Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 20, 1917, Image 4

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    I After Inventory Sale j
Now $1.25
It will pay you to lay in a
supply for the next few
J'senteda two act drama, "The
5 I Patriot Girl". The setting of ttn
5 story portrayed was vividly de
J picted by the stage scenery, a
J splendid piece of work in stage
J carpentry. Each of the actors
J 1 carried their part in a delightful
Z '
; ; way. and the costumes, expres
Jisiveof the part of each, were
J ! criterian to the detail and ability
J with which the play was arrar.g
J edat.d directed. Tha' Hepnnei
J 1 High School students are cap !
! able of producing this class of !
drama and present itwith such
favorable scenery and sett in''
i speans highly to the credit or
I the st udenr ability and the class
'. of instrution of the institution.
Cast of Charaiers
Penelope Winthrop of New
York, Muriel McCarty. Eiiza
ibeth, a maid, Georgia Shi ploy,
! Madame Katheiine Dudly, of
' Boston. Ruth Howard, Constance
! Dudley Norma Frederick, liar
i hara Dudly, Gladys Lane, Maid,
1 Helen Barratt, Anthoney Kuwl-
land an Anirican Soldier. Henrv
Peterson, Sir Eus'ai'e C raft-on. j J
an kngltsu aimlicr, taut (..cm-
t ' Si '
i I !;;.
Phelps Grocery Co.
0. J. Cox w is in Friday from
K na C i eek.
Theodore Anderson of E glit
tn 1 1 was in town Friday.
C. P. Shamdart of Eighlmile
was in this city several Uhs last
week at lending to business mat.
lei S.
Miss Hose Kilkenny, who has
b-en vi.siiing with relatives at
Mouette, ivlo., for several weeks
has reaurucd to her home here.
In this issue of the Herald will
h ' seen the ad of W. D. Newlon
of Lexington, who wants land to
sell in a party of people from
t'ne Middle West who will soon
arrive here looking for locations.
Mr. Newlon has large holdings
in i hat section mid of lute lus
turned several large deals there.
Clarke Nelson, prominent in
surance man of Pendleton, spent
several days lasl week In llopp
tier and vicinity transacting
business. While here Mr. Nel
son learned by phone of a ruth,
cr dis nt runs tire in his houm in
North Pendleton. He Informs
us that biiih tlie house and fur
niture were covered by insur
ance. II. F. S.nf.ir.1 of Portland
spent several days last week in
this vicinity in the interest of
his nrm, a large grain buyii a
and exporting company. Mr.!
Sanford is a relative of the Chas. !
J. Osten family of near Heppner. ,
F N. Mover of Black Horse!
was in Heppner on business
Wednesday Hiid Thursday ot
last week.
C Guy Wakefield, well known
piano dealer came up from his
Lexington ranch several da
looking into business prospects
in the vicinity. He left Thurs.
day for his home in Pendleton.
One of the prettiest- entertain
merits it has been our pleasu'i
to see in Heppner was the Lit- j
erary Program presented ut thej
High School Auditorium Fiiday
evening by the High School j
pupils. Nix numbers, as follows ,
lead the program: Song, Colum
ihe Gem of the Ocean; Glee I
Club. Drill, -Patriotic." Six 1
teen Girls. Paper. -This Was a !
Man." Cecile Stevens. Nihil' '
"Dixie." Glee Club. Recital ion,
' Paul lievere's liule," Kenneth
Following these selections,
which were produced much to
the credit of those paraieipatinL'.
and their instructors, was pre
For the purpose of paying the
indebtedness incurred by the
Lyccam of the season of 1915-16,
for which ten people of Heppner
are responsible, an entertain
ment will be presented by local
talent at the High School Audit
orium on the evening of Feb. 28. ;
The music, both vocal and in-1 !
strumental, will be under the '
direction of Mrs. Winnard which
means good music. Mrs. Her-1
wick will render a titimuer o
her favorite readings Her rare J
ability and pleasing selections!
and the splendid musical pro-'
gram assure those who attend of '
an evening of great entertain
ment, the program:
Instrumental Music Selected:
a. Mr. Brown Has His Hair !
Cut. b. Pa's Initiation
Mrs Ilcrwick
Music Selected
a. Holding a Seat at the Bene
fit, b. Rosa. Itialian
Dialect. Mrs. Berwick
Music Selected
Saul of the Old Violin
Mrs. Berwick
Music Selected
a. Daddy, b. Selection frojn
"The Call of the Wild."
Mrs. Berwick
Music Selected
a. 'Speak Up Ike,' Darkie
Diclect, b. Old Glory.
j Mrs. Her w iik
iS'.ar Spangled Banner
Just arrived, severafnew mod
els of Royal Worcester and Bon
Ton Corsets fresh with Fashion's
latest touch. .Those who already
wear there fashionable corsets need
no further invitation than this new
And to all others we would
say that this showing of Royal
Worcester and Bon Ton models is
a style event well worth visiting.
The dawning vogue is one of
personality. Style tendencies will
be interpreted in terms of the
wearers' figure, and mode must lend
itself to the enhancement of indi
vidual charm. Thus Saith Fashion,
and her decrees are perfectly ful
filled in Bon Ton and Royal
Worcester Corsets.
By Audience
Admission 2 " and 50 cents
The Annual Pall of ih- lb p
Watch the shows at the Star
Theatre this week.
Baled Hay and Grain for sale
at White Front Burn.
W. T. McUoberts.
Varied and Universal. Banging
from a Crcx grass to a Persian
1 Silk are now on display at The
Case Furniture Co. Store.
1 FOU salv:
! Pahice Hotel Buss team. 7 and
s years old without a blemish
weighing about 1 IaO each.
: See J. L. WllkillS.
See the Ford Ton Truck on the
street daily demstration. I). H.
Ketlo'.'g, Morrow County Agent
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Oor
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all times.
If you are eating .pur Hams ' and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing.- Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire satisfaction.
Com.' to Pendleton, Oregon, and we will show you i
head of stallions that you will nay are real drafters. Best of
hone, cleanest lot of stallions you over saw under one roof.
Our stallions won first and Cirand Championship at the lead-
ing State Fairs this full, which show s you the kind you will
expect to see when you visit our barns. If you want the
best ami the most for your money bo sure and visit our
stables w here you can see more stallions than at any other
place in the Northwest. Wo know we run please you,
juices right, terms to suit, Kvory horse guaranteed to
pass State Inspection. Reliable jruarantoe. Write us for in-
formation, or better still, come and see us.
We have Sd head of registered Hereford anil
Shorthorn Bulls ull of servicablo age for sale.
Commercial Brm. .
n -r Lod.ro n F.'.ks is mi event
ttlis Week to which the local
ni'-ui In is ef I ho l.iilv'e an. I their
la li"s have b 'en tonkin: forward
to for ii lull'.' time Tie' otlieers
have been notified by m my neigh
boring Indices .f deli gallons
wi.ii h will visit lu re and exten
sive pn porations toe being tni-ile
for their entert tinmen', hii 9:
t he a f t ei noon t 'oe I 11I ee w jni
t :Mte n I i-ge nil. 1. tier if cam1:
date mill in the ovenii o it ' at:
H'let will be crvt if, ti. lib t style
in the Fair Pavillion. '1 he h e il
liaise h 11 aki d and i " ii veil t lie
CO-o;'eral i"il of the biu e men
of tlie city In the ill i- 1 1 ,it i us
which will be liberal v -,,; 1 on il
oV er t he to -A n. The e.. ,.! , of I he
u dor, pa rpie a'ld white, w ill be
t'lllll billed With eVeiejeell i.
be.t'.l'ify those pirts nl.ieli wi'l
be t he 1 enters of nrtuiU', Tin'
spee'al ti:n f I mil Ci aid. 01 , w hit h
will tie In el ed to the guild, w iTi
the blethers i f that lodge niul
t heir I id ies is set. .'d iiied to ar I i Vi
nt in on Frmn tl ell fi t i V it ii .
ill !" t u rtwd '.O'ise t 1 11. d la'i
t !.' Co 11 ph ten
f.eiiri.iiors a'.u
nervoiis n-.ii',i me ,i Ii by a I.
vised to t;l. 1 e" or keen in
is 1 1, is n',T ii 1 ; 1 . . is to
,f . Palace Hotel, Heppner.
Sun Fell ITi. First Mis -.f'(
A M. SecoAl Mass at. .lumper.
II A, M I'aiherO'Koiirke will
spend this week visiting various
parisi. ioiier in the Juniper see
ti ui of the comity.
Citf Meat & Coll Co. s
Johnson Bros., Props.
C..4t -
Qf HI the d IV 1 III
OVj ! of tin. till Ve,:(
Mrs F. Laper returned lasl
Saturday fio n I 11 1 !aii 1 and St
letii. w here she has ,sa nt. the
past two weeks visiting.
The best d ttu-e of the si ason
will b" ejveti at the 1 ) r v Fork
t,;t!i Fiiday. Feb. p.'lT. The
proceeds w il! ti" Used to Mi r
t be had Lverj I n ly invited uad
l c"od time assured to u!l; , bts
Kit supper will tie served nt
n.'.l n'eit I'.cery tiody come and1
Ii ivo a e-'1' I time. Music by thej
Pry F01 k h chest 1. 1. !
Civssto'i Mad. lock of Arlington ;
arrived in Heppner the latter
j art of last w eek from Lugetie. '
where he has been attending the
C. i f 0..a:id will t at tlie
Pa'.. ice Hotel, taking the position.
. f Cl:u f C'.vt k. Mr. Mi.ddi ck is
one of the !';rm of the Palace
lictil Cumpany n"id ir ten-Is to'
On account of the high cost
of living the Palace Hotel Grill
will change its present check
system to a straight 35 and 50
cent meals, beginning March 1
A charge of 15 cents will be
made for each chair at the table
occupied by children under six
A number of family tables
will beset family style where a
meal will be served for 35 cents.
At the remainder of the tables
the meal w ill lo 50 cents and
Thanking you for your liberal
patronage of the past and trust
ing you w ill coninue it into the
future. We are.
The Palace Hotel Co.