LOCAL AND PERSONAL : flli : MM - -?'i Mm m M m m m ii m Still a Few Boxes Left While they last we will sell RUSSETTS - C Grade at $1,110 per box BLACK TWIGS - Fancy at Phelps Grocery Co. !OtO(lOIIlOIllIOlliao(f M( John H. Bush, Manager Wo want all the cream which can be pro duced by thu fanners of Morrow County, pay ing top market price. I'uy cows ami we will heip ymi lift the mortgage. Ue-organi::-eil and ir. si rutin ;-liapo lo pro, hu e the best ro snlls po-isible lor the farmer who maintains a small ilair inn, I. t'l ! VS. lllOMl'SdN, 1 'resident l-KANu WIN.;C11. V ice-I'resi Joni JOHN V AUG! IV. SvCretaiy & IreaMiter C. Guy Wakefield, of Arlington was iu Heppner Sunday. Bernard Peter, of Hardman, was in Heppner last. Sunday. S. S. R .Diti.ion. of Eightmiie, was in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. mill Mrs. Fat Healv. of Lena, wero in ihe city Tuesday Jj Note the change uf ad in the isO.ce OCelltl.eO liV lie!0 Xr ( !o Lige J. Pearee went to Pur;, land Thursday for a short visit. : J. 11 uayunncl. (it Morgan. was a Sunday arrival at the Pal ! sice. Miss Gladys Swank, of Lex ington was in the city over Sun- l.-iy. A. E. Bates registered at the Palace last Sunday, from Hard in an. Li. P. Doherty. of Blackhorse. was in the ciiy the titst of the week. Glenn Weils returned Friday evening from a hasty business trip to San FraticUco I J; George Pea roe returned Moil J: day from a b'j-iness trip to Bund 2 land Madras, Oregon. Jj O. J. Campnell and M. F. Faed ;of Stautield, were here during the week buying horses. J ' H. I.j. Solnv-. p -presenting i. J 1 L. Polk &(Jo.. directory people. S is here for a welt or so on bust- 9 II-. 0 I 0 Jo IT Xeel. we'l known Depone : cH ,-n n , i P. i i iarid and oi a i we I of us S I I W. V. Cryd ill HOW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. ii rned from y trip to ler points to the itu r.inv evening. superinteudeni uf Forest reserves, was here from his Pelidii ton headquarters i d u i ing the week on official busi- I llss. Francis A. N'cMiMiaiuin, well 'known Portland attorney, is in ; Heppner this wet k on business. 'lie will leave for Condon touior row morning. J ! Mr and Mrs. .1 L. Wilkins ; and children went to Arlington . Saturday for u short visit, with Mrs Wilkins' fat her, Eli Mad do.. of the Hotel G rande, in that J : city. J I Claude Andrews, one time res J ! ident of Heppner and conductor J ion the branch, was here for a 2 ' few days during the week at 2 ! tending the Royal Arch degree 2 ' convocation e Miss Mary Kilkenny, who has v been the house guest of her bro e ' ti.cr, John Kilkenny, the web ' Utlmv ii sheep uiao. for some i . 1 1 -. v iep fl I i !or her homo In Miss- 0 ; oi i i last Sal a rda y hum ni ng 1 o j !). .Vail.lo, a former " 1 1'.' i o n lie -1 im'ss ii i .i n i d l h; - n..-. euayed in t (,. le.l.-: I.. - at Arhiij!. i . I .! i i',v I r t, vi'iiii 1 1 1 1 I ' i . i iio-g;ii'l ' I . H L 'I ' lie t WAISTS! WAISTS! Til s W - A shipment of Very stylish and JUST RECEIVED new Spring Waists. made of the newest material Lawns, Novelty Voiles and Tub Silks. Some are made with the popular Shawl col lar, and others are beautifully trimmed with Lace and Embroideries. All Styles! All Colors! All Prices! All Sizes! Come and See Them! C ffl Cf How about that Silk Petticoat for the new Easter Suit? We have a complete line of Silk Taf feta Underskirts, changeable and solid colors. Better have one, hadn't you ? NOR 8c COMPANY Dry Goods Department 2S V i- -l' t Well cit v. I gentlemen are numbered among Gilliam county's best known ci t izens. William Arthur Ashinhurst. and Miss Gladys Swank, well i known young people of Lexing ton. were married at the county 'court room Monday afternoon, j Judge C. C, Patterson perform j ing the ceremony- The yonngcou- pie will reside at Lexington. I Kev. Dr. Van Waters preached laii inspiring sermon to a large I congregation last, Sunday morn ing when metn bers of t he Mason lie fraternity attended the service in a body The doetor touched in I terestingly on the i iu poll ance of Muslins, Ginghams, Table Linens, Towelings, Cotton Flannels, Hosiery, Notions. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY: No time limit for having these goods replaced if unsatisfactory. SAM HUGHES CO. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. i Conservative Borrowers will fin.l it to their iulv.ttit.iuo to place their applications for loans w it It tltis bank- We have always endeavored to take ood carf of merchants, stockmen and wheat growers, in times of stress as well as abundance; our steady growth, under con serxative management, with ample capi tal, is proof oi conscientious fulfillment of all reasonable demands made upon us by our friends. Ki-ttnoit o Owi One Million DoII ik Tlu" First National Bank 111 ITNT.R, OKK(;ON ""-S Dr. Tu.' or. the we!! J " - known eye soi eiali-t c. J Portland. i'l be ;:) IK'iiiiiie-- ;- s:'.'. Sat nria. . March '2' n at tin It I 'a lac Hotel. In lone I',- lav. , Ma'-. l; "j.'ird. Kea l-n-l.es r- li -ved, cross e es si raie'et e' ed, sat ; -fac- lion v naran! eed. him. Dolit forget itie date. ; J Missi h I'u! it im Vae and a Is-ihe'le Wi'Uoii we-. wee!( end a vii',.rs at the Inline e.f Mis, Van Y a 'tor' sister. Mrs I'.Ois Minor ' t.e if ( Veil Thev ret a rued home Sunday eveninir J .III. Kins. nan. a former re'. 2 ileiit of this city where he was ; viiirag''d in tin meat 2 for many cars, came in Molt. 2 day to look after hnsines inter. 2 et and visit old friends Mr. 2 Kinsman U now a resident of Me 2 Minnville I Bring in Your Old Ford ! I i 1 1 1 I Linking if we a i e to att.iin our best hlcals on tins plane tiiul ll s remaliis evidenced :i modern grasp on his subject w hich could only he held by a brilliant ami well inl'ot in ed mind. i j A large number of Heppm 1 people motored to I Veil last S tt-i ut rday evening to attend a d inc. ' ing party given at that, place. A ; highly enjoyable evening is re. j ported The party w is arranged j by the i ad road men of t u- He pp. . tier blanch and thai they are' past masters in the art of enter , taming and showing their guests j cost of necessary storage bins on a food timeis vouched for by all I he farm and that such graneries ; who were present. ; will soon pay for themselves in meeting , preventing waste such us goes and we will convert into a one-ton truck for S350 You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. on County uttvnt fur IIKMllilCkd ltd CK A1T.VI IIMK.M- 3 EE The I'artuers' t'uioii which was advertised for list Sat unlay to meet in the court house, was postponed because of 'ls"",s,) ; the severe storm whic'i prevent- ed many of the farmers from I coming to town. The dale set for the adjourned meeting is Satur day. March -Uh. in the same , place. It Is hoped a large attend- Mr and Mrs A Itaitd, who ance will be present mi that oc are here from I Yunylvanht : cussioii h it is expected impor spending the inter with their taut mutter will come up for daughters. Mesdanie J adge , consideration. Patterson and Os,a Ih.ger. re - AJam Kn(lbWki we known turnea last at.iriav trimi a vt it with friends at Portland Dallas, Oregon. D S Drown of Condon. with the old system of piling sacked grain iu the Held to await hauling. GEO. WASHINGTON'S ! wheat grower west ot the cltv. aiK' j was in town Monday and called I at the Herald oftiee. Mr. Knot), ami i lock is an enthusiast.c booster Henry Wilkins of Clem, cau.e in for the bulk system of handling ! I Wednesday evening to .poud a1 tfraiu. Ho ay the cost of one ,i oty or Wo iu Llor-puer. Uothyear' sack lujljf will cover tbo (rnmunicataU Although almost two weeks late the pupils of the Willow Creek School, on March luh. in the school house, give an inter esting (leorgo Wasoington pro gram. From far and near neighbors came to hear the story of George Washington retold. Every phase cf Wasliioaoa- lifo wai clearly portrayed in sor.g, play und reci tation, from the cutting down of the cherry tree to his last days on his Mt. Vernon estate. After the program a few r.f marks were made by the teache' ' V on community life and how it might be developed. A large community picnic was planned to be held in the latter part of May. Mrs. James Kirn. Jacob Dexter, and John Krebes were chosen to manage and carry out the plana for the picuic. Delicious lunch was served by the ladies which terminated the evening's activi ties, and all went home with plenty of good will for one another. 1 IlfGS Varie.l ami Universal. Hanging1 from a Crex grass to a Persian Silk are now on display at Tha Case Furniture Co. Store,