I I St?!! a Few Boxes Left j While they last we will sell RUSSETTS - C Grade at $1.00 per box BLACK TWIGS - Fancy at i.zo per box I Phelps Grocery Co. I This store will he closed tomorrow, Saturday, ! from 1:30 to 4 1'. M. for the Mass Meeting 2 MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. John H. Bush, Manager We wiiii t Jill the cream which can he pro duced hy the farmers of Morrow County, pay ing lop market price. litiy cows and we will help you lift the mortgage. He-organized and iii strong shape to produce the best re sult p.voihle for the farmer who maintains a small ilairv herd. Boy Now in Service As evidence that the boys who left Heppner la9t week to carve their names in the golden tablet of honor by faithful service in behalf of their flag'are now the proud wearers of the most beau tiful uniform on land or sea. Victor Groshens, father of Char lie and Harry, is in receipt of tho following letter from Chief Quartermaster Watson, who ac companied the boys to Portland: Portland, Ore,, 3-2.V17. Dear Sift: Roth your sons and Pressley passed tho examination 0. K. , and left for San Francisco yes- terday evening. Thev were well pleased, and also enjoyed i themselves during their stay in j Portland. ; I wish to thank you very sin cerely for courtesies extended to me during my stay in Heppner. Very truly yours, S. Watson.LU. S. N. WAISTS! WAISTS! High School Play This Evening Students of the Heppner High will present the play. "Home 5! Ties," in the 9cbool auditorium this evening. The play has been carefully cast und it is expected a highly enjoyable enlertuliiment will be given. The proceeds are for a good cause and everybody should attend. I Church of Christ Sermon for Sunday morning', April 1. "Profauity." The ev unluj,' service will be it union service to which the whole town is invited. It will be presided over by the mayor. Several short addresses will be made. An offering will be takeu for the starving children and others made destitute by the war. The Easter service, Suoday morning, April 8, will be espe cially for the old folks," though all are invited. Arrangements are being made to bring these to and from the services. J JUST RECEIVED - A shipment of new Spring Waists. Very stylish and made of the newest material Lawns, Novelty Voiles and Tub Silks. , Some are made with the popular Shawl col lar, and others are beautifully trimmed with Lace and Embroideries. All Styles! ; All Colors! All Prices! All Sizes! Come and See Them! J fl J fl How about that Silk Petticoat for the new Easter Suit? We have a complete line of Silk Taf feta Underskirts, changeable and solid colors. Better have one, hadn't you ? MINOR 8c COMPANY Dry Goods Department The Federated Church Whether you tttleud the Chris -tian or the Federated church next Sunday morning you will Hon Anderson, of Flight mile, was in the city Saturday lust. He sure to seo the Chi-Namel hear in either a discussion of 'demonstration at Cilliam & His reasons for k.-eing sacred in our ' bco-s April 0 and 7. 47-4. speech the name of God. Inj A j KnobocU WttS in fro.,, the evening a union service will ; . . . , w.ioe,i,. 111.-3 1H.UV IUI III if lu inicuil J . bo held in the Christian church, j The purpose of this service is to j give the people of Hcppuer an opportunity to conttibie for tha relief of the sufferers iu the various nations caused by the European war, Tho public is cordiilly invited. H. A. NoyeN, Pastot. LOCAL AND PERSONAL CI IAS. THOMPSON, Presido'tt FRANK WINNARD, ' i Vice-President ' JOHN VAUGHN, Secretary tfi Treasurer (looi) wmm II a sm ill d 1 iv liid yield a nice little income, a larger one, il!i lnuh tl.is.s hinds, will ptove dourer ol ' Misidi 1 dili (unfit. K.im t idii.te, mo. ill crop or Luge rrop, wheat at !V).- pel IhinIi .1 or :, $1.7,1 pel Inmlirl, yur COW vj! be pi. 1 I inn ; I. t ' t !.it. Mini hitter frtt mrans a rood. im. M'-adv uieome, Whv not mereee yo.ir In- of milk cow, or pi vi it by al Imtj oi iip liikih cl.ut breeds? b -1. .;, !, i'. J ,,.( N.,.,,,,,,,1 v,k ol Ihppnri Mill k ! IK .i"i-1 1.1 li 1. in, o.g Mil h pun hasps, and you lire ioi h .yv iiivii-d t.Momr in and talk the matter over. Tho First National Bank lll.ITNT.it, OIUXiON 1 WHS i 'city Inst Saturday. ! Hulless, beitrdlcss seed bai J ; for nale. II. F. Swaggart inirton, Ore. -4Ctf. J. H. Currie, of Portland, rep resenting Urad street's, was here on business, Monday. Tho Chi Nauiid demonstration ut Cilliam v. I!isbce"s, April G attd 7, will bo especially iuter estiutr to the ladies, and they should not miss it. 47-4 John Y. Maid 1111:1. t, well known sheepman of r,ono Uoc.k, was in Heppner 011 business last Friday. Kjrgs for setting. S. ('. Rhode Island Keds. Fancy matings only. Price per setting of 15, $l.70. I,. W. Hriggs. Heppner, Oregon. 47tf x Dr. Turner, eye specialist, of Portlaud, uiadu his regular professional visit to Muslins, Ginghams, Table Linens, Towelings, Cotton Flannels, Hosiery, Notions. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY: No time limit for having these goods replaced if unsatisfactory. SAM HUGHES CO. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. Lotus Hobluson. of llurtliiian, whs In town Tuesday. Mike Hyrnes. of F,cho. whs 11 Heppner vitotor Sunday. I'. W. Knowles. it resident of Dufur. was tu the city Sunday. C. H. Hallow, warehouseman of lone, was in tne city Tuesday, monthly U. H. Harrow, pf Monument. Heppner last Saturday. a business visitor in tin.' FOU SAI.H - Twelve good' work mules; also fome pood work j horses. See these animals itti my place. (il'V l'.OYFIi. Hepp ner. Ore. --4'itf. P" EJE Bring in Your Old Ford 1 Which i the most warlike mi. lion? Vitrei. untieit. Hccuuse it is nl any in urint. J. W, Creith. of Portland. wu in Heppner for a few days dm. ing tlie week on buttincss. James and I'lul Unguis, well liiio.rn fanner of tlm Hatter creek siet'oii. tsire 111 toun Tuesday 011 business. The planting oeasoiv it here and tlillium A Itisbeo ill I... ::Ud to sIm.w ymi wli.it 1 1 1 y luvr lit Olivnr and John Deere ploxs 47 s Dave McAtee returned WeJ. neaday iveninr from IVndleton, wliftt lie ha been the past wek on business. Cilliam limbec would be Joe Pickett, a well known Hcppuer boy, has enlisted in the I'. S navy. F. W. Hirns. the landscape gardener of Cotuliiii. i here lor a few days, u.tli treett and hlirubs for Spring planting. d!7 .1 A PUIiink, of 1 ...! i:,.,u. was in lb pptier, Nt .inlay I A COOD POSITION it'an be had by 11 n ambitious veniig iiui'i or jouny l.nly in the held .( railway or t omiucri ml telegraphy. Sii.ee tln passage i.f the eight hour law by Con press, it lias created n big de. iinaiHl for telegrupli operators. Poaitinns paying from ?7. to f-"!1 per niotitli, with many chances .and we will convert into a one ton truck for S350 - You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change.. E. H. Kelloggr T -il(KS TI:n K ATTAri;sixT I Make a Specialty of Plate Glass, Burglar and Automobile Insurance Also write all kinds of Surety Bond REAL ESTATE I expect a number of land buyers here, If you ant to cll your farm or ranch, list it with mc. Roy V. Whiteis Ore. Heppner, for advancement. It wi.l iwtv pleased to figure with you en ; you l0 rit. UaiUay Telegraphy any kind of farm huplenictiU lsliUite of Portland. Oregon, yiiu ought want. Their time U' r. fn .m,,v,, hvju t't tun ' 11 hi win a V' J . ) n Ca'l aivl v0 1: tti .47 4' Tom Hoylan. prominent tdierp. t l" i and family. .f M, ,,. man of Pendleton, wn in Hepp- unent. came im Vedn-s,.iv an,l ncr. Wcdnetday, looking after , Wl'rc hx-king for a hm,. i r,,,lt busine intos in Morrow expecting to res,.!,. in H,.pj,er' oiuniy. , f'r a few iu..nth.