
interest ami the principal of the
$0,000,000 bonds authorized by
this act, bul will also pay the
interest and principal of tho
$l,8IO,2wo.-ri iu bonds authorized
to meet l tics government roan
appropriation After paying
these bonds there will be a sur
plus of at least $2,7:3,402.25.
Since 1911 the increase in the
number of automobiles in the
State of Oregon lias been 33 1.3
22 horse power gas or distillate ! per cent per year. With the
has insisted upon and is asking
today is that the public receive one
dollar of value for every dollar
expended in road construction.
Frequently in the past the pub
lic has not received full value
from these expenditnres. But
this has been due invariably to
the lack of a systematic plan of
road building and an intelligent
supervision of the work hy pub
lic odicials charged with disburs
ing the fund.
Tho last Legislature, however,
provided the necessary legislation
for introducing in Oregon a sys
tematic and intelligent campaign
for the state-wide construction
of permanent hard surface high
ways. A complete road code was
adopted and a Highway Commis
sion created for its adminislra
tion. Another measure provided
for the issuance of bonds aggre
gating $1,800,(100 with which to
match an equal amount provided
by the Government, under the
Shackleford Act, for the con
struction of post roads and for
est roads.
Most important of the Legis
lative measures was that author
izing the issue of bonds to the
jjjTho Department of Slate, at
Washington, I). C, on February
8th issued the following state
ment: "It having been reported to
him that there is anxiety in some
quarters on the part of persons
residing in this country who are
the subjects of foreign states
less their bank deposits or other
property should be seized in the
event of war between the United
States and a foreign nation, the
President authorizes the state
ment that all such fears are en
tirely unfounded. The Govern
ment of the United States will
iu no circumstances hike advant
age of a stale of war to hike
possession of property in which
international understandings and
'the recognized law of the laud
give it no just claim or title. It
will scrupulously respect all
private rights alike of its own
citizens and of thu subjects of
foreign stales."
QSaiu lv Van Vactor. loeal at
torney for the O. V. R. .V X
Co., received a telegram Wednes.
day morning fiTuu A. O. Spen
cer, general counsel at. The
Dalles, asking him Insecure per
mission from Sheriff Mo-DulTeo.
for the appointment, as deputy
sheriffs of the armed guards be
ing placed at bi idges and olhei
strategic points on the railway
line in this county. The guards
are being placed as a precaution
ary measure against possible
depredations of enemy spies and
is iu line with the general policy
of the country since the deelara
lion of war against Germany.
engines of the most modern type completion of good roads this i amount of $,000,0X) for the
mcreaso will naturally bo Uir-or. i construction of main trunk lines
However, wo have not taken any j throughout the stale. At the
increase into account but have lHamc tini. another bill was pass-
ed doubling the annual license on
and all of the other equipment
will be of au equally modem do
fin., . ...:n r : i . .
me engines win iu i uisii uu based our figures on tho present
excess of power for present nun,bcr of automobiles."
needs but it is confidently ex- j
pocted that additional capacity ; This j8 Nol shocking
...ill l.,. .. I. ., .,,!!
business wiunn a year or so
The capacity of tho initial plant
will bo 100,000 bushels.
It is also plauned to instalPlii
connection with the elevator a
complete llouring mill of 2"
barrel daily capacity which will
be operated during the months
when the elevator is not busy
hand'.ing thu grain crop. It is
said that such a mill is now be
ing built that can be installed at
a cost of some $:i00 that is guar,
anteed to make a strictly lirst
class grade of patent Hour and
the managers of iho project
tigure that this department alone
will go far towards paying all
running expenses of the plant
and obviuto th c necessity of ul
all automobiles and motor vehic
les. The revenue from this
source, together with the money
strict confidence Leslie i derived from the existing one
Matlock, tho other day, inform- fourth mill tax will meet all in
cd the Herald man that Harry ' tercst charges of the proposed
Rood has recently purchused u t bond issue and retire the bonds
swell little gas buggy "built for I without adding a dollar lo the di
two," and two only and that : reel taxes of the individual.
Harry informed him, also in j Of these various measures, on-
strict confidence, that this par-j )y one the $(, 000,00(1 l'.ond III
Miss Mason was iu from her
1'iUieh Tuesday.
The war pictures shown Tues
day evening drew a good and'-once.
Deri Mason has sold live Deer
lug combines and has several
other hales iu view. This little
combine is Milled by twelve
horses, cuts twelve feel and is
run by two men. With (tie
.iliortuge of hands" and Ihe high
cost of feeding a large harvest
crow these little out fits will hen
groat thing for Ihe farmers.
Sunday sure was a stormy day,
bul when we saw how it pleases
the farmers no one has a kick to
make, if I he weal her man w ill
just send a lew more sueli rams
at the proper lime tin- lone rmiii
try will do its sare iu providing
War Time food si m IT.
The first and second gradis
ticular buggy is not to be used i will be submitted to the voters Licl, .,( (,e i,,jMi t ,,f (iraon Coeh
either in looking after his farm, j for their Approval at the special i
ing operations nor in taking bis j election, June lib. This measure1,
gentlemen fiiemls ii p'easuro ' asks nothing of anybody except
rides or lis h ing trips. If any that which he must pay under!
other proof wero needed than , laws which go into effect regard- j
Harry's word which of course less of whether the bond issue be
is not that the above statement adopted. All manner of safc-j
is mi ultimatum, it may be found j gumn iaVe been provided out '
iu the fact that after buying the Bj,0 l)l0 lon,ijng a(.t. The High !
swell little wagon, Harry w cut ; way (Vunmission has been rone'
to the additional expense of Lav- ionized, methods of road con
in" down I (i.l I ,e. in in n I e kluieli'.., I I t I
lowing the plant to lay idledur-, 7 " ,. . t ,i , H",,,,u" "'""""
mi ..,..,. absorbers installed on Ihe ma- competition in contracts has been
Tl I anner's C ion is to be1'"'0 S lll!,t Wi,wt,Vur xMk Ml ' ''' '"'l".lsory and an anli
. ' " .' . nb'-i"' iU tind herself wafted f0nspiracv bill has been passed.
LULU II V I III IU IVl UUSIIIUSS'IIUL' I ,, Ml, l-ii 111 ' . .
.: .. ... .... .. "'""G l,Vt'r Uu: llllls 1,1,11 (llll' "f ; Amortization tables show that
Morrow cornty as gently ns the income irrevokably pi , ided
"Rock a Dye Haby in a Tree will retire the ;,0(Ml,NHi bond
Top." or a a thistle down on u jss,.( ,,.,. t the requirements ot
summer evening breize. j the Federal Act, provide maim
III fact this lieW Wl.goli is (,iin"ii,, nf i-imil-t :nl I, u kin-
plus even if there be no increase
ran Tuesday evening after school
for a parly.
Mrs. ISurkholder who has
Spent .'2 years iu mission work
iu India spoke at I In: Congrega
tional church Sunday evening.
Mr. W. I. Scrivnoi was down
from lleppuer Tuesday hi de.
liver a llumley engine in Mi
llavei stick who has ii nils
bought the Atkins place up 1,'lu a
creek. It was a new style of en
To the. Editor:
Many questions have been
asked recently in regard to mat
ters arising out of the conditions
which necessarily prevail on ac
count of the slate of war which
exisln. I'eoplo must boar "in
mind that many 'things which
ire permissible iu a lime., of
peace .are not permissible in a
time of war. It is the policy -of
both the National and State Gov
ernments to cause as little in
convenience to citizens and others
as is consistent with the proper
protection of the rights and dig
nity of the country.
Citizens are urged to refrain
from talk and actions which
ire calculated lo stir up trouble
with foreigners who may be
within our borders or with our
citizens of foreign birth If any
citizen comes into possession of
any knowledge or rumor oT any
acts or talk- inimical to the inter
mis of the country, he should
tint peddle Ihe same about, but,
should communicate it In sonic
pac ollieer, who will take such
steps as are necessary in the
premises. If this policy is pur-
sued, loreigneis ami loicign
born citizens will bo saved
humiliation and much ill fooling
will be avoided. Those who
sympathize with Ihe countries
whli which Iho doled Slates is
at war are ml uiunishpd to follow
the rule laid d iwn by the Attor
ney deiieial ol llio- 1 iiiteil
Slates "Oliey Ihe law, and keep
your mouth shut " Tf this plan
is followed, no inconvenience
W'll be experienced.
I'rophi should inform them
selves iu regard lo the law
touching t lie desecrat inn of the
Mag. This is not a tune for any
foolishness iu bis line
SI i inign rs iipimI not bo surpris
ed if ihey I i tul Ihetuselvos Iho
ohjpcls of olwervalion And
strangers in Ihe coininiinily who
do not appear to have any oin-
D1FD Mrs. W. T. Matlock. ! l,"V'"iii ii'-e.l not be mi i pneil
well known iu Ibis eilv, loosed I if Hi-y are held h. uiowor p. a
away al Imt homo iu I'milaml
last Monday. Deceased wns a j
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. i
I how n, of Lone 1,'ock. She w.isi
lop l'rioc for Wheat
Frank Anderson sold his wheat
crop of some ll.ono bushels
Monday lo, Spencer Akern, agent
for the North western Grain A
Warehouse Co., of Cortland, for
Jui record price of 12 00 pel
bushel. This is the lop price si
far reported at any interim
Mr. and Mrs. Farley Entertain.
A pleasant, evening was enjoy
ed by a select party of young
people at the country home ol
Mr. -and Mrs. Pete Farlev last J
Sunday evening when they en
tertained al dinner the M'eisef.
Norah Hughes and llannan Wil
son and Messrs. l'at Council,
Frank MrArton, Hugh McNainep
and Mr. Phillips.
Following n splendid diniu'i
the company was enlPilained b
a .number of vocal selections by
Miss Wilson with Mr. McNamee
as accompanist at the piano.
An enjoyable feature of llu
evening was an informal talk on
equal Hull rage by Mr. Phillips.
The gnosis spent the night al
Ihe l'ai'leyJiDino and wcr driv
en lo Heppner Monday morning
whore they to safely deliver
ed at tho Wilson hotel.
about, 1 1 years old.
MA KIJI F,D--Fore.-t Kinehatt j
and Miss Iva Dinwiildie, well1
k now ii , oung p' oplo of io a i
1 Mutton, weie 1 1 1 ; i it t 1 in 1 1 1 1
oily l,i -.1. Saturday by 1'ily l.'e
eoider. .1 I '. William, in hi j
otVoe The happy couple i t -I tit i - I
action in tins mailer. 1 lie
union is a s-troug and ttlicicnt
orgauizitioii and K perhaps, do
ing more t solve the many com
plex problems which have for
years been confronting Ihe farm
ing industry than any similar
organization ha- ever done.
L'ilie for I his I' ll I of I lie coillil
in lhallhelwo plows that it pulls j'"' L'Muglon lli.il evening
are built into I he f rame ol I he on. j M il i ii-d .lames Morgan ami
gilic. Miss N Hie KeUi-y, well klloUM
The Mid-CI -nubia M, - I J I" "l'!" "r M',i row county,
held al ti.eConer, yal ioiil -him I, j were iniilcd in maniago l isl
M"liil iy i Selling at Ihe olllce ol
sr u a ran teed to be us shockless as
a consoled movie ti ! iu and the
truth of this statement may bo
proven by piaetiaat demoustni
tion by the tiisl or any subsn.
qucnt young lady who enjoys u
ride iu it. Mr
that Mr. Rood
Land Contest Case Heard
Evidence was taken in a lain!
contest case of considerable bi
ll rest on Tuesday In fore County
Judge Patterson, silling as a C.
S. Land CuuimissioiitT. The
coiiUstanl is .Joseph D Handy
uud '.he contestec E A Hamutcr
About a dozen witut-h'a-s were
fxaminc-1 and n' tusttmony was
voluminous, ruiiiio-'s' into many
foho 'Ihe ease lu:J nil day
and until l"",, p in C F.
Woi-lst-U. of this city, n present
ed the contestant an I .1. R
Ralcy, i f IVtulh t-'ii. Hie c-u-
tishc j
The l.iuJ in question is loi ah .l Walter ('ocl r.ni. sat;j of the
ou H itlcr crtik uuJ IliC interest lone luib pciiJttt. agam "Sun
cd i',n ties aud witnesses all can e daycJ" in ll'-ppticr this week
fivin Cat ntwn ' Tl.e b -ys iy it a Ubil Lu l. ts.
in assessed able or munbi-r ol
Approval of the bond nica-oii-ei
by the voters is all that is need-1
ed t' carry out the good roadj
I li-loi se-
tlie -111111
eiaiioia M,ys ,atnpaign elleclivdv
s;t)s lhat he ,,,( f ,. MIIU
(Uoo-I) will not be shot ked 'I rlrction would inean Ihat achml
eligible yt.ung la.ltes will tile , .p. ,,,;! ,.,, .,., ilM ,,(1, ir,.in
lihc.it.on for the lirst ride in this . l.a,.f yiiVi,
dehghtf-d little joy a,n but , .asr(., voters ro not n-k.-l h.
that he w.ll be mo.t overwhelm. iV),,,. l,iiM,v. ti,,. lM.n,yWK l,,,,,,)
tnrly pleas.,1 ,y s,1(;i neiK.n !, .i,,.,,-,-,!,,,,! ,. ,.., ..,.
The lleiaU wt,h.s H t- be,,0M.riin.,,nl(.lo, an, (, ,in( ,
dishnclly understood nmt lt j, ah hararterof H,.-.r c
not publish. ng Ih.s Moty i.C Mrlldlin All toad; wnl i- built limy Iho I
violation o any conieicnct: bul i
Wed nesd iy and Thursday of llo
week was well al'- n-l- -I "and t it
joyed by all
liooil Intlsii; alid llitl I e-I in;.'
spiakeis veie well iiiiii I.)
Ill I audit noes at at h uu t Itn
j Mr. I'l'onk lets had ll Id
ItoUsc 1 1 , V f - I hi lie.' bull id his
lot and will soon stall wi'tlt on
Ins new 1 1 seleaee
Mo , of I la' I u lie I s III I hi '
Vlcliill ill i' lliieiL;h seiihnu'. bul
i line w lio a i e sow iii g la i g" crops
ate slill wot king at it
Gimi. .mio w,i hi Ioak Moiel iy
tl II I lollli f, ei I' MM In i "I sl:o,
at his place
Since Mr. lo-sinati ioiim , I he
pupil .
Cti y l.'ecoi di-r .1 . I'. Williams,
I h it oll ' lal p-'l t'll'liiilitf I he ( ol e.
tiiolty wliicli Iti.ole Iwo ynni't;
lie ails In al aone 'Ihe Itajq y
c eiple a I e ' eeei iui I he con.
gilt ul. ll toll ' "f 'In if flU'lel, gill
Will H'sille ill M"l low '! II I
' Adrian MaPc-nn wa-i a I m si
tu - -s i -itot' to ll'Tpttcr 11111' da
I last week,
' A'biaii and I ,i 1 1 SUter aie
I'l l hi,;' ready l'if a nummer'n
en-ipittgti on their Miin!na t hiinii
in tin ( It ei-iilioi n iiiii'iiilainn.
:f Al f r pMC i;r o bg llllt M
,;; Imnch of (r.ii during Ihe
, -ontmier lout, 1 1, -i.
slit" Cv as ,i ui at ti r of tti'tus.
under tin' Kuper iMoti of
Slate Highway . Cotniiu
i Ahich rrradd for that
Cifie p'U "s'.
the Ijii n no cling at i if hi in loi k s ,
lull lie! e,i' l.' rs I .l-, elo it 11 h!e li p
pr it I ll'll V o It. '
M r vol M is, 1 1 i in s V t I c,
ouli',,in;' pissi ii-i i , Sit'idij I
Cs';r Kcithlcy as in from for spoHiue Mr Itetes w ,i,l
Ins farui Uoiijc Sil-U'lay , t ii i i y ht mo'lo i 1 1 , t- f i
('1i 'hi ll I I ' ill IIH lil
f.t and Mi Spiiry vain
r-n'iniy Bali.ilofs S'-ndy
The l"tt I s ill pUy b ill
it h I he -'lb' I rj t e 4 HI Shu.
t.ha"v'e ol iigraitcy. It is a poor
time for loafer anyway, ami
loafers wliu iiienol known and
who cantiol be vouched for had
boiler seek employ ineiil or keep
moving. Careful instructions
touching ibis mailer mo being
jircpar.id by Ihe pith-rat and
Stile a ut hoi dies, llltd all olliel'ls
ivill lie fully nihil uieil w il bin a
-1 1 I I lltne.
I.'rsp. l fully ,
S I!. NillsoN.
Disi net Ally
'I'lie Foib niie.l ( bnn-h
Sunday s, ,o,, ul ;t. la a in .
Al lie- close of Iho lesson
psiio'l We hall have a tilt' I its
'Iff servic't by UU Ill I. r I s of I In-
-( liool I f you w aid lo hit vo a
ht 1 1- iu I ii tut i OK up "l ill I I i lii i' y '
ho oil I, and
1 1 ir til.tr mo i long i li'it' Ii -on .
ien 1 1 a in.
Tin uu" of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ( sermon
"I'lesinl Day I. Iy Life.'
I tl I he v coil'!.'. I 'ii I tl l'i' of
I ho Lite i, f Chi 1st from I'aiMiry
in I hi- A ct'lt sum
Chun I, of I h i imI
I'i eaelitng al II i m and 7-1''
P in S ihiei l of H-riii"ii fi r
Nnndiy iiionnii;', Aptd " I lie
Mission of I li I 'bin ch
',',iiiiii:' subrcl ' 'Tho Mist
I nipi'i I ii' I'niii m i ii il Lver
iood III 'I 10. A I 'II di ll g I I ' I
ir-; for all
No Ticspisstn2 ' Mgns itt lh
H"raM oft i n