Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 06, 1917, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISQN. Publisher.
Ap Indrpnnfai,t, Local A'
; the big expenditures already
Billed ct Ihf Ifrppwr, w.imade in that scenic highway
wr v?c, a wwii-cws! moun: ;
r I
T"WX p Siik w'tpti'V.
iHim Yeo-r - fl.M
Sbi Maihtb'x - - v.)
Tkr Aluv-tlm .70
FHIDAY. Al'HILo, mr.
.News of more than ordinary I
i-ntTe.Kt La t.he people of Eiistern '
Oi'wi w a made public in thj
pr dispatches a few days ago!
wiser thp announcement, was;
,1 . ., ..
Znx"i thai the: rat road compa-
. . ... .
Tites are making a. demand on
Inters-tale Oimmeree Commi
sioti for the privilege- of siih'iinc
ing. freight and passenger rates,
in order u meet, (he added cost i
..i M..r,tl ,l,w. I., f I.. A .1...
in wp.iuiM ui.t' IV III'' Jt'.liUMMm I
B-li'nr Inn- nod the advancing
"( of ro'tstniclitiii niH'rruls
a.rw.1 rOppli Without disenst:
ing the uipfi's or demerits of the
propu! advance, the ! Ikk.M I
wwdc) Migp.'-'t thai, viewed from
n.ii'ihiael stai ('poini, Hie rob-abilitit-'fl
are that (he advance
;4'J for by tli railroads will
b"rsol.l and ;r to Hint out
t.t rJf sttitilogy belwevn good,
pavwl highways and high par
MMigcr Hnd .freight rates.
1 1' an advance of on rent per
un,.,..,,. hmow.u uic ran-;
roads to iw.sseiigt.-r tariff it would !
. ... ..... i H i.i i
..mu,ii. to ne prcs,nt!
l of a round trip trou, Um-,
. u rv.nMm : 1 ms ,s. " f",,!,,l ;
itm to the ordinary ntir-on, and
bj Ue aggvegati would Hinoutitj
to a heavy annual toll on Mor
row wuoty.
Iti this age of cheap and efR
tieut motor cars, however, when
practically everyone owns his
ewn car, there is a way to over
came this advanw in passenger
rate. t make a considerable sav
in in travel cost, and with prac
tically uo loss of time or comfort.
This saving can U; accomplish d
liy Uie use of liUtomobilcs, but
foly, it in true, in the event that
we shall have a tirst-class paved
highway between this city and
TV present I'aiv. lleppni r to .
1 ortlktud mill return, in $11.00. i
viXu ffo'irt. ..aveil highway !
rmpMil all the wiy 1 hrt u r . '
t-'ie nveram auinui iljilf wiui
iMit-liw I in I i,i .,1, . ... i . . i
f ' 11 ''V'"" " ,M",f!
c i ifhlluti? ni vraM'hiif u hith. ;,t
ftf th" pre,M't priee, wouhl eo.-1
!Ki.V). leavtrir h InlwH-i-of v.V.'ti
Im t:vr tir.-i ami tiplr-.
ShmM the rvp.-t.ti'd n.hiiiio.- le
u'Htiu.,1 it uitud) .,,,1,,,. ) )
to the rtKht si-le of tho ti'MVi'li-r's
cxpen-M' account.
Iraikl ina.! a will, in a .,,,yo ,,,.
Kreai, UifLe the p-upe illijelviu'.
eot im" the tran-portation c.impi -
(Hi - It i-i tinl a titieitniti nf
lia-iJicr or nut tin- rate are c-
rlaiUnt. h i puri l a iiieMi. n
i t ih.. iLM,..1,. I. .1.
rttu- fK,,,,,. mim,.v, (ini. !,-,.
Ji Ul4in w hrj tie can e it
-' ch-4twv. If thev rail travel
l-v rt 1 Umt H.A MporOily, K4 coin,
luittlilv met nine cheaplv
lua-ll'( H'A it Kiiliiiniiliiles, nvrr II
H'MI (wiril rim.l, ,. u husiries
prMjctl init ;ha Mill cIioohc iIimI
h nf ti-Mvi bin;. If the jm
filt ?M- lit nf p.if iii- iutjiH i-ylile
rm-U i to U 1 1 it it i tu iii il,i, ,l
ivr tw ra-i inn w i;,vh)it
thn traltn- mil hear ami lei it e;
l It'll.
A. .,iii,ii i nut i-i t hi . i
i'in r-i'iie 1 ,n w ,., ), i ... H
patvr-j Hu'li A fti.m the wltent-
f rowinn MTlinn nt l!a.-ti rii Ore
n to the Columbia river would
Ifive the farmera the benefit of ,
low wmer rtes r.r their hhip
pinir. and make available fur the
Wetietlt nf the tnH.pl, th at
Mtm already exia-ndcd in H-n.
raf 'be rivrr to cnntitiiietia iiavi
Cation, vKUh in-tnu nt ia imw
len.1l(.iil u -n! I s. I he
samp wiil be. true as regards pas-j
?enger traffic,
The completion of the Colum-j
bia River Highway, with branch
iin - s running into the various
points, will make of real benefit
to the people of Eastern Oregon
which js now of no benefit ex
cept as a show place for Portland
; p:.'ople to take their visitors.
This rood road question is an
intensely practical one.
One of Heppner's greatest
needs at the present time is a
well-organized, and well-trained)
, , , , i
when the country is on the
threshold on war, the county
seat town of Heppner's com
mercial and txilitical importance
is badly handicapped without
such an organization. Hardly a
ivaal.' ntiLiunn l.....r 4 La
! ianvn ik:ic uut LUC let!, ft
i , r ,. , . c .
;ot a good band is felt. Last Sat-
. , . ,,
uniay was a notable case in
point. Save for the sweet voices
of a few of our school children
and the generosity of our good
neighbors of I?xington, Morrow
! county's big patriotic demonstra
tion would have been Miusiclww.
Music appeals to all classes tif
mankind, It not only "halh
charms to soothe the savage
breast, ," but it also has power
to stir the civilized man to ac
tion, animation and life. No
gathering of people can be com
plete without music. Imagine a
church without, music; tho aslor
would have a -hard job keeping
interest, alive; a theatre without
music would never need to hang
out the S. R. 0. sign; the county
fair without music would
be a
liepi)nor no doubt has plenty
K w a A
it needs is organizatioH.
The Hhkalu holies that aome
four musical people will take;
the initiative in this matter and
work for the organization of a
At the Christian church last
Sunday morning, Rev. McDon
ald, the pastor, preached a strong
sermon against the very preva
lent evil of profanity, Many ar
guments were adduced to show
that the habit is not only an evil
in the sense that it Hervea no
good purpose and is, therefore,
the opposite of Good, but that it
is an aetnal sin in that it is in di-
rect disobediene to and violation
of the law of (hal.
swearimr habit," said
iln- -ipvalii-r, "in nne form of evil
i' . .. i : i .1 i i
t "-u bah then-is no l.a-al ex-
cii.se. No plausible ariruinent
has ever been aitduced which can
nossiblv show that HWfnnnir hii
or c til ever si.-rve any Krood pur-:
p .-. tMher furnirt of disoU-d-!
ioncc to (IimI'm law may. under,
c -rt iin cireumNtanee, la? de--
lendi'd; evvu the crime of takinir'
I ., , i i i :
ii iiiinii mi- ma oe uetcn-J.-U as ;
U'l act of self defense: ateallnif
ill y be ectlSfd in a Imnirrv
man: l nur miiv lie iom.o NoI in i
. .
order to save the oihI name if
some irmnl friend; even the uc
f i i . i . . .
r whiskev may be defended be -
cjiim of snp)anil utedieitiRl quul-
ilie-. l ilt of the an-..-ii. Iml.Si
' ' iiij IIHVM
tnt one wor uA W liriokllv
inlTcii - il to ftn)v that it
d'lee.s any tiaul lliino;." "
i-i ... ,, Quid Aida H Farmar.
tht- lniKit m imivilnrtj.: -n.. ..f i .,nmi u in.
not ii IwJut of kixm KrfMH.illvf ; fiMi'H--iih! - it'tfUtlM - nhm n-m-nor
iiintliity ;iihm o;u lunir iur 1 1'"' - ,'r, o
. , d'f Ii hf fdtin.M hn rtil i-f
liUinHi k tti a 'i.tlnim., r. Uhfni,r of Mf, ..Xhr,
l. ltt ril Itv Iho fart tlut 11 tlit'tl 1'ier v n 14" t1iffrnn kmU t )
tt li:ilntn:illv in. tut.'.. ... ' riti tvM U n.HnMtif no l-t
tioiiiy. unUriK titterlv doUiMisJ,
refrain from the habit wbeu in
the preaence of l.nlira,
mmte, ni:(.
"I he h ibil ia a purely anjuir
d nc." continued the apeaker,
"no child iH-injr lx)rn Into thr
world with it. but fallinp into
the tuhit through evil naaoeia
titin and the example uf other."
The writer ia ot the belief that
profanity may be epreaed by
action an well na the line nf
word. The man who alania Ih.
ia. ai d jiitn Jiitf hat down over
his eyes because his morning!
coffee was cold, or the man who i
kicks his faithful dog because
business is bad, may have a sin !
to atone, which is no less than S
that of jbis neighbor who curses'
violently and in a loud voice. i
Theliivine irtinnermn "Swoar
not at all," may be a difficult one
for ordinary men of the present
time to live up to literally and
completely, mit most ol us will
readily admit that in this ase,
thr nrparhpr tins nwnv Hia
f ii,.,' .i ! i';
vi uir hi a uiik.ui, uu it, itlct.v in; :
further said thRt Heppner, like
most all other towns and cities
and country places in this broad
land could furbish a large amount
of excellent raw material for the
organization of agood-sr.ed anti
aHnir nfipv.
swearing society.
Onc ud Monty, Tnty Ar nw j
Rr. nd v.iu.bi. ,
New York cir.r whs the Lirlliplace of j
7, .V , VV. ; , , ' '
Ine Pn HH Stars invinnf f ami ei
; , on ...'. ,. ,.. '.
tint (i.iimi einn nr-p, nun Ml': irt' rt , . ,
pr-.it.M i.r a thin ,ti-i ..f mk-a. Tim j lo miik? bomestead entry
!!. kihdi.s ei.uWil i.r iiiw.. .lo. and the jireferencc right isexer
n"iiiiaiimi: i. !i. 5. n. l'.'. 1. :-;n mni cised prior to May 10, 1917, on
SO wnt. 1ft.'. ami (III mctlHMl ff .n.
twitin t(i stmnfjii an Ihry oinikl wilh
utiiiid ihp near f ciivulxiii'ii wan. tin-
illM'HtH'll Of J'l!l i;n!t, TltlH WMN in
luishnw at Park i)ai-. Nv Yuri; ell, v.
Mr. lo!t niannfaoliirtM.1 man.v ktmla
10 I us'l fc.v ln?!)Ma ftruis tu law
of niatt rliaiigc, as vri:-l a lh tti 1 1 i -IhIp'J
ami worn n(ago iamit usn
fur nuiiipy at Dip lS'ri','iB "r the vv.
Many of tlj iii'.'sseil lms lmi flm
mini? f lh firm mi the rrvei's;! tijiio,
si that Ihp ciui'dny s-rtp) n S'Wi-l-Ilia
firm that. litu'd it.
Owasionally a iiiwriinr ackn ua in
rftin t'i tlie atauipa an-1 tlirir value.
iir rply alwaya U that, f lie.v arr nf
i.i'ttaMeralila rarity au-1 tint iitfiviiiii'iit-
ly I hay i'uiiiiiiaiM.1 a hie ri-nilum. This
i iiaiHcniart true nt the )-', i-t, .".j
au'i ti i-Ht (ii'aiiiiiiittin. Tttpxo
laiDfia art- fx rlv aouht fur hy
tiK'tura of t'utli atHUias ami inlim, hut
eaaa-1ally t)ie furmar, anO Ihcy fi-teh
gx.'tl rlca rlifnrar oflTcratl at am;
tio'i m la. American By.
Oualnt Old "Ad." Thol Told lha Puhlie
ef h Naw Invtntlon.
A ((virai'iptr ailrcrtUfliwtit In the
Lond.Mi Inilly I Vat ef An. -J, 17 J. a
cofiy of blc'j la In the VVIhcoiisIii Hl
turUal lllirary, tt'Ulnjs uf Ilia tnvontlnii
ef tlii -it lim'dij tlialaa. afford an In
tcrcHtluif raami'lr ef Ilia RtlTerllaintf
Dialhiitla at thai dala. II !l aa fuMowa;
"lPa Majesty liaa Ipii RrniinuHly
lfiid U) grant lila Hoal l.etlcra Pal
aol AiUig thn ilato nf tt) '.'"fh May of
July hiat, unto William Chamaii, nf
t.onili'li. Vaih and ( jiactiliHim-aa
Maktr ifir tha l-rui 'f 14 yiars) f"i
h'm 'l 1'iaklnu a newly luwulcii
Cliaisw r Clmlr with iw hi-lH, to lo
drawn liy 'nne Hre Iwiwrvii a alr of
ahafty, KliKli ta an ontilvit a to
tinarlrr (be ltaita nlih ral K.it- ly
the IVrwn rlliiy In It, withoiil l.rlt.
Slop, nr Huiiliniiii', tlit Hire cuntliiu
Iriu In th aan3 falh, to n the Whci-U
('i anarll.T it all line In ih Cnaili
'Vra-k, li.r avtlh-h luaana tin ara)ii in
! ,mb "' '""?
eij,cd:t!on. Safety ami I'le.ianre both
I III tilm..1f anil lliMM ll.no li. .inrflilri"
' ef i aioir Mit-eit-. iMvwued. Tim
; "r1 'v"vai-iia or the imid
' Invention wilt rt-adllr t. nianV In an-
- ,,tr ,,T w ,iiiHnM hH!,1)1H1, i,
b ll' iia-in Vornir. Nu.ei. i.on-
' ,,("' w!l- .Nr,r "'"""I'atfi'i. where
ereral rarriaiea nre already made."
Variatiaa f anaeaa.
T'i inot M-rv-ii in lha leiniaie
(inn a liana tin la banana, tin I (he
lni!li la that (line ari i-rer aixiy
tii'i'Tn varietian rf iln friill, with an
,rP'" rr tr'"'r ""'i'"'""' i barai tei-
l'i l"Tivnt klud' of apple. Ila-
ia aali) I li rp aomelhina ov,r
fori? diitui atlHii of the ftuii.
T',,, "' ''Uh baia l-n lnti.wlml by
, ina wptia. m or thei arv or t-
i'..n,'r rt.ill.l m.i .I1.4..ii n . . . . ..
mV othrr kinda are iim-I. If al all,
",T "t,'n '',,"k'', 'rl", "".'
! Tl'r ia aiar.ely a illy h"'le lot or
1 , ,.,r.r -Wiibra'- or ,.,,,., Rl,i.i,
u"' hr ;,ii'i "r of la
i '' wlii- uroar wllh mh i 1 1 h II t no
iara, nw I'liela or a'n ker ahoottnis I
m, ) fplai Hi enra rhb ll tta
flrtlle't aea) I-vh fm,n f I
tl an
I'.H arlfllra of Imxhtu. w,t,
Tlir ai'. ti th tod i,h,-
nioiuh. l-i tU Nir aol laiT u ntiii
tiaUr vtian atli r i f'lih ra -t mil
I io ni'l Iwi'fia that t;i Uiotinn
al'i t'M t' wa t a iiiltilnrt i f i i alli-
l"l'll'it to ilair Una ",-f'il llr
f l fai mrr "
A Lily t Aa..
Tba IH'uni , hal. rU. nlum I inpwnt
to ! ibe III; ludlcalml In IW aUlh
rhaetrr -f Matthew, t i-nt ,-ichlii
ni. wtwiw II la o,u,til nlili i!.
or.-oua lutaa of Mow.ii. ami It.
mlor an oikK ir un lo. Thla liiv
. 1- . .1 t. - .
rowa -r.-roat In Ih- BhCi ,ana f
Aaia Mhnir.-liMlii,anll.
Ilarley Matteson was a Hepp.
ner visitor one day .st week.
He has been working for Dell
Ward on Black Horse,
" """"
FOREST. Notice is hereby giv
en that the lands described be
low, embracing 397.3 acres, with
in thn Umatilla National Forest.
Oregon, will he subject to settle
iment and entry under tho provi-
sions ol the homesteao laws oi
the United Stales and the act of
. . ... o, ,. n.
the United States land office at
La (irandc, Oregon, on May 10,
1U17. Any settler who was ac
tually and in good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultu
ral purposes prior to Januay 1,
19H, and has not abandoned
same, has a preference riuht to
make a homestead entry for the
lands actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon t he appli-
(jons of the persons mentioned
below, who have a nreferencc
rjRlt su,jt.c:t to the prior fight
'of any such settler, provided
, , t ,i
such settler or applicant is qual-
which date the lands will be sub
ject to settlement and entry by
1 any quablieu person. Ihe NWl-'l
iSEl-.l. Sec. 5. T. 7 S., H. 28 15. .
j 40 acres, application of W. T.
Allen, Monument, Oregon, and
Ixit 1 (13.38 acres), Lot 2 (13.5)5
acres), S 1-2 NE 1-4. E 1-2 -SW
1-4SW1-4. E l-2Wl-2SWl-4of S
Wl-4. NEl-4SEl-4.Sec.,r), T.7S..
R. 28 E.. and the SE 1-4, E 1-2
SE 1-4 ofSWl-4, Sec. 32, T. G S,
R. 28 E., W. M 357.33 acres,
listed without applicant, total
area hereby restored being 357.
33 acres; List (i-15)88. February
: P-N -l-)l "1. lhl I'., ASSISlanl
. Commissioner ot the General
; Land Office.
I , , . .
I '"
Isolaud Tract
De lartmiMil of Ihr Intct-iyr. U. S. Land 011'ut at
La Oraiide, OrfKor.
March f.tli. 1W7.
Nol.!i'? in hcrpliy (rivn thai, a dii'ccl.yl by tlir
C'nmmii.ioi''" "f thf CnTiil Lam olHce. im.Jr
tirotiirtiif nf ,cr, ihS, U.S.. iMirfluanl to the ap
I'lical'L-n "I
Th!l lliaginn.ff t.?mi, Orrynn,
Serial Ni.. wi' r ill 'jffrr at imMir tml. lu
(Up hiichl InrMi-r. but at not lniiw thwi ..Ml pur
arrf. at lOuclmk A. M.. on the mi day tit Ma.v.
1H17. wxt. at this nihct1 Hip. rolloivimr tract fo laud
KW 1-4 SK 1-4. So.-, 'i', Tp. 1 S K. Z E.. W. M.
Thin tract is ordered into the niarkl on a Mum-.
inn tbst the ari-BtiT uoition thereof h niontitniii-
oum or loo rnnitb for cultivation.
TbP le will not be kpt. oten. but will be do-
clar.nl cluned when lbnn- prencnt lit thn hournntn.
pd hva ceantl hiddinir. f h ricrson making the
h'abcm hid will bp reiiulrinl to Immediate!),' pay to
the llecpiver thf atnoiint thpreor
Any liPraons claimiinf Bd''t'el the aliovc-dp-
ertbed land arp udvmi,Hl to file thpir claima, or ol;
jpctiona. on or bpfore tho timu deaianateil fur aalp.
C. S. I)i;nn, Iteainlor.
KOI.N Skill'. Itnepivcr.
If inrlini'nl nf ihe Intoriur, U. S. Land Ollicu it
Mireh 5. 1317.
Ntilii p t hctebv Kiven Out bb tltiti't'd ly Die
Con'nimiMiiT tti (i'iir"l l.hi nlHei1. umlcr
tirnvifturm nf vr. 'J1YY U.S.. put intuit Im 1h ov
ulifjutnn nf
William H. K inn, (.f IVtil, (trrtfuti,
Sfriiil Nt. OIRfiai. will olTfr lit ptihllr le, e
thf tiit)it hi(Hr. hut at nt-i 1 tliivr, $?.r.O r
era. At lOnVlnrk A. M.. on thKlh ilfcJT of My.
1117. n. nt (hitnllirr. thv folio trie truetuf lund;
SW .4 NUM. $e. ?r,. Ti. 4 S.. U C7 K... W.M.
'I h t rwrt t oHtM into thi- mnt l, t oti a nhow.
ii'ir thn i th ffrtr fanrttou ihaTi-vt iauu(Kii;
oi vr ton niuirtt l'r rultiittHiM.
Th W will not lw kit nwn. lu( will bo dr
plrcj t'lotd when tliwtr prHrnt at thr hour nnm
ti t.v cMiil hi.litiftK. Ih neuon ni.lkmff the
l'l't l"ti will t-p nnjiiirrd t nnumlijit imv it
in IliN-nvcr th- ntuunl thrnf.
A n v iMrnin rlanotlnif iiraj'l- lh Nrp Ar
atnl'l Imtfl in I mat) lufilfi ihir i-lmina. or
jp tiuu. mm tft hflut'i' th1 tinit'ihuimitM Hirnnir.
t'. S. M vn, Iti-ifiitiT.
Nut n Shllt. Ki'pfiirr.
NtHlCK I l it ITItl.lCATloN
ImlatfH Trart
lBrtmt"nt nf thr Intoriur. V. S. Land Odlrr at
La tirat.d. Orr., Man-h i,
Nol K'K in ht'ivhv nivrn that, an dirt-rlrd h
th- C(iiiiiioMiunrrol' th 4irfirl Lamt tfi'-f. tin
tar thr i'fn inii nf S-tf. U.S.. pursuant (o
lha ,.iti-t -f
Mu-haiH Cnttrp. f Ln. Urmnii
1nal No. HIM"'", wtl tirTrr at f'uhhr pal-, t
iha'hiahMt htditrr hut at nnl ! than Iv1 'U imt
A re al ItMr. lnrk ,, M.. on hr "'h (In .f Ma.
I'M! tt. a Ihia llt r th fohM iuir itai! vi
NM-ISW 1 I Srr I. Tf '.' H, K K. W M.
Th ttat t nnlrr into thp market ivi a htw.
t'- thai thpfeNtti-i inrtbrti ihtMif tf, it(intan
rr t rmiah tr rnltivat inn,
Th.- k ill nii l Wri-t nnn, hut w'll h d.
. 'aH i--4 whrt ho1 irri nt a thr hur
namtsl ha. it aarit I' thlmf, I In i-rrtnn nakiiir
lh liin-l hu Pll Im- tttintttl In tmniMl at!
ra tv (b lt-trni tl aii'Mint ihirwf,
An tffin.1 ili'nnog rr1v Oto alsr-l.
rrilt.tl UimI ai hJmmiI to tiU Un it rltitni, vt
vt'"Vt i r KtwT lha ttipi ilmitf ii '! fi.f
aW-. I. .H hi NS H.-KHlrr
Nt '1. AN SKU r
mm ii: tin; ri i.t t timv
lh-i .TIl-K-nl if tli l'il.-r.,.r I' H. I.aixl (Ifl.ci
at I.. i;n.n,l iiran. M.rvK J i?t;.
Niirll V. t hitv au ItiKt M 'lunol I,,
1 1 I mit,.MM,i ! Otr ,..,rp.l , Ht r. i:i,.
.l,n,,no.l!w ,'lt, l( I'lttaiiaiil tu It,
.11 1 l ' ,1
M'rli.W r,tirn i.t I,. Il,.a,,n
,o thr aSr4l bx h ,l l l-.-l ,K.n ; vi
tT frr .ll"a.aa A M . 11 lt. aih ,1., .f
Mv tatt. iwl. at lhi irr. Ih. fi4kmllff Itart
tt. t. i. I !Wt 111 K. M
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J m n.. t. mi,. aam, ihc .k,, a.
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E The Work Shoe of. To-day
' il V - ori'Jn
A v - -
E. N. Gonty
Homtt of ' WtVk!ngmn.
The mechanic who eats imilerdone
hiiiotiils in a letiky kilthcii inviilctl
over hy a rtlsconteiiteil wife is not n
good Investment tor liif uiniiloycr. Uatl
homes are ureal an enemy In intlns
trhil iiniiroverni'iil as la1 liabils. saya
kla M. Tarliell in "Ne'v lileaU In Pl
nesa." Coni.ietilion ili-eir.is forting employ.
pi's to toiiHioer luo omsine inn 01 uh-ii
einjiloyces." para Miw 'I'ai'l'ell. "The
first, anil most uniiorhtiit IIiihk iney
niiist lonahler Is the house the nnm
lives in. A i;o,ij worUlnsniMn wanta n
ouie. He Avmiis if possililc to own his
home. T'i h.-ive eflkielit. Irnstwortliy
anil sletniv men von oinsi umc neniiny
anil fomented men. Men me neither
tvaltliv ii'-r foiilei'teil in wrolcheti
Squalching Dealer.
Tu n I sell yon conu- iiiilhtles, sir?"
"Wlml have yon in slin k V"
"I've K't a elmir lieoriic Wiishina
I on Kat in. a eradlt- .lenity l.ind win
roekeil In. a mirror used hy Catherine
the fitenf of Unsyiii iind"
"Say no more. These I hint's tire coin
laralifely itiodern.''
"I'.n1 fon.siilef. s'rf"
"1 vvdiil some t ciil iinti'iucK. tu fact .
I am anxious to acit!ire the set ot tools
used by Nouli in building I he ark,"
Brooklyn Citizen.
Mecha'.iio f'e gone eTer ttiat car of
Smith's pielly tareful. tnit I can't find
notliin' the. waiter vtiili It. (.lurage
Owner Ye can't, eh? What do ye
a'nose 1 hired ve for? Newark K.nle.
I Sf.r:i?e Furniture
BEST Price
Case Furniture Co.
Wood and Coal
Raising daily. Also a ser
ious car shortage.
N. A. Clark
To M-ll to ."ii buyers w ho will commence to arrive
here on the IMth. t,f this month. If vo.i want to sell,
si'nd mc the full particulars, and dcscriptinn ol vour
and. als your low est price and the terms, also a' full
list of what rocs with jour ranch if improved ami full
description of all improvements. Land NOItTII of the
ba-e line preferred, but can sell land anvwhere in
Morrow County.
My charire fur mjlinK land is FIVE PER CENT.
The quicker I hear from you. the quicker our
ranch will K v,,. 1
W. D.
Buy a pair o(
and you will
get 16 hours
f solid com
fort every day.
- vfi .
Shoe Store
Washes cvcrylliing but the baby.
Our excellent equipment insures perfect
work on collars, shirts, amlwomens' (ancy
dolnes. Send tlietn lo us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
Idaho' Ewes Prolific
The lirst lil ewes toyivo birth
to lambs on the University of
Idalio farm Ibis year yioldcd ili
lambs, said E- J- hidings, super
intendent of animal husbaudry
at the university. Three of the
ewes, he said, had single lambs
only, but the average of. L'OO per
per cent was maintained when
three of tho ewes brought trip
lets, Two sets of triplets were
from llumpsbire ewes and one
from a Shropshire.
Hcppner; Ore.
Phone 396
Ti e Ui iiitu I an IL? uw