; LOCAL AND PERSONAL After Inventory Sale I APPLE FANCY ROME BEAUTIES Now $1.25 COFFEE SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES It will pay you to lay in a supply for the next few months. iiieips i . KJ w ... A. f Co. MORROW COUNTY ) .v nn a hi 1 iiiiurj IY CO. John I I. Bush, Manager Wo want :til tin' ell am w l,i.-h can he pro duced by the farmers of Mm row County, ;i v top market, price. p,i c,,v,s ami we will help mi lift the iimrt gag". Uo-organiz-ed and in strong shape lo proihee tl'.e best re sults possible for the farmer who maintains a small dairy herd. (HAS. THOMPSON, President FRANK W1NNAHI), J A. E. Anderson and wife, of J : Kightaiile, were in town Friday. I ; Geo. Moore was in town Fri- I '. day from the Reid's mill district. j Mrs. J. D Juday, of lone, was a Heppner visitor during the week. J Virgil Cowdray, of Hardman, t ; spent several days in the city ' during the week. J j Mr. and Mrs. Lew Knighten, J of Kightrnile, were in the city : Friday shopping. J An experienced cook wants 2 ' employment. Address Lock box 2 177. Heppner, Oregon. ; 'i'ho Sam Hughes Co. has a ehanKe of ad in this issue which is of interest to readers. 2 I Mr. and Mrs. John Kilkenny AT MINOR & COMPANY ranch home church sec- were in from tht-ir Sunday attending vices. (i'una Wells, well known at torney, left last Friday morning on a short business trip to California. j John Cork, a well known citi- zen of Monument, is in the city j this week under treatment from I '; L': McMurdo. i , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, of j Lhea Creek, returned Tuesday from an extended trip through Southern Califon.ia. ; John McNamee. of Willows, j was in town Thmvlay ami while here improved his ;in,e by sub- :.cnbis.K for the Herald. J. .Jack Younsr, ivp'eseniijis J i ;dl.ind-?rs iV Hurt onyi.s. whoie J : !-,ilt; tobacconists of 1'eiidietou, J i v,:is here looking after his trade Wed iie, .lay. I A fine 7 1-2 pound son was born f:to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson : last week. Dr. McMurdo reports 'the condition of mother and 1 child excellent. Joy, little daughter of Mr. and KOYALvl ICESTER i i ! Just arrived, several new mod els of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets fresh with Fashion's latest touch. Those who already wear there fashionable corsets need no further invitation than this new announcement. And to all others we would say that this showing of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton models is a style event well worth visiting. The dawning vogue is one of personality. Style tendencies will be interpreted in terms of the wearers' f igure, and mode must lend itself to the enhancement of indi vidual charm. Thus Saith Fashion, and her decrees are perfectly ful filled in Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets. MINOR a COMPANY v. if V I Mrs. John Bush, who underwent' an operation nf th U npner hos pital recently, is rapidly recover ing. Dr. McMurdo is the 'attend ing surgeon. M. S. Corrigal. president of tins First National Dank, of this riiy. was in from his HuMer creek home fur a few days ijiii' i t he w eek looking after bii-.i-i - inti ivsis. i LOST, FOUND, ETC. ; LUGS Varied and Universal. Ranging from a Ciex grass to a Persian , Silk are now on display at The Case Furniture Co. S.ore. Vice-President " JOHN VAUGHN, Secretary & Treasurer ' Conservative Borrowers will fiiul il t tluir .ul v -tnt.io' t pl.uv their applications for l-.ui: itli ti.is bank. ' In vo -.i! w ay s mUw or. .1 t, t. kf uood ..itc of ntoivh.iuts, s.-u km. mi oi wluat :,iowirs, in tiiiu's ot she;.-, ,s will as .ilnniu.iiHo; our Mruly growth, utt.k'ii on set atio ni.tn.iuiMiu nt, ith ;tip!o capi tal, is proof of conscientious l iSliilnu'tit if i re as '-ii;i I'U' iliiu.uuls ni.ule iiptin us In cur kieinls, U Mil i : lloi l In.' Milli hi I H H Till' First National Hank III 1TM U. ORISON , ; !'..ti iii'sl I !ooi tiian, of this cit y 2 left Wednesday u.ori:ii;'.' for Me. 2 Minnviili'. wh.'re li" h.is b", 2 II Hi Mlotll'it us a ivituess in tho J I'l I It' I' f'llllllllS I'.UOl .'uT;MUi 2 in in der case wliieli is iik.v on Us 2 foil rl h t ri d in t he circuit c.oin t 2 j in Yamhill county. The ladies jfiiild of the Episco pal church enjoyed a pleasant regular metin Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Sam L. V. in Vactor. After regular busi ness matters hail been disposed of. liyrht retreshments were serv ed and an onjoyahle social hour was spent. The Herald is under ol dila tions to its pood neii'iihor, the Cazctto-Times for the use of it press with which to print this is sue. Press trouble in the llorahl o'l'ce iu;td" thine rnth-T sipurlx ! if a divt issee uiei. n 'w me:i ii .'''I. lent Lilt the Is. le i 1 V , of the M. is Ova t.-r l s, , ,. -"r; iel.li lied ll e kii.l,-. cm ;..;,, : ;.i b-u. ,.;).( sill,-!.i.,e w b, i , e oom had been. II l. Kei;l of the ti'l 1 of ,,, I Wrii:!:t. !' rncl '. , t . , - ! 'I ' I I'd. I 111 pp'K ' .i innTi. o! c.iU'ii ' l.n Mis. K II . .ili-.i for appci. ' a ) , iii ai.il lor ' - t' o'l-'M !'.;.t !' i ov,-r, b..l - 'le I-; I" 11- r. Wall the h.il YVU. s.r.H Piluce lift 1 l'oi-- team . 7 and ye, us old without ;i blemish iveihintr about 1-1" n aeh. See . f Wilkins. be preached and the rife of con firmation will also be administer ed to a larjce class. T. J. Manoiiey, h former resi. dent of Heppner. spent, several days here last week lookingafter business interests, leaving Wed nesday morning for bis home in Portland. Mr. Muboney. who was formerly cashier of the First Nmional Dank of this city, is now interested in a new financial institution which is beii eslab lMii in the North Portland ioekyurds district and which is di'siv'ited to lo k afier the busi ic vs ith.l llileii'ts of slockllieil and shipper Muslins, Ginghams, Table Linens, Towelings Cotton Flannels, Hosiery, Notions. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY: No time limit for having these goods replaced if unsatisfactory. SAM HUGHES CO. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. tag Htppner Oii:.c!i Church of Christ Subjects Will tor sermon-. iMiiioav, . 11. M ..ruin-;: "M.4l tlu' leh i Ap.'cis oi a t'nrisiian." . - i ' - V.- I M a-i Si i K enii.u : " here is i !.; v en. Paddock will be present and ad minister the rite of Confirmation at 7:30 P. M. Services will also be held by Dr. Van Waters on Sun day at 11. A. M. Special music at both services. The public cordial ly invited. Bank to Enlarge Quarters Plans have been practically completed by the board of direc tors of the First National Hank for extensive improvements to the banking room, work upon which will be commenced as soon as the weather has become set tled. The room adjoining the present quarters of tii( bank and :'n' H"('b settler, provided w hich was formerly m-cin ied ,vls,1('n fetller or applicant is qual- -.I i ;iu.'uio maivo nomesicaii el,t U w no .-. she ' tin The Federated Cli.ifih ! I'.er.innii.C next Sunday morn-: iiiw' t'.u-factor w ill preach a se ' ri. s of seriho'is on "lhe len ii t'ommaudments f..r the Iwen u.i tieth t'entury." On Sunday eve i 'o I iiui th.e sermon theme ill be Mr. "Christ's Help in linn'of Need" noA-bm You ate cordially in ited to at tend our services. Fpli-o- H. A. Noyes. Pastor. Fpiscopal Church. lr. Van Waters arrived at Marcn 11. on which date ho will Heppner oil Wednesday and is end, a t euminvr service at the preparing a Confirmation das for i the Sam I lulu-s ! milled to the pr in the Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, will be subject to settle ment and entry under the provi sions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11. 190G (34 Stat ., 233), at the United States land office at La Grande, Oregon, on May 10, 11)17. Any settler who was ac tually and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultu ral puriMises prior to Januay 1, l'.KWl. and has not abandoned same, has a preference rii'ht to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the nppli tions of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference riirht subject to the tirior riirht ! ill... t.x ..... .. 1 I . iii..t iw iti,iie iiwmcMCiiii I'liuy ... ..... : mi. I me in i-u'i eiiee l ie III IS excr- on.ti u-is, ;.S(,(i ... t() j.iv praeticauy uoubm ;g I i,t- tioor. w hich date the lands will be sub- space and giving amp room ; Ject to settlement and entry by Until1 to I.exi' kIoii mhii to i-et w ith l.i-r pare',!: a-.d Mrs. S.ov'nai. 1', Tribune. I'm -llop Pa.hii e',,, el' the t o .iio.ee i t raslern Oi cmi, will be in Heppner next Sunday, for the '.argelv increased busi- :,"' 'l'nihtied person. The NWl- J ness of the institution. A ISK i- S,'c- rV. T- ' S.. U. L'S K.. new furniture and tixlurcs will Lot 1 (HUM acres). It 2 ( Mil') lie installed and everything vv ill arrest. S 1-2 NF, 1-1. K 1-2 SW bo made strict! v modern and up-1 hi SW1-1. F. 1-2 Wl-2SWl-4of S to-date. It is estimated the con-j W1"'- NK1-4 SK l-4.Ser. fi. T.7 S.. tctnplatetl impn.venient i will to-' -s r-- nn'l the SK 1-1, K 1-2 tal around $12.ikh).ini. SK 1-1 of SW 1-4. See. V2. T. fi S, jU. 2sK.. W. M., VSu.X) acres. ,A-iTv "'ln without applicant, total I..XIK1 K-.r,,!,.. -.,0i-.,. I...;-.. ,'? I . .l-'l .l H i ,t, i r.pis opal church. A sermon will Sunday evening whin Itishop IU:STOWATKN TO OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOUKSf. Notice is hereby giv en that the lands described Iw low. embracing r:i7.3.5 acres, ith- acres; List fi-lns. Februarv 1H17. C. M. P.kitk, Assistant Commissioner of the (U-neral Uind Office.