Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 06, 1917, Image 4

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For Easter Week.
Extra Fancy
Not tne common commercial
Chocolate but a very high grade
cream. 25 cents the pound.
Always 75c per pound. Special :
: April 9 to 14, 60c the pound. :
Phelps Grocery Co.
A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and
discuss the News of the day.
Rhea creek
T. E Peterson of lone was in
the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of
Ilirdinuu were in over Sundjy.
J. E. Cronan, president of the
lone bn n k , was a Heppner visit
or Sunday.
Auam Kuoblack was a busi
ness visitor fron:
Hurry Quaekenbush went out
in his ranch Tuesday to do some
Mr. and Mrs. Dun Way, of
u 'ar f.cxiugtou, were Sunday
visitors, in Heppner. S g51&
Guy McFerrin went out to
work through lambing for Usse
French IbsI week.
He sure to see the Chi-Nauiel
denionstration at Gilliam & JJi s
bie's Aprili and 7 47-48
"Mrs. Sam.McCullough return
ed Monday evening from Mosier
where she has been visiting her
p irents.
Car l Smith of Arlington was j
hare during the week in the in .
tirest of the A. (J. Ruby Slock
Farm of Portland.
Riv. Dr. Van Waters will hold
services in the Episcopal shurch
Sunday morning and evening at
the usual hours. Special music.
gEggafor settings. (TTvhode
Island Ileds. Fancy millings
only. I'ricti per setting of 10,
$1.50. L. W. Hriggs, Heppnei,
Oregon. 47if
Mrs. 0. R. Farnsworth has
bjeu seriously 111 at hur home
for the past few days but we are
glad to know sho is much im
proved at this time.
Tho Chi Nauicl demonstration
at Gilliam & Bisbcu's. April 0
and 7, will be especially inter
esting to the ladies, and they
should not oiis9 it. 47.48
Thomas Stanley and wife and ,
two children who have been;
visiting iu V irginia returned to
their homo near Joe Hayes place i
on Butter creek.
Gilliam & Ilisbeo would be'
pleased to figure with you on!
any kind of farm implements j
you might want. Their time is i
NOW IS THE TIME to be think
ing of the Dresses you will need for
the warm weather. Do your shop
ping and sewing while, it is cool don't
wait for the warm days to come and
then rush to do it.
Come in and look at our line of
dainty Spring Goods-Lawns in stripes
checks, floral and many other patterns.
Dainty Voiles, Pongees and Crepes of
all kinds. Sport stripes and checks.
Don't forget the Flaxons; every la
dy knows their value.
Buy NOW while stock is complete.
Dry Goods Department
I Muke h Specially of
Plate Glass, Burglar and
Automobile Insurance
Also wide all kinds of Surety Bonds
I rxpect a number of land buyers I. ere, If you want to sell
your farm or ranch, list it with me.
Roy V. Whiteis
Heppner, Ore.
A Busy Local Industry.
The Herald man visited the
Call nd see them. -17 18; plant of the Heppner Milling Co.
H. N. Barnes and J. h Jetfer-j ttiu her day and war most alia
sod of Vera Cruz, Mo., ore recent . bly received by Mr. Wm. Robb,
arrivals in Heppner. Mr. Brinies head miller in charge of tho plant,
formerly lived here but went! Tho mill is one of Hoppner's
oust noon nfter tlin llond rrt,ov pioneer industrial institutions
almost always come back. having been in operation for over
Tho planting season, is here :w 'c,irs- by water
and Gilliam & Bisbee will be! lHiwn rro.n Willow creek except
glad to show you what they have'1" 1,10 dr' soas,,n whcn an U,,X,U
iu Oliver and Joho Deere plows. li0,i' strum l,liU,t "l1" ,ho
.j-) I machinery.
,, . . ,, ,' ! The capacity of the plant is but
Dr. IJuller, the we known ..... , , , , ,
, . , , , . little under h" barrels a day of
dentist, who has been spending,.,. , ., ,, ; ., ,
'l ti. .it tmtl I n mi I now ho-
iug operated lo hours a day.
The output is a very line grade
of pateut Hour practacally all of
which is disposed of locally in
Heppner and surrounding towns.
2 j some lime in lone, ret urucd to
J j Heppner for a few days daring
? the week and then went lo I'ut t
New Arrivals:
Flprsheim Shoes,
Ironclad Clothing,
Hardeman Hats.
"Nuff ced."
hind for a short visit with his
f tmily.
NOTICE A boy's bicycle was
tuken from in front of llu I'ul.
hco hotel Saturday evening,
Match III. Suitable reward and
no questions Hskcd if returned
Church Notices.
Church of Christ.
Bring in Your Old Ford
If a small da iv hrrd yields n nice little income, a
larger one, with high clans bit ids, will puvc a source
of considerable profit.
R.iin oi n'uiir, sm.ill crops or large crops, wheat at
,rOc per bushel m ;i $1.7.1 pi r bushel, your cows will
be puvl.it mo, hu'ln-l.il. ,u d In. Her fnl mear a Hod,
ile.idv income.
Why nut iiitic.ise youi he of milk cows, or im
prove il bv a.ldm j so no lunh ilass breeds?
If ih'Miril, the I nk Vfvih,iim ;. nl , Hrpprrr Mill
llhtdlv iimisI in li i. on inji mii h (n.ulia.M'.t, am) you tic
cordially invited to come in and talk the matter over.
The First National Bank
The Sunday morning service ;
to tho owner, I,awrrtioo WilUins. at tho I'hriMiau church will bo
,,, i- i i- an Ivistor service, with especial,
I I harhe Oroshens writes his ., ,, , , . , i , i, t.J
! thought for the old lollis. lu
( folks from tho naval training the evening there will bo a union I
'station, at San Fiaiicisco. that Ivister Cantaia. which will bel
, things are going along fine wii h held at the Federated church. j
tho Heppner boy now their.
! Charlie was on the sick list w hen
he wrote but expected to be on
duty nguin in a day or two.
T. I,. St inchff reluriicil Sun
day fioui a visit at his old hmu
The l-'ederatod Church. i
Tho service next SuuJiy morn
iug will bo appri'priate to the
day. Topic, " Tho Mm ply Tomb "
In tho cven'm ,' H'Cio, will be a ,
union service in tie Federated.
at C.;1n.. Virg'nu. Mr Stat). c,Urch when tho I'aiiUtu, Fis
rhff say things urn bouiuiug in u,r Alu., u- ,uil be rendered by
th! Old l'omtni..u and cvrrvbody u i,;ll,ied chorus of about ihmy
iia). inere is niiuii more voices. We led sure v..u will
and we will convert into a one-ton truck for
S350 -
You retain all parts and equipment taken from
the car in making the change.
E. H. Kellogg
County if.nt for
i i joy 1 1 a I d (
lo be present
The O. K. Restaurant.
Meals at all Hours 25 cents and Upward.
Only White Waitresses Employed.
,i ili;ii ly Invite y on
II A N 'Ves
exi il u. l't in the i list over the
wai' situation th.ui in l icgon, he
Dr McMurdo rexrts thear.
rival of two httle Keil Cinss
nurse i'ii Thutdnv, To Mr
dinl Mr. IJoy MismNIimo (,f
IIUi K HoIm' tin riht uiul '.He
half pound daughter at I ".n p i
iu. and to M r. and Mrs. Ih nry
Ashbaugh a six and one-half)
ound girl at I0:ii p m. Alii
rn doing well at this time lr
McMurdo tolls us that during
na iimea country is hi sr
mere is an increase In the num j FOIl SAI.K Twelve giod
her of male births but now that work mill s: alo on e good work
hre is a denuiml for K' d frost : horses.
iiU'ses we do not know what mv plac
I Frank Crcwdson was iu the
I city Tia"J.iy and iei 'rts "J feet
of snow in He f oi thus
HuHess, bear, ll ss seed barley
1 for sale. B. F. Swaggart, I-ex-
tngton, Ore. - 4'lf.
Baled Hav and Grain for sale
.n bo had tiy an ambitious
young man or young lady in the
lielJ of railway or commercial
telegraphy. Since the passngo
of tho eight hour law by Con
gress, it has created a big de.
maud for telegraph operators
Fositions paying fiom 75 to ftj
per mnnth, with many chances
for advancement It wid pay
See these nninia's at I "U ' nte Kailway Telegraphy
Gl'Y B"YKK. Ilepp. Institute of I'ortland. Oregon,
'at White Front Barn.
I W. T. McUolHTts.
notiit. run ri lu.ii Aiio.
Iri.rlmnl M tSw lnirti.r. I' S l,nH (ttTrm
Th. OrTf,,n. M.rh it l',7
N,,fr. t. btrrt't k n th O't't A J.-li",, ,.f
l.io.. Orr.m. ho. trr.,tr ... lill. miMli"
MnniMtffa Kr,r for
r i : w 1 1 iwii. T..n.h,, is a :i f- w m
Su fllH rtf ttifrno., in n.k. ftn.l A,. vr
rt tni.M,i enm n ilw UnH .1-. 4M-rl..
H !.(, r. Ibt'iM ,. Urtr.KT I-. S I n. Of.
mt pi:
I U'nuint P.m M ,tp.-.
Jwhn S. JoSfiMw. M. HtM H.!fnn
'.r:ll. all nf Orf JimT t"'p nf
Hond Hl'! CtvC'41.
Cjeci tbi w'M have.
incr. Ore. - F'tf.
for full rirtieular 4'V w