Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 23, 1917, Image 3

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Co operation with a represent
ative of the Bureau of Biological
Survey of the U. S. Department
of Agriculture, the couuty agri
cultural agents of Eastern Ore
gon have rendered particularly
valoable service in connection
with orgauizeb campaigns fur
the eradication of j.u'U rabbits,
The work has been carried on
systematically by organizing lo
cal community clubs, appointing
a poison mixer and demonstrat
ing best methods of mixing and
distribution to this individual.
As a result of concerted action,
literally thousands of jaclmiu
bits were destroyed. Crook
county reports a count on (57,.
'Wi jacltrabbits killed by poison,
and in one instance in Malheur
county 700 jaclf rabbits were i L"rn " STd oT S"' "9'
f , i i i , . : You Rtally Nead.
lound dead where four ounces There are few persons so rich lhat
of strychnine had been distrib- ""'J' ' "t need t exereise rare mi
uted the nrevion-j ili.v T 'forethought in their expenditure, lln-
similar way catnpaigus were
man needs, human desires, human
sympathies, are no vast-. occasion of i
carried on for the destruction of outlay hesct ail of us at every step i EDITOR HERALD:
ground squirrels very effective
ly through the summer.
' The writer' is in receipt of a
letter from 0. M. Plummer, of
Olympia Man Buys Farm Here
Mr. Wood, of Olvinnia. Wash..
recently purchased the
that unless we are watchful we quick
ly find great resources reduced to
nothilll?. without iwn- L-nowtfc how
Tbp speed wiiii i)ieh money departs ' Portland, in regard to the Ns
( one. of the first lessons of eior. 1 tional Education Association,
!'.:ie.!0 IT' wiraa " lL i which will moot at Portland. Ju-
"r I "i't-'tV (MJI- m f AJTI It'll "
iu our judgment of others.
Every one should he taught fruni
L''rank IJarlow lilap.o on Rlinn ': childhood to w-eiih. the needs of es-
oi-onl- f ,.,,, i? l- i . , i penditutc. This I must have, this I
citclv f .oin h. h. O.lmore. took ( cnn go ,Tit)mn tlli, , wf)lf
possession of the place lust Moll- j. other demands still more imperative
day. His family is expected i0 j nrp balked by it. Hy buy in? this
i i ri w, ,.;t i,;n ., 4: rn mm rB 11 " vert the necessity of tlou-
anno w.tlno a short time, lhe , l)e ,,ndit,.p , TMr l)PU(T. ,)n lp
lAJuiiuises tw acres. i other hand, ic 1 refrain from pur-
base tempting ttt the moment 1 may he
Baled Hay and Grain for sale
at White Front Barn.
W. T. McRobcrts.
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meals are the best in the City.1 Our
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all limes.
If you'are eating our Hams and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire satisfaction.
ly 7-14. This will be a jrroat j
event in the educational world.
It. is not likely that the associa-;
tton will meet again ion the Pa
cific coast for several years, hence
those interested in education
should plan lo attend.
A movement is on foot to so
euro a large number of new mem
bers. Every teacher will find it.
worth while to become a mem
ber. Liven if it should be impos
sible to attend the meetings, the
bound volume of the proceed njrs
will be worth more than the $2
membership fee which is charg
ed for associate membership.
Many will desire to become act
ive members, for whom the fee
Tha Popular Sid of tha Strsst
Owners i.r renters of retail mores
tbmiltl liM'l; nut for tln si,le of the
Hlrect on hi. h the property is located,
illustrative- of this is the testimony of
a real estate expert In a case some time
iil'o th.it ground floors on the west, uiile
of P.roiuhvav, New York, should lar
for $l."iO a from foot more than similar
properly nrross the street. The raltle
of n retail business ilepemls oij the
umitlMM- of iiissersby, ami the ilirrerence
In this respert may result in n hootnine
trade on one side of a street and only
moderate suvress on the other. Some
men are able to nc ipilre sneh. a reputa
tion for their yoods that the people no
to them even when they are ineonren
lelilly lornled, hut It Is n coed deal ens
ler in bnililiiii: up a made to put your
self on the route traversed hv the
crowds. Leslie's.
glad of my celf eontrol, even within a
week. Questions, like these have to be
settled by every human being. Cau
any training be more important- than
that which enables us to sett In then)?
Exactly tlm same disposition to weigh
aud lo compare must be brought Into
pivinjr, Into charily, If civltts Is to be
discreet and wise and not in the end
Injurious to giver attd receiver both.
If We want n useful lest for the (11(11
rult distinction between avarice and
thrift we may say Hint thrift Is mote
spnrliiK with self than It. is with oth
ers, whereas avarice pinches others ; is $4 for the first year and 2 per I J
sooner than itself, although it may ; . I't.M-vvaril i
pinch both.-YoutUs Companion. Kdt dUUWdlU. I.
If would also be a good thing I J
for 'every school board to take J
Vry Suitabl.
"The eniraccniciit of the youni: sur
Kcou to the telephone tfirl is unusually
"Why soV
"IhvHtise she makes a practice of cut
lliii; folks olT and he of cultlnc them
up." Baltimore American.
Contest Hearing On
A tearing of th contest oa-s
wherein liurt Swift contdst-ed
the In mestead claim of X. U.
Leathers, in the Kijfht mile coun
try, was commenced Tuesday
before .ludge 0. O. Patterson, in
Ii'ir chambers in the courthouse.
A larjto nmukr of wllnesMs
wore present from the neigh
Imt ln (id "m which the land is lo
cated and considerable interes-t
in the esse is manifested.
iVn. W. Chnpon of llamman
ws in tovrn Tupsday.
Bert Mncpy, well known Iuhd
nirn hant, was a business visitor
in llcppuer Tuendny.
l)ick Anderson, a protuinnt
farmer of FJifrhtinile, wk h court
Ionise visitor TunsHny.
lU-ppner Herald $1.50 a year. -
Plans and KsthimU-tt Furnished for All Kinds of Bitildiiufs,
First Class Work Only.
' Make a Sprr 'ntHy of and Hare Compkle
Equipment for
it !
S i
City Meat & C
Johnson Bros., Props
Site Co.
out one membership, and if possible-
send at least one member
t( the meetinjr. The school ofTi
cers' division hasi become one of
the most valuable divisions of
the entire association. Mr, Phmi
msr is president of this division.
A school board member who at
tends this convention will find
the money ami time spent a most
valuable investment, It would
No one thing will give so much
: pleasure to so many people :
for so long a time as a :
You can get them here on
the same terms, for
same money as
Seapert, WaUrlng Ple and
Britith Naval 8ttion,
Qticeustown, numbering: slightly more
than S.iXni souls, has a threerold dis
tinction as a seaport, a watering place
and a Jlrittsh naval station. It Is a
j well built and attractive place, with a
j mild climate, and, being built upon an
! Island, its streets rise in terraces one
I above the other and offer a superb out.
j look over the neighboring w aters.
! W'ithiu fifty years the place was only
n.suinll .fishing village and '"'a known
na ihn t'rrrn rtf ("rtrlr 1 ! ti,-naA,-l nam.
was received in 1849 by reason of Its iW art.V ooanl to take out ft
havlnjj been the first spot in Ireland ' membership in order to secure
.upon which gueen Victoria t i the volume of the proceeding.
It still serves as the port of Hie city of 1
Cork, from which it is twelve miles ells- The addresses which will be ptib
tant. Cork llsclf is located at the point isU'd ill this book will be the
. The barlmr of Queenstown Is splen- lc,cam of CclucotH.nal thought at
! rtidly defended by two fortRTCsrUple the present lime.
I nnrt Cra.1pn-t Us entrance, end by JnPre should be a latye ninn
I Fort Westmoreland, which is situated , ., ... , . ., ,
; upon Spike island, one of the group of m' ll'om tll,s founty in attend-
three bles which make tip the govern- ance, at the convedtion. It, will
; went, dockyard and constitute the fine U,plp Op(ron jf the membership
natural breakwater of the harbor. ' .. .
wherein n large Beet can find safe an- 1 "'Oin this State is ari;i It is .
fhorage. i estimnteil that there will be from 1 J
Tw0 years before the qtieon-s tlslt to 1 jr to 20,)00 visitors f rom ! t
i vict depot noon the abolishment of the outside the state. I f
House Moving
Sen.satiun Blend beautiful'v col
ored enamel ware nt Case furniture
I Store
I For subscriptions lo Hie "Ameri
can I!oy" maga.irie, nee Kenneth
Uinus, lleppner, OtTifon.
! 1) 0 Y 0 u li
f Professional Column
? ? ? ? ?
Need Printed Stationery
of any description?
I)K. H. J. YAUGHAN ' r
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
ui c
transportation scbetuo of punishment ; fpipntls living in the states east
! which had been In vogue, and the eon- 1 i r, i .. nt ... i . i
I vlds sent there ri ! employed upon rhe U,.rky Mounlnms, invite
t hem lo rotne i ins
the fortifications. The Island ceased
to be a prison In 1S$ at which time It
was handed over to the military au
Iho'llies National Geographic Society
Oscar R. Otto
. .... . ... -..M-l-tfj-ttVtfl-tt-v-t
Go to
11 KJ .K-r A
u in
For Your
Harvest Supplies
Oils, Greases, Belting
Lace Leather, etc.
We will give you the quality
and the price that will command
your patronage, otherwise we
do not look for it.
"We have got it-will get it or it isn't made"
Poitlv Jurort.
A prospective. Juror, lein$r iiialifled
for a murder trial in Illinois, when
asked the customary iiislion, "Have
you formed or expressed an opinion a
to the tjuilt or Innocence of lhe ac
cused?'' rejoined promptly: "Sure
lie s na utility as nil get ouC' Which
resulted In n $li fine by the outraged
court and, of course, the disqualifica
tion of Hint talesman.
There wna n murder ne that rtidd
rlubt III the. middle nhcti enunael,
uhecdlltiK H''Htly at the Jury, remiitk
ed. "Of course mme of ynu jjvnlloinen
hna ninde np his mind yet as lo the
cuilt or Innocence of litis defendant."
Taking nilvnntaie. ! a ihcimlcal
ane, a Inuky Juror hp'so nifd icplicil
pc',tfrely: "Well, I hnve. fur one. tin
ottijlil to be. hunyr'- Kansaa City 8tr.
way. ' i hey
cnn n rtke you a visit nnd ntt -ml
jthe convention. The railroad
I rates will be very low.
j 1 f those who (lesirc to apply
lor memoersni win noiiiy me
writer, he will obtain the appli
cation blanks and will be jrlnd to
sin the recommendation. While
the writer has, in a manner, sev
ered his connection with school
wort, lie expects to retain his
membership in the association
in order to secure the volume of
proceedings each year.
S. E. Notson.
? ? ?
Our Job Department it now
in competent hands and we
are prepared to do Commer
cial Printing of all kind in
a manner to plejinc the most
particular people. Give us
a trial order nnd become a
satisfied customer.
Prices Right
Good Work
AT'l'O t( N K Y. A T- LA W
(mice iii Court House
Whar Wa fiit Nun Vemica.
With lhe exception of t.'eybm. whb ll
exports a limited quantity of tiux vom
ica, Hritlsh India la said In supply the
world. Nnt vomica seeds and pl'di
lugs nre. nbulned from the plnmllk
fruit of the Ire?. Tim fruit l collect,
cd and the aeeds w ashed out and dried
In llm sun. hi lhe forests of Nellnre,
where the tree Is common, the sds
lie naslird out by forest tllb. lhe
Yanndls. nnd uoot i.rl'e is ohialned
2 , for lljcin. Cinhin nn muiba Is rl
9 , leclcd In the dry dr- lduous f'.ret nt
h the fod of tha Travnn'ore hills and !
od nt a low figure lo small ni
A dealers, who end tt to the inee limits.
H Not pity Far Hr.
Q i:dith-lf joii d..n i Im .(a' I hy
& i"ii't you Mil blm "1 Madue-Weli;
j he sends me flow and iak me lo
8' the open, you tiiiotv. and- Ediths
U It'll, gta. Ions: I don't bow you u
j! plav Hh bis arfedhuit ibaf .
.-Uv-'it'w'asar'X'W'SWtrix i M.iis!riyr i cu that uim"
- . a a . 1 1.. ... n....t... i. , Hot
,1 l;. ',i::an Stallions that nre
ii'ti ai
t h i- r n l. r
. . . . i
tors that are yourK "'
Ert'ltsh Shire, and
n tit-.?
Import'-d Pen
extra poyti. P" :'
-l...l.,o.t.,t,.J if it tl I!! Ml! 1
vlJUVMPl' - ,,
good With CO I '.it If
tl. ...- .. ! I .IM.-I MailU'l.S Ui.'l !'-.
Ifc". O.V '
i tluit vo-i ea:r."t u-
you have a sta!
1 mitfht change.
Pi-ndleton, Oregon
J. R. JustiC", Import :r
J i
A Mir.
what Is frn
n ho l I
"Any one. my son, who prpfe.a 'h
foclrty of rrriybtrflj lse to hlmelf."
1,1 fe. '
Stranglh tt an Ottnch.
A full grown hi', ostrph ll e'll
frt hia'i ef'l'y 'airy on lu
tt'lc, with lhe speed of h''r. mm
of aetag aire.
On Hundred a Day Flock to Nw
Yrk Tamplmg Ft.
I'ne hundred women a day coine en
rccr seeking In Neiv York diy. ThiK Is
lhe tllture furnUhecl ,y Itlrn ior ('. II.
(tarns of I lie stale bureau of employ
ment. He Imacs Ills climate upon I In,
number of women handled dally by
: the Trarelcrs Aid, the number niils-
I tereil at hotels and thorn. r'U i -1 i In
. Hi" atsin 1 1 1 1 if h 1 1 and other i iiipby-
ment aucm h a.
One hundied women a dn.t, :;t,: a
' year. A fraction over four ewry hour,
npprojlmstclv one even lime 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 -
1 me hand rro Hid fifteen mluum , J
( mark. a
Mr. Hams ritimates that a In rue per- J
1 ceittane of career seekers come from up a
tale nnd towns ai'tit New York and
Sew .let iet Prohshly ,i per cent, he 1 a
last, coma from western states. The
mallest ptuiloii i f Ilia number conns
front lhe null. K"tna sue. red; ni"t
j fall. It nlwaia olhen cotee. ansnar- a
' In the rail of th nilnnm hand as ll
' mills round and round Ilka I tin fit grr a
I of l ate. b' konlpg. ,
j 'stii't r n'pi"iil. Tby say j a
: oothlnj of w ho tha women ar nor w lit j J
tier cm nor what lhy find Instead a
ef'sthst liter rtp"-! 1 hsr d"t I tar J
Ihera trgdr ,'n head hk And 1 a
laugh round h rdc of inged'-. I J
tatlt-t hant t"ld tha hl"!
tore. Tby do ii"t mt that. h"p. J
promise, d.Msmr wait b'indrrd limes a
day f'T liia wotnsn who fiiwi lo
New Xni .-W Inlfrrd an I "irr-r In a
Naw York AmrrPau.
! a
sre what we (uarantrp. Can
anyone do more?
on KG ON
DR. A. I). MrMl'ltOO ...
I'll YSIf IAN & SttKGKoN
Tnlrpluiup Tl
OfJico Paltersoii Plug Store
It under new management !
and will he enlarged and J
helleii'd in tvery way posiii. J
hie. Our aim i to make it
a lural paper whiih will he a
welcome viaitor in every
husiiifa houae and horrta in J
Morrow Connty. J
Office in I'alair llulel. Il-ppner, Ore.
fl'hd nrefiomes by tc" lislll orr
rotno b'tt half bis foe iltti.
Ueji'al Caweluataw.
"II Is not on of the winsI" tel."
'Ilial Is why tliet think (ley can
j tf'-fl him "- I'.aiilutore American.
Per Year
a a
I or I'inu t'p To r'al? Homes
ARC III l l.t r n (OMRAt lfm
iiErrsnt. orecos
' Clyde & DICK
Baths in Connection