THE HEPPNER HERALD EDITORIAL SEC TION Aii independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered a.; second class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon. GEORGE T. PEARCE Managing Editor Realizing that the passage of these life as well as he can, .with the as twin bi!l:5 will be of great benefit u, , si.-;tame of his bread card, until the tiiu.iy parts of his district, while in . next ultimatum. r.o vuy restricting the ultimate devel oprr.eni of ary of its resources, Con- I By ,, c.-M:iaii Sinr.olt will use every effort c. Owing to tli j congested con U- i that he told them so. lion of the house --iVndar and the '; . ,,,,. of the coionei ;3 quoted before adjoi.: n- i un.,:n m-onounced roasted lions de licious but George Perkins continues the tims they're all shoved ! across the Bosphorus together Abdul i Hamid will be telling the young Turks The Paper Full of News Subscription Price $1.50 per year An increase of 25 per cent in th t i i'.ii' EC .'ees on all national forests, in.iteud of 33 1-3 per cent as was (.! i;;i:u',lly contemplated, will be mad for the season of 1917, according to : (;';in just announced by Secretary inn. Subsequent increases will be based on a study of the local con ditions on the individual forests and will vnvy in accordance with the facts tiius obtained. fiinprossman N. J. Sinnott, of Ore- t-f's, l:as been sucessfull in the first 1 1' r towards pasage of each of his -,! bills for permitting entry on '-'nntio'i and power site withdraw i subject to the right of the govern- ii io retake the lands or such parts !'' as it may later be necessary ! so for the purposes for which or- "; withdrawn. The committee i i public lands of the house of repre i till ivcs authorized Mr. Sinnott to ".ort or it favorably on both these I j'tid they are now on the houae .w iiting their turn to be eon s' r il on the floor of the house. 1 '; r-jioit on 11. R. 7032, provid- t h'i.nestwul entry on water ' . t fie congressman called at ! .be desirability of giving . to hundreds of fctllers through ci! tin- country who hud entered upon ( ")!! faith when the records I 'i d offices did not at ; , how the withdraw 1 mn y of these ' l, e . pent their time, mone; and labor on such entries, and done so before being informed that they had been withdrawn from enry. Fur ther, that his bill would enable the secretary of the interior in his dis cretion to allow such entries to be per fected, reserving the right to tlv United States to retake the land whenever necessary for power sito purposes. In commenting on section 10 of the Ferris water power bill which covers substantially the same ground as the Sinnott bill Secretary Lane said: "Section 10 of the bill is also im portant, in that it will permit in many instances a dual use of the land, or a part thereof, providing that the sec retary of the interior may in his dis cretion, allow entries or claims mule.' appropriate land laws for areas re- stived for water power sites where the water power development will not be injured thereby. There are many cases where the dam, reser voir, or conduit will occupy only a part of a legal subdivision, and thi., will permit the agricultural use of the balance. There are other caseo where there is now timber upon llm surface, which may be disposed of under appropriate laws, cut, anl re rnoved before the land is required or utilized for power purposes." The report on II. K. 17035, perviii':. ting homestead and Uc. 'H land e i-! tries on land withdrawn ior reclama- j t'r.n pi:i poses endorses such bill for I similar reasons. . I noit lime remaining beiore aaioi.:n-i merit it is doiAtful, however, if they i be reached during the pre-irnt session of congress." The general land office has just issued a circular (No. 523) giving full instructions to register! : and receivers as to how to proceed under the Ferris G40-acre grazing j homestead law, approved December 29, 19113. A copy of this circular may be obtained by writing Congressman Sinnott. The department of agriculture has just issued BOOTS! BOOTS! We have 100 : pairs of good riding boots left. All sizes in Tan Russian Calf. : in his predilection, elephant fricasee. It would, be disheartening to hear it seriously suggested that the Ger man raider is our old friend the Deutschland gone wrong. A Yamhill man, says the Record, had trouble with his tomach and wetu to Portland to consult one of the wise men of the medical profession. After a thorough catechism as only the Port- s Farmers' Bulletin No. i iami pin dispenser is master of the 792 a circular entitled "How the Fed ' j joctor said, "I'll tell you what, my oral Farm Loan Act Benefits the i i-,0Vj you must cut down in the use 01 Farmer." This not ony gives the dis- j tobacco if you expect to get well." advantages of the present system, ana 1 jhe Yamhiller truthfully replied, advantages claimed for the new fed-; "That may be so, doctor, but I never eval land-bank system but outlines nsPri who may obtain loans, how to organ ize a local association and other use ul information. Congressman Sin nott will get a copy of the same to any constituent requesting, him therefor. We are now selling at prices less than same can be bought from manu-: facturers today. 'Hurry and get your size. " : E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Masonic Building Repairing Neatly Done ten cents' worth of tobacco in my life.1 The man who stops his paper be cause he is a "little short" and keeps right on smoking "15c or two for a quarter" cigars lays himself open to suspicion of being "off." The man who uon t want to taKe tne paper De-Conjrrei-s is having a short session cau?c he is taking too many now, tiut a merry one. ought not to feel aggrieved when said The Ccrmans evidently regard the er forff ,t0 ke -any special 1 ior a big price, or fails to reprint the EKIEF AND EREEZY tenor of the allies' notes as base. It's a good thing that it'3 the in ;uiry and not the alleged leak that items t:) be getting bigger every day. If cot ion had been worth 20 cents a pound, wouM Andrew Jackson have iiatie a barricade with bales and won bo buttlo of New Orleans? Eji' g from Boston did not prevent Tom Lawson from spilling the beans. omplimentary notice a paper in some aslant city makes him, not knowin l ow poor a friend he is to the printer. The man who sticks a card in his show- window offering his stock and the business for sale and makes no men tion of his offer in the papers, ought to take the first offer, no matter how low it is. He is too far behind his time to make business go in these years. These facts are like the United States treasurer's reports, re- Go to ii ii i M k n ii it ii n M y u a ii mum & bisbee! For Your As tivj 1 abcr is said to have planned his peace note last October, j sl)CC(,uny submitted, it necomes a:i tne more surprising that American speculators found any thing loft to clean up. Harvest Supplies 0! s, 'Teases, Rel'inq r L athc , tc We will give you the quality i 1 the price that will command your patronage, otherwise we do not look for it. ' vVe have got it-will get it or it isn't made" GILLIAM & BISBEE Not only doC3 the kaiser demand a p'ace in the sun but he expects the sun to stnnd still while he gets it. When little George Washington be g i-i to destroy growing timber wim bi.-i hatchet it was well for hin that FOR SALE Fur a fe dav. 5 pur blood S.C R. I. Rd cockerels, hatch ed in Mar. 1916. 2.00 each. Write W. E. Wiglesworth, Phone: 2GF21. Echo. CHURCH OF CHRIST Subject of Sunday sermons. Morning: "What the community expects of a Christian." Evening: "Who is to blame?" At the request of many of his patrons. Manager SparKs of the Star has arranged for a return engagement of "God's Country and the Woman" for Feb. 17, :troy. Washes everything but (he baby. Our excellent equipment insures perfect work on collars, shirts, and womens' fancy dotnes. Send them to us by Parcels Post Our Work is Guaranteed A GOOD POSITION Can b'j had by any ambitious young man, or young lady in the field of railway or commercial teli-giaphy Since the passage of the eight-hour law by congress, it has creiited a big demand for The OXO-GAS is not merely J a summer stove. It does a- way with wood and coal, furnishing heat in a few minutes both for heating a room or cooking. It does the business quicker, cheap er and cleaner. S. A. STEPHENS Variety Store TROY LAUNDRY; : PENDLETON, - ORE. I CLUB BILLIARD PARLOR Palace Hotel O. B. Hottman First Class Straight Rail and Pocket Billiard Tables Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies, A Complete Lnie of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos he bad to answer only to his father j teb'grnph operators. Positions and not to CifforJ I'inchot. ! paying from $75 to $80 per mo'tith i W'.rentlv'it is easier to recruit L with many chances for advance .-if Americans for the ambulance " ice in I'Vanco than for military in tlie Uiv.iod SU.te-. . i u' i.bly the world will be content to ct bo pive!,t conflict stand as the c t o ' w.i ni.nh bi'Mor is thi? country , n;v.H'd fi r a sirious wa" than it ; ;,; i early jenrs ai'o vvln-t Ad 'I'liial IH'Wcy s'liashed the Spanish i '.tl in the battle at Mnnila. merit. It will pay you to write Railway Telegraph Institute, of Portland, Or., for full particulnrs. E. II. Kellogsr, Morrow County Agent for Ford One Ton Truck Attachments. Palace Hotel, Heppner. V. WANTED A cu irgnua woman, ,.) years I has ii.sL married one of her it ' . " . . . . . m loaruers, . t ot age. its aj i have a farmer who wants to ti ; mighty good method of holding your , rent a wheat ranch of about 200 Ji. huanlers. Const .int'.ne will now enjoy MA '"IL.- CUTS THE COST of TYPEWRITING to 300 acres. Has own outfit and well fixed to farm in first class shape. If you have anything let us know immediately. The Heppner Herald I NOTICE This notifies all concerned 2 that I will prosecute all who al- 1 low stock to trespass on my 2 j property known as the Dr. Win J i nard place in Cason Canyon. 5 1 Signed: I i Philip Gilliam. The Ne.v Model No. 10 ROYAL Gl tss ' ncloseel m h Proof Mechanically Correct You Regulate the Touch To Suit Strength, Simplicity and Service never before found in any typewriter 1 have any thin you want in Snond Hand Type wi iter. GEO. T. 1'KARCE Thone 13 1 loppncr, Oregon : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior United States Land Office at Tiie Dalles, Orepon. Jan. 2Gth, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Arthur Charles Keene, of Lex , innton, Orepon, who, on April 'Ji'th, 1D12, made Homestead Lntry. No. 101221. forSl-2SKl- i. Sl-2 SWl-4. S.'c. 1.1- Nl-2 NE1-4 Section 21. Township 2-South, Uanm-21 Last, Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of intention omake Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land a bove descibed, before C C. Patt erson, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on theSthdav of March. l'HT. Claimant names as witnesses: U. Olden and Ora Adkins. of Heppner, Orejron. Curtis C. Uh. a. of lone anvl William T, , Campbell, of Lexington. II. Frank Woodcock, j Ilepister. UC service Cllrn;4llro : "Quality ' ""v ; Dtol Price Undcrtakma : Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. Wood and Coal Raising daily. Also a ser ious car shortage. NO HELP IN SIGHT N. A. Clark Phone 396 I WANT LAND h,MTA?il,t3Jbu.ycrswhT win commence to arrive t i " ,k6 f thi3 month If to .ell. nnH Ti particu,ar8. Hcseription ol your and als your lowest price and the terms, also a full l. of what pees with your ranch if improved and full de enptton of all improvement Land NORTH of the SKrlw SS 8011 anWhCre " THE URCCR TIIE RANCH THE QUICKER I CAN SELL IT My charge for selling lamj U FIVE PER CF.NT.;,!!tk:ii hcar from ou' the r ' Lexington, W. D. NEWLON Oregon i ) if: