HEPPNER HERALD SUPPLEMENT VOLUME 3 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917. NO. 47 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Beech Haines, of lone. BLACK BUTTE ITEMS was a Heppner visitor Wed ties- Guy Iladley. of Hard man, was day. Lay McFerrin went to Hepp in town Wednesday. Mack Stewart arrived here ner Saturday. (i. L Milieu, of Salem", was from Wolf Creek Oregon? Wed- Tnere is stin considerable here d u ring the week, , nesday. snow near Reid's mill. Art Fiuley. Lexington fanner, Dan Ilenshaw. of Hlack horse. Albert Mattison and wife are was in the city Wednesday, was a business visitor in town staying with their son, Elmer. John Fine, of Alpine, was in Wednesday. William Sanders, of Reid's town on business Wednesday. Firnest Moycr, well known mill, went to Heppner the other Louis Judd was in town fro in firmer of Blackhorse, was in day and his brother. Alfred, re Sand Hollow during the week. Heppner, Wednesday turned with him. L. Mc.Hee. Skinnei creek sheep The Herald is now prepared to Klmer Mattison was a visitor man. was in town Wednesday. handle all your commercial print- in Heppner, Monday. Mr. Mat , ,. . . ing. Give us a trial order. tison is feeding 77 head of cattle Among the Lexington people y Mht) h of iIlirdlllun, for Thompson Jentry. m the city Wednesday were Wils doing business in Heppner ' I riuk Moyer. M r. and Mrs. Ld t1e ;lt of t he week Duron and Mis. Carinichael. V, , CECIL NOTES L L. Clark, the barber, moved Mrs. Albert, liowker, of Hepp Wed nesday into the cottage re ner. returned on Monday to her cently vacated by Dr. llayior. Chas. Sperry, of lone, was a home, after visiting nt the htne , , . business visitor at Cecil on Mou nt M,-. ..id Mi s. Purdy.--- bee the Ford Ton Truck on the (lity ,.ist. Oin ion Clone, street dai y demstration. L. H 1K,n v w, , h Woik on,!, improvements in SmTX" 1 -'trough the Palace h-tel basement, i ' " lambing, returned to Heppner. progressing Manager ttilkitis Mall T. Hughes, a former Mo.iday. lenorts that, lathing and plaster well'kuown resident of Heppner, . M. !ioda,uf Morgan, was iug the ceMings and walls will in stock business at in town Monday with three head hi'irni at 'mice and when ihe Lone Rock, was in the cit y Wed- of beeT c-tttle which he sold to iiomt floor is laid (ihe finishing nesday on business. ;. .. Minor. touches will proceed rapidly An anonymous article from Hay! hay! hay! is the cry at, A reoort ' the de.rh of .). L. Lexington has been leeeived at Cecil. Jack llynd shipped four Lerwick, who is in a I'orihud ' his oiiiee w hich c mi. ot lie put) car loads to Haker last week. C. hospital.' was current on the ''hed because unsigned. The; A. Minor is shipping what he she,. is ' Monday evening, but am ps enclosed will be return- has baled W. 15. Kwing lias was p'ovfii a mistake Tuesday to writer if name is sent in. sold out and is shipping as fast, , , !,.,,. it,, ivi ,, i ,1 i. ,M..,I i v.vn t i -i as he can get cars J. 11. Frank- uoo tiisitr M.en m .Winn, mi li, ten LO.r - Large brown mtnk ,- , , , , , - upthehn-pr.la,,! was in.orm- muff. niack stripe. Left on ''it , t Ti ed that Mr. P. '. wick is r.pully ,((.nch on Wttrt Ki, . of Fai,. pa- 7 "V ! i ! ( r ! t ..,.;., .,- . ,i o i- i -o sold to a party it Ladriti de, hi l :, , """t- v.l.onathlks ball binder w.ll wo sUnf, ,,. b u rg.. Perry, op'miist.. of '- ,J,,"-t'- shipping an outlit down here to Rock creei. was in Heppner. Kemanl. bale the hay. Monday. ieoi -go Is' t hi iikinir of Vic'of 1 1 re-hens receive 1 e- ,,.(, ,,,.,. Ht (Vc hull llst g..iie.vt of the sheep hits ness ters from his sous, H arry and Saturday evening was well at. and iTriMrga tuuma grove on Charlie, ys' e rd iy. w i it ten t mm ,,.nd,.d. although it. was a bad his rami, .is .e t;ns the t he i, aval 1 1 ainmi: s-;4tioti at San ,,1,,, s to wcaM,or. P.owker's tr-.pie.d .'iNn ii- Hut .viy I'mnei-o 1 he boys are well ,cll(.st f ,i,.,, ,,,,, f.-iiished sh i lid be peif.-clly lllap'ed to and p!eiscd '. It u t le I r lie w sur. ((, uusj,. ,,x U'jUoii, who tl,, class of fruit. roundups tl.( ,jj;(,n i( N,,w y().k .4j, j,,,,.,., t'lirl' Avers and Linus . I u. id. Rev Mr. N s-s. pastor of the surprised his many friends here v i 11 kie vn lleppie r hoys and Federated church, is preaching by appearing at t he dance with no iiite-i s of ti,.- Thrill t ireg..n a series of interesting sermons a bins', ing young bride w hom lie w.:e i i l.d ye-i.M lay fir s-r nr. the Ten Cini) tn andtnents His had raptured while on his trip vice wi'ii r regi'iient. and .lisiroiii-se i ist Sunday morning east. Alex received many emi. f,,r Pn'Und this n.oriiing was on the ..cotei Coninmnd- gratulat ions and was given a l it h I, ., s s.. ved on tie- h .rd.-r men t and was h n i u t ercsti ng and ride arotind the hall in a wheel- u'l - i'ii nor. in-.! ruetive on". barrow.