FARM IMPLEMENTS liver and Jolm Deer Plows A Willful Woman By OSCAR COX ' OUR FEARFUL FIRE LOSSES. Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line Most of Thorn Ara Caused by Untidi ness and Carelessness. The fire loss in the, lulled States la about S250,(m a day, or jm nugregnta ot' $;,"ii,i'ioii,rioo H your, direful obser vation from detailed statistics compil ed on the subject shows that most of this Ions rvouM lip prevented by the ob servation of reasonable precaution, particularly in the direction of more tidiness. Sixty. five per cent of all fires take place in homos, and rases show that mi per rent of ail fires are due to oarelessuesp, ignorance or both. 'fhe im per rent occurring in homes. UM will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. The O, K. Restaurant. ' A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Meals at all Hours 25 cents and Upward. Only White Waitresses Employed. HEPPNER : OREGON. It was In the rcigti of King Edward of England, the fourth of that name, that John Ochiltree, a young faAter living In the county of Kent, met a lass coiled sMnr? Griggs 'at n Maying and conceived a strong love for her. He danced with her around the May pole and looked at her languishing- i It Is readily shown, would never occur it persons had taken reasonable core in respect to tidiness. Rubbish is the i chief cause, and rubbish does not j necessarily mean the accumulation of paper and thlncs of that character In I I and around buildings, but the unneces- j 1 sary accumulation of old furniture, : S njosaalnes, carpets, supplies of all j kinds In cellars and allies which ne- ' cumulate dust and lie there for years, i What applies to the liome In respect ' lo rubbish is true to n marked degree j In many business premises. Just a lit- j He thought and the evpendll lire of a J Utile time along those lines generally j would greatly reduce the tire loss. The j iilisenoe of lire extinguishers In the average home or business premises Is H serious omission. Careless handling of niati ltcs, careless use of oil, the ac cumulation of oily rags and waste ma terial and a host of small matters like these are tho causes of a great many tires and a great deal of loss. -Lumber Trade Journal. Bring in Your Old Ford J truck for III and we will convert into a one-ton - S350 - You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. 1 E. H. Kellogg County nprnl for IIENPHK'KS TRUCK ATTACH MRNT New Arrivals: Florsheim Shoes, Ironclad Clothing, Hardeman Hats. "Nuffced." . SAM HUGHES CO. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. CECIL NOTES C. A. Minor lias linisdied lutnb iug at Cecil and ha moved nue band to llio Dowerly rsuich near Well Siu-inff. L. M. Morgan of Rhoi Sidinp was in Cecil one day I a tit wecli. Orandinis Nash's dmr. Kriu. wan run over and kilted ')' the; t ruin last Saturday. The Cecil viUiuL'D now Icis tin advantage i.f h circulatiiii: hhu ry uud many have sho.ud their itilerctt by dra'Aiu;,' hooks Tin-, information is k;vc o that ail lovers of good wholesome litera ture may have their want fully fcdtisth'd Cnclo Joo tNb'jru h i l.U ne a Vela and lias been t.ilunsr h'svms on runuitiff it. 1 1 o Ins harmd to slop the critter withoMt iuz whoa !,.. i.-,,..t,i... ....1 ,f., rr0 iIIl'l'"T Friday "'ww -; " baU .Sunday. Incoming; tia'nj,'i r ;it.irtii .. . . . . . . v- i ci i I TliCiss will ho a dance at the from Ivfclocrf. Nevada. ' J icocd h ill h.Uuiday April I'Ut . i a on of Mr and Mrs J. U I given ly Mr Taylor of th. June Franklin mJ cumc hnu! to tak'?;ti'n. charge of the ranch while his parents are milking a trip buck east. Tho Cecil school pave uu Kat-; or programme last Saturday night in tlie hall which was very entorlniiiiny and enjoyed by all present. W. II. Irani, our school teach, or, irave a pood Kisier sermon Sunday. Mr. (.rant will hold sorvii i s in Uu' imii mi ."siiihUv evrry two weeks. All are in Vlt"d to a'lt lid. Mr. C.nler i working at ( I ratid in a Mollons. Mr farter's boy, Malvin. is ntti'inl.i IT s'.'ti-M.I at 1 1 1 u (Veil ha'. I I Mr. and Mr. Wait Crawford Jof Mork'au atteuded I'. ister mtv j ice at t 'i cd Sunday i Harold A!. alt mplna trip to CoiiiinK last ly, but his modesty and the strength of his love tied his tongue so that he could say nothing to her. And so ho danced and ogled and ogled and danced, but never a word could he say to the girl. Mary had been keeping company with Itlchard Doyle, a maker of armor, but the moment he laid eyo9 on John Ochiltree Doyle saw that she was lost to him In favor of Ills rival. He drew away sulky, thus leaving the field to the man who had supplanted him. The day after the Maying John walled for Mary to come out of tier father's thatched collage and Joined her. lie managed to wish her "good morning" mid said that the crops promised to bo good and that one of his cows had calved, but besides this ho said nothing. Mary was a girl of spirit and would not help him out. She stild to herself that he should talk to her like awy oilier man or she would have none of him. lie continued to j show her by his expression that he j was enamored of her, and when he ! looked at her bis eyes had a melan- choly expression.. Now, as soon as John got away from i her his tongue was unloosed, and he ' could say what he liked, lie told his i mother of his troublo and convinced her that It was Impossible that he should tell Mary his love and ask her : to marry him. "Then," said his mother, "Mary must j propose to you." I "She will never do that," sighed .John. I "She uiitst be made to. My son wishes her for a wife, and he must ' have her. llcsldes, Mary Is a good girl Btid will have n good dowry. 1 I wish her for a daughter-in-law. 1 have niado up my mind that, since you j . are unable to ask Mary to be your ! ! wife, she shall claim you for her hits- ! band." I j "And how will you do that, mother?" j "Never mind, so that I do It, We! women have to get through the world by exercising our wits. We are not ! men, to force our way, so we have to ; i plan." Things went from bad to worse bo ; tween John and Mary. Determined to j force him to declare himself, she en ; con raged her former suitor. This ; made John 111, and so great was his ailing that his mother feared he would i die. Slio went to Mary and. telling 1 her of John's condition and the cause, begged her to do that wbleb was el ; pected ot the sterner sex-ask John to be her husband. Mary rowed that she would be no man's wife who had not i the courage lo ask her, and. though John might die, she would not do his : part for blm. Not l"ng after this a sheep belonging to a neighbor was found In John Ochil tree's fold. John was arrested fur J sheep stealing and thrown Into prison. I "The lad bus lost bis mind for love of J i you," said John's mother to Mary. The ' lass was secretly troubled, but tossed J her head and said that man who was ' afraid t a girl had no mind to lose. J I John was tried and convicted and I sentenced to be banged. 2 I Then Mary began to regret that sh" j hud refused to bo persuaded. Hut It 2 i was now too late. Sbo bad driven i John Into Insanity, for she believed 2 : what his mother said, or she bad uiilii- I on I Ion n Hr bewitched III in so that ho had stolen liop. She sat at home mourning her sad fale at loving a man ! so dcfecllve. John's mother brought a request from her "u lint Mary would ! present st his elocution Mary declared that alio could ii"t en duro such sight and would lit go lint she was at last persuaded to grant this last boon to a innn she was now persuaded the bad driven to the scaf fold, and on the morning of the hang ing sho went there with her lovers mother. A crowd was galbered around 111" culpilt. John, with tho sroiliid his nclc. had ascended a few steps of the Isdder. lie stopped Slid, seeing Marr below, said lo her: "Mary, save, me!" "How en ii I do that. JnlinT' "It Is the law Hint If on about to bo eieriited I claimed u tiiarrlago by nrijr Woman b shell go fren " "Is that " Mary anked of the shei Iff. "If you rl I in this man III mariisiie I dare not hsnz Idm " "(Mi, Man," rrM John. ' hi nn-fj on lip!" '? him." whispered tho cn'prlt s mother. Mart hr.ltelPil. "No," she nld at list; ' let him bang." John staggered, then seemed re'iev ed. lis tllinld nimbly up the other rungs of the ladder, and Ili sheriff net atiout to swing lilra off when Mnrf fried; "Hold: I rislm thli tnso lo mar rUfe:" J,.hn s taken down, and lb" l"r n, of hom tho on eotiidu t sH ib o'hr wouldn't till dat!i wis linml tient. fell In'o M'h other's iritis Jotm'a m"thr Mi n'et) the Seep i4 placed It la br f"ld to bring at-'it ti e result aud form Mrj (o tnsk the roltton. And Jt we ire to d the' womtn bs'e tit heads, that men bu t to acomi l!b tsa'tlu. Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. If you are eating oiu Hams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. Citi Meat k CI Stop Co. 2 Johnson Bros., l'rops. 2 i J. H. COX : i CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 2 Plans and Vstlmatrs Furnished fur All Kinds of Buildinas. First Class Work Ouhi. r AERONAUTICS IN WARFARE. , Why Napoleon Did Not Favor the Use of Observation Balloons. It is on record that the first eiuploy- lni.'iit, of aeronautics to observe the po. : sltlnns of an enemy were made during I tl:io French revolution. It was n Dr. Coutelle who produced bydrogpn gns : from the decomposition of water. Ho I had been Interdicted the employment of sulphuric acid In tills preparation, j as there was a lack. of sulphur for the 1 making of gunpowder. ! Dr. t'outelle was ordered to put him- self at the disposal of fJeneriil Jour I dun, who commanded the army of tho ! Sambfo and Mouse. On presenting ; himself to Duouesnoy, n commissioner ; of the convention, that dignitary rose J i In wrath, exclaiming: "A balloon, a j e bulloon in the camp! You look to nio ! ! like a suspect, I am going to begin by e I having you shot !" ' Coutelle returned to Farls, and his i s balloons were afterward put to use at ! Bonn, at Coblenx and at Audornach. At the last named place General Fter nadotte, 'the ancestor of tho present reigning bouse of Sweden, was invited to go up in a balloon. "No," respond ed that careful man, "I prefer the road of the asses." There was a school of aerostation at Meudon, which Ilonapnrle closed after his return from Egypt. As nothing could prevent other nations from us ing like air fliers, the balloons, he claimed, might become an embarrass ment to all tho armies, without any special advantage to the French army C'rl de Paris. Make a Spceialhj of and Have Complete Fulfillment for House Moving i eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Sensation oreil enamel Store lilctid Will I! beautifully col ;il (.'use Furniture For subscriptions to tho "Ameri can l!oy" magazine, see Kenneth Itimi.s, llcppner, Oregon, 2 2 ! MVT ' TT i ac.'::osat:atv::cv:tKat:at:':t:':tt:'::rx I U U Professional Column JSxtt:nxtt:::x::yM::; ::t::t:xt:::-::i ft i e ????? Need Printed Stationery of any description? ! -DR. K.J. VACCHAN I K NT I, ST I'lTiniinciitly localeil in Oddfellow's lluiMing - 'HEri'NKR, OliKt.'ON ? ? ? "Hobson'e Choirs." ttobson's ch"Fe" tuny bet be translated, "that or nothing." Tobias tlnbson was a currier and innkeeper at Cambridge, who ereoied the hand some conduit there and set I led "seven lays" of pasture ground toward lis maintenance. Hut the story sboiit him, as told by the Spe'tator, Is as follows: "He kept a stable of f .rty good catlle. nlnays ready and fit for traveling. Hut w lin a man came for a horse he was led Into the stable, where there was groat i hohe, but was obliged to take the horse that slooit nearest to the stable door, so that ev ery customer was alike well served, according to his chaioe, and every horo ridden with the same Juslhe." Milton wrote two .pill. I. line epitaphs upon this ei cenlrlc chars' ler. Muddled Thinklog. It would be foolish to say that a dy namo ami an olc trl.- Hunt are the siiine tiling, that green apples Is a irim si n mi) nmih w ild IndUcMlon, that an nr ehlloct's plan me the same thing h h rolupleted builiblig or Unit e snrac j tloti Is but another name for the social Institution called the family. In the BHino way It S an e( Ideio e of muddled thinking to maloialn tbst being good li snum thing an being ii-llgioiis. -Bents id I. t'.ell in Allaolb-. Why Ammonia Cleene Clolh.s. A lllllloulll. 111.- gH-llt ! po K-lnoVI r of the American p-ople, U really a nut dlkvlttd 111 ali-r. It belongs to the , alkali family, en I on d'-roni-i of lis mineral orluiu t- b" f-w of all ..IN an I ift-onNO, nhh-li rvpbbis the es'y way It disposes of pois lloit ."Hp and v a ter 1 aioioi sTim t. rts'ive'e-l Teo Sin. "I thoiiklil --lie km w ton'1" "1 etpe't h" d" v I nss engage I t' her st on., lino'." "Itut she siiul'b" '1 o'l '." 'Ve. joii ,w, slie I href in over, and tlo ii I d do t lake to drb k " -f't I's'b li'his lo'pilrer Impreved the Oepeftue.l. "I 111 sorrt I skrd tie girl to 1 lesn the trpet rder " "Wlii ';' "l,e tool, fifuoti pdmilra ti drn l,i lire sed l" lioiits to mat I' ore her finf'T I'Si's sfirrw aid-' ' I, "ill e I "'ii r .lo'ltral. Our Job Department is now "in competent hands and wc are prepared to do Commer cial Printing of all kinds in a manner lo please the most particular people. Give us a trial order and become a satisfied customer. I WKLI.S & NVS I ATTOUNFVS-AT-hAW :III'J1TNF.I!, OltF.CON S. U. NOTSON k A TT 0 1 1 N K Y - A T I , A W tlflicn in C0111I House MIOITNKIt, OUK(,0N Prices Right Promptness Appreciation and Good Work sre what we guarantee. Curt anyone do more? The Heppner Herald DH.N.K. WINN AMI PlliSK IAN .V; St HI.I.ON IlKI'l'NKIt, OKKCON IHt. A. I). McMUtDO ... I'll YSI IAN & SI! lit; Ft N Telephone I'.".! OlUce Putter -on Diu Store IIK.I'I'NFK, OltFtiON ReyiiUr mniillity viil Ut lit I 'I'M H m.I IONI. lUii DK. J. C. 1UKNI.K l.y Spe-ieli.t 'OK I LAND OKI r.ns woodson & sw i:i;k : (ir,c AlKHtMAS Al I. AW in I' llol. II ppiiel , tie. Is under new management and will he enlarged ar d Ixltered in every way possi hie. Our aim is lo make it it local paper whii It will he n welcome visitor in rvny business hone and linmp in Morrow County. SAM il VAN VACTOIt U inKM V.M l.WV, nti:i,tN I.OI IS PlIAItSO.N IMI.oit 111:1 pnii:, iitr.;iiN t. c. di:nnisi:i; $1.50 Per Year j J For fine f p To I 'lit- llo'io. ami t ON I It ( llilt Al HUM, OI'l;,t)N It re pi, 11 ' ert l f'lU The! I "t l erj't' 1 -U'ul. tin tro'il.'e to find tliei art n.snf Clyde & DICK BARBERS B.itlis in (Connection