Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 13, 1917, Image 4

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; After Inventory Sale I
Now $1.25
It will pay you to lay in a
supply for the next few
Gives Kewlands Ccmsnittee Hi
Views on Railroad Control.
Phelps Grocery Co.
lbiurd Constituting Ex Officio
Tin- State Hoard of Sheep
t:;ilein, Ore., Jit n.2', 1917.
Vhereiui, idioep .scabies ia actually
in existence in curtain districts lying
wort of the Cascade mountain in Ore-
UO Mill,
v l:ci c:. , certain of those gheVp
hu e been allowed to be moved to
Kiisioin Oregon; ana,
Whereas, the infection of scabies
bun ! ec tK.nsmitted to other flocks;
therefore, we the State Live
.'lock Sanitary board, constituting ex
of i io the Hoard of Sheep Commts
Hioners, acting upon the recommenda
L'iuiim of the state veterinarian, he be.
ui ex ollino state sheep inspector,
ilu hereby declare and proclaim a
u: t-ii ti t i no against the movement of
t i n y sheep in Western Oregon to
points in Iv.istern Oregon nml other
hlntes, except and unless said sheep
have been inspected and certified to
on the farm as being free from .sheep
scabies and exposure thereto by the
i l;.le veterinarian, he being ex officio
Mute sheep inspector, or his deputies;
or, in I'.cn of tiiis inspection, thai
these :.hecp be dipped twice under tin
supervision of the proper officer nnd
in the manner prescribed by the State
Live Stock Sanitary board, constitut
i ijr ex offu in the Hoard of Sheep
V oi;'.inissio;;el s.
lfiviiliil, that sheep that are
ibippi l I'ioiii tlie Union Stock Yards,
I'ortland, Oregon, and other public
: lock .nd, whether covered by cer-titi.-ati
showing inspection on the
i ui in or not, lie required to be dipped
twice before being shipped to points
in Knsterii Oregon and other states.
1'rovidcd, further, that nil cam in
which inspected nnd declared free
shaep or dipped sheep are to be moved
in for purposes other than immediate
slaughter are to be first cleaned and
disinfected under the supervision of
tho proper disinfecting officer.
All common carriers engaged in the
transportation of such shipments ate
hereby notified of this proclamation
Executed at Salem, Oregon, tin
twenty-fifth day of January, 1917
Attest: Acting President
W. II. LYTLE, Secretary of Slate
Live Stock Sanitary Board.
Dr. Tumor, Hip well
know eve special ii. ol
Portland will ho in lleppner h
gain Friday, Fed 23rd, ut Palace
Hotel. In lone Saturday, Fell.
L'4 th . Dr Turner is u specialist
of experience and standing, atul
you will inalo! no mistake in con
suiting bin) about your eyes ami
glasses Your eyes ate tlie ino'
precious sense you liave v
why not have the best, by con
suiting a specialist, when it costs
you no more than to consult thoM
who ii, like it a side Mm II", nl.
Federal Regulation Should Not Be Al
lowed to Exclude Exercise of State
Authority, He Contends Thinks Rail
road Stocks Should Represent Actual
Value and Be Stable as Government
Washington, Dec. 11. William J.
Bryan, who startled the country ten
yeavg ago by advocating government
ownership of railroads, appeared be
fore the Xewlands Joint Committee on
Interstate Commerce hist week In sup
port, of the claim that the states shonUl
be allowed to retain aiirhorily over the
regulation of nil trnuspoua'cion lines
vvilhiu their borders. Mr. Itiyan ex
plained that he hud long regarded gov
ernment ownership as Inevitable, but
only because of railroad opposition to
effective regulation.
Against Government Ownership.
"Personally 1 cannot say that I do
sire povernment ownership," he ex
plained, 'because 1 lean to the liidi
vldiml idea rather than to the collec
tive idea; that Is. 1 believe that gov
ernment ownership Is desirable only
where competition is impossible."
Alfred P. Tlioiu. counsel to the Kail
way incentives' Advisory Committee.
previously had presented before the
members of the Newlands ConimlUee
as one of his reasons for urging a bet
ter balanced and more systematic reg
ulation of railroads the argument that
this Is the only alternative In govern
ment ownership. Culling attention to
the restrictions imposed upon the
transportation Hues by conrllcthig slate
laws and regulations, to the practical
cessation of new const met Ion and to the
Impossibility under existing conditions
of securing the new capital needed for
extensions and bctlwuictit.s of railway
facilities, In? warned trie Congressmen
that unless they provided a fair and
reasonable system of regulation that
Would cnalile the rnllronds to meet the
growing needs of the country's bust
ness the national government would,
be compelled to take over the owner
tihlp of the lines with all the evils at
tendant upon such a system.
Preservation of Competition.
Mr. Hryan. on the other hinid, holds
that the further extension of federal
authority over the railroads would be
a step In the direction of government
ownership. He advanced the view that
the centralization of control hi the
hands of the national government
would impose ton great a burden upon
the regulating body, would oiler sirong
temptation to railroads to Interfere In
politic and would ciiooiinivo , mn.
eral movement toward i enirali-alion
of power In the federal government at
the expense of the states. lie said that
he did not object to ooieolhliil ions of
railroad linc-i so long us they did not
destroy eoiu;i'l it ion. that he knew of
no complaint iciaiust great railway
systems because of their size and that
he believed tint the pi e onnl ion of
compeiiM'.,, was the lest to bp applied
to nil cons, r.dalioii-..
Just arrived, several new mod
els of Royal Worcester and Bon
Ton Corsets fresh with Fashion's
latest touch. Those who already
wear there fashionable corsets need
no further invitation than this new
And to all others we would
say that this showing of Royal
Worcester and Bon Ton models is
a style event well worth visiting.
The dawning vogue is one of
personality. Style tendencies will
be interpreted in terms of the
wearers' figure, and mode must lend
itself to the enhancement of indi
vidual charm. Thus Saith Fashion,
and her decrees are perfectly ful
filled in Bon Ton and Royal
Worcester Corsets.
I Ro-johition of Socunt.oj,
' Mr. Hryan declared himself 111 f.ivcr
I of national rc:r.hilioii of raihwiv souk
iches relieved, cross ey i s ! and bond I- - iie I ul added that he saw
1 ruln .! aii-f .otiioi im ' no reason vvh.v that should e. hide the
unlet J. Consult bun Pont fort'i I j
the date. l)r, Turner make i.oi
charge for consultation or examination
Fu",c-ne MaHeou was in Ilepp
ner Thursday itlteiiuing to btisi
ness matters.
Coin t IViblleion, Oregon, anil we will show you 40
h -al of stallions that you will nay are real drafters, Best of
ho'ie, cleanest lot of stallions you ever saw under one roof.
-(allium won first and Grand Championship at the load-
F ii' s this fall, vhich shows you the kind you will
, i !.. Alien ou visit our barns. If you want the
. I hv most for your money Ite sure and visit our
i ilil. s ,h. re you can ee more stallions than at any other
pl ue in the Northwest. We know we can please you,
prices right, terms to suit. Kvery horse guaranteed to
pa-t Sure I-ispeeiion. Reliable era ran tee. Write us for in-
., . t, ,.ifr i i i. come and mo us.
i registered Herefor! and
v cable age for sale.
'l n-n cial ! uns.
........ ......e... .e.............t...:
states from iiothii: on tiie same sub
loot as o stale i orpnral ions. "1 would
like to see the slock of a railroad, us
long us l is In private hand), made ns
substantial and as unvarying as the
value of a government bond." be s
He siig'.-esied th.-.t railroad capitali
zation be readjusted to tioiali.i It Villi
actual valuation of ihe propel ly rep
resented, nicking due allowance for
n lilies, and that when this was done
the roads shoul be allowed to earn
mitllcieiit income to keep their stock
at par ami to create a surplus. The
hitler, ho tentatively propos, d, might
be allowed to amount per tent
of Ihe capital.
Railway Enrningt Lew.
This sublet of railroad capliali7a: ion
mid t U amount of railroad carnliem
received further nttontio.i from the
commliiee rnr ng Its recent session.
In answer to ipiestlou by S'li.ilor
'n tn in in . Mr. 'Ihoni sabmltti'il tWure
i'iowIu ihe in'l earidi-'j of the lend
In recent yens. These limine s'io,-H-iit
I'mli'n lUe live vcars from l..i."i
to l'.ib tin' average net earidiu were
?'.'. per i-ent of the net -;i dt h ti ai i-n.
wliiie f r the five years from p.ipt
Par. the mi-rate was only -t r.ii p:-r
.ent The tot il cumin on th, n.k k.
i-oiiipn'i',1 b II etlli; t the net o;.ec.
ntii - lie h'i e the Inc.'i'ie (! ',, , s,..
. Ill ilici ov i., d ui.1 dedie tie- . .,, :,
teie-.t, weie for I'b 7 o;i p.-c e,.ni:
f..r l'.ill. 1! IT p -r cent, f .r I'M.'. 4 P7
i.er cent; f T l.'l.l. .'..'.il per , eel, for
I'M!. ' per mi, f T I'M... ;it .-r
rut, thiis kliowl.ii; nu nil iot rui'lii
cons ih re.ie tlno-i.lecit hl s. yenr
P'-t ohI It Win H lie' ' 0 e. lint IU'.
f-od Kit. ks"ii, f : iv.'i y c!,,ili nun of
il' i on.'n tl.tllr 01 1 i-(-ni to !t ti.
wen! I il-iolt tno complete Info-ien-tloii
en thm unb'eet fi th 'euiiep(f
it t l.i'.cr date.
Watch the shows at the Star
Theatre this week.
Baled Hay and Grain for sale
at White Front Barn.
W. T. McRobcrta.
Remember your light and wat
er bill is due the tenth.
Ileppner Light and Water Co.
, To trade residence property in
Salem for Heppner property.
See Glenn Y. Wells.
Varied and Universal. Ranging
from a Crex grass to a Persian
Silk are now on display at The
Case Furniture Co. Store.
First class furnished house
keeping rooms. Mrs. G. W.
Falace Hotel Huss team. 7 and
i years old without a blemish
weighing about l-loO each.
See J. L. Wtlkins.
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all times.
If you'are eating out Hams and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire satisfaction.
City Meat k Cold Stop Co,
Johnson Bros., Props.
Bethlehem's Bid on Shells
for the United States Navy
To tkf merictn Vfvplt:
The Svrrtnry of the Navy ha awarded
coiiWkcI amounting to over $1. IKK), 000
to a Unlnh biddrr for II and 16-inch
proe tile for the Nvy became of very
much k"er price otfcrtsl by the Knf hh
W e know nothing of the hi upon which
Ilia Krilnh bid weir nimle, but the pub
lic 1 nil 1 lb-1 to know the fnel u,ho
hii h we nuru'lvra bid for tin. wcki.
Tun year look ronlracl
In mitke 4.2)U I l-lnrh ahrll at
prir nf I.M",IXI. I p in now
not a .ingle brll ha Ix-rn ac
rrptrtl Ity Ihe bntrrnmrnl, aU
tbooah we have rtpnlrl. In
wagr. material, rle., nn lhM
nrdrr. t.'iZi.nHI, anil hat not
rrcrivml a MNt.lK IMIU.AR an
the contract..
In v.IoWmi. . IOvl llTprl.tHM f
IK nINrl Might M. li.M. tm
r.llMW .aillMlll( In ' 1
In live li-ht of our nperienc. ant ha
ln( nooiHrr lia.i. we bid for IA-inh
.hell approtunateU Ihe ma rate pf
miiml a that which lh Navy Iepart.
inrnt liially aaanlnl a Minvh aheil
omtrai I one )at ai.
Drthlrhrm Jlc'l Coin pan
I t t M ll H tmH
Itl.tSI I, .Hl f ir-.
On account of the high cost
of living the Palace Hotel Grill
will change its present check
system to a straight 35 and 50
cent meals, beginning March 1
A charge of 15 cents will be
made for each chair at the table
occupied by children under six
A number of family tables
will be set family style where a
meal will be served for 35 cents.
At the r.mainder of the tables
the meals will be 50 cents and
Thanking you for your liberal
patronage of the past and trust
ing you will coninue it into the
future. We are.
The Palace Hotel Co.
i "