Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 13, 1917, Image 4

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in the History of the Am
erican people has the
Food situation equaled
the present.
by raising your own veg-etables?
Phelps Grocery Co.
A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and
discuss the News of the day.
I Make a Specialty of
Plate Glass, Burglar and
Automobile Insurance
Also write all kinds of Surety Bonds '
1 expect a number of land buyers here, If you want to sell
your farm or ranch, list it with me.
"No Trespassing" signs at the
Herald office. 4fHf
Alex Warren was in town from
Hard man Friday.
W B. Ewing. of Cecil, was in
thp city Wednesday.
Mrs Fred Camp was in from
Sand Hollow Saturday.
Sherman Shaw was a Cecil
visitor during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adkins were
Heppner visitors Saturday.
Roy Cochran was in the city
from lone during the week.
Bernard Pohr. of Ihirdiuuu.
was in the city on business last
; Friday.
? I Hulless and beardless scud
barley for sale, B. F. Swaggart,
Lexington. Oregon. fild
Carl Smiih, Jim McMullen,
and Bill Griftith were here from
Arlington Wednesday.
Jarnes Johns and son, of Pen
dleton, were business visitors
iu Heppner Tuesday.
Hugh Stautield, of the well
known firm of Stanfleld Bros ,
was in Heppner Tuesday.
II. L. "Pat" McAHster, well
known Lexington citizen was a
visitor here last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rhea,
prominent Rhea creek ranchers,
were in the city Sunday.
Baled Hay and Grain for sale
at White Front Barn.
VV. T. McRoborts.
Clifford Si mm s and wife, of
Eugene, are iu Heppker visiting
her sisters, Mrs. A. D. McMur
do and tbo Misses Sybil and
Lulu Hager.
Dr. Gaunt was a Hard man
visitor who registered at the
Palace Friday.
Not gone or going but here to
stay. Permanently located at
Heppner, Oregon. Dr. D. R.
Haylor. 4tf
Members of the Episcopal
guild held a pleasant meeting at
the home of Mrs. Pruyne on
Thursday of last week.
Frank Elliott, of Lena, passed
through Heppner the Drst of the
on his way to Portland
where ho went to meet Mrs.
Elliott who has boon sojourning
in California during tho winter
for the benefit of her health.
FOR SALE Twelve good
work mules; also some good work
NOW IS THE TIME to be think
ing of the Dresses you will need for
the warm weather. Do your shop
ping and sewing while it is cool don't
wait for the warm days to come and
then rush to do it.
Come in and look at our line of
dainty Spring Goods-Lawns in stripes
checks, floral and many other patterns.
Dainty Voiles, Pongees and Crepes of
all kinds. Sport stripes and checks.
Don't forget the Flaxons; every la-,
dy knows their value.
Buy NOW while stock is complete.
Dry Goods Department
It is reported hero that the
Oregon-Dakota Land Company
is about to close a deal for some
"000 acres of their holdings in
tho north part of tho county.
W. D. Newlon, the well known
realty denier, of Lexington, is
said to bo handling the deal.
J. T, Rue, a well known stock
S.p tViPP nnimuk nt I man of Monument, was a busi.
Roy V. Whiteis
Heppner, Ore.
Economic Vtcm redness!!
1 he Inst c.soniial i eijuii emcnt in time of war is that
the people shall have loud. Wifli woild conditions BS flt
prwtt tlii r untry r annul nfloid to allow the food sup
ply for the coining o.r to hp determined by the ordinary
inlhiencox allotting production.
I he w hi'le woi Id is lute nl food supplies, and dependent
upon llie i r p id HH7. The held t I.urope are poorly
tended and scantily feitilied. with the r Milt that a short
crop ix nliradv foreshadowed. Our own winter wheat
crop ix unproiniNiin'.
The piice ol loud tin eai depends upon the effort of
the next l w weeks; lheie should he general compre
hension that I ho hi s;1t pine ol t' r past winter have been
due tc failure to ktoh and stoie enough (ood last summer.
The Mine expeiieiue will be repeated next winter, per
haps nioie srvrtrlv. unless production it increased and
intensified. I'ativ at te ol tillable soil should he utilized,
every available pound ol lertilicr used to enrich the Innd,
garden cultivation should )c resorted to as never before, to
meet the serious com' which this country, in com
mon with other countri , fanr(i for this year.
Our entire industrial situation may be disorganized by
high prices for food, and the outlook demands the molt
serious attention of our people.
The First National Bank
my place. GUY BOYER, Hepp-'ncss visitor in Heppner Thurs
ner, Ore. lGtf. I day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cypertl Not gone or going but hero to
and daughter, of Walla Walla.! stay. Permanently located at
were the guests of Mrs. Frank i Heppner, Oeegon. Dr. I). R.
Parker during the week. 1 Haylor, eye specialist, 4tf
I. l Richardson, well known Ralph Bengc, uf Walla Walla,
Standard Oil representative. w;ls lt business visitor here dur
was hero during the week with ing the week,
a crew off nine salesmen looking ; has Stanton, of Walla Walla,
after tho interests of that cr rril,. ,.ci,i,..,t h
J p nation. business visitor during the
2 Lor For S.U.K Uoud rosi. Week.
; 'donee lot on router Street, Hepp.
J tier. T0 X tO'.l. (Jet busy hihI
, ipiani a guruon. ivisy payments business visitor iu II, mmer dur
-i Apply to Arthur Smith. Kf illB Uie Wl,iu.
j Two more Heppner b,ys loft Klun .norland was in town
Wednesday ...orning for tho Ua.V, cauvou the other
J ! Portland recruiting ofticos. Tiny j IV
- , were n uiru near ami uon nil
J ; ltibber. both well known young
J 'men who expect to enlist iu
2 j Troop A. cavalry service.
J ; NOTICE A boy's bicycle was
I taken from in front of the l'l.
J ace. hotel Saturday evening,
, Match III. Suitable reward ui.d
Artie Brown was a business
visitor in Heppner last Satur
day. He told a Herald reporter
that the big bull elk which he
and Mose Wright saw recently
on Rhea creek had evidently
been chased by dogs. The men
were within -50 yards of the
animal when they first discover
ed it.
William Sanders and wife came
in Tuesday from tho Black Butte
country. They will visit fo'r a
few days in Heppner before re
turning to the mill.
Mrs. S. A. Pattison and child
ren arrived from Castle Rock,
Washington. Ihursday evening
to look after the domestic affairs
of the Herald man. The family
will occupy the Ms. Ayers
house on upper Main street.
CULATION, ETC., required by
the act of Congress of August
24, 1012, of Heppner Herald pub
lished weekly at Heppner, Ore
gon, for April 1, 1JJ17.
State of Oregon,
County of Morrow, I
Before nie, a Notary Public, in
and for the State and county
aforesaid, personally appeared
S. A. Pattison, who, having been
duly sworn according to law, de
sposes and says that he is the
editor and publisher of the Hepp
ner Herald, and that the follow
ing is, to the best of his know
ledge and belief, a true state
ment of the ownership, manage
ment, (and if a daily paper, the
circulation), tc, of the afore
said publication for the date
shown in the above caption, re-
1 Mrs. McMurdo and Mrs.
Alhu Thompson, a well know n : Osmaii Ilager entertained alargeliruiml by the Act of August 21,
Butter crick rancher, was a party at bridge Thursday after- 11)12. embodied in section 41.?.
noon at the home of Mrs. Hager. j Postal Laws and Regulations,
About forty ladies were present. 1 to wit:
A head line in the Castle Rock. : That 11,0 nani" a"(1 addresses
(Wash.) Independent reads:' of tlu C(lltor ani1 publisher is
"Still Found Near Toledo." IS- A- I'attison. Heppner, Ore.
Sam K. Van Vaehn- returned; We wondered what it was that' I,u owwr A. Pattison,
Wednesday from a buinoss trip lis still found near Toledo but neppnci, wregop.
upon reading farther discovered
, that it was a "moonshine still"
. and therefore concluded that it
. was whiskey which is still found
m ar Toledo.
. no iuestions asked if lotunud
Z to the owner. Lawrence Williii.s.
to Poiidioii ii and L it I rands.
Mr. uiul Mrs .lack llynd
Hoibeit llyud and T. II Love
of Cecil, wore Hoppiicr isitor
K. M Mattes, hi and Waiter! A case was on trial before
Drum were Heppner visitors ! .Justice Cornett Tuesday iu
2 Arthur F. Hall. .John A Wil. from Black Butte ostoiday. J which trouble between Kd Mar.
luins. and Arthur C. Mattix n. They icpoit i ..usulei .o sumv , tin and Harold Ahalt, mid to
of Lexington, were in Heppner vt on the giuiii.d in llTe ft ot-! havo arisen over a hoi so trade,
2 Monday on land businov hills. was aired. Mirlin was charged
i Mtko Kowelh who recently! Walter Brum came iu from i w,ll 1,10 ""lawful taking of a
,,rM, i ., i .... . i .. i i iim-tr Unit.. Timr,,l.e i ,i t..l.. ! cuu f lorn Alialthis defonsebc
m I I V X. J II V4 UM'I 111 I'll It' L , wiuvii "
- mm- j
J it . Wilcox farm. wa in tho city graph to l,i
5 on tomtitem MonJv. Stantiol l an I
lhe known mortgagers are
M. O. Clark ami Florence Har
lan. S. A. PATTISON.
Sworn to and subscribed before
mo this 1st day of April, 1!)17.
Sam. E. Van Vactok,
Notary Publ'c for Oregon.
Silas Harris was a Parkers
Mill visitor iu ll ppuer during
the ween.
:nr.at Echo ln" 111111 " looK lllC 8un ln 8011
l'ieewit-r that defense fearing that otherwise fan lo had by an .mbitiou
The first lssu of the Mad nix l,u',r 'l,1"'r " ' rilll- '"
Pioneer, under tho nianagomeiit J- W- Va;hiin. a former busi.
of (leorgo T. Petree. formerly ness man rf Hoppiicr. now re.
of the Herald, bun been received, siding ut Parker Mill wa in
ll is creditable Issue featuring town Thursday
the Faster eon. and U, ap j LtT Fi'tt Svt 1-Coe.d rei
piretitty well patroniod by local donee lot t n Center strtot. Hep.
nuxines houses. The It.-raM pnor. Txl ".' Cot busy and
ihe Mr Pearce unbound- d j plant a garden. F.-V piymont-i
suecrsx in hi now gold ' Apply to Arthur u:i:n ltf
it might be used against him
The defendant was discharged.
As Psr st H'd Co.
"WmiM nu say ttit-jr msirU-.l fir
li r?'
"Ni: IM ar ttint Hint Ix what Hk-t
lliinutit they inarrlisl fi)r." In-trult
Vre t'rr.x.
Tlio Ut, uf timny are ruliifl It th
fnta! error Hint Hi mot one por,-
1' tihMO i nititx.
young nun or young lady in tho
fluid of railway or commercial
telegraphy. Since the pa-sage
of the eight hour Uw by Con.
Kress, it l as created a big dc.
manJ fcr telegraph operators.
Positions paying from ?7.". to
per month, with n.auy ihancex
for advancement. It wid jny
you to write R-i.U'ay Telegraphy
Institute of Portland. Oregon,
for f ill puU 'il u p). '