If I ALD Help support Heppner Business Men who help support Heppner. Central Oregon gets on and off' the train at Heppner Gateway. Willi which is consolidated Thv Icme Bulk-tin. A first class ne spaper entered at tin- pusl.tflicf nt Hrpjmor. Ort-tron as second-class matter VOLUME 3. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1917. NUMBER 4, 0 Heppmer HER H PATRIOTIC W MEETING SATURDAY natcd by the commission ure: All the roads embraced in the statu bonding act as Post roads or Forest roads, as the ease mayjj bo: Roads designated in the ;vct , ?i ux:r::::::::::::::: :s PROCLAMATION City of Heppner At a meeting of citizens and veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American wars held in the council chamber last Monday evening, arrangements were made i'or a big mass meeting of the citizens of Heppner and Morrow county, to be held in the Fair pavilion Saturday, Mar. 31, at 1:30 p.m. Mayor Notson presided at the meeting and the unanimous voice of all those present was that at a time like this, the peo ple should get together in a movement to hold up the arm of the government in whatever may be necessary as the present tense situation more fully de velops. Committees were appointed to arrange a proper program for the occasion and to thoroughly advertise the meeting all over the county. An afternoon meeting was de cided upon for the convenience of those coining from a distance, and it is expected that every place of business in the city will close from 1:30 until 4:00 p. m. while the meeting is in session. The county has been thorough ly billed and it is confidently ex pected that a record-breaking crowd will be present. Don't forget the date, Satur day, March 31, at 1:31) p. m. PROGRAM Song America High School Pupils Address Song By the l'.ntire Audience 'is "Paved Highways" are desig uatcd by the eomiuissian as "Post Roads," pending this vole of the people on 'the bonding act; it the. people fail to ratify the bonding act, the "Post road" designation to continue, as there will be no money for paving; if the people adopt the bonding act, the designation of "Paved Highway"' will be the law. A number 'of other new Forest ir? and Post roads in various parts jj of the state were also designated and a military road from Flor ence in Lane county, along the Pacific ocean through Newport and Lincoln and Tillamook- coun ties to connect with a Post road from McMinnville to Tillamook. The foregoing designations, while official, are tentative, made at this time in conference with U. S. (.overnnieut oluoials to conform with government re quirements that a complete state highway system be designated by each state as a condition of participating in the benelHs of tho Federal appropriations iinide by the Khaekleford act. The designations are subject, to later revision by the commission; also as to exact location in the sover al counties after public hearings have been held by the commis sion with the county authorities to make atinal determination as to' exact routing. 5-'-,s-John Hughes and dangle ?J Mr. ami Mrs. Wnf. Wilson H family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Far-; j;ley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ml Mike Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. F. M Monahun and family, Mr, and MiMrs. Pat Healey, IMr. Pat Cur- & PROJECT WIH5RES, The President of the United States, ii view of a grave national emergency, has issued a proclania tiwn calling for 18,301) men forlhe navy of the United States $:ron and Miss McNamee. and has called 'upon all public officials to co-operale in se- M An enjoyable musical program curing the enlistment of men for service in the navy, and ?U was given by Misses Huuhes WHEREAS. This is a time for actions and not for ar- M and Wilson, and an interesting guments, bickerings, and disputes. Therefore. I, S. E. Notson, Mayor of the City of Heppner, do hereby appeal to all able-bodied American citi zers from sixteen to thirty years of age to respond to the call of the President and offer your services in behalf of your country in this hour of her need; and I- further appeal to the parents of those under eighteen years age who oll'er to enlist, to give their consent to the enlistment. Dated this 26th day of March, 1917. S. E. Nouson, Mayor. seal 'bucking contest" was furnish ed by Pete Rourke and Hugh McNcrney. Sumptuous rel'resh- servet nients were with Mr. ijiPete Farley as toastmaster. All present enjoyed a ported even- A Constant Rf.adkk. Attest: J. P. Willi ms, Recorder. tng. when tho season is further ad vanced that figure will be per haps trebled. The output, which is of high quality, finds a ready market in Heppner and adjoining towns and communities. The Herald man is figuring on making another call down that way when the ice cream freezer gets running full time- Getting Ready for Summer Down at the Morrow County Columbia i Creamery, Tuesday afternoon, the management was busy get- Leu py iiign scnooi tin,r the ice cream rBS Vv.'Y,rS"";shapo for the summer Entire Congregation Prof. H. H. Hoffman, Miss Ma rion Long, C. L. Swcek, Com mittee on program. reezer m season, warmer wave oi Star Span-1 March weather presumably gled Banner j giving a gentle hint of warmer Address Rev. II. A. Moves 1 1110 sngnuy Concluding hong iihssideii days to come. This institution, which is one of Hoppner's important business enterprises, has recently been reorganized and is in splendid shape to secure the best results for pal.'ons. The present output is some T'l'l or S ;( po-inds of strictly j high grade, butler per week, but War Sufferers Relief Meeting A meeting of public interest will be held in the Christian church next Sunday evening, the object being to raise money for (be relief of European war sufferers. Major Notson will preside and make the opening address, and other capable speakers will pre sent different phases of the sub ject. C. E. Woodson, Rev. Noyes and Rev. McDonald will ad dress, and olhcr speakers may be added to the program. Belgians, Serbians, Armen ians and Jews, all innocent vic tims of the world war, will be the beneficiaries of the funds raised at this meeting, and don- ors win nave ,ino privilege oi designating to whom their con tribution shall go if they desire. It is expected a large audience will be present at this meeting. Notice to Business Men The undersigned hereby respect fully request that the businees men of the City of Heppner close places of business on Saturday, March 21, 1017, from one o'clock p. m. lo four o'clock p. m., during the patriotic meelinu to be held at the Fair Pavilion. N. S. Whelslone, Commander G. A. R: S. E. Notson, Mayor C, L. Sweek, President Commercial Club. Heppner Elks Loyal Ili'.t'l'M-'.i!, ( re., 3 To YVooimow Wll.sON, President , Washington, I). C. 1 have the pleasure milting to you the Ivesoluliolis'iulopted by Heppner Lodge Number Three Hundred and Fifty Eight, Benevolent and Protective. Order of Elks. Respectfully yours. . 11 Hon-'MAN. While the farmers' meeting in I he interest of the proposed grain elevator last Saturday was not as well attended as it might have been, considerable interest, was manifested by those pres ent. The committees in charge of ihe stuck subscription lists re ! ported b.'tween ssnno and sjiooii ; pledged, wliieh is in addition to !ihe sfiOOH pledged at the outset. I This makes more than one-half of the em ire capital required, which is placed at. some si'."), 000 j A representative of tlioTum . ii-Liuu Lumber Co., of Seattle, 1 was present, at the. meotinsr Sat of trans. 1 (miy, following x,., ,,!,,. . ,- . ., in' i iin; i; M'L lor Tuesday, April i!, when il is ex peeled that every fanner inter ested in the question of bulk bundling of grain will ne pi es eat. It is essential that every, body get behind the project now, otherwise it may fail. WHEREAS, A most grave in ternationa! crisis now confronts! the CniledStales, and the I'resi-1 Heppner Boy Enlists Wilh Col dent lias and is employing such lege Suuad A Pleasant Oiuision An enjoyable occasion was that of last Sunday at the home of Mr. Patrick Council, a well known sheepman ol this city, who hail as his guest MrFrank MeCartan, of New York city. measures as are at his command to uphold and maintain the in tegrity of the nation and the sa- Mayor Notson received a tele gram Tuesday morning from his son, L,ee Notson, who is a slu- ered rights of humanity against, dent i Willamette University the ruthless hand ol the despoil- .,t Salem, requesting bis sanction pr' to Ijec's enlistment with the Na- Therefoi'e, be il resolved by , t ional guard. Heppner Lodge Number Three j ji,.Si Nols.ut is in Salem with Hundred and Firty-Eight, of I he j 1m-son, and while she hail given Benevolent, ami Protective ( r-1 1,,-r eonsent, the boy also wanted der of Elks, that, we do most sin 'ir,js father's permission before eorcly. endorse, the President in I taking the step. bis patriotic Aili'-tican course of I 'J'h,. ,n,.s.s(iff,. slaled fiction, and we do iiuliviil wully stiifliits at Willamel Ir Mr. McCarlan has retired from ami collectively pledge him our business in New York and ex- i utiqiialilb'd loyally and support j peds to engage in business here, m his heroic efforts to preserve' Another guof.t of the occasion j to I he pimples of I lie Ea fl h I hose j was Miss Anne Wilson, an old I V,,U 11,1,1 privileges m. long j ... , .. ,, ,, ,- : rcc.ogtu.od by tliu law id nations. ' tune triend ol Mr. Met arlan, ; Am, u js f; , Ul,.,. n.silvri, ,.,,. j but whom he had nol met since ,ll(,M, solution be spread up they were school mates in Ire- J,,n Ihc minutes of Ibe Lodge and land in their childhood days. I a copy of the same lc t ransmit- 1 n 1, i. M M,.'.,,.i.,i, t,. lied lii Wood row Wilson. I'rcsl. ., ,, , , i ' dent, of Ihc I lilted Males, and Mrs. ( onnell enterlained a, ,, i ki--m a . , E. R. large parly during the day and W. P. Cnx evening, the following guonts, Sam E. Van Yai iou being present: Mr. a:d Mrs. Committee. that 2ii had al ready enlisted. Mr, Notson im mediately wind his son to go ancail. Somelioilv has In said Mr. Nolson. go, TO BE The committees of nor Commercial Ch At its recent meeting in Port-! land tho ttale Highway Cominis-1 sion designated a number of j new roads to become n part of j tho state system of permanent j highways, among them being a road which is of particular sig-' niticance to Heppner and Mor-; row county people. i The proposed road is desig. nated as a forest road and ih! distance is some 30 r,r 3.1 miles. It is understood there is a fairly good road at prrvnt, between the two points with the oxecp tiini of some eiijlit or ten miles which is only ir.ivel.ibli: fnrliirr.t rigs, and the op ninu' and main tenance of a pei in rni'iit thor. oughfare'v. ith eay trades and built on modem line's w ill mean much lo a laii." number of pen. phi living in that section, as well as to Heppai-r, whi -h would te benefited by a big trade I mm , that part of the country. The Heppner gateway i the natural point through which ail that section would it.icIi tho out side world when a g nid mnl is provided. I'tidel pli'M'tll ci.lidlliolis. Mi the Herald is informed, a detoar of in inv aide. Is n.ces. iry for o;ie I I e UiiS or a'.' ' '111 ' 'bill In rtaeh tie i, ul'. 'id. unking tl.e Hduil distance ub-eit i'- Hides Instead ft i or ",r w Ln b wmild be trr.cle I over t'e- prop., sen llei'piiur-Ritter road O'l.er T'-ads si !) ;l 1 1 ly desl' Farmers' I! moo Revised map of State Highway System showing ntwly designated I leppner Rilter Road yrn Of ' W- s Vii Hi t. i The U itiu.t-.i, Ar Iib CUttr CAHtON tat t amoisL' mmm nokr S'G'.ATt'" tl V tit f lft- to Tnrf. r.tt'nTrr; (ji Tin .'iCH Rf rnuc i (i I A'URF. OK tut L'H v-SfX 'ifax ...... 4 Q""" A " ' V-, 6-- :'5r'- ' . -. V ; T: x--A r " - ? . j. -j I I . "--r;. , .:v f W.t...... : .V.J .r:;---. ; '..- - V" ' I . v ::.:f . X: ' rt '- V ; V- ' V.-!:- . T -.t'lUM l.-.L-' -1 3 TATE ROAD SYSTEM POUTF.G DCI'.IGNATCO THE CfiCGOrj ? i TATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION i o f f'.r ' f V A i nru'j',:i .' i it ' .r tj. 5. GOVLtirU. NT Ilie llepp. i and the have made ar rangements for a meeting of the 'citizens of the county, to be held i the evening of April II, for the j purpose of organizing a Hotter Roads Club for Morrow comity. It is expected that citizens from all parts of the county will he present to aid in making the . or ganiziition, ;hh it js hoped tlmi : every community will be well represented. lin. ;,,v Uiti,,.,-, who has in hand the work of or ganization of (lie eood roil. Is campaign of this part of the I state, has been invited to be j present. It is I'piile likely that Commissioner 'I'honipMiii uj , so he present. Judge Phelps I w ill also attend t. nn-etin if ( the court work a( Pendleton w ill permit. A cordial iu ilal ion is extended to the fanners, bllsi- , liees men and ladies to at lend. 1 I,et US h,V, e a Coil'. Hi" lueel ine and eei t ;U) oivanizat ion w hu h will aid us in securing I -1 1 I roads. r ri )epllty Siienl) Wlll.Hii , leu ii i,,it i ,i,er lei-v days in I I lot sh. i,t , l, lin e, il in. i, t ,e I'avpiiyino si ,i,, ,,, ,,h ('Ii'h are Imuii' pod It,-, Jy ,( ; -pi ing and in, my p -i s,,,, , v h eM! Illiable r, ,:y ,, ,, ,,, m, I aO 11 re i ll-. u in;.' up I ht ii I,.,, j, ItaM-. und p.iying Ibe mi t,i,l t- HI lull 'I his III. I I ties .1 lgr.ilifymgil.eree .,f pio.p,-i,iv j in Mono v county.