Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 16, 1917, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
However, there seems to be ex
ceptions to the rule and if the
little war clouds which are bob
bing up from down Cottage
Grove and Ashland way should
develop into real "twisters," the
lusty young Journal may be ef-
Knlered at the Ilcppvcr, Oregon, fectually squelched and its fine
An Independent, Local News
paper. '
new building utterly demolished
! before it reaches its sixteenth
i birthday. It is really sad to con
template the result if a lot of
these country editors should real
: ly carry out their threat and cut
. I the Journal off from their ex
change lists; that newspaper
would, perhaps, be compelled to
; shut up shop immediately in or
THL POWER OF THOUGHT wjer to save itself from the infin
itely worse fate of a lingering
death from mental starvation.
Post Office as second-class matter.
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.'
Sir Months , - - ?
Three Mouths - - ,W
FRIDAY, MARCH 1i, 1'.)17.
A Ilioi'l'NEK minister, in his
sermon last Sunday morning,
pointed out the great power for
good or evil which is vested in
our thinking, "As a manthink
eth, so is he," might have been
his text. "If a few people in
Europe," the speaker declared,
"were to think rightly today the
war could be ended within twenty-four
Shakespeare said: "There is
nothing, either good or bail, but
thinking makes it so."
How important it is, then, that
we should all cultivate good
thoughts. Thoughts are things,
and every thought that goes
forth from the human mind has
its effect, directly upon the
thinker perhaps more indirect
ly upon the entire world.
If we would be efficient we
must learn to think clearly; if
we desire to be noble, and gen
erous, and Hire, we must culti
vate such thoughts as will en
gender nobility, and generosity,
and purity. If we would be
brave, and courageous, and suc
cessful, we must learn to banish
fear, and doubt, and cowardice
from our thinking. Fear is a
demon that lurks in darkness.
and if we yield allegiance to him
will quickly make pigmies of
us all.
The way to keep from wrong
doing is to banish wrong think
ing, and to best do this we should
strive to keep our minds so filled
with good thoughts that evil
ones can find no abiding place
Dr. W. D. Wood, senior mem
ber of the Legislative committee
of eight, appointed to represent
the state legislature in preparing
the official argument for the road
1134,503 In the state primary i
I lection but 44.006 votes were cast.
That is to say. under the old plan
but 32 per cent of the qualified
voters participated in the pri
mary election. Speaker Allred
thinks the mail plan will heavily
increase the voting at the primaries.
says Brotherhoods Err
I Miiu-nnk-pp Wis. The Free
bond bill, has called a meeting j says editorially:
of that committee to he hplrl nr ' 'e think the brotherhoods are uiak
the Imperial hotel. Portland.
At the moment we can think of
but one chance for the Journal
if this boycott really goes into
effect. It might follow the ex
ample of many o: these country
editors, who, when their good
friend, the Oregonian, cut them
from its exchange list a few
years ago, manfully swallowed
their chagrin and tearfully dug
up the price of a year's subscrip
tion to the source of their inspi
ration. This suggestion is offer
ed the Journal as a sort of war
measure. It may be expensive,
but so are submarines; and then
Gottage Grove and Ashland need
the money, just as the Oregon
ian did.
Saturday, March 17,
At that time the committee
will give formal consideration to
proposals that have come in from
all parts of the state, asking the
committee as the official body
representing the legislature in
the bonding act, to call a confer
ence for the organization of a
state committee or association
which can establish an informa
tion headquarters for the bond
ing campaign.
Such a committee would in
clude representatives of local
good roads organizations of all
the counties of the state.
Senator Wood views with fa
vor the moves initiated at Asto
ria, Eugene, Medford, Pendle
ton and Redmond to organize
state highway associations or
district good roads associations.
"The man thing," he said, "is
to have some headquarters to is
sue impartial and authentic in
formation such as( is being re-
Gkkmany's attempt to form quested by the different county
an offensive alliance with Mex- organizations. Either the differ-
ico and Japan against the United ent movements for state associ
States saems to be lacking in ations can be ioined in the intpr-
popularity in both of those coun-1 est of economical management
tries. Japan has no reason for of one headquarters, or they can
loving Germany and has made work separately if the people
it plain that she will not enter j promoting the different organi
into Germany's plan, and Mex-lzations so prefer. There is
inc.' :i inistaliB in rel'iisins arbitration.
If they fire fairly entitled to what
they ask for. itnuarlial arbitrators will
award it to them, and the public, which
finally foots all transportation bills,
will draw its belt a bit tighter, pay the
price either in higher rates or dimin
ished service, or both, and there will
he no interruption jf the country's
But if American business shall be
thrown out of war by a jivnentl stop
paw of railroad service because the
brotherhoods have refused to arbi
trate. public sympathy will undoubted,
ly be with the railroad owners and
managers. And without the support of
public opinion the brotherhoods could
not win a strike.
Capital must cut its living wage as
well as labor.
: K The Work Shoe of, To-Day
-w hi
Buy a pair of
and you will
get 16 hours
f solid com
fort every day.
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Masonic Building
A general strike would effect
every Individual in the country.
It must not occur Philadel
phia Inquirer
A strike such as is threatened would
be a calamity to all the people of the
f'nited States. r.rooklyn Kittile.
Watch the shows at the Star
Theatre this week.
See the Ford Ton Truck on the
street daily demstration. E. H.
Kellogg, Morrow County Agent
Palace Hotel, Heppner.
LOST Large Brown Mink
muff. Black stripe. Lefton bench
West side Fair Pavillion at Elks
Ball. Finder please leave at Her
ald. Reward.
ico has plenty of business at
home lo keep her engaged for
some time to come. The con
quest and partitioning of United
States territory by any European
or Asiatic nation, or group of
them, will prove to be a little job
much easier talked of than ac
complished. Americans, as a
people, are not in favor of ag-
plenty of work for all.
"It is important, however, to
have one association or commit
tee which is looked to as repre
senting all of the counties, and
whose authority in furnishing
statistical matter and informa
tion to the press will command
confidence and respect Such an
tssociation should be organized
It IS one thing to be patriotic
but quite another to be hysteric
al about it and denounce all who
disagree with you as cowards
and traitors. While the action
of Iho twelve senators who took
part in the alleged filibuster
proved to be, to say the least,
highly unpopular among the
newspapers and commercial and
political organizations of the
country, it would show fully as
high a degree of Americanism
to allow them their constitution
al rights of freedom of speech
and act ion as long its such speech
and action is within the law of
the laud.
To accuse "Little l!oh" La
gressive warfare, but whenever and controlled bv delegates from
an v nation or group of nations ! all the counties, and should not
undertake to come over here with ! merely represent some one see
the intention of putting your ! tion of the state."
Uncle Samuel out of busineesl
they will find "somethin' doin' " j Drill" h to "I
every minute while they stay;: NiHicNGS D)f 11.311.
and they will need a good. big With only one dissenting vote
lee tof Imsp.tal ships to carry lhe Idaho house has passed a
back the remains. ' j bi wirb ,)rm,ide8 fop lhe h(,ld,
" ' ing of primary elections by mail,
Autos Replace Stage Horses, ,h iv.and jo.imai.if the
! senate agrpes to it and the meas-
Arrangements now bein
made mean that LVmO
FOREST. -Notice is hereby giv
en that the lands described be
low, embracing 3!),7.33 acres, with
in the Umatilla National Forest,
Oregon, will be subject to settle
ment and entry under the provi
sions of the homestead laws of
the United States and the act of
June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233), at
the United States land office at
La Grande, Oregon, on May 10,
1917. Any settler who was ac
tually and in good faith claiming
any of said lands for agricultu
ral purposes prior to Januay 1,
1906, and has not abandoned
same, has a preference riuht to
make a homestead entry for the
lands actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon the appli-
tions of the persons mentioned
below, who have a preference
right subject to the prior right
of any such settler, provided
such settler or applicant is qual
ified to make homestead entry
and the preference right is exer
cised prior to May 10, 1917, on
which date the lands will be sub
ject to settlement and entry by
anv qualified person. The NWT-4
SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T. 7 S., R. 28 E.,
40 acres, application of W. T.
Allen, Monument, Oregon, and .
Lot 1 (13.3S acres), Lot 2 (13.9.')
acres). S 1-2 NE ;-4. E 1-2 SVV
1-4 SW1-4. E 1-2 VV1-2 SVV 1-4 of S
Wl-4, NE1-4 SE 1-4. Sec. 5, T.7 S.,
R. 28 E.. and the SE 1-4, E 1-2
SE 1-4 of SYV 1-4, Sec. 32. T. G S,
Palace Hotel Buss team. 7 and
8 years old without a blemish
weighing about 1450 each.
See J. L. Wilkins.
Washes everything but the baby.
Our excellent equipment insures perfect
work on collars, shirts, andwomens1 fancy
clotnes. Send them to us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
J a summer stove. It does a-
5 way with wood and coal,
J furnishing heat in a, few
J minutes both for heating a
J room or cooking. It does I
J the business (packer, cheap- I
J er and cleaner. I
Variety Store
(Palace Hotel)
O. B. HOTTMAN, Prop.
First class Straight, Rail and
PocKet, Billiard Tables
Soft Drinks
A Complete Line of Cigars,
Cigarettes and Tobaccos
Uf service
IIL Omoiiiw
Furniture j
Undertaking I
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. :
I ellectiotis in Idaho.
I Speaker Allred is father of the
The plan eliminates ull precinct
' i election boards and. instscud.
R. 28 K., W. M., 357.33 acres,
listed without applicant, total
area hereby restored being 397.
33 acres; List 6-19S8. February
ure become a law. there will be
horses ' ...i.i,, : ,.,,, ,,;
u l,.....,i,.r i i
" ii'i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1. nii iiriiwn
louring stage couches through
V.. II...... v.. . : i n i.
I riMinniuiir .MtllOllill I HIM W III 1. Ml If.. i ., ur) niirn, u;
i II , ,, urn., lit; nisus hi reuuee ine;,r. 11,17 i p.,, is:t,nt
be sold for Use III l armiimn nr. ... . .. . !, UK. . Al. 1M , Assistant
, , ; l otsi 01 pi iin.iry elections ana 10
mtes and then- places taken dur- j iIu.r0ilS(, . vote.
mg I lie coining summer by auto
mobiles I'nder the plans now be.
'7 T'" wm n,'ri'-1 provides ca.ivassir.ir hoard con
" ,,,r h" "lr",, ' 'l",nios i,,sl,'il11 listing of the county commission.
'i iM-vvu rein roiling Hole
Land Office.
of the General
lers. Duplicate ballots containinir
Minion tll, n;im,,s ( tho candidates
Volli'tte of beliur either :i rim :m
or a traitor is ridiculous. Er- vm"V 11,1,1 ,ours "f l,,B
ratic he may be, and impulsive, ' j printed ami mailed to qualified
but he has always been recog-' 1 "(l,,r t his scheiiifi tho hotels , electors. Accompanying the bal
ui.od as a scrapper from the '"' "n,,,'r "l management, lots, which are numbered for
i i i i 1 1 hi 111 t.i ,1 .... t; 1 I i . .
worn go. aim nououy ever sen- i " r. " mmer iim.t n. , cm-cking iiusposes. is a return
ously ami calmly doubted his ' r-HIUI "'"K"1: the past
loyaltv. While ilarrv Lane is ' "P'TiUed by four systems will
by no means a great statesman, huve one head. The change will
1 envelope.
The elector marks tho ballot
and return ii to the county re-
he has a pretty fair record as a putiireMiue fea-icorder witliin n prescribed time,
good citizen behind him. tares of the trip through Geys. j when it in deposited in a ballot box
An error of judgment does not ' ,,r,ii,,a- The change is made at tin j jUer. the ballot boxea are open,
necessarily mean that a man is :,TI,"r,u, time from a pecuniary led and the ote canvassed. There
either a traitor or a craven. viewpoint. s the horse tliHt iare complete safeguard to pre-
.will go to the European fighting j vent fraud and to preserve to the
BOYCOTTING TllF. JOURNAL ! K"v,'r,,,,1,'",s W1" brillK highest elector all the necrecjr and other
... ,. , , . ' 'i,ru,,,, I rights incident to the present
lllhactton of certain Oregon , The former arrangement ca.m. j -yau-tu.
country e.htors . attempting to 1V ul. , ,.! i.-it y of service ,hi I Speaker Allred calculate that
foster a boyeot aga.nst the Ore- W!IH smw,mt t,Mlfll!,inp lo .; under hia pin the Licit primary
gon Journal because of that ' public. Cnder t he new deal the ' election in Idaho would have cost
newspaper s tight against the k.M.ll(.riil serv.ee will be ,rouK l.V-40. It. actual co.t to the
del,uent tax publu ation law m to a high standard of emeieitcy oounties a.,,1 canddiate. wm Ill
one of the tuts of humor which 1,1,-1, ill . i i. !-n -in
io' I'lirK, i"' rif;t rtlHl ill rasi a
with it great natural wonder, '"ingle vole in the hint election
will lie more enily viewed tlnn was t'2
before I'lnler the new
itient II, .ward II
N.,lnti-il Tmi't
S. I.an.i OHVc at
IVpnrtmrnt nf tin- liiti-rior. I
l.a linmdr. Or, iruii.
Mnrrh .',lh. Iil7.
Nmii' i hrrrtiv irirn that, iih itm-rti.t liv tin
lnntm.u,iM-r ,,f tl.,- (iftiw! l aiul i!!u'., untl.T
ln, i. urn ,f S,'f. L't.". U.S.. ,uiniiii!)t to tht ftp.
tilioiitum tf
1'hil Ihh'Kitm. i f Lena. Or.-irin,
Si-rlnl No. 111''.'''1, wll uir.T at pmI,1u- alp. to
tin hmrn'.t t.i,l,l,'r. loit at m.t U- Ihan 'J..'iO per
a-ti at o,,',-l,-k A M . on th- Mh ilav of May.
I1MT. lifXI. at th in nllu-r lh- lolUiwiiiir trai-t In land:
8W 1-4 SK 1-4. Seo. Tp. 1 H '.H K... W. M.
Thia tract m onlnl into the market on a ahow
Inif that the trr'at. r portion ihif.tf in niounta:n
iua or too niuirh tor cultivation.
Thr nal will not It kept otn, but . will b rie.
clam. cloa.l when th,.' prncnl at th hour nam
nl ha ct-aae.1 ln,l,tinv. I he person niaaina" the
hiaheiit lutl will tie r.iuir..t to mimeiliately pay to
the accruer the amount thereof
Any peraona claiminil ailvemely tha aUive-te
crilant lanil art ad to tile their cla.lna. or ob
iectlona. on or la-fore the time ileaitrnateil for aale.
C. 8. Pt'KN. Kcniater.
Nol.AN Sklrr. Receiver.
conies to brighten up this freak
ish March weather.
Newspapermen should be of
siillicieiitly broad mind to be wil
ling to permit their contempo-
Hays, who (,
Hid chnrgenf nufueroi.4 cuiiiiui,..
rari.-s t.MAixt. e-M though tlteV jt.uttils d.ctnte.l bv the govern
do not agree on all public ones- m. nt. w ill be 1 1, e ' general t..t,r
lion-, .ti.u, in ,iiimi e in me M. :i,.tit (or the Ctiicago, V
lession. it must te s.r.ti tnat I'.u-hu-, N
iutst of us are buiit that wav.
laolated Tract
Department nf the Interior. V. S. Ijinil Ornra at
La Oranile. ilrraon.
Mar h S. 1917.
Notice ia hereby aiven that, aa direct! by the
Commiaaloner of the Oeneral lnil office, tiniter
tiruviKkma of 'J4.i.V K. 8.. purauant to the ap.
Dhcatiun at
William II. Kwinii. of Cecil. Oreron.
Serial No. IM'tl will ofTcr at publtr a!e. tc.
the hahet bi.t-ler but at not !e. than r.' Vi twr
a.'rv. at to o t k A M . on the th ,tay of Mat
1!M. next, at tlu.i'ltue the fo.K'W ma" Iractof land
HW 14 SKI 4 Sec. tp. ... H T. V... W M.
1 hia trmel l onlcrd into the mark.-f on a ahow.
tllote COtllltipil Din i-nal wn. -n ,. i In. that the arraier t-n , on thereof la mounta n-
... : wa or t,i niah tor culio
rr mid in .ome f the re
'ith a I'otern Tour.
vote l mter Ins plan. Speaker
Allred figure ttint the average
cet of ratting a voto will be 3
to 3 cent'..
The total niintta'r f vote cat
ut the last ciMiernl tloclion w.ta
tfua or li moah tor culli, at ion.
The aale will not be kept open
Wood and Goal
Raising daily. Also a ser
ious car shortage.
N. A. Clark Phone 396
clrrl thimhI m rwn 1 h-
rl h- Pwl t.t if
h'vlinl bil Hi t-r tr.(i
ti. i-fivrr th ri.ti!
but ll
1'rwtd ftt t h hur num. j
tril In nnoMt'li l
Ati tTm r'mm mlri"lv th ln i
ki ImI lm ar a,i..xt l.iti.f thr-rc,,!..! .r . t..
t . !- In 4. Hru "!fr.
To sell to Si buyers who will commence to arrive
here on the 20th. of this month. If you want to sell,
send me the full particulars, and description of your
land, als your lowest price and the terms, also a full
list of what goes with your ranch if improved and full
description of all improvements. Land NORTH of the
base line j.referred. hut can sell land anywhere in
Morrow County.
My charge for selling land is FIVE PERCENT.
The quicker 1 hear from you. the quicker your
ranch will he sold. '
Uxing,on- Oregon