Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 09, 1917, Image 3

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Ben Anderson, of Eightmile.
was in the city Saturday.
George Perry, was in from
Kock Creek Sunday.
Geo. D. Anderson, of Cecil,
was in the city Wednesday.
Harrison Elliott who has beeD
away on a business trip returned
Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Coxen, of
Lena, were Heppuer visitors
during the week.
B. L. Adams, well known far
mer of Hardman was in town
during the week.
W. D. Skinner, a resident of
the Cecil country, was in Hepp
uer during the .week.
C. P. Shamhart and wife, of
Eightmile, were in Heppner
transacting business during the
A. E. Wright, a well known
sheepman, of the Hardman coun
try, was in the city during the
Creston Maddox, of the Palace
hotel, who was on the sick list
for a few days last week is again
on duty.
Harry Huffman, well known
Rhea creek rancher, was in the
city Saturday lookig after busi
ness affairs.
W. B. Bey mer, a well known
Morrow County resident, return
ed from a business trip to Mon
tana, Wednesday.
W. G. Newlon, the well known
well drill man, of Lexington, was
in the city Saturday accompan
ied by Mrs. Newlon.
A fine son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Anderson, of
Eightmile, last Saturday at the
Heppner hospital.
Justice of the Peace and Mrs.
Alex Cornett, who have been
spending the winter in Califor
nia, arrived home Sunday.
George Lasater and Bud
Browning, of Pauls Valley, Okla
homa, are recent arrivals looking
for farm land investments.
J. 0. Allstott arrived from the
east last Friday expecting to lo
cate in Morrow Couuty. Mr. AH
stott is a brother of Bob Allstott,
of Eightmile.
Bob Carsner, a well known
Spray resideut, was a passenger
on Wednesday's Incoming train
returning from a business trip
to Walla Walla.
Oscar Davis, a former well
known resident of this county,
who has been in other climes for
some time, returned to Heppner
last Tuesday expecting to re.
main permanently in Morrow
county. It's a habit they have.
R. Allstall, of Eightmile, was a
passenger on Wednesday morn
ing's train to Arlington wbete he
went to meet hts mother upon
ner arrival from the east. The
lady has been in poor health for
some time and comes to Morrow
County hoping to benefit from
the salubrious cimale.
W. C. Cox. well known poultry
fancier of Heppner, was a pleas
ant caller at this office Saturday.
Mr Cox is an enthusiastic boos
ter for the White Wyandotte
breed and has allready won
standing among the foremost
breeders of that line of birds in
the northwest. He was an eayy
winner of numerous prizes and
tnedals at the various shows he
J J : ..
OUtenda last season ana ait-pus
Jj yd of a number of
"iy tna:y prices.
Mrs. Ilallick SUnge and dau.
gLters, of lone, have returned
home after having spent a pl;as
uut winter with M
parents. Mr. and
Gloor, of Kalama, Washington
While away they also spent some
time visiting relatives in Port
land. Speaking of business con.
ditions incident to war times
Mrs. Stange is of the opinion
that eastern Oregon with her
wheat, wool and stock Lave much
the best of the western portion
of the state which is depending
almost exclusively on the lum
bering shipbuilding industries
for tor prosperity.
Reports Rabid Coyotes
R. F. Wigglesworth has report
ed to the office of the biological
survey the appearance of two
rabid coyotes at Butter Creek
ranches. One was killed. The first
one made its appearance two
weeks ago when it came into Mr.
Wigglesworth's yard, tackled his
dogs and escaped with only a
slight wound. One of the doge de
veloped the disease aud was kill
ed. The second made its appear
ance Friday at another ranch but
escaped before il could be killed.
Victor Wigglesworth was notified
that the animal was headed for
his ranch. He stepped out on the
porch for his gun, turned to go
out doors and saw the animal
but a short distance away. He
waited until it came within 20
feet and then killed it. Pendle
ton Tribune.
Morrow County good Producer mark twain's last days.
Farmers and stockmen of
Morrow county are well pleased
with the prospects for the com
ing season. Plenty of moisture
now in the ground practically in
sures a good wheat crop
"Sorry, but I Can't Hurry Thr Dymg
Business," He Told a Friend.
Mark Twain's last days. It will be re
membered, were spent la Bermuda, at
the borne or Vice Consul Allen, where
he had gone folio win rive aback of bis
1 ' 1 I ' I 'll t .IT" T. ... n .1 . .. . T. ITT.
. n " -i it u m uc4iu. lull rvai
"uu,u humorist.
the usual June conditions pre
vail, and present indications are
that prices for all foodstffs, as
well as wool and stock, will re
main at remunerative figures
Either in Peace or war the world
must be fed and Morrow couuty
does her share, area considered,
in producing the wherewithal to
feed the hungry hordes.
W. B. Tucker, of Blackhorse
was in the city Wednesday.
Bob and Max Buschke, two of
Ione's best known young men
were in Heppner for a day or
two on busiuess.
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all times.
If you'are eating our Hams and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire satisfaction.
suffering from heart attacks
which began to recur witi Increasing
frci)ueucy, knew that was a dying
man. Yet bis whimsical tumor never
failed him. Uis biographer, Albert
Bigelow Tame, writing In St. Nicholas,
recalls how Mr. Clemens at this time
referred to the bynodermle injection,
which had become necessary to him, as
"hypnotic Injunctions."
"As long as I remember anything,"
writes Mr. Paine In describing the trip
from Bermuda, "I shall remember tho
forty-eight hours of that homeward
voyage. He was comfortable at first.
and (hen we ran tnto the humid, op
pressive air of the gulf stream, and he
could not breathe. It seemed to mo
that the end might come at any mo
ment, and this thought was In his own
mind, but he bad no dread, aud his
sense of humor did not fall. Once,
when the ship rolled and his hat fell
from the hook and made the circuit of
the cabin floor, he aaid. The ship Is
passing the hat.'
"1 had been Instructed fn the use of
the hypodermic needle ami from time
to time gave him the "hypnotic injunc
tion," as he called It. But it did not af
ford him entire relief. He could re
main in any position but a little while.
Yet he never complained and thought
only of the trouble he might be mak
ing. Once he said:
" 'I am sorry for you, Paine, but I
can't help it I can't hurry this dying
"And a little later:
" 'Oh, it's such a mystery, aud it
takes so long!' "
Hulless and Beardless
At the Eastern Oregon Jack Farm,
seven miles northeast of Lexington,
a few sacks of this late, improved hul
less barley, which 1 am anxious to get
a few sacks each into the hands of as
many Morrow County farmers as my
limited supply will furnish. An article
in another part of this paper, telling- of
my experience with this grain, will con
vince all of its peculiar adaptibility in
, Morrow County, where it surpasses "all
other grain in yield and has no equal
made into hay. Address,
Lexington, Oregon
: J. H. COX :
Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings. J
First Class Work Only.
J Make a Specialty of and Have Complete
Equipment for
till flat k CI Stop Co,
Johnson Bros., Props.
No one thing will give so much
pleasure to so many people
for so long a time as a
You can get them here on
the same terms, for
same money as
His Career Briefly Sketched From Baby
Holding to Congress.
Prior to election a future United
States senator is meek and lowly. He
Is not (Averse to holding babies or four
aces, as the environment may demand,
while campaigning for votes. One may
safely slap him on the back without
fear of rebuff. Before the last precinct
is counted he seems to know his suc
cess, for tho senatorial candidate stiff
ens, dons his black clot lies and a fresh
collur ami begins to practice a digni
fied stride for future use on Pennsyl
vania avenue. Babies and jackpots
have lost their alluring possibilities; uo
longer does he tolerate familiarity; ha
is as patronizing as a rooster who
scratches worms for the hens and then
eats them before his Invited guests ar
rive. Seated in a niche of the ball of con
gress tho new senator feels as though
ho should pear through a microscope
to make suro he is there, but confiden
tial letters sent to the editor of tho
JumiK)ff Breeze tell how be Is prepar
ing a bill advocating the Irrigation of
Sagebrush vulley; also how he Is work
ed to death by other senators asking
favors of him. Ag a school for Action
writers the United Btates senate lias
it 11 other correspondence schools lashed
to tho ninst
Many senators fall to receive just re
ward ut the conclusion of their maiden
voyage through the troubled congres
sional waters probably because the law
is so strictly enforced against murder.
Uarper'a Weekly.
Baled Hay and Grain for sale
at White Front Barn.
W. T. McKoberts.
The Food of the Cod. .
The cod lias the reputation of being
as omnivorous ns the goat, whose np
petite for posters and old tin cans is
the subject of frequent jests. The va
ried nature of what (ho cod swallows
is not more remarkable than the enor
mous quantify. According to a writer
in the Scotsman, such, articles as silver
brooches, clasp knives, books niid rub
ber balls have been found in lis stom
ach. One fisherman of Aberdeen lias n
stone that weighs more than a pound,
taken from a cod that had swallowed
it for the sea anemones with which It
was covered. The same fisherman has
also found specimens of almost till the
stalk eyed crustaceans that frequent
the northern coast of Scotland and of
every kind of fish that n cod can mas
ter, Including its own young. Cod have
been known to swallow partridges.
guillemots and hares.
Sensation Blend beautifully col
ored enamel ware at Case Furniture
1 B'or subscriptions to the "Ameri
can Boy" magazine, see Kenneth
Binns, Heppner, Oregon.
Oscar R. Otto
Go to
For Your
birds at strict-
Harvest Supplies
Oils, Greases, Belting
Lace Leather, etc.
We will give you the quality
and the price that will command g
your patronage, otherwise we
do not look for it. g
"We have got it-will get it or it isn't made" Jj
Grand Canyon Rocks.
In the very bottom of the Grand can.
you He the dark, Inconspicuous rocks,
mostly tough crystalline granite gneiss
and schist, the oldest In the canyon
and among the oldest In the world.
They were in part deposited as sands
and muds In sea, in part accumulated
as lava flows and In mrt Intruded be
neath the surface as molten rock. All
these materials became solidified, and
later they were slowly heaved aud
crumpled into mountains, which were
in time worn down by rain, rivers aud
perhaps the waves of the sea to a near
ly level laud surface. This surface
finally sink beneath the sea and be
came the floor on which fresh sedi
ments began to accumulate. Twice at
least was this mighty cycle repeated In
the Grand canyon region.
A Polite Doubt.
A fond parent was telling Oliver Her
ford of the really bright remark of her
three-year-old daughter.
Herford was much Impressed.
"How old did you say little Ina Is?"
he asked.
"Only three," answered the mother
"Do you know," mild the humorist
solemnly, "I have a suspicion that tome
time these children He about their
age." McC'lure's Magazine.
i Professional Column
ii 8
Permanently hunted in Oddfellow's
Alder Dye.
For the purpose of making dyes the
common aider appears lo have been
unnoticed by the pioneers of this coun
try, who Hindu use of ho many barks
and roots. However, It was well
known to tho Indians, who used It to
good effect. It dyes a reddish color,
und down to a few years ago was em
ployed by natives of the northwest
Paclllc roast In coloring their fish nets.
Alder dye, used for the same purpose,
Is said to be the oldest recorded dye in
tho world. It Is mentioned In the
Kulcvala of Finland, supposed to date
nearly 3,000 years ago.
OfTico in Court House
Good Taller.
"You talk well on the subject In
which you are most Interested," aald
the Impertinent girl.
"And what Is that?" asked the man,
scenting a compliment.
"Yourself!" said the Impertinent gtrl
demurely. Loudon Answers.
Lot of Turn.
Johnnie I ain't ftolti to school any
more. Just because I snickered a little
the teacher turned me over to Ilia prin
cipal, and the principal turned me over
to pa. Mother Was that all? Johnnie
-No; pa Just turned mo over his knee.
American Hoy.
The Eternal Feminine.
"Here I have to go ami be bored to
death at that horrid Mrs. Jiggers' Just
on account of my husbaud's perver
sity." "Did lie tell you you should go?"
"No; be told mo I shouldn't." lialtl
more A inert uu.
Mrs. G. F.l ;
y i wood Puip siik.
)i Artlfleinl silk manufactured from
Ci 1 wood pulp for which aevernl kinds of
U ' California timber nre unliable Is used
$ annually In this country to the amount
H of T.OOO.OhO.mni pounds. It Is utilized
3 tf4.1,-1,.,.ltt, 1. tl f.t.-fllPM f.f llllL
M II, .).,.., J ,1.
era and hosiery.
Universal Language.
IllobliS-Do you think we shall ever
have a universal language? Floblm
We have now, when money tuli.H.
Philadelphia Itecord.
DR. A. D. McMURDO . . .
Telephone 122
Office Patterson Drug Store
Office in Palace Hotel. H"ppner, Or.
m a. a a. OT ft Til I""
Imported Pert-heron and Belgian Stallions that are
ex'tra good. Besides other Percherun, English Shire, and
Clydesdales with imported ancestors that are young and
good with correct pedigrees One pair extra Percheron
mares. Remember. Good Stallions and Low Prices. If
you have a stallion that you cannot use I might change.
J. R. Justice, Importer Pendleton, Oregon
Phe Here's a woman who st mar
ried, deserted her hiiiliun I ami eloied
all In one day. lie What delayed her?
Ht. Louis Post Dispatch.
Rubbing It In.
Bob Perhaps wo had better forget
ono another? lie's Oh, I couldn't do
(hut. I have so fuw things to laugh
about! Puck.
"So von advlm inn not lo sue?" lot Id
the client
"I do," auk I the lawyer.
"Well." returned Hie dboi polntod
client. "It seems HI range that when a
mil ii pu.vs for advlie be emi t gel the
kind he wunit."
Overstayed Hie Market
"What, brt.Ue? Why, the lt time 1
saw you you told me you were on the
road to fortune."
"Ho I was, but I went pant my eta
tlon.H Boston Trsnwrlpt.
KlnrineM In n is the honey that
blunts th t 1 1 ee of unkliidnen In an
other. Landor.
Limited to One.
Friend -Woman, hs snm one has
Mild, l a creatine of undid. Henry
I'eik-My '( flie's ii 1 vs ii In
th imperative.-li'-moii '1 rsiim rlpt.
I'.e wiser than other people If you
can, but do not lei', them so. Chester-l-M.
For Fine l'p To Dal Homes
Clyde & DICK
Baths in Connection