Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 06, 1917, Image 3

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Garden making: is the order of
A sample of weed thought to
bo causing the "wulkiug disease"
of horses in the Lexington dis
trict of Morrow county, was sent
lo the State Agricultural College
liy a farmer of lhat section, and
proved lo bo a member of the
loco, or ntUioweed family, which
Contains sonic very poisonous
plants, particularly troublesome
lo horses.
The sample was loo badly
broken up to permit of identili
cation of the particular type of
the family that it belonged lo,
but from the description of the
behavior of horses till'eoled with
walking disease being similar to
that occasioned by the loco weed
it is possible that the weed oc
curs in the Lexington district.
While this has not been conclus
ivcly proved, it would be well,
says L'rof. (!. Li. Llyslop of the
College, for Morrow county
slock owners to look carefully
into their dry pasture conditions
'for patches of loco weed.
The loco weed produces seed
from which the plant, is apt to
grow in patches or clumps. An
imals get the habit of going back
to these patches for more of the
weed when accustomed lo eating
it. Lt is possible to kill out the
patches by. plowing and harrow
ing, when they arc on land that
yin be cultivated, When on
land that cannot be cultivated,
the plants can only be killed out
by grubbing them out. The
plant lives from year to year by
its tap root, like alfalfa, but the I
above methods will surelv kih it. !,v, ,i
All parts of the plant are poi-j Less: wind Rtul mor - sunshine
sonous and great care should be'jg weej
taken that it does not seed and; Tho Cotlllty ro;ld ,;nuler wculj
..u eL-m.-.aui uu'i mo vmllv j Tuusiiiy. A iuU W0.k 1U)W w
A Steeplepck and
An Aeronautess
It Inclicatei Something Wrong With tha I
Digestive System.
A ("'iiililiun ill" lrowsliit?, wlih-h
injiv li" oitlp h 11 Irrosi'it iblo ilesire ti
i t.nUo a imp shortly after entlng. Is i
' usually ii very iinuiiite li i d m 'i 1 i n thin
I .-mini hli.., l .:.. .1... .1! '
......... II. 1 .. I ' .I.Ji 1. .It I lit" f UKt'rtl I. j
iipptirnlus. l'sunlly this form of hull- '
notion is chronic In cliiiriictci', mul up-
parent ly iliore is im other cviiU'ii''p Hun, ,
it exists, ir l loiisl such evidence i
would ma lip ili'to. (oil by onlliinry ub
servsilioii. ,
111 Midi ruses the tics ire In hike nap j
ponies nit siulilciily, lmt tlio imp ta it
very short one. oiiihiurily not more
lluui lil'ipcn minutes. Sometimes the
(V'sin; for those "iiuligestlou imps"
conies on nt olhcr periods limn those
iiiiinciliiitcly following inputs. but ill
such cusps this ilesire comes regulnrly
nt i-crtiiiii periods of tlio ilay. 'J'lip
I'liusc. however, is the same us in cases
uo more goou inan many tiasi
later on when the nioilnre is all j
out of the ground. '
1'ert Mason spent Sunday i n t
ilie country.
.lohii Cochran returned to Ids
camp over in Washinirton, Mmi- i
day, afler a short visit honi..
lie says h! is sure helping Cu
cle Sam reduce the coyote pop
Lt looks good lo see so many
Hags out. Why not have a "pa
triotic week" of loner''
M I'i. E Lyons took out a Hull
Tractor last Friday. He has
just ruturned to this section of
the country after an absence of
several years and is living about
teu miles south of town. They
nearly always conic back sooner
w here drowsiness comes mi inmicill:Op.
ly iifier 1 lip liic-il. the difference In lime or later.
being simply Hie (lifl'oreiioo in tlio III
tervnl reipiirpil for the fond to reach
111" poriion or the Inicsiliuil tract that
is imt working properly.
t ipi'iisimial drnwsincss following nil
tiiuisuiilly licarty tueiil should not lie
conl'liseil with the type of periodic lie
sire for a short nap rel'errcil to here.
Sncli drowsiness indicates simply .that
the digestive apparatus Is temporarily
overworked anil luav he in ii perfectly K'UStS of wind took it over.
j During the high wind of' last
Friday about thirty feet of the
cast wall of the Mason building
was lih.iwn down. The masons
had just liuished it a few hours j
! before but had neglected to!
brace it. and one .ol Hie heavy i
healthy condition. This sort of tiiowsl- innately no one was on the Ice
nc. ii ni'iuc'cii, nsuauy persists im
several hours, whereas the naps caused
hy indigestion are always of short tin
til I lull. KxdKinge.
We are likely to mlopt for an oom-
pati.'n what, we have a pussiou for.
Tom (iurle.v as soon, lis lie could walk i
begun to climb over the furniture, nm1 ,
his mother was iu dread lest he pet mi
on to a window sill uud tumble out.
A. few years later his plaee of blissful
rest was a treetop. Then lie got to !
ellmbitie witter spouts and trellises on j
to reefs, and by this time, being old
enough, to go to work, he became a '
steeplejack. !
Emily Iiadcllffe was built upon siuiK ;
tar lliies to Tom (imiey.
Whlltj r-ben Iiadcllffe did not try to
preeut his dainrlilof from risking her j
lick In an aeroplane, he was vo '
much averse to her marrying Tom tinr
ley, lo whom nlie had bocotue iillached.
"What ilo you want to marry a sloe,
plejin k for':" he asked. "He'll break
Uls neck and leave you a widow."
".No more than i ll come down w ith n
(hump iu an aeroplane ami leave him a
w'hl.nver," was (he reply.
Tom had one unfortunate trail..' lie
was, a spendthrift. Mr. KadclllTe iu
onler In (;ct. I he whip hum! of him em
ployed an audit to lend (he young man
all the money he wanted and draw the
papers hi such a way that If the funds
were not paid at maturity he could V
rel Tom arid Jail him. of course the
funds were not paid, and a constable
w as sent for Tom.
Kmily t;t wind of the tunc and
warned her lover. Tom kept mi eye
out for suspicious looklnc persons, and
when he saw a man making a bee line
for him he ran for tils natural defense,
a church sp!. A tall elm stood be
side Ilie. building, mill Tom, eab'hlnj; a
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meals arc tho best in the City.'i Our
Extension CoolintJ I'lanl assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at nil times.
1( you'ate futinK out Mams and Bacon you
know how good they arc. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire salisfaclion.
Cit? Meat k Coll mm Co.
Johnson Bros., Props.
J, H. COX :
I'luun (Did h'tstintutnt Fitrnixlml for All Kinds of Uiiiidintix. J
Firxl (7((-s Work Oidij. J
' Mula; a Sficvialhi of and Haw Com plfle
Kdiiipmi'vl for
House Moving
J side, and except for a few crack
ed t i 1 i 1 1 fr no datnaro was done.
Sweet is I he destiny of all trades,
whether of the brows or of the iiiliul
God never allowed any man to do nelb
lug. I'.ishop Hall.
: No one thing will give so much
; pleasure to so many people :
I for so long a lime as a :
a '
: You can get them here on i
the same terms, for
I same money as
: anywhere
Oscar R. Otto
VT rc 7 A
HRE you rcadingthc history
now running serially in
advertisement form in Colliers,
Saturday Evening Post and
other national magazines of the
building of the Union Pacific?
Union Pacific is a national achieve
ment upon which depended the
safety of the Union and the holding
of the Pacific States.'
Tkc Itofiel re ricV in intimiU hell of United Sntel
liitofT. Wlen jr tfA Hem WU ,e,,'"J
great f.ft Union Pitile plmi in t -e gto-t il in4 elU'e
of of Nition: md kow truly tsttAt Unmn PkiIc
ii ,ni .it u- in pec or -to i rru oI ouf
Unned St.tel. it invi4it mtt. of sK.rs. in4 u
i Nition. "
Union Pacific system
Tlie lodyn eiilerlaininent, was
a success in i!Very way. I'A'er.y
ont! enjoyed 'Her Honor, the
Mayor," and Ilie wily the "jLrnod
eats" went, and Ilie hour at
which llii! dance hroko up spolie
well for lliat part ol' the enter-
laininent. (.'lost! lo ssl'.in whs
talten in during the cveninj;.
)r. I'rown left on the Tuesday
uioriiin); I rain rot' ClarUsloii,
Was hi ngtoti.
- C'has. Moore was in lone from
!thy iSI rawherry . tioijihhorhooil
, Wednesday.
t Mr. Millet, of Silein, was In
1 lone the fore part of the week.
1 1 M r. Millet at one time lived a!
J few miles norlheast of Li'.x'nif,'-j
a itoti, but moved to Salem a lew ,
years ago. and, a little at a lime,
has disposed of his extensive'
a ! land holdings in this ncclion.
a lie is thinking of re-invesliii,' in j
a j Morrow county wheat laud. j
J; Wo have heard u number of!
2 i parties talking about homesteads j
2 I the past few days oud several
have an eyo on parts ol I heir
I'nelu's remaining public lands.
Work on Ilo
in" helu up on account o
lack of material. Car shortage
! a
' a
1 CT
" ni. i
lowor linili, I'lilli'il liimsoir iii niitl wns J
soon in tin. (oinnost In i.nolios. JL lit
roiislflHe foll"vt'il lilni. mill Tom,
cllnil'ins out on n lunio li ovorli;niiiiiK
I lip iliunit, ilri'iiin'il to the roof,
Til" O'MisUhl" I'i "Tie tv eel, ii lol Tom,
who hjol rUlill'f'l tho ulni'plo hofoio iiml
ktmw pvpi'j- ii'",l("'tion. cliiiilM'i lli to
nin'1'"' Ilie cono ln-jrnii. TIiitc it
lightning ril niunlna to n ioin bIiow
the it "ox, h iil Tom wpiiI iii h,v II unit
unt on tho bull, hoMIng to the wont Iter
This wns nioiD 1 1 1 it it tho i'oiikIhIiIo
tiHfil ilo. lie tlosiriKli'il by the way
h hrol ooiiio inul, oin'i" on Ihe m'oiinil.
ppltlcl hlntsplf t ptiii'e out th" cn.
piit. He hail n t'"'il , "f Tom. nh'i
muft come d"tTii fiooner or Inler aivl
giro hlmsplf up.
New it l.ifliTPiiP'l tlift l',mily neetleil
to ilo porno s0i'-ipr:1iijr tlmt m,,nilng hivI
posslne the rlniri'li paw her lovor ior
rnle'l on the npex ''f tlip rhnnii pplrp
mill the ronstable IipIoit- wt"-itni: blm '
I Iks s il" pj'InR n c"on. !he t ) U in a
the eltnntioti nt oin-e. Flu nnif-t Iip1 i
her loven. out of hid pml'Hirs"pmpnt.
hut how? Vnrious iihms f nu".'rstfl . a
themselves. There pepinil no wny o I ,
help him unless t.he i.-milrt TppiI him. i
anil to i-onvey f m" nl to the t"' 't 0 s
steeple n js'not bii eny tiling to do. j a
"t hnv(lt:' die ml'l prp'entlT. nl a
nwBy she nenttn put In prncti'S a f
pin u nhe li'ol lli'HiElit of. tioliii: h"tiie. a
lie liimle up h luii' lip"'ii mul put It In h J
piistebi'iiiil ti"X. to whiili h" nltn''li''"l a
bull of tnliio. Thi'll f.!io got out. her J
iieroplHiie mul, rising In the ir. inailu a
for n ""iiit iil"oo Ihe MiM"i"Ie where J
Toiii wns a prlf'iH'r. T"in miv tier mul a
lo..k lienrf. Clii'llng n'"" e Hip Rpli'fl. J
kIio grnilunlly ilrew iienier to a point ; a
w here she i oiihl low er the lmt lo Tom. 1
n miiilw kpm'I'iiI nil' inpu t" "l'li It
lli'W gat'Hi,re i b" . 1 mot nt list sin ti"1'-1 Tlien bo bi"l,e J
f the 'h tw-lne, opi'iicil th" bin mul pi'ii'i'eil- a
il to p'ti't'ih iiiuiii'ii. j
Tho mnMnble c.i pc (lie pro' I'P'ling ia
Willi rhngrlu. Ilo ivpoiteil II I" bi
prlnolpnl, wlin rent woi, to him tun
the prisoner rmtlil not stiiy w here Im '
win fori'ier. pipii wlili fooil. inol In ,
Ueep mi the b'b. So (lie run "tiible lunl
hl fooil mipplli'i) f i "in ii iP'lminiiit. i
'..in omK,.,i il,i". ii on lil riii in j ti I In u
romrminbly fi'ou ii tnble lnmr:lil libn
for Ihe puipose mul wmi'looul hhli
nf Ihe two i hi liuhl n'll the ImigiT. i
When nlht im- srienil ii'-M'.l'inls I
Hole IhlnWII lirolllnl the thlllill to j
pt'eti'llt I III pl Nmi"- e- llplnu llli'ler
nver of the itin l.ne T-'tit be i"l.
'I'he wenlhei- win i hillv ami l.iwii lug, 1
ami lie il:, lint t'-'i-h th- l.io'l i.f a l-i
he wn roiliii-i ti .l 1. 1 f f i'm-ii .i infle ;
lii.llll. I'oiih l;i. aw lite lhat lil'.'ht.
Ihlnl.lng of In r t'Oei mi hi- t h mul
nurilei) le-i tie full nVri, Inlotilo i.T
ni i Im tbii ho'l In b ai It
I f he i mi l ii l"V. ei ll l"H I o 'I nil i n hy
' oiilil the nut lietiT a lo;m ( w hi. Ii he
iniilht rllni ami iIoih le iiiiilnl aeiiy
lo i-RfetiV A i" nil m ibi i i-niiip he
aroe. gut out I 1 e-iii'!iiiio aint bi'h
i Inn a il.. lit riipe to i kin ll.'l nl Ititm'
lain ami n iimoii hi Ihe en. I, i I f-n
ilo. tiei pie In n I'l.ni taw tier nun
lug h niiinn ahp nil l,i r, 'ln' him
hl .ieal.fe-t. I"it. "iln; I In. il lifting
iiivp, tie Mt at .imp h.il 11 mi ant
ar i fi'lt p' 'M- i "'iMi-i.' e )'iol'li"l
f'nillt I '"I'll p'ai It f llhill bin Ii ' Il
A' 1,'""1 I'I- k w "Ol'l hi e It, i he me
( .ei-li'l li e (l-t tbii" !' Ill' l In "II
in'.' I '.glil in el hi in. ami tho fi'i' gi !ie1
Ii ' uli'.iil'lei lie Oaiixi i'"ii l "f
Ilie tti.t f r HI ten ' IT a l;l neat
a illl'Ut lh n.a .i.t g f If;,. Iiri) fr 111
h' h"l'1 ll manag-l ih' ilnemr -i
1'l H H'H.fi HI fll fir li l.p i IIP '.
rt4 hlinilf t" tia n" aiol. r"i"s
tit eg IM'i it at n o.
Tf truM bain, imiiii tlnir fft
'n't nil a; 'ipn'l1 fi'iin an aro
p.an ga'a up tha mirh ami dtj u'te
T'it'1 in'l I idPt ln ii'b at a 'II
lag rrli rl . -. t, f fr-.m tlie't h"'na 4
,,. , M"1 In la ttiarrll Afi" blr.'
limta'l 1'T r".ii,irT patknn ther t t
I rk lo th biMea faiher aiol i
frrgpan. lint low li!t th" pf 'fp.in
of trpla rbiiihli.g aii'l "t,t lut'j bml
urn wHIj bi ttit.il Lu Uv.
I Sensation llleiid lieiiutifiiHv col-
! iircil ennniol ware :it Case Furnituro
Y 0 U
For niihsiTiptions to tltc "Ameri
fiin Hoy" nuiKiiziiip, see Kenneth
lliiin.s, lleppner, Oregon,
:::: :nKit:':::;':i::':sv:::'::::n::::::::jsv
ii rroiessional Column $
i u
? ? ? ? ?
Need Printed Stationery
of any description?
I'fiiiiniHMil ly lornb'il in ti'll'ollow':i
Hull. ling
J' IlKfl'NKIt,
? ? ?
Heppner Herald $1.50 a year.
! When Novals 'w a Raally Long.
I Tliiiuiih William do Morgan wrote
aimif of the liilim I noveU of reeetit
lllue-i. his i fforH were eoio lieiie-n It.
1 wlf ronipiirecl Willi I hp works of aoina
' of the sevenleenlli renlury iniiiain-ein.
i Mile. Op Sniilery'a me e fHinomi aloty,
! "I.p tJranil C.miim," for inslniiie, till
I live fulio volnnies of .".on piiiiea earli in
lite CnglNIi llHii-hilh.n. aii'l her "'ll
I lenipoi'ary. I a ( alpreneile. waa pveu
i iii'TP iliftue, hU "I teopiiire'' running
i Into twenty lliiep volunie. The el
ilielv inelli.'il of Ihe early inn ell-la la
well Illii-lialPil Iu ' I'hi lhi'iil"a." by
llo.er !o)Ip. earl of tu rpry. in w lib h .
Ihe riwhl llllinll'i rllll I'Bue flmU Ilie t n
1 i hi. 'f har.li lera mill engaveil In the'
io.eva of 1 1 1 1 1 !) lig lllPIII'Pp e In
iii Ii oilier. In gun mi pa-e one.
Wbara tha Guna Kick Harb,
I 1 1 V. nlimitiiig at an allllmle of 11.
mn feoi. on the .liiiibi pampa. along
Ihe clime of Hip lake of lhat tianie. Ih
a il that .an Ih f..ll.ne.1 In Peru.
1 i i r i.e. Hilar efff-. l ai iioteO In thla
larrhVil rrcloii, pfbatilr I tin highest
ahilinle f.-r tbl porl In thn worbl
Ihe ii kl k Oil.ni-ty. ami lie. ahot
' .In. a ii..t a. Hiu-r pr"iii'tl . making long
'tiol atl.'i .n f ill; ThU plii'liollieleif. N
line In the la k of (leii'ltr of tha lr.
e til. Ii l only almiil eight b.iioU In
the ".puire to. Ii atfHli'-t f'fli'.n at ai a
le'i l All.iltlPr bllere'llllg fa. I l (liat
Ilie ilo. k bale lei tl-hy !ie, a finti
In not ell In Ihia a'lli'i'la
Tha Atmiqhly 0',larI
Til" bled I be ("refill tnap 'Ibo
aiinlghty ib.llai" l mm It nbbr than
iti lime i.f W aalilngt.Mi Imn: l"i
..mtn'a "rpi'ltp ' ril'al'th rnlllil.
e nf ItMllan.l." imini-ii. e lh'i .
XVIOl.t lli f'T PiO. I, .ill iirf.P r" n
Our Job Department Is now
in competent hands and we
are prepared to do Commer
cial Printing; of nil kinds in
a manner lo plense the most
particular people. Give us
a trial order and become a
satisfied customer.
Prices Right
Good Work
, ATl'OliNKY-AT l,AW
IMVim in ('mill llmiM!
j I'llSK
- in:rpNKi:,
an & st iim;on
DU. A. 1). Mc.Ml lJDO ...
rilVSK'IAN & h',t;i;;i:oJ .
'I'l'leplionp 2i
Ollieo Piitterson I i-1 1 tr Store
MKiTM'.f!, ii;i:;nN
sre what we guarantee. Can
anyone do more?
K. (ulat niM.iihU 1 1
Wl. ll pnorf l.ii
TNI H llir.K
ik. j. ;. i niiNi k
l.v Spr-m!ol
lllltll MI
Woodson ,v swi:i;k
At IbllM lK 11 LAW
',lln ,' in Calm r Mod I. II ppiier, Or,
, irtif il ' i -'
N'o ati l V'pi hi.
Is under new m.uirtgi-inenl
and will be enlnrnrf nnd
br llerxl iui very way pisi
bio. ( )or nun is to make it
at loi .il paper whit h will br n
wcliome visitor in every
biiHiiiesi lioue ,md li'iine in
Morr'iw ( iiiiiily.
Per Year
sam :. van v Arm it
ill. Pi Sf;-,i!. t'ln.i.nN
I .oris 'i;kson
I All nil
r. c. di;nmsi:i;
I ol I lo I i I I H.ll ' II. ;, .
Mi) iii 1 1 1 i ami i os tp m nut
IIKITNKi:, i:r.i.'iN
Clyde & DICK
lint lis in Connection