IR nventory bale APPLES FANCY ROME BEAUTIES Now $1.25 COFFEE SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES It will pay you to lay in a supply for the next few months. Phelps Grocery Co. That the 0,-W. R. & N. Com pany is taking a real interest in the West Extension of the Uma tilla Project is shown by the fact j ; that Farmer Smith of the Rail j , road Company will devote much J ! of his time this Spring, Sum ; j and Fall to the interests ol ; ; ;he new farmers of the Project. J He will conduct a demonstration , Jf growing corn and 'veo-etfditas on the towns'i te of Boardman. lie vill also supply the farmers with seed corn, and show them how to build silos and supply a man to .ill them properly. In fact, in every 'way possible he will aid the farmer to produce more ton nage for the railway company and thereby help the farmer to raise more crops and get more money for what he produces. The Company has adopted the policy developing the territory along .ts lines. II. Boardman, the original . 1,-.1 o and all tlu .ountry around, who located the nd which is the townsite, also :s an island in the Columbia -L . er, j ust across the main chan acl from the town. He is im . - ov ing part of the tillable land -.nd will plant a cherry orchard hereon. Ho has built a small iouse on the island and J. A. re employed clearing the ... ;. Mr. Loardman says that ins island will be the Coney of -he big city on the Columbia and tourists from the wojld over, traveling the Columbia Highway will stop there for a breathing pell and to enjoy the sports of nis ideal spot. AT MINOR & COMPANY Rmwester v- MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. John H. Bush, Manager We want all the cream which can be pro duced by the farmers of Morrow County, pay ing top market price. Buy cows and we will help you lift the mortgage. Re-organized and in strong shape to produce the best re sults possible for the farmer who maintains a small dairy herd. CI IAS. THOMPSON, President FRANK W1NNARD, Vice-President JOHN VAUGHN, Secretary & Treasurer Paul Jones, the irrigation en gineer was down this week to help Mr. Mitchell start his irri- ;ation system correctly. Mr. Jones is employed by the govern ment to direct the new settlers as to the best methods of irriga ting their lands and no charge made for his work. He takes is instrument into the field and ays oH the irrigating system .ml disci ibes the best methods dealing with each tract of mi. lie has been of great as slancc around Ilonniston and a now extending his services to the West Extension. Any far mer desiring his assistance hould arrange a date in advance. Dr. M. S. Kern of Pendleton is .laving his sixty acres of land f.rigon leveled and seeded to alfalfa. He owns part of the nkle homestead which he pur hased last fall. It lies about hree miles southwest of Irrigon and is line land. He expects to get a good crop this year and his land is in the vicinity where he ; j an readily dispose of his hay to J i sheepnien for winter feeding. In ' e s me locality two other pla es will be improved adjoining. Kern is a booster for the ir igated countrv. Just arrived, several new mod els of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets fresh with Fashion's latest touch. Those who already wear there fashionable corsets need no further invitation than this new announcement. And to all others we would say that this showing of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton models is a style event well worth visiting. ' The dawning vogue is one of personality. Style tendencies will be interpreted in terms of the wearers' figure, and mode must lend itself to the enhancemen' of indi vidual charm. Thus Saith Fashion, and her decrees are perfectly ful filled in Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets. MINOR COMPANY I0ST, FOUND, E1C. Watch the shows at the Star Theatre this week. Baled Hay and Grain for sale at White Front Barn. W. T. McRoberts. RUGS Varied and Universal. Ranging from a Crex grass to a Persian Silk are now on display at The Case Furniture Co. Store. FOR SALE Palace Hotel Buss team. 7 and 8 years old without a blemish weighing about 1450 each. See J. L. Wilkins. S. METZ 8c SONS IMPORTED AND HOME BRED PERCHERONS, BELGIANS, SHIRE STALLIONS . AND JACKS Come to Pendleton, Oregon, and we will show you 40 brad of stallion that you will say are real drafters, Best of Ihimc, cleanest lot of stallions you ever saw under one roof. Our stallions won first and Grand Championship at the lead ing State Pairs this fall, which shows you the kind you will cet to see when you visit our barns. If you want the lu st ntni the most for your money be sure and visit our stables when' you can ee more stallions than at any other place in the Northwest, We know we can please you, piices right, terms to suit. Every horse 'guaranteed to pass State Inspection. Reliable guarantee. Write us for in formation, or better still, come and see us. We have SO head of registered Hereford and Shorthorn Hulls all of servieable age for sale. Commercial Bams. PENDLETON, ORECON See the Ford Ton Truck on the street daily demstration. E. H. Kello'Tff, Morrow County Agent Palace Hotel, Heppner. LOST Large Brown Mink P.oardman is to have a baseball ! mu"- Blatk stripe. Lefton bench Learn. There is sufticient timber j West side Fair Pavillion at Elks a Ko xl team and fortunate-'1-111- Finder please leave at Her y there are already a number of ,a'('- Reward. 11 payors in town and near; i ,,, buing rags ami scrap . The players are practicing 'won of any kind. ' v .11 organize the team soon, Geo. Verdot. h h they will arrange a' u games with the other - ) i he county ami district, e already training are as Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. If you are eating our Hams and Bacon yv know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. Johnson Bros., Props. 80: S. METZ HONS Irs: Carl Voyen. B b Crooks, 1 h .lps. J. 0. Lower, J. C. ..r;rer, Sidney Mack, S. 11., W. A. Price and the Partl.iw brothers. .: O.-W .U. & X. Co. has nl v ' the request of the Town-U- i, mp;-.ny for dirt off the ay to grade .Main St. t . ms have been at work the street to grade. The " Company expects to . Ma n Mm t in first class . ; e. In addition to this the i . h to the station will be r de much better. O. H. Warner has returned Ii I ; n, r with the first jit P. -ardma. Mr. 4 the livery stable al.i.i installing a good ieinity of Boardman are devel oping rapidly for automobile use. The Paine Hotel is a busy place these days. It has eleven high way engineers as regular board ers and prospective settlers are "oming in to look over the new ' mestends on every train. Farmers in the wheat and stock country south of Boardman are k'ng for a good road into the own in order to reach a river rd main line point more easily. ?. L. Tense o Walla Walla s in lb prner several days last . tk looking after business in r .ts. Mr. Bcng is thinking eriously of mo ing back to this nitity to live and may make the i-;r:' tM Kr-ring. m.. i Mr,, w. T. Campbell 11 i re w ere among the C -nty people who at nded the recent Pendleton Au- I J ANNOUNCEMENT On account of the high cost of living the Palace Hotel Grill will change its present check system to a straight 35 and 50 cent meals, beginning March 1 1917 A charge of 15 cents will U made for each chair at the table occupied by childien under i years. A number of family tables will be et family style where a m al w ill in-si rv il 'or 35 c ins. A the r mamdr of the tail. h the meals will be 50 centa and up. Thanking you for your liberal patronage of the past and trust ing you will coninue it into the future. We are. The Palace Hotel Co. City Meat k Col Stone Co. The rads in the c mobilc Show.