HE HEPPNER HERALD fuirroiuAL sec tion An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered I a.- second ea:M natter in the po.it office at Heppner, Morrow Co., j Dregon. icro-age to any firm that will e3tab ; ish a flax products manufacturing itant here. , j MoUdla A $100,000 company or- ! I janizes to work fire clay deposits ' I near here. i Portland The Columbia Enginecr- E 1.; increasing facilities to GEORGE T. PEAECE. . Managing Editor The Paper Full of News Subscription Price $1.50 per year Villa i.; a fighter, hut lie will never ' - "" rn, 'inlied conversationalist ;:a has pvoveu nimseu iu .. information has now i 3 i.ication hurdle, whici. 1. :vd jump. mi::d that Admiral Dewey 1, y.ar after year, that : iopi. adequate defense ; or worried about the " I'.iiig and he was no that Germany will later prepare to do up the sun, moon and start and in due time tackle God. Pendleton Tribune. As long as the German sub marines are permitted to operate the best efforts of our farmers are being devoted to feeding the vshes. Pendleton Tribune. TT.ivin t declared was against earth, it is expected CorvalliH Sixth street here is to be pa"ed. The property owners will se lect the quality. It is reported that the Oregon Power Co. will make improvements in the Willamette valley to the extent of from $300,000 to $100,000. Salem agrees to furnish the required MOVED j e u ; TO OUR. NEW LOCATION IN THE ; j MASONIC BUILDING j SAM HUGHES CO. j handle six ships. Vie toti1 Cr??on mineral output h. 1916 was ?5,C00,000. . , McMinnville The mill: condensing plant here is to enlarge. Portland The Cereo Manufactur ing Co. has moved here. They expect to employ 25. Roseburg Douglas county slupf Jo,000 pounds of prunes to England. Oregon City and West Linn plan a joint municipal paving plant. "Two corp3 of government engin eers have already decided that Port Orford harbor is the most suitable port for hundreds of miles along the Pacific coast for building a harbor oi refuge." Port Orford Tribune. Roseburg A pool of 5000 acres ha? been made in the Flournoy valley tt drill for oil. Oregon City The paper mill here plans another addition similar to thi $1,000,000 unit about completed. The woolen mills is to big a large addition. Roseburg B. W. Bates & Son have bought the Evening News and wil. enlarge and improve both the paper and the plant. " DANCING IN R0UMANIA. Peasants Ms!- Merry on Sunday to Oil Their Joints For Monday. The Roumanian peasants have a say. Ing thai they must dance on Sunday to iei'p the cie.n; out of their bones oo Monday. Must f the dances are at tljp public houses dance hulls under tin; bine sky. as It were-nnd young and old gather there The old folk spend the day with the tipple, while the young ones dance. There Is very little drinking ou any other day of the nek, and a tipsy man except ou Sun day is seldom seen. The dances are organized by the boys of the community. They arrange for the music, provide the refreshments and preside as masters of ceremony. When the girls reach a mnrtageable age and have been sufficiently Instruct ed in the household arts they are al lowed to attend these dunces as partic ipants. "She dn noes at the dance" Is the peasant way of saying that a girl i has made her debut and Is eligible for matrimonial attentions. ! The national dunce of lioumnnla Is a sort of cross between a jig and the game of ring-around the rosle. All the dancers clasp bands and form a ring. They then begin a stepping, swaying motion that never moves them out of their original tracks, and to the music of the gypsy baud they keep It up for hours. -St. I.ouls Tost-Dlspateh. CLEARANCE SALE OF SHOES! Men and Women have a few days more in which to buy shoes for below regular prices. All broken lines are reduced, STORY OF A SONG. Vale The stockraising act is causing a big rush for lands litis will add millions to the tax roll. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Masonic Building Repairing Neatly Done NOTICE This notifies all concernet n. a 1 w II ntM-"cMite 'ill wvo al low stock to trespass on my e.operty Known ao iiio Dr. Win card place in Cason Canyon. Sinned: Philip Gilliam. ti :: .:::: Go to i::t-:::::'3J''i:::::::t'::!:. M M H it ii u K ) M u ft ii ii ii iJJ AM & BISBKE For Your Harvest Supplies 0i s. Ureases, BePin ? Lace Leather, tc We will give you the quality and the price that will command your patronage, otherwise we do not look for it. "We have got it-will get it--or it isn't made" GILLIAM & BISBEE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Jan Notice is hereby given that) Arthur Charles Keene, of Lex-; ington, Oregon, who, on April i U .Uh, 11)12, made Homesteac ; Entry, No. 101221, forSl-2SEl-4 j Sl-2 SW1-4, Sec. 13.- Nl-2 NE1-4 i Section 21, Township 2-South, Range 21 East, Willamette Meri- "Ben Bolt" and It Author, Dr. ThomM Dunn English. Of all the American songs none U so ununlhigly sweet as that beginning: Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Hon . , Sweet Alice, whose hair won bo brown. homcsteac w l,u wort wlth dellfc',u when 5'0U gav her And trembled with fear at your frown? ! I r. Thomas Dunn Kngllsh, its an , thor. contributed his poem to the New Vorli Mirror in lSl.'S. It was a work 1 nf love, written wllhont compensation. to oblige the editor, X. P. Willis, who i had recently undertaken to put the pa ! per on its feet. The poem had a pathetic lilt that at tracted no little attention, hut Its fame ' did n"t come until later years. In i Nelson Kneass. an actor, adapted j the poem to an old German melody. ; and the air captivated the American ! people. Then the song crossed the wa ter, achieved an equally great success ! In Kngland and literally ran round the : world. It remained for Georse Du Maurler I to immortalize 'T.rn Holt," in the play "Tril!y," where the gentle victim of j Sveuenll stum the air so sweetly to I TatTy the Laird and Little P.lllee. 26th, 1917. ; xcw York World. FOR SALE Fnr.a few days, 5 pur blcod S.C. R. I. Red cockerels, hatch ed in Mar. 1916, $2,00 each. Write W. E. Wiglesworth, Phone: 26F21. Echo. E. H. Kellogg, Morrow County J Agent for Ford One Ton Truck Attachments. Palace Hotel, Heppner. I have a farmer who wants to rent a wheat ranch of about 200 to 300 acres. Has own outfit and well fixed to farm in first class shape. If you have anything let is know immediately. The Heppner Herald :TROYi Vidian, has filed notice of intentioi 1 to make Final three year Proof, to .'stitbluh claim to the land a bove descibed, before C. C. Patt erson, U. S. Commissioner, at The Doctor' Prescription, Of historical interest is the emblem found on every proscription written by a physician, consisting of the letter It with a thlu line across the tall at an acute angle. According to historians, It had Its origin in the ancient custom o( allowing the stars to dominate every day Incidents of life. The It thuslnark- ed Is said to have boon the emblem used by tho ancients to designate the ail premacy of Jupiter. Therefore It seems prohahlo that some chemist of ancient days gitvo a prescription or a recipe to some patient nnd wrote upon It jhccnv blem or the planet then In the ascend Washes everything but the baby. Our excellent equipment insures perlect work on collars, shirts, and womens' fancy clotnes. Send them to us by Parcels Post Our Work is Guaranteed TROY LAUNDRY t PENDLETON, - ORE. I ' . . . ; 1 he UAU-UAS is not merely a summer stove. It does a ! way with wood and coal, I furnishing heat in a few minutes both for heating a room or cooking. It does the business quicker, cheap er and cleaner. S. L. STEPHENS Variety Store CLUB BILLIARD PARLOR Palace Hotel O. B. Hottman First Class Straight Rail and Pocket Billiard Tables Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies, A Complete Lnie of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos HE BEST Service Quality Price Furniture Undertaking Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day j ncy, which happened to be Jupiter. f M-n-fdi 1117 i Thin emblem has como down to the .. present time and Is always used. In a Claimant names as witnesses: . mo(1(M.n S(,,lse lt lBlmH fur John R. Oldeil and Ora AdkillS, recipe, or an order or Instruction to lwth nf Itoi.nnpr fWo-nn. Curtis' ,u,i somethliiK. Utenilly construed. C. Rhea, of lone and William T. I recipe means "lako" or "take thou." J! Campbell, of Lexington 8 ii. r.:vj:x:r.::ro:::r.a.::r:t Frank Woodcock. Register. Ml CUTS THE COST of TYPEWRITING sr I The New Model No. 10 ROYAL (III Glass Enclosed Dust Proof Mechanically Correct You Regulate the Touch To Suit Strength, Simplicity and Service never before found in any typewriter How to Lrn to Writ. Putthitf words lnnelhcr Is imt writ f ti ir ; nniklnc line sentence Is not writ Inc; fhihoratltiK strlklns plots is not v-riling. Uf all the arts literature Is the nmst esactlim mistress. To write you must have lived, you must liuve suffered and know Joy, you must he alile to analyze people, to understand their motives, to love them. (liauled that ymi have learned some Ihlntf of the iniillves, the passions, the sorrows that rack us huimius, then you must also have your medium In con Intl. Words are like little (rent ores that march and flk'ht and nIiik. They siv like extra hands snd hrnltis. All the passions Mil on them, t'litll you set this seno of the iholceness. the ! fragility. Iho swer of words, you are a not ready to trunscrllx your thotiKhti j American Msk'nr.lne. Tolstoy's Intonsity, I r.verjthlnit In Tolstoy's character. a. iajs a Unsslan writer, attslns titanic propori Ions. "Asa drinker he absorbed a fautHsttc (pintititlcs of llipior. As a itatidder he terrilieil his partners ly the lildness of his piny. As a soldier he ndvsuced cnyly to bastion four, the I m si Ion of death nt Ncvsstopol, and there ho ttindc dylnu men iHU.'h at h'. ltty ailni;. lie suriMisel crery tie by his prialik'ious actlvliy In sport s well a In lltrmture " I Ituve any lliinu you want in Second Hand Typewriters. . GEO. T. PEARCE hone 13 Heppner, Oregon i s S-SJW&J'X' ' .J Iff .iLlS-"- Dogwood. Dyo. ioiiHtl nss the source of th fa nvwt "Indian red'' ullh whl(li the vnln warriors lived their enklo feath prs and buckskin clothes. TheT pM. cured the de from the roots of the r.v. Tills l piobsblv the iii.h. .rll hunt dye to I prociucd from Amerl i an trees. Wood and Coal Raising daily. Also a 'ser ious car shortage. NO HELP IN SIGHT N. A. Clark Phone 396 Nj Wond.r. Mis i'rhhaw -Ifcni't cr . . V.'lllle I in ri"t eoloi t t'itilli ttot this lm, 'r von lniirie'l when rn n.-t t . 1 1 llhr HtHi li., nmioto'i! I fell down ptnlnl New Votk Times IhiiUi ettetli ilii-e ptprhet He .e. tlHTrfole, ai , rs-. t rlestb et rj bei. - ."urle. I WANT LANCT To sell to 31 buyers who will commence to arrive here on the 20th. of this month. If you want to tell, send me the full particulars, and description of your land, als your lowest price and the terms, also a full list of what poes with your ranch if improved and full description of all improvements. Land NORTH of the Use line preferred, but can sell land anywhere in Morrow County. THE LARGCR THE RANCH THE QUICKER I CAN SELL IT My charyc fur wiling land is FIVE PER CENT. The quicker I hear from you, the quicker your ranch will U- sold. W. D. NEWLON Lexington, Oregon ! .V