Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 23, 1917, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
hardly at all, while iho powers j
of officialdom .seemefl irrevocably
joined to their idols of graft and I
oppression of the people fr their ,
own train.
lint with the world war came1
Miss .ln?fliin WuiTrli, a prominent
society Kil l In an eastern city. Loin::
til'cil nf lllp winiop fiiii ii.l trurwtiiw
found wanting; it failed to pros-! iiineti rr gtm-tiiiiiK dirrcioiu. in the
the war with
An Iiiil'iM'iithrit, Lical .Wic
The dynasty, follow-:
Entered at the lleppver. Oregon, in;? in the footsteiw of all its )
Post Office "-s xermiil-rliixx mutter, predecessors in the world's his-
- - tory, proved inefficient: when'
Tenri. r,j Snlsrriit!on. the supreme test came it was!
One Year - - $1.50
,,. ,, v- rente the war with vijror; it
m ir , -a potted with the enemies ol its
Three Months - - M '
. own country, and finally it broke
down with its own rotten weight.
FRIDAY. MARCH 2J. HH7. when the final moment came
- Russia awakened as from a
PAVED ROAD WILL REDUCE nightmare and suddenly all the
FREIGHT RATE ! Russian people discovered that,
r, ..... ,. . , i : for the first time in history, they
f)NK point in lavor of the uKd . . , , , J
road bond proposition whic j xmi united people . with the
should not be overlooked is the same ideals and aspirations; and
immense value to the State that ' "leal! and P"-at,ons of
a system of real roads will prove !aU classe? ranging from prince
to he in the matter of helping to t0 peasant, were embodied ,n the
A Revival
Of Romance
Just tik Him.
r:ill-.-r iviowitiK i.ew bali.o Do you
think ho Is .'"ins tu resiMDble lii fa
ttier? Mother I shouldn't be surprised.
EIc keeps me up at night even now.
: FOREST. -Notice is hereby giv
I en that the lands described be
! low.embracing 397.33 acres. with
in the Umatilla National Forest,
Oregon, will be subject to settle-
tiist place, she had hati imif h d'.zen merit and entry under the provi-
pinKisais, ni't imu of diem havius in it sions of the homestead laws of
an.uiiius like rcMi i..ve. Thry rmiu, the United States and the act of
iron, men who v, khe.l to n.arry from j jj; .j Sut-f 233), at
hJ.'K.''!liirLh Ti n t,-,0"0, 1 tl,e United States land office at
Her becuuse Bhe would lirini; her Ini ., , , . in
bund some meiuis. ,,tiier because she 1 I rnndc. Oregon, on May 10,
would piva i.im h -better poeini position ! Iiil7. Any settler who was ac
ond still others brcnuse they wished to ! tually and in good faith claiming
marry and she was considered one oT any 01 Said lands for agriCUltU-
llio iiri.es of the sinisom.
Miss Wnrren's fn titer ownod. nmmn:
ollii'r tilings, u rntieh in the far west,
which hud fallen to him through a
foreclosed morta fe. One morning dur
Ins the early sprins .losephlne heard
iiiiu say that his ranch, which be cmIIcJ
ral purposes prior to Januay 1,
l'.KJG, and has not abandoned
same, has a preference rijjht to
make a homestead entry for the
lands actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon the appli
reduce freight rates.
In this regard Morrow county
is so situated as to furnish an
example of
paved road
his western elephant, wouij ruin ijim lions of the persons mentioned
if ho did uut ko out tind look after it. : below, who have a preference
"Do ko, papa." she said, "and take I Ho-hr. suhiect to the Drior richt
; This Russian revolution, so
general as to be almost blood-
what a first-class : im" u LU ulu l'- ""-j
would mean to a : ment, the biggest result coming
, I-,..., . Ti 1
wheat-growing section. With a.uum l"e 1L "Bh
paved road leading from the : emancipate! millions; it has
heart of the wheat-growing sec-1 P''ovon that liberty and progress
tion of Morrow county direct to havo not 'ct Phcd from the
I he Columbia river it would be
A ... -I ... - l . a i
possible for the growers, through' "uemy noi expect unat
the agency of motor trucks. lo movement will stop in Rus-
sili. ntreiiuy, u repot i.i irom
Germany are to be credited,
deliver their tonnage to the river
dx;ks at a low cost for haulage
and secure the benefit of water
transportation to the sea. Freight
rates from the Inland Empire to
the seaboard are too high, and
so long as the interior of the
counties bordering on the Col
umbia are tapped by branch
lines of the O.-W. R. R. & N.,
and without some other means of
reaching the river with freight,
no relief can reasonably be ex
pected. However, with a good
paved road over whick powerful
trucks could carry immense
loads, the freight problem would
be solved and the big appropria
tions of State and Federal mon
ey which have been expended
on portage, roads and canals and
locks to make the Columbia nav
igable would begin to bear fruit
along the line for which they
As a matter of fact, these vast
expenditures in river improve
ments have not been a paying
investment so far. The amount
of freight carried on the river is
negligible as compared with the
tonnage carried by the railroads.
The only way to make availa-
blo these expensive improve
ments for the benefit of producer
and consumer alike is to provide
away fir the farmer to reach
the river with his wheat and oth
er product' independent of the
branch railroads, and this a good
paved road, will do.
rumblings of revolt are to be
heard in that country and the
kaiser i3 trembling upon his
throne. He is reading'the hand
writing upon the wall; written
there in blood-red letters by the
composite voice of a maimed and
bleeding people: "Weighed in
tho balance and found wanting,"
Nor will this thing probably
stop in Germany; but in Eng
land, and Italy, and all warring
nations which today bow the
knee to kings and emperoi
will be taken up the battle cry
of freedom, and from the ashes
of a ruined continent will arise,
phcenix-like, the United States
of Europe.
Surely "The World .do Move."
me with you.'1-
His having his daughter's company
decided him, and within a few weeks
father and daughter were in a west
ern rntieh houso ik Miss Warren in
stead of receiving the attentions of
onus men in silk hats and spats was
surrounded by cowboys with sombreros
and spurs.
Olio nlKlit Josephine was awakened
by a serenade under her window. A
man. accunipimied by a .guitar, was
miudns 'with a voice smooth as a run.
uitig brook. Moreover, his whole heart
seemed to come out wiLli his voice, and
till son:; was one of passionate love
of any such settler, provided
such settler or applicant is qual
ified to make homestead entry
and the preference right is exer
cised prior to May 10, 1917, on
which date the lands will be suo
ject to settlement and entry by
any qualified person. The NW1-4
SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 28 E.,
40 acres, application ol W. I,
Allen, Monument, Oregon, and
Lot 1 (i:L'58 acres), Lot 2 (13.95
acres). S 1-2 NE 1-4. E 1-2 SW
1-4SW1-4. E l-2Wl-2SWl-4of S
R. R.
I'rosident J. D. Farroll of the
O.-W, II K. & N. Co. has just
uittdo announcement of that com
pany's plan this year to give its
employes the privilege of culti
vating its right of way and oth-
losephluo could not help conipurh.y it Wl-4. N El-4 SE 1-4. Sec. 5. T.7 S..
with the lovemaUing she had listened 1. 28 E., and the SE 1-4, E 1-2
" : B,,uuu "1L" oc ",e oa' teil) ; SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 32, T. 6 S,
Ptslnr- f,-,.m l,, l,,l , : IV. V . JU., OUI.UO "U,
tL'o .nrV-M nt",,e nil, list wfout app icant. tota
and shon .iirertir oo i,. ,.p i, i area hereby restored being 397.
screnndei-. Ho was in cowbov anninci i 3:5 acres; List 6-1988. February
except for tho hat, which lay 011 the I br, 1917. C. M. BRUCE, Assistant
ground Desido nun. whether it was j Commissioner or the ueneral
tlio moonlight or that his face was I Land OlIlCC.
really more refined than the nvnraue !
cowboy or tho effect of tho music, he
certainly appeared to Josephiuo aa n
superior being.
Ilo sang but one song, which seemed
altogether too short to the listener,
then went nwny, leaving Josephine in
a sort fit ecstasy she lind never felt, be
fore. Oh, that she might be wooed In
such fasblou ly one of her own ela
tion! Tho next morning sho osked those In
the house who was the "sercnadcr.
They had heard tho serennde, but uo
ono knew any cowboy who could sing
anything except ragtlmo music, nud
thero was no musical Instrument
among them except a banjo. Josephine
was disappointed. And yet wtyit ben
efit would she derive froba Uuowlug
which of tho many herders had poured
forth au impassioned love song? She
was not for such as these; she would
return to tho east and settle down to
tbo artlllclul life of n woman of society
with some man who spent n part of tho
day iu trade, tho rest ut his club and
bis evenings escorting her to social
Josephiuo hoped that the scrcuader
would favor licr again, Kvery night
sho lay nwako till sleep comptcrcd her,
"I'lttg iv mtn luvau UCIIII'.'IIS UV'lia j
once more. When sho rode out. which I
THE Work Shoe of. To-Day
.- -
Buy a pair of
our WORK
and you will
get 16 hours
f solid com
fort every day.
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Masonic Building
Watch the shows at the Star
Theatre this week.
See the Ford Ton Truck on the
street daily demstration. E. H.
Kellogg, Morrow County Agent
Palace Hotel, Heppner.
LOST Large Brown Mink
muff. Black stripe. Left on bench
West side Fair Pavillion at Elks
Ball. Finder please leave at Her
ald. Reward.
Palace Hotel Buss team. 7 and
8 years old without a blemish
weighing about 1450 each.
See J. L. Wilkin s.
Washes everything but the baby.
Out excellent equipment insures perfect
work on collars, shirts, and.woroens' fancy
clotnes. Send them to us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed S34"
:Troy laundry:
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at
La Grande, Oregon.
March Gth. 1917.
Notice in lipivby Kivrn that, m directed by the
ComnimBionvr nf the General Land office, under
provisions nf Hoc. 2t55, U.S.. pursuant to the ap
ilintijn of
Phil niacins, c f Lena, Oretion.
Serial No. 0U50n. we will offer at public sale, to
the litffhest bidder, but at not teas than $2,60 per
acre, at 1U o'clock A. M., on the 8tb day of May,
1117, next, at this office the following tract fo land!
SW 1-4 SE 1-1, Sec. 20. Tp. 1 S.. R. 20 E W. M.
This tract in ordered into the market on a show
inn that th! creator portion thereof is mountain
OU8 or too rough for cultivation.
The ;iale will not bo kent open, but will be de
clared cluned when those present at the hour nam
ed have erased bidding. The person making the
hi client bid will be required to immediately pay to
the Receiver the amount thereof
Any persona claiming adversely the above-de-
acrilicd land are advised to tile their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the time designated for dale.
C. 8. Dunn, Register.
Nolan Skikf, Receiver.
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofliee
La Grande, Orejfon,
March 5. 1917,
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by t
Commissioner of the General Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 2155. It. S.. pursuant to the an.
sue urn ft great ueni on Horseback, eio uiicntion of
scanned tho faco of every luun sne met. William B. Kwing. of Cecil. Oregon.
Of IdtlUH llllll UUiy UO aVallaiJlO . 110 vnv nvvetHwl lU llio khiup fon. !hchiphrat bidder, but at not loss than 12.50 per
e i . tit. ... ' arp. nt 1" o itrk A. M,. on the Mh dav of Mav
hl Mich pill pONCS. "Jill4 IS lUI'i'?. illMl ,Ls'illlMO ut hist tniiellHlt'iI I'.'l 7, nrnl. at Huh nlltrr. the following tractof land
lnl.C " lilt vil;inis "im hii : id In 1,11,1 IUimmi I ii-lit luul t ho ulio 1 SW 1-4 Ni:M. Sec. 2ti. Tp. 4 8.. K. 27 B.. W.M.
sin h;i'l seen iU hmvm Imu ii ixmi'S 1 ,,iH ,r;,rl '""nlprpd into the market on a ahow
IlrttiOlinl lirt'DllftninSS through ;,, mg that the greater portion thereof is mountain-
, ' oni or tm rough tor rultivation.
UIO lHOUUCllOn Or Vl"OUlOle When hrr f.lllier aillM'Un.ea lo her The sale will not tie kept open, but will be de.
V, .1... .;i I I f ' IVSii'Ct tu lilt ill Vosl llH-lit. Willi ll v: IhuIh-si bid will ! miuirrd In immwllitly pay to
liiuiu iiinuu iui . I. .. ,.,. I, ,, ,. ,,i..,l,..,,,. " ic.wivrr llw nmuiinl thflrol.
Anv IM'tmin. cliiiluinir ftilvprnolv thu ftbnva dp
riU'il liiml nrr lulvinl to file lhiir cluiini.. or oh.
flu .nfl. on or lii-furi' tlo ttnieilii nnt.tl for sale.
('. S. Dt'NN. Kilor.
Niilas SKirr. tlcrrlvor.
Till.' II'MDI I llmrrc . ...... . " " iiiiiv hj n 111-11 urn in.
iiii. "iiM.ii iiwl.o llu) UlVlU;i:; uiuUlin Ollly con. , t niilnn.-t m. Iii't- Itiii it fill nt tlio Men of
TllK worltl v;n luiidlv nv. ililion i thai Mich products its : ll'''n i"it' '''lM' hls nl1'1 si"'1t 1,1
. .. I c .1 f ....... .... i ii i . 'Hi' Ii ii:i if ivrrt. Mio Mils
ImhiI torthe nrwscoinmK from iusi-uh slmll be cmitinvd lo , UMu.r r hl.r fc0.c.
Huw:li;i williin t lit jiji-it week, din uso of umploytts itiiil tliuir nmln- lun nunlu Unit ini'li"liniis toko
That tltitt l;is icnnininir ivlic of (nnnlics. v"' M from iinilrr tin- iii,,.
i .,, . . .ii, ..ii.. i i . t i 'I l' 1 : i y Hie fniiiiT ami iluuuli-
nhsol.it.. mniiinvlnsm. tW K- -n.ir ral family of vii,.U.y. .,.,.,,,,.,,.,..,,!,;,,
miiliotT ilyi ltslv, sliiiulil lie so I'C uililri, "I'lttl niimu1uI ly as- mwm iilur iMiiuilinit It Mr. Wmrrii
iiiictly disio.ci of oVfiiiiht, an it in nation's rogriiin ,,f , li "i - In nmti t" lii dniielitor iiml In-
-. i . . . ... i i . i i . ,i inil'iuil linn im the i .in flin st uf lil
. i . , .i ' ii i n j '..n , ii 1 1 ii . n; i i n" c ' n m", , ii i . ' I 1 1 1,
. . . . i . i ii.t i
uuvci iimi'i.is hi tin-woi'i, talvcn oimi Mijiiy, uuu nil w no inn
2 The OXO-GAS w not merely
I d summer stove. It docs a
l way with wood and coal,
I furnishing heat in a few
J minutes both for heating a
room or cooking. It does
the business quicker, cheap
er and cleaner.
Variety Store
(Palace Hotel)
O. B. HOTTMAN, Prop.
First class Straight Rail and
Pocket Billiard Tables
Soft Drinks
A Complote Lino of Cigars,
Cigarettes and Tobaccos
THE Sye Furniture i
BEST Price Undertaking I
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. :
Nona: i tit itiiucaTion
Iwlntrd Trial
S. Liiil Oflka at
rii'imrlni.'iil nf Ihr Interior. I
l.a ttrnnil,'. On.. March t. 7.
NoTlt'K l iiwpIiv irlvrn iliat. a ilim-tnl by
lb,. r.nitiii.iiiiipr of lh lirnfrnl t.anil oltlrr, urt.
il,-r I (to iro iMiiin. of S.-C. titfi U.S.. Minuaal lo
ruin ll. Ill' n nlinllt IlihH' Iran nf .'n' apiiliinlii.n nl
llll ilc lllhl I'Vlilrlillv n ;:rnlli'lllltll. Iimoiiii
liV a li'J-ililir. Tin' I'nitril Stlitcs so n n t-a t iit'st y iui;imI Iu I . i K i l'l"'ninl ilmt In
iiiin iiii'ii w in
of Kus-.iii i-; .'iluiii-.t iinliclir able.
Fur iiian r:ny iais Kit--,,
sunt nnlirnls had ranird t lit (hii'
of I 'M "!l :r. iinl im;iiTial ili".uit
ism, Iim' our llii' mrs-:ti"c nf lib. I
crl In a iTu -hi d and Iiiimim
i i.i.i. 'hi ibis hi 4 I lr Mil'.
liM i'd Ins-, iif i' upi'i , ui-,i inn,
llll.'fl I'V (Ml llll' llsi f I ,j,t
llii- liriiii'lih I m.i .rs inivlii (
h ' i k 1 1 ii 1 'us I in ibi-ir liri'a Is.
Tiiey ail.tli'd, thi' I'ditraii'il.
tln'v I'tot .!; il.i'V M.iTiTi-,1 di -il
Lit inn to I'm' kuiiins uf S:
rri:i; llu 1 : 1 1 1 n sm'ial mil.
a-l . tlit, t Ii' . 1 1 v i i tlnir muiI,,
the Ku."ian )ii-i(i1 miht toinr
into th htritajr whi h mlvanc
init civili.jition wua brit nil to
the re-it of the world.
Through all thrso vourn. how.
it 1 :iiil.if.'r of t liw nil,'!- "
Tlii it 1 1 in m it '! 1. 1' lit fiitllii'r
ll i. lib I ll ll l.llllU lint lill ll
fur w itluti Ii n il iv i ill Ihi uf.
Ifliil Iu utln'i'i 1 1 1 ii ii iiiiiuyii-.
lllll Mlllilll'l I'. tUIIIIIIilll.'ll. I ll
tin' sum' trims.
'I Ins iiiuv ii ,i my s lulu Jin- si
ii'i' 1 1, i nl ii.-t I 1 1 v it vuiy lint i'
I I ll nf I lllil il. Ir I ill- mill ' 1 1 1
liiu .is Ii..- in im In in, ,.,! if
Him u i i .hi I,,, unpiuvi'.l it nil
I'xuliiti'ly tiMiinii. fiuiii llu. i n .
n i', f i in il y I MIm' ai imiit
ilmi I.. I ,, 1 1 i''liii. f,. in i ii.
nt,' M I
A Pttaimial.
Tiajntnjr )ml, what la psiniiat?
Ii -A i.'.slinUt a n man , ,mi,
riithiT rril tho ilralli iioilm In H
tHllHr tllll III J..kr.-i:n lmiiki'
ever, the jitiinulK'ntion of lie! " '
principles of li'ifrty upon the! ti. Hnitor-w i.m ut j,.r faiiT
nteppt'8 of Kussia seemed in vain. I ',tl" ,m """ t nmrrira w
The crushed masses responded '1'' '"r.!' J''0 "," ,,f ",e ,n",,'v' '
lit feoWy; tlio better classes !
lla n'lO nf tllnxi'
li.ivlnu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , t
IIHMtis, I'lI'liT fill' lilf In I. in- nf I'.iil.
tl i t x't r iiiiiI (;n in f.if iiin.lilim t..
ui'im: t'ii I" r.'i!si' fnmla in piiv
fi r ili pi iiMly lie li.nl l.mn;lit hum
Mr Wni'imi.
Tin' 1,'lin lilinill 1 1. 'I vliM nil Hii' tiny .
llii' .Mliiiiln' iMiit Willi l in. :iin'ii
itinl 1 1 1 ... m i i nl I'l'i iuni'. fur tlir linn'
In' nnmiiiril In tin. cast, n fiiiiii'iit
i hit'ir nt tlii'lr lnuiii'. In n In- IihiI
ISMIU'I l.'.l M.HH M'i'III ll ii'S In liWIIfil
it'l.i iin.iii v ln ' i nl fur llm i iiih Ii In"
Inn I li.iii.-lit, ii', i-ni-. ii .1., f,, it ami.
tin' ( l il ll vh I inn I'l'll' rln-ril, ll-l.r'l Mr.
W ; i fit fur lii il.ui,.lit'i s Ii.iii.I, llr
mis 1 1 fi'i n'i In .l,ii I'liiin.. imi in'is'l't
'I. mi. I ln liif.n in. 'i In r f;il li.-r Hint
lirr llnn.-t. imt, rrni'iiii in llu. ,.,t ti,
Hi" . il l i(, is hi, h nna lii', f,.r nil
mill il;il,.
Wli.ti thp , . "ii'lr.. afirr a quit I cl-lli.s-..il,K-r,itf
I Im '.nl atiiiullii
nf t!io lrilf-nirc r-isr llni vrMmhl,
tlio Kr.i'tn nki-. his l.riiV Imw It I'miic
Mn lmii rurnsi. of t.pna. 01111011
s. 1 ml No. ol .lo:. p will uffor al put. lie .air. to
III liinlt.1 Imlilrr. Inn at no! Ir. lhan Sy. iO pr
n. 1.'. i l'i.. -l. k V M..011 liw nth ilav of M.v
in?, in-.!. Mt lint, ultivo. thr fiiltumiiff irai-t of
m:i 1 swii. 1. Tn .'8. r r.. w m.
T Inn tri.-t 1. nntrrt intn th market on a .how.
nm linn tin urairr iirtioii thri.f In mountain
1.111. i.r t'.i r'l'.uii fur i iillivalnm.
't In ..I.- will not W k..t otrn. tint ar'll Iw
Ui"l . l.,l lrn thii. irM4'ol at in hour
1 iiiiusi lm ,' .-i'n.,tl I. Kt.ltna. 1 h iironii malting
1I1.. lni;h.-i In. I will Ii' r-mf.t 10 tmnioiitatrli
l-ni tn tin' lii'iTiu-r Ihr amount th.rriif.
Ini IWT...H. rl.iniina a'lvnrvlr III aoov-l
.i.it.t l.m.t 1110 nlM..t In di thr rlm.. nr
..I. ..M..11. r l-.'ti.i iho lm ilr.i.natr.1 fur
.!. ' S I'l NS M.ai.t.r
NOLAN Mill V. Krrri.r,
Ni'tli 1: rots Pt PLICATION
tih.UlrH Trait
t,.f.rimiut th Interior, f, S. l.and Off..-
at l.atiraoitiv llrviim. Man-h ,V ll17.
Ni'Tlt K I. hrrl v i,'n that, aa riirrrtrd tir
th,' I i.m..a..i.''n r of th (i. n',al Laiit trfTir. tin.
.trr t m. .t..i'i ol S.r. .'4.V.. It S O'-lrinnt to th
.1 1 .0 ai i"i. ot
': livl t'iitrt'. of I na Oran
;.-,i.l v.. i'l'.i. w.w.ll ..fT.r al 0.1I.II aat. In
10 in. hiah.i I'loilt-r, toil al no, a than K.oO
it a.'r. at I" n I'lava A M . on th. Kit, da, nf
Mav. I 'l T. nM. at Ihia ofTi. th fvltowlng trad
cf land:
tll.lt sill' li.1i) B.IS'l'tl .l llllll III i ri'fiT- 1 I.0U I. S. V R I. Tp J 1. R T.. W M
rlK't" (1) one Of InT IMsteril nll'l j 1h '"ont.rwl Into th markrt on a ahow.
'I1.w,i..i...ii ...I ' io that lh ratr portwn throf la mounuin-
ins 1111.. a!,v a.-iiil, "Hu-y ncviT w.ss 0, , l(W p)t(h (ur fuitivatio,
s llll'. 1 til.. ii'Ullllrri'inl Il'ii II la Thr ..I will no, h nl non. ho, wilt h.
r'..r.l ri.l whn ih'w riwnl at th hour
'." !! MM, "tlli'V ncviT IT'S
I'l Una lummrri lnl a ir. It la
nit lswrst lint i..man. la ,! ,l. U will
II." Of llii" With us tloiiirii utir Kimlll. 1 ihhi--.t hl "ill h r..iulml in Immntiatrl,
aa il.'IK tnna. mir aa-r.-ti , . !e" . I f lo ow .i' n. nsini ,nri.
'M i. 11 , , , An, p. rw.na rlaimma aitvrwlv tk. ah,. ito-
.11 jr wrt'titi'li' . ll." Tnu know I . .i,1mj , ... ,k. .i.,ZTT
Voil tllj hot i' ttlj" I . IHMia. on o ht'.r Ih Iim l.i(nat4 for
1 t " I'l H..U
I M'LAN t?kIH lrr
Wood and Coal
Raising daily. ; Also a ser
ious car shortage.
N. A. Clark
Phone 396
To sell to 3i buyers w ho will commence to arrive
here on the 20th. of this m-jnth. If you want to sell,
send me the full particulars, and description ol your
and. als your lowest price and the term?, also a full
list of what rocs with your ranch if improved and full
description of all improvements. Land NORTH of the
base tine preferred, hut can sell land anywhere in
Morrow County.
My charge for selling land is FIVE PER CENT.
r.r, IhenUicker, J hcar froni 'ou- thc q"ckcr your
ranch will be sold.
Uxin8,on' Oregon