2 '"' 10 Hep support Heppner Business Men who help support Heppner. Central Oregon get's- on and off the train at Heppner Gateway. With which it consolidated The lon Bulletin. A first class nePper en tend at the postofTicc at lleepncr. Oregon as secxmd-clnss matter VOLUME 3. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1917. NUMBER 49. Heppner Herald 0 PEOPLE URGED TO PREPARE FOR FAIR The Morrow County Fair this year will be the best ever held if the people will do their part. We must have your cooperation to the fullest extent to make the fair what it should be. The fair board can assure the people that the amusements will be up-to-date and firs class, but we can not insure the exhibits without the cooperation of all the people of Morrow county. Now is the time to plan what you are going to have in the way of vegetables and other agricultural products. The Chas. H. Lilly company of Seattle offer a special cash prize of ?10 for the best exhibit of farm and garden products rais ed from Lilly's seeds. This' is worth working for. The board will give a number of special prizes this season for the best exhibit of potatoes and onions. These prizes wPl be awarded strictly from their adapability to the soils of Morrow county. A written statemeut must ac company each exhibit showing when they were planted, when dug. estimated yield per acre, are they good keepers, and all WILLOW CREEK ITEMS ) other information that will be of value to prospective growers of these varieties. We are go ing to specialize this year on those vegetables that wo cau grow to perfection in this county but of which we are shipping in car loads each year and paying two prices for. Morrow county can produce all the vegetables it uses and more if tho people will take the trouble to plant and care for them while they are growing. Wo all squeal about the high cost of living but do not try very hard to tind out why the cost is so high or what we could do to lower tho cost No country in tho world can raise better potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots, beets and other vegetables of this kind than can Morrow county, yet each year we pay thousands of dollars in freight to the railroad and ex press companies and many thousands more to growers in other parts of the country foi stuff that we can grow at, home, getting it fresh from the farms. Whose fault is it? Can the fault ! bo overcome? If so, how? For i the best answer to the above . questions the board will pay u ; t,peciul cash prize of .) all artl cles to bo iu the hands of the board not latc'r titan Sept. 12th, Do you know of anything that in your opinion would help make the fair bettor, more instructive and of more value to the people? Jacob Dexter has percuased a new automobile. Jake being of steady nerve will not attempt such things as telephone poles, steep embaukmeuts or bottom less pits, but will keep right in the main part of tho road. A traveler who travels on the Willow creek road is soon intro duced to chuck holes, mud holes, rocks, quick-up hills, short down hills, sideliugs, level places, rough places, short turns, soft bumps, hard bumps, in fact every thing a bad road could subject him too. The people out the Willow creek way feel that their road needs a little atten tion and it is perfectly proper and fitting that those who have the matter in charge should try to turn their attention this way. Last Monday, April 2, much to the delight of Mr. uud Mrs. Norman Florence, Mr. and Mrs. A. Florence returned home from Portland where Mr. Florence underwent a severe operation and is doing nicely. Unfortu nately since their arrival Mrs. Floreueo hua not been woll. Old maids, grass widows, and school teachers, Mr. Crosby says, you are as welcome as the (low ers in May to lish on his place, and he says that there is all kinds of fishing on his estate. All others beware as Mr. Crosby sleeps with a gun uuder his pillow every night, ami has it ready for action d,uring tho day. The Legislative Good Roads Committee has decided to hold a state-wid-o good roads rally in Portland, Saturday, April i!8. Every organization in the state favorable to the road bond bill is invited to send representatives to this gathering, The Committee- has taken up with various transportation companies the matter of securing a special re duced rate for those attending the rally. Reports from Astoria and several points in Eastern Oregon are to tho effect that the good roads enthusiasts of those sections are planning to charter a boat or special train and come to Portland in largo numbers, accompanied by bauds. Similar I Ileppner, Ore. Dear Hoys and girls. Now is the time for every boy and girl in Morrow county, anil particularly those of the .Indus trial Clubs who have taken up the Card en Project, to jjet busy. Tne food supply is of as great importance us any phase of pre paredness for the National Crises which we are now facing. At present we have a shortage of foods, and prices arc hifjh. Since we have entered into this war our obligation to fur uish food to tho allied nations will be greatly increased. 1 wish we ui'ght plan a campaign for (his community, determine tho amount of ground available large excursions are in prospect 'and the number of persons who from oilier points. Thore is overy indication that the rally will prove the most notable gatheriug of good roads boosters that was ever held iu the Pacific Northwest, Definite announce raent of a program mo and speak ers will be made later. That Rascal, Cupid Cupid, the cunning rascal, has j publications upon may bo enlisted to put it to its best use. The Oregon Agricultural Col lege has prepared a special ser ies of pamphlets on poultry keeping, vegetable gardening, the economical use of foods, which will be available to tho people of the state. They will be glad to send a supply of these receipt of been busy recently, around Hep pner, so busy, evidently, that he has neglected reporting his ac tivities to the Herald promptly in all cases. On April 3, KU7, Mr. A. 1). Re-id and Ida Wright, both well ,. ..i i t 'known aud popular young peo Former Heppner Man Loses L.e j united i marriage. iniormaiion nas reaction, mis evidence that this work is being efficiently organized iu the com munity. Show your patiinlism by planting a garden. Plenty of free seed at this office. You rs truly, Lena Snell Shurte,' County School Supt. BELGIAN RELIEF MEET ING FRIDAY, APRIL 20 A muss meeting of the people of Heppner and vicinity will be held at th opera house, Friday, April 20, ,s p. m., for I lie. pur pose of raising funds by popular donation and subscription for the relief Of the starving Pel vrmn school child ren. l-u tin3 earlier singes of the war the people of Heppner gave generously to the relief of the Htilgiau people, Time has only idded to their destitution. To day there are moro than l.LTid,--000 school children of that coun try who are dying of starvation. Relief must come to them at once else Mmy pm'Uh. Thnmiit our laud an organized effort is iK-'iug Hindu to furnish food for these poor, dying children. I lopp nor, true to her traditions, must help. In the spirit of humanity, she should give as never before. As a nation, America leads tho world In wealth, Let it lend in this dark hour of the world's need in Charity also. As you love your own dear ones at home, will you not come to this meeting mid give what you can Inwards relieving the suffering of trip homeless, starving child run of lielgluiu? Let no one s-iy, "It will l useless, (ieriiiaii' submarines will sink the ships. '' Kucli ship and it's cargo, nra Rev. McDonald performing the! city of tho death of Jay Vale, :Ct,rouloy, 4 adly disappointed for it is not who was drowned in the Mis-. i,asl Sunday morning at eight 1 1V any kick f com my own n and sourl river, at Hisuiark, N. D. 0-c0(.) al n,0 ristiun parson. ' point as to the work and 1 hope last Sunday .when a boat wis! ,,QV Mcj)oualti ollieiul i ni.'. j that in case that 1 need help in swamped in tho swollen stream. r (;iaH y. Harlow and Miss outside work to give you the Four others lost their lives at j I5B'ch M, Akers,. popular ; first chance ;.t it. tho same time. I .,.,., ,1(,i(, ..r this riivwcie' The expectation is that your Mr. Vale was a former well married, leaving shortly after- set vices cease April 5tli or Known citizen of Heppner. Doing , f ... ....,,1,1:..,, ... as SOon Ihoreaflor as is piiiclicn employed for u number of years - icmiL.(oni 1 do not know when I will be with Minor Co. Ho left Hepp-i Leslur 'lllgralUi of UlL. paliic0 , Heppner. but I feel sure you ner about five- years ago. His tbjs cilyi aml 4Miss Fy will do me the justice that I de- Robinson, of Joseph. Oregon, serve. was a Aiycrsj surprised their fiiends by quiet- With best wishes to yourself Percy ', ,; i,,.,..,;,.,! tst Tucsdav and family for the future I am evening. Judge .LP. Williams IONE INKLINGS Misses Calbralh and Jackson, two of our lucid teachers, spent the week ond in the county seal. Mrs. Ituftiugtou who has I men here for some time visiting her son, l. 1!. liuuington, left lor her hme in Washington the last of the week. Mrs. W. 0. Cason was down Loin Heppner last week visiting lone friends. Perry Hopkins sold his !0 acre ranch north of town to J. K. Swanson last week for $l. per acre. Mr. Swanson lives 011 Dr. Chick's farm at present. Mr. Dodson recently tiled on a section of land over iu tho Fin ley Hultu country, lie expects to move onto it this fall provided his lilings are accepted. J. C. French was in from the Lexington country Sunday to visit his brother and family. Mr. French says that practically all the grain sown 'last fall in his neighborhood had to bo re seeded. Considerable barley Js to be sown yet. lie says that parties wanting to hire plowing done are unable to find teamsters to do it at 2 per acre. Joe Mason, our genial post, master, spent Sunday in thu country and Monday morning h was telling his friends what a wonderfully lino biy It was. Said when ho got out to his sisters place thu frees showed no signs of lil'n but .befomnight flully intured. ' If they be lost the peneh trees had bloomed arul m,, insurance will buy others, had small peaches on thorn. He The following program has was sure if he could have slaved Jt,?tti nrr;inged for the evening: there until morning that he' Song, lAint-i icu," led by Miss could have had peaches 'hiul j Marion ,. Long c ren in for breakfast . j Opening address, Mayor S. K. Our churches all oloervt d j No' son, presiding. 'taster. Tim program weiu Address, " I lm Helgian Nitnii-. line and were enjoyed by large ' lion", Kev. II. A. No.yes, audiences. Special piiiris had ! Song, "The Flag of 7fi li.'Cli taken to decoriilii tie c.iiti relic iu various altract'np ways. I trick for I he i.ew garage i, r I rived the last, of the wetk 111. d all hands wen put to work Moti- Mp Cry 1'V of Ihe Father Mrs. performed the ceremony. They will residu in Heppner Your friend, McDull'oe. 1 referred his letter to the WiulninitlK m-oilillir 1,1'Vl' lit COUIltV COlirt illl'l thCV VOIT elll- liny. Mr. Rivers Is very an ions to sco the building coniplet ed so that he 1 an occupy it . wife, a Heppner girl daughter of tuu lato J. A and a sister of Mrs. Hughes, of Mutter creek S. W, Spencer, of this her aunl . Mr, Vtilo was deservedly pop mar uu .oBmj . ... sl0,.-s foruiur Humes ruided )liatuuuy nenieo naniW imi"''M, , u Saturday aftet. "",noy. Heppner ana tne news 01 1 the Palace hotel, captured the an.vsuchdeniandsofh.nl. j ,, in ,; vacant room ..dj.,1,,. At Ihi tragic death was a shock to his bciieUict. bore him in triumph to On April 7th I found u not-! . , ,,j st N,ti(llm p,aiik ' many friends Here. ' Mob Hart's softdrinlt emporium, from turn on my desk asking me , lM1.,.,jy a i,,,,,,!,,.,- of ''"' '" holms in nard - : made him -buy the drinks" in to tender him my resignation. j i u . .1 a 11 h r..r tho good cause. , V u Ped t 'ross ( hi.pter ut Aithur 4noblock was in town:truo western style and then I wailed until he came in and . sllirl.1K(l (lf M,,,,j,.N w,-is the ' M'-ppner. Everybody is invit. d . on business Thursday. ! turned him loose to realize that thm told him that 1 knew no , , , .,... ' I at lend II. m is nicelni''. Iv. .1 Vaughn. Address, "The Helgian Children,' O'KoiilUe Sou". iS.illle Cry of Free-. doin," Miss Peeie ( . Rourke. Address, 'Some Practical Menus of It lining I'uihls to Help the lielgktll Childieii." C. I, Wood ol Cnudy Sale Library l!cnfit 1 Sontr, ' Columbia Hie Cem of Ladies or the Heppner Lll.iaiy , H e t teean," led by Miss Long. Association In Id a sueccssfnl Collection nnd siibsciiplion of meet lfl nil cHiil'l W ill to get nil e. piession ! ho was, in reality, a married I man for keeps. Many friends will join in wish- Committed to Asylum Chris. Weinschiuck, a rather well known character about ! ing up, these young people lot town, wa examined as to his atKj happy lives together. i. .. r ., t,,.ir. n.. , If you do put it iu writing and '."""J - ; tuail U. the secretary and the ! lerj11 "n und us l.,ul-cd Mr. Hcrren Make. Statement: MMnatA II II fl mill 111 t M J IJ1 I f I fl 1 1 ft ! - - . . snnio will havo tho careful con-. - ' To the Lditoi Hidaratiou of the board. Tho dates cf tie fair are Sep tcmber ia.14-1'.. Let's make this fair what it i S'.ate Hospital. The man had been acting rutli. er irrationally for aomo tune and it was finally decided best for . ' , , .11. i himself nnd others to place him always lias been tho best county "" 1 UI1MV1 IVIHU'ui, fair iu Oregon. It is the peoples fair and it wili bo just what they want it to be. Y. W. SMF.AD, S..,y . . 1 . . 1 . 1 1.1 1 1 - ..... .. reason ny I sno.no 1 csiko ..00 k,,a,(.r ,,, ,..UH,y ,. II. Il llotlmau. Kev. lhatifhe did I wanted hnn toj(ii ,iif(j( Nv;is Donald, Father O'Hou.k. slate it. I supplied .mitten on proar.un. II.. sairl tliat on several occa-; .,.,,,:,... AsmhUoh U..i... sions I had left the safe iiulock-j()f ,.,.,, m(1,t woriy ,,ivlf. ed and that the funds had been ;.,,. u was o,ganl.ed tampered with. u fi.w. v,..ir, Jfl ,,y M)th(, o . Mold him that he knew the ((; )i(Wn.H l.,(l,.r,r.njr MU.S Asa great many are asking IKl me wliv I rtuit the Sheriff's office .. lU ,,,, fl,i111i,,,.It ii:ii n,,.,-,. "f about " volumes ,n been Mil.:-com- CHURC H NOTICKS The l edeirfteil I'liurcli Tuple for the morning sermon "Hie Fourth t '0111 iii.UmI 1 ii -11 1 III the I'Vfhinjr m iii'K of vinpli- c.ui virw will h mvi n illusi rat- Making Coyote Scarce I,orcu and Lloyd Matteoti of u'""-, A Prominent Stockman It. F. Swaggart, well known stocliin in of thu ICAini'loii dis trict, was in Heppner Tuesday lK-ar Willard: The county court is to make an 1 make the loiiowing siaietneiu w!lH nothing wrong nnd von can draw your own con- funds. elusions. March the 10th Mr. McDulf- e went to Pendleton and on the 15th I received the following letter. Pendleton, March 1 Ph. ill. the iiccumuhile.l The book a I e ; j 1 1. , f,. ,,f ( ', UIM it 1 ' "p Mlack Mutte found tho first Mr. Nwaggart informed the I order at their next meeting clim- The statement made ,y the county court proves Iih lit--1 statement false, nnd I will make oath that the one tune Mention ed herein is the only l inn- t lint I liH e failed to lock I he nfe V, lien it was my dots to .hi fo, and thai. I hue in",, f tampered with or taken 11 single penny of the counties fund.-'. When he went to !' 1 covotc den of tho vason Friday Herald whilo hero that K. F. 1 inating th peputy ShentT in our y) placed the ha nliinif ! the ...;.,. f,n,iu- of live i.ut.t.ics Tucker, of t.ear Spokane, i at office nnd I thought it onlv fair m.il a..d the fnml, 10 M.- S lJr u d.. . ..in.,,,,, , U7;; 1:... .11 ...l..... ,.f 1 1 a,.i. I. ,nn n,.l I.. 1.. .11,. were not yet open but they bring " " '--- "-) ' tho bounty just the tuwe. and .Icuncts. the deal upprox-; arrangeninnts that I do n.t kirn 1 :!.. McIVrrin landed u " tnitttm ouj 1 1."-'. (of. J presume this is my fault ..!.. 1... ...t.. .-r ih. Mr. Swaggart U n i f tln!but it's a malt.r old Tom (uaid place with a fine ; Ingest iudiudual breeder of 1 ships animaN 11O0 ll of the wctern btatc as well a to Itu family 't eight pups. ins Heppner Herald $1.50 a year. IUwaiiat UUn.U, .f iTonomy with them and I do r.ot know what my attitude w ill !. at Ihi" time, lint there is nothing fr me to do but act accordingly. I am fire you will not t" the minim itraw i'f rhanged, v. hi' h winild r.a'urally infer that he dv I not Irmt me In handle the fii,. , and it ha ran i d some r 01. a.-ant 10:1111,' i.t . v if Mi. M' D'llT. e ,. ;,,,! t. pre e hue If ,1 io.'M of h" In W ill f it le-r pie. e i ;i -' rt ml." or rctra'-t tie ' W. II. IILULLN. kept in the council l.,nniii r ami Ihe I'litariiiu is 011 dly from .M to I', no p. hi. every Wednes 1 1 : 1 y t" nlicii'l lo tin p.l I I I'llH, 'Ihe ht)l try Is liimliced by the Woik i.f the tni'HibelH of Ihe ii sm 1. it inn. by Viilillitiity nub. ,i iptio.is 'iinl by an fcppropnu lieton iim'i of n y fur from tin ni y olilicl I illici t of I he ii.iof-iil ion a re Mm Sim L. N an '.nt"t, pn li.nl; Mrs Hen P,ittnui. ici. prrM'li lit , Mr Kugene liiliioin 1 . A'U Aver, dirrctor. nl M S t'W' H ii" 1 , 11 ti ami l.in .111. in I'm-. .nt v.i- long lo doiiA'c I" ll i bio ,ir y fund at jny lime i" I ii'ii steil to lejij rt n - ( ' ' 1 1 .1 ll t he ,,T ntti. lljte lo Ihe lOi.ler ki'UMiii, While tin se view have been fc.-leclid i specl illv fur the liem . wnnlt "f ; hi. of Miml.iy i m.i.l 1 hiid n n. Ki ll ille r I hi V pi ove i I inter 111' A II A h t .1 l.i 0M1 i- pci.p iIm il ut 11. 11 to N')'.. I'lisler Cill.olic l l'i 1 -l M i- " 11 111 Seem d NtH l'i i'.'l n 111 t 'uli'i'ho le I " 1 .1 -, I I i'.'l h III l ll.lig h 1 t s 7 i'.1' p m . I htm Ii of III 1-1 Snb-i t of fceiiiioii Sunday. M. tmiig. Ti.n "lie 1 I I I.. Fv rm In;, " lh ( i.iiii of Life Ml' I'd Mis P II li e Uln.ll.. of M.lt.li. Id. Til l'' leg. .li t 1 d Ht I 'hi Pi. I. lie Widmi.iUy immoii