Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 30, 1917, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Local Kens-
Entered at the Heppver, Oregon,
Pout Office os necoiid-cluKH matter,
TcmiH f.f Sn!'Hcrip(iH.
Our Yur - - ft.M
Si's iloullm - - "t
Thxp MuilM - - )
F fill) A Y. MARCH -It), lf 17.
Fl-AOS arc flying thin week all
fcverr (he Unit'-d States; bund
are &i lay ins the patriotic, airs;
niasH- nii.i--ttn)iH urn assembling;
orators are U'lairaip; Kuards-
inr art! inurcuniK ni uiuutiiz.- i .
i.: i t,:t:
iiig; recruits are hurrying
to the'
staUonH. 1 he country has been j
called upon lor men needed in I
.1 . III' W I A
Ute nauoiiHi aeiense. i lebuiem ,
Wilsou has spoken ana the na-;
tiwa. io a rather quiet, self-pos-;
Th wl for a full comple-
wont f men with which to man
,ir nuVV U w...ftTtii7...d hvi.vi.rv
DUH.i.Ml tv,.- 'n fp ,
ijfiate unny with which to u
w)'i the rights and honor
While war bus not bet
r urw II 4 P 1 1(1 r ll . i
tion to liK)l ruit, for ourselves
should e-vnds w shape them
Sflvej that wicli n coursi might
I)miip imperative. A navy
wiikio.it .). ir. n.n th. hi,, u !
fnf.l-- m. nrrnv wiihaut J,ir i
tr.it.le ui, army without equip-
mutt y u lrJi. i
Mitpw p o n jvo
Indications now are that,
' fihonld war bo dpclured (KrwiiiKt
rw.rm.nv. . at r,rppnt PPm J
rrtain, the naval branch of the
Mrvire will all that will be
called into action. If war comes
il will be because of the subma
rine activities of Germany, am
the United States would un
doubtedly be called upon to do
its part in meeting and disposing
of the undernea menace.
Even in the event of war be
ii4 declared it is hardly possi
ble that an American army will
bflwntlfi iUo trnichcs of ku. I
ivirx. i be uIIk'H ynv tliov do ,
. ...
not nei'd more men with which
l.o win; what they do need is
money, munitions, unlimited! . Bf,,u".l,B W1M iar i-owaro
credit. America has the money jK'vinB the 1cople 8Uch as"ur'
in the form of "velvet" earner- anc'0,
el pitHn durintc the pat two 1
years from the sale of munitions ;
and supplies, and the country
cm letter nffoH to supply the
"sinews of win" in that form
mi.i to wmd her sons to the in-
feruo nf the trenches.
lhe present situation in Eu-
rwrx. hs it can he judgt'tl at ttr.s
itia-tanre from tin leportM coir.-
injt throiijrli, KeeniH to indicate
t'tat hit,' chances are imminent,
Th l'sjinn revolution
twins likfly to prove a fuctorof
strength to the allies.
Uuuajarv is said to he
i ipo
revolt Btvl ready to nu.ke a Hep.
a-atc ptie. Tin? nimhlinua of
,. il...
revolt ure :ilst liemtl I nun (ler-
.... .
n.iiy: tnekaiM ris snl to be
niiidiMinir nh,li.-i,li,.n; Cermany
iimV rtnoit at any moment, and
nhimU tlut Iiappen ami tl-,0 tier-
mart people com into their own
tt i- In'uhh p-ohalde that peace
will U un t:t M,tbli: lir, !act I
the pit.-nt it a tune that,
i i. it'i i ani'iii ;t".o lili' till I
i- i
Hit" p;it I 1. 1 I .i n eriean pin
pl. We ui ' a t ii.nn p ililmi na
I HUile i:p d th.. b,. M.,,,,1
f miiny I'.intiK'iiii -iix W,.
It.vr not mtuli nf ll,,- vitiated
a I a .1
Woki ot tbe oI, woilii s rovul
f.4iinlit-. hot l,;,o the hrain
a ..I l.v.1 .m, in in M (j,,. j.;,,,,
1'H fpl. Ii..im th,' niiiuiv
f w ho blood hn uprunn the
hardy, hrillianf, whirlwind tace
I iht has made America the
IT erne it country on faith.
Anonir our Utt l itm us are
tit of thouranda wlio rii of
C'rmin hirtlt and xtiaction
n-litis,! loyalty to this country and
it institutioim cannot U doul t-
M. They rt' us phhI Ameri -
cans as any of us, and because j stitvttion he ba3 built up. Thi3 TeuiT- si.v wie yon net at scnnoi
an occasional crank or criminal ! man may bow down to his hous- yu-nMy? T.nuny-l' was my Wrtu
.1 4 t i . , Uisv. 'A-nd-ir-Ilui I don t stay Home
among tht-m strays from the jes and lands; that one may wor-: r.UMl ,jn inT birthday. Tommy-
path of good judgment or com-!
mon sense, we should not allow"
ourselve to become excited and :
condemn others. This crovern-
munt will jealously safeguard !
every vulnerable point against i
( ... stacks nf Micmiw oithpr !
I'rom within or without, and will
.note out summary punishment
to all such when apprehended.
: But the wrongdoing of a few
should not lead us, in a moment
of excitement, to condemn other
good cit i.tms who are loyal and made man with a barber shop 1 j,a Grande, Oregon, on May 10,
true. ; palish, and some one has wittily ! 1917. Any settler who was ac-
Should war prove inevitable, : remarked that the so-called self-' tually and in good faith claiming
ail Americans, whether such bv made man is verv apt to wor- an-v of said lan(?3 Jor agncultu
, ., , .. .,, , ., " i i , " ra purposes prior to Januay 1,
birth or adoption, will do then ship his maker. nas not abandoned
duty. Let us cherish the hope, We can make false gods of our san!e, has a preference right to
however, thai the constantly own pleasures and pains, our make a homestead entry for the
changing whirl of world events joys and our sorrows. To give lands actually occupied. Said
...:n i ..: t.- j !... .if ... u ..u:.n.-i : lands were listed uoon the appli-
vi.i umiK iu uui u'-ean uiau-
. . .. , . l
HS,Klim dmi uiat
fljct wi
iu;t'UKia irom roriianu ma.-
Cite tht,t lhe State H'ffhway
: Comituss.on is in a mood to stand
!' no graft on the part of the
-culled paving combine
in the
event the bond issue carriei and
co stri ct on oi naveu roaos anu .
streets in Oregon but it seems I
that the present commissioners!
i i . ji . i i
tti i: in u iiiuwu iu inaiat mat uu-
1 .. 1. .U ... 1 i. ... I
ices will not be
"ign p. i.f 3 m not ue ,
derated and, it is said, thejj
r,-n,.; i
..w.v Hv-..v- .. ..
that if paving companies do not
do their figuring on the basis of
a modest iind reasonable profit,
the State will put in its own j
equipment and no the work by
Jay labor.
Thifl rusu-H will moof untVi tVP
w 'v "v -
approval ot all taxpayers, ihe j
HERALD believes that if the peo-;
pie of the Slate are convinced j
that the proposed project can j
ind will be carried through on I
the strictly business basis of giv-;
ing the people 100 cents worth I
of road for every dollar expend.;
p"'. there will be but little oppo-
Cltlillltnthi-i llAtA H tAl-kALiifim fit
l" in"(iuaiun m
the June election.
! The recent il'-clarat ions of the
TliK text chosen bv one of our
Heppner ministers last Sunday
morninn was the second corn-
maiulmcnt : lhoii stia'.t not
Ill lkr until tliv.dt' -inv n-..v.n
Ill IKl Unto lllSt'II dn) IrlaM'tl
Thou h-ilt not
lIlltu bliail IIOl
bow down thyself to them, etc."
The Rennoti was a thoughtful
discourse against the sin of idol-
u'rv. Tlie speaker pointed out
that idolatry has ever heen a he-
setting Bin with mankind and u
direct liindiance to progress.
Tlie three ureiit religious bodies
of the world (Christian, Jewish
and Maliometan) are not idolat-
rs in the broad sense of wor-
sniping graven imnffs, and tliey
liave been and are the fjrfalebt
factors in tin world's inoi'ep
1'hf peoples of the world who
worshin l-oiIs of woud uml st,.n.
and mrlal 1 nve jv little ,r
tul hint; to t h' w orld in the wav
of nselul ileoveiies or inven-
1 1 "N'n pei'le is trenier
t. limits ivln:ioii, "' id elait'il tl,i'
spi-aker, "U rmiM' tt is natutal
that a man :hoi.. btconie kf
tn.il w liicii In ttnohip". "
There are many forms of idol
atry of which mortal man is lia
ble t.i he C'n'ty other than th.-
one . vhn-h th" mi i i.--t , r re
ferred, i.ii I there are m;ii v ,;t,.d
s-ople, orthilex in their con.
ception of Hod "s the Supren e
Uuler of the l'nivcr:;e win ire
apt to have a little sluine s.-t up
in their h -arts drdic.it d to the
worship o. to ne l.ttle p t ;l of
their own ir.aU n c.
Ono man may idt lizo the K'tcat
American dollar; another niav
' worship the great hiMncfa in-
: rnt! piopospo Hvsiein oi otate j u . .
"f ,H": highways is constructed. I become like the thought or the 1-4 iSWl-4 E 1-2 W1-2SW l-4ot S
! ... ... ........ , thino- Mint. wm-shin Wl-4, NE1-4 bL 1-4, Sec. 5, 1.7b.,
ll de-; 1,1 u,e u" ,L uas ut-1" u;T i . 1 ,. .. ' R. 28 E., and the SE 1-4, E 1-2
. 1 -lifW.il.lp mmmmt on tt,P Pnt nf I W"Gn We ICam 10 WOrSllip tll3 t,,., , . i
snip some position of public
trust, and fervently pray that
the voters may become convert-
ed to his belief hpfnro pWtinn
day. Many an ardent youth has
most devoutlv worshined some i
n7.n - P.PVPr1 cmrldoca fr. u ca
to discover later that she is only -
a mischievous flirt, and many a Oregon, will be subject to settle
winsome maid has. from afar mpnt. and entrv under the provi-
yielded homage to some Adonis
, ,,,, c,s TT,
proved to be mostly a tador-,
u uie uiiui iuicu pur-
,,.i,ii i
f"'" "u"u'j wo"i: ton-iuMii;beloW( who have a preference
idolatry; to yield to uncontroll-!
ed grief or hopeless sorrow is
another, and nprhnnx mni-o I
baneful one
Snmo nonniomaboi
gods of their physical ailments,
and seem to be most beautifully
miserable in their devotion to
this pet god which is so jealous
ly guarded.
ti, f i i
The practice of dolatry n any
relation oi iilo will get us no-
r i
wnen we 'iel(i to tnG sllSKes"
tions of cvila'l begin to worship
nnvl hiii'f tlmt, is Hin mmnaifn irou PCrtb, Jlst V XJOO,
" ' r
are on llarKe'ons Kround.
U C t H L1 M .
bltuo children, Keep your-
selves from idols!"
S. A. I'attison, editor of
Coudon Globe in the early days.:
has receutly purchased the.
lleiHld at Ileppner and the first
l.,- u:. i .J
ly unit, uis uiduu-iueut uilS
reached our desk. It is a de.
ciied improvement over former
issues. Mr. PattUon is a good
newspaperman and will give the
Heppner people good service.
Condon Globe.
From iKppner, Oregon, comes
the Heppner Herald, edited and
11. . .1 i. t it a . m
puonsoeu oy n. a. raiuson, ior
merly of West Alexander and a
brother to Mis. D. H. Fee of
mis inure. Heppner is a Hour,
,shin town in Morrow county,
whicl1 is tt P"rt f,f oue ot ,he
greatest wheat-growing sections
of the northwest. Canonsbuiar
a ) "ole!J-
. . . .
1 llO Mt'Ppner lKrtlKl C IllllQ to
. . .
us hundiiy for th tust tima.
1" f I ioll1 . S. A. I'rttti.SOtl. of
..... 1"ll',u"' ' '
"'Ivor IviWe. wtMH down to n.-po.
I l'
n(r Hn'1 purchased the. Herald
';lst eek. mid hi Hint issu r r
1 ho PP''r ' splendid" fine, and
'fc'lows t,m'' n'though ho was n
rar""'r r"r 'our yeara. hit brain
0"J htn.l lost nono of their apt
ness. 1 lie paper I one of the
ix-roluuin. four-pmr.) variety
' ni"'1 8niPPy news, with
ond advertising putromijre.
t,l I ,, i . ,ii i . it- i
l,,uel)t '"dent. Laitla ivocU uu.
S' A' ,,""il",n' '"tmcrly vk.
.1 .1 A . .
a or of thu Central Point Herald
' "'is i Hy. hat kivd hi pic.
'"' U1,,l phiekuns w..w-eM"
und "Iwecl-t eet" and rc-cnW-
'u iM i
ed the nriTpap"r ti 1. 1 nt Hep-i
lll-l , III I 111' I .1 - I C I II p. Ill li Miji.
t , a.
a, "II 1(1 il It'llrl ID 1 hi .Ml'UIUld
ll j'l'lUe. I'll HVH III tt
H' 1 PI If r
tit ...11
' ""' ' I'M ll IIIHUI S It till
w! eat, ".lurk mid -nu Uinc." t.o
if I'iit Ui'eps kIiuxo the "ll.iod"
uiaiU and jj in wilh the
l i n r ! . " he hiuld Ui able to do
Hit hi' siv hi' wniilil like to do.
"I etui 11 to the fa vol 1 d hind."
I 'lit hl hien Nl.imlfrd by
irntny t ir thu j: w huh
W lllle
I'lll ll
W ll" I
fdilmu 111.' pmi'r Iih.m
-ai ll.filietH 'i
ii'it it I i';i-il f. r
Ills p. p mill i n 1 1 ,., lev ,1.
lia.it .1 P.. . in, , V .
V Cut t il I o..t (l h ,
l, XTM,.aI r..l..k
The WiHili lti . ,- SiMl'h ma
fr.i'M l. Il.ltp It t.'ll (,"U'tl It. tilt .if T".
... , , , . . . .'
I M,.n!i!-,:i on .,.,,
n-im wii.ii in,.,- ,n if. M mna Iar
1 ue--s you've gut used to 'em.
Xl - W Yor'i; T'"?3-.
FOREST. Notice is hereby giv-
! I,.. r.ml.ranirtr 'W7 3! Ol'rPS With-
en tnai trie minis uauiwu
n tVe iTmatiila National Forest,
sions of the homestead laws of
lha UnUt lntes ianci 0fflce at
7 ... Q monfnnpd
uuna ui mc i;cio-jiio un-nv.iui.v.
nVht subiect to the Drior right
of any such settler, provided
such settler or applicant is qual-
inert to maice nomesteau entry
and the preference right is exer
cised prior to May 10, 1917, on
which date the lands will be sub
ject to settlement and entry by
anv ciualified person. The NW1-4
;SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T. 7 S K. 5J8 K.,
W acres, application oi vv. i.
; A Monument, Oregon, and
10 acres, application ot W. 1
Lot 1 (13.38 acres). Lot 2 (13.95
kju a -a '
k. za n,.. w. m oo .on ucies,
listed without applicant, total
area herekv restored being 397,
T5. 1917. 0. M. Bauer.. Assistant
r. . . f .1 -i 1
Commissioner oi tno uenerai
Land Office.
IsolilU'd Tract
Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Offk-e Et
La Urande. Oregon.
March Gth. 1317.
Nntirp id hirphy irlvpn that. n directed by the
CommiHsionrr of the General I'Biid otere. nnn
proviwiond of tjef. (J156. R.S.. p.muant to the ap
Vllf almn ot
Phil Hicgin. r f Una, Orwon,
RwuiNo.OltWi0.wwmoff' at public Mlo, lo
iha hiKhtwl bidder, but at not Imi titan It. 60 v
sent, at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the 8th day of Ma
1H17. next, at thin offn' the following tract fo land
SW 1-4 HU 1-1, Sec. 20. Tp. 1 S.. K. 29 E., W. M,
This trnet in on) r rod into the mnrkot on a show
inn thRt the ftroiiier portion thereof is mountain
ous or too rough tor cultivatton.
Tho flfl will not be kpt oppn. but will b de-
cmret! ckntejl whfn thone nrraent at the hour nam
wl have ceitMrri bidding. The penon makitif the
tntfh't bid will be rxjutrod to im him! lately pay to
the Hwfiver lhe amount thorvol
Any i-ernonn elaimina" artviraelp the ftbore-do-
aenbed lnd are advmed to file their claims, or ob
jectlonn, on or before the time designated for sale.
C. S. Dunn. Itcffistcr.
Nolan Skikf. Receiver.
Isolated Tract
Drpartment of the Interior, U. S. Land OHU- at
la brande, Oreffun.
March 8, 1917.
Nutlrc la hircby g-ivfn thai, ai directed br the
Oinimiaaioner nf the C.eneral Land orllce. tinder
pruviHioits of Sec. ZVA It. 9.. pursuant to tha ap.
plicntitm of
William II. Ewiim. of Cil. Omon.
Serial No. 0irfiJl. k will olTrr at ptilillr aale. to
thi'.h'tihrM bi'Mcr. but at net la than $2.Vi per
i "rr- 1,1 ll'iVlnck A. M.. on theMh day i.f May.
! IH1V. next, at tlintollire. the fi'llcwintr Irartnf land:
j sw i- nki-. s.w.ti.. 4S., b. nr... w.m.
: UV '" "l-red int the marlcon a ahow.
mi that the freatrr lurtiun thereof la mountain-
Tha Hale will not be kebt onn but vlll k Aa.
; f,1,; 'T,, J V,T." t'na-!" TrTrV.on hm-k mVi
1- V.-1-a?VV- 'aCa7ri U ""il --Vi ' m 1 " y "
j Any nemnn. .-l.imini a.iver..-i- n,. .bo,-. d-
i !iTtH.nr onn"rTfra
, . ."r '.r'
lanlated Tract
I n ..........
; 'X"Zv.lnAom''mx
notk-k i.herehv iv.n that direetM b
i tntinmiaiiMiro Hie tieneral land office, un-
iderti..-i.r,rtl.,m.aoi sr.siv. a. s.. purauam to
1 the appln-ulten
j Midiaei c,,trM ni i.na on-n
txxCZ fhtlV" -J?
' "'.T '
IOn.-l.-k A M i"iil.e 'h .l.v i,f Mn.
I. at lh Htl. e. the following trart i.l
NKI-t n i-t. Trr I Tp S. R F, W M.
Thu traet I. onlrnd into the market on ahow.
i lr "'"hT."'r p",r"w","'rw' wnn
on. or lit i.ii h ltr i-'ilualim.
1 he .ale 11 i"it b kept npea. but w'll he de.
lan.l i La.il hen ll n i.r. un. .1.. w
naineii I'.if .-.-owii 11 HiiirB. he prm inak'rt
i.'imnfl 10 iinmeuia
lav I" me K". in .-r the amounl thereof
r.M, 1... minim, ei'miiv in. ai'le-nw
C'l'd lii.'l are a.lviee.1 m Me Ih.r rl, m. m
"'ierl..rt . 011 l-eti.ie h
I'me ilea anaie.1 tin
I H III NN K'ti.lrr
M ll. A N tt. Ileeeuei
N'Tli i; loll rt -ni.le Alios
U lal.d Tia. t
Peparlment e( tbe lnter.er f S. 1,1 D.T.ie
ai l.al.ian'le. l'refn. Uarth i. IIT.
NOTK K i. t.Tl. furn ihav aa dreeted b,
Ihf (imiii.'..h.i'rri.( thfiim.!,! Ahl pe. e. nn
i t i"i "il W !W K ,H "ir..,ai. i ih
ai ri ' a'" "f
' ! ' C'lr-e-v ..f eia Orerfwn
ti. ... .
K-t-el No wawll oH.r a hul.lie aale
to tha h aheal t.Kliler hiil at no, !mm Iii a.'
t-erair al Inoriik A M.. t.n the ath da ot
. ii'.na,. ai in a orrre. ma lollnwir, (net
ol lari'l.
' ih.i i i vi mi n - r W u
lb Uai-t la w!te.. irtn the market on a .how.
1 ' ' a"'" ".eppoi la nvuntan- ,
ouaoeroor.w.hf'.rcuimani'n. I
the ,a'e will nl b kei'l nren but will be de. '
rlar.1 rkt-tX
Pen lh.a fnnl at lhe h-nr
M.l ii.oi,.i,i,n, imiot. ni.k
' en..l haaeeeaeMl thh
' i lo the Kei-rite, the annonl thee, !
! A reewe-aelaiilie deelT K ahow-o.
aer'll lai4 a artaed o ale lher elam
..vvm ,wl(oe. ,h. . d-.I.ZT tZ
ai. w I" n Kea-oie,
I NetAN fKirf ii"r.
: ffpnreWbRK Shoe o?;Tb
- TAi$&
fit X. Ktf-naat.: Ai:rjPVAVe: X
E. N. Gonty
Even Kipling Will Pun.
There is a new story ahmit Mr. Kip-
linjkr, for wliicti I-'. Monkshood is ro-
sponsililn, 1ihvUi linmsht it out. 111 Ins
hook, "The Less Faimluir Kipling ami
KiiilinsiiiiH." It appears Hint n rrionu
askoJ Kipling wliethcr he would not
write on airmen, as lie lincl done on the
commanders and crews of submarine.
Perhaps, some, day," replied Mr. Kip-
linpt. "Oh, hut you must! insisted his
friend. "Lefts see whelhcr we can hit
on a good title." "Well." said Mr.
Kipling' after a moments reflecl 1011,
what do you say to Tlaue 1 ails L- row
the SkyV "
A lady one day remarked lo P.ulwer
Lyttou how odd it wmh that a dove
(Latin, Colombo) should have been sent
out to llnd the old world, mid Columbus
(Olurnbe) should have found lhe new.
"Yen," amved the novelist, "but more
curious still Is the fai-t that one eame
from Nouh and the other from Genoa!"
Miflht Have Eeen Worse.
A Wisconsin man says that he was
held up to ridicule because some one
painted n harness on his horse. Hut
that's nothing to tiio fun that would
have been created if he'd led a set of
harness from the barn and then foutid
that the horse within it was only a
painted oue. Buffalo Express.
God blefts the good ualured. for they
bless everybody else. Henry Ward
service Cfl1rn:Iira
BEST Pricety
Case Furniture Co.
Wood and Goal
Raising daily. Also a ser
ious car shortage.
N. A. Clark Phone 396
To sell to ."ii buyers who wilt commence to arrive
here on the 20th. of this m mil, If ynu want to ell,
send met ho full particulars, and ile.-cription el your
land, als your lowest price and the term.--, a!-o a full
list of what jroi's with your ranch if improved and full
description of all improvement!. Land NOItTH of the
hase lino preferred, hut can .u- h:id anywh-rp in
Morrow County.
My charge for Ptllinyr land is FIVE PERCENT.
The quicker I hoar from yo,i. t.c .pucker vour
ranch will be soli!.
le, T
Ln 9
W. D.
Buy a pair of
and you will
get 16 hours
f solid com
fort every day.
- D
Shoe Store
Washes everything but the baby.
Our excellent equipment insures perfect
work on collars, shirts, andwomens1 fancy
clotnes. Send then, to us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
(L'ulace Hotel)
O. It. HOT1 MAN, Prop.
First class Straight Rail and
PocKet. Billiard Tables
Soft Drinks
A Coiuiilete Lino of Cigars,
Ci"uietles and Tobaccos
Heppner; Ore.