THE HEPPNER HERALD EDITORIAL SEC TION An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered as second class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon. GEORGE T. PEARCE. Managing Editor band of sheep whLh is exjio-el to jmer, ari'l U. W. Turner, repre scab from contractile 'the trouble is j sentin tne Farmer's Union were the claim of Frank Spiko. lie has a:passengers out the first of last method of treating the disease 1 . r ,. , , ,i, ,:u . , 1 1 ,., , ! week for Salem, where they will through the feed, which eure.i by ac- , tion on the skin. This feed, if given ! visit the Legislature. Mr Notson to the animate when exposed, will represents Heppner and this positively prevent thair getting the j section in the Columbia River can. ! Highway. Mr. Spiko'a method of . treating ! sheep with scab is to feed a powder j Oscar Otto returned the first of with salt. The scab insect haa to the troo'.f frnm rpvinn-tnu. where The Paper Full of News Subscription Price $1.50 per year SYLVESTER PFNNOYER MAY BE NEEDED AGAIN Keep your eye on the nice little jiikiT some people are trying to work thimig-h the legislature with refer. ( iite to the public utility act and for the purpose are using Mr. Corey, of the commission, aa their spokesman. The amendment provides that a public utility corporation operating in a city shall be free from invasion by a competitor unless the state public utility commission rules that public "convenience and necessity" calls for Huch action. Even a city or town would be barred from establishing a municipal water plant without first Kctting the consent of the public serv ice commission. No grocery store, no bank, news paper or any other line of business is provided with any such soft ar ianc,emonts as thjs; why should a public utility corporation be shielded iiiiin competition? I ' a competing electric company, Fnvate or municipa. facts and it is safe to say they will not invest in such business un!cs3 they deem the situation to be right. To the East Orefronian the amend, meat proposed by Mr. Corey is the limit of audacity in view of the fact he is drawing a salary for supposed service to the people. Once upon a time many years ago Oregon had a public service commis sion that fell into this same line of conduct. One day Governor Pennoyer notified the members of the commis sion they were removed from office for the good of the state. It may be about time to Pennoyerize the present commission. East Oregonian. hatch out under the sheep's skin, and the action of the remedy kill's them at that stape. In order to get rid of the insects that are in the wool a dip is necessary, but with this method one dip suffices, whereas the old dipping he had spent several days tran sacting business, Claude Vaughn, charged from Castle Rock with robbing the in hot solution. Echo News emedy requires at least two dippings sheep camps of Stanfield Bros. waived preliminary examination before Judge Patterson Satur day and was bound over to the Grand Jury." His bail was placed at 300.00. Guest at McQueen Home Mrs. Ralph Johnson, of Heppner, is a guest this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' W. Mc Queen. Milton Eagle. " ' Oregon State Live Stock Sanitary Poison Month The month of February has been designated by the National Wool growers' association as poison month. During that month every sheepman in the country will be asked to put out r00 strychnine baits on his land or range. By this concerted method it The marriage of Mr. Roy Campbell, a prosperous young Lee Scrivner, of Gooseberry bought! formor nf Lexington, to Miss b 'iMay Severence of Hardman, i was solemnized at the home of It is estimated there are' 4,273,000 ! the bride's parents, Mr. and acres of improved farm lands in Ore-1 Mrs. W. E. Severence, Rev. gon and that at least H.000,000 acres Sadler officiating, at high noon BOOTS! BOOTS! We have 100 j pairs of good riding boots left. All : sizes in Tan Russian Calf. We are now selling at prices less : than same can be bought from manu- j facturers today. Hurry and get your i size. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Masonic Building Repairing Neatly Done a new Uuick Six from L. E this week. Condon Times. in the state can be improved or re claimed by drainage. Fires burned 25,000,000 board feet of timber on the national forests of Oregon, Washington and Alaska in !f)16. Th? forest service foucht 117(1 is believed that an enormous number rirR ;n this region rh.rtno- ih vmv wishes to enter of coyotes can be killed and hundreds Lt pVnoraf p ?ionnn - rauiciuu ui iiny uuier town wny noi 01 inousanas 01 aoiiars wortn 01 sneep M tlKin come? Coinnetition is n be saved. Promises have heon iocr.i ol thing for the consumer and from enough stockmen to make sure id be encouraged, not stifled. It that the practice will be general. is not necessary for any state com- Strychnine capsules of three grains can be secured at any drug store at an approximate cost of $15 per 1000. ' 'i.-;.iion to pass on the "necessity or convenience" of such an enterprise. ';l:e people '.putting up the capital and taking the financial risks are thoroughly able to judge as to the LOCAL Can Cure or Prevent Scab That he can absolutely prevent a Go to ! GILLIAM & BISBEE For Your Harvest Supplies Oi's, Greases, Bel1 in i I ace Leather, etc. Tom Karris of near Rekls Mil! was a business visitor in Hepp ner last week. We will give you the quality mcl the price that will command your patronage, otherwise we do not look for it. I "We have got it-will get it or it isn't made" GILLIAM & BISBEE ::::'3::rt:n:rst:'irarmk:tcwmy:M7::ixti:::r'2r.3s: 3 I ft u Emmet Smith, Rhea Creek, far. in'jr, transacted business in Heppner one day last week. Elmer Gosnoy, who has been cooking in the Palace Hotel until recently, left for Portland lust Tuesday morning, where he has accepted a position as cook in a hotel there. '; J M. Hayes returned last Wednesday from an extended trip through Utah. Nevada and Souihern ('Hlifornia Harry Huffman was a passrn Lrer Wtdm'sduy morning for Ivrdniond, where be will spend -..neral (lis tiansacting busi i A n il l ii U'phU man le i 0 1 1' ii I'm (bind lat Tue. Feb. 4th. The bride wore a dress of white silk, attended by her sister, allso iu white. These popular young people bave the congratulations of a host of friends. The social dances which have been held at the dance hall at Dry Fork the last few weeks are reported. to be very interesting and that all who attend enjoy themselves greatly. These good reports from the Dry Fork sec tion prove so interesting it is probable that a number of the young folks of Heppner will make arrangements to attend a dance there in the near future. FOR SALE For a few day9, 5 pure blood S. C. R. I Red cockerels, batch ed in Mar. 1916. $2,00 each. Write W. E. Wiglesworth, Phone:. 26F21. Echo. CHURCH OF CHRIST Subject of Sunday sermons. Morning: "What the community expects of a Christian." Evening: "Who is to blame?" At tli" request of many of his patrons, Manager Sparlts of the Star has arranged Tor a return engagement of "God's Country and the Woman" for Feb. 17, :troy. Washes everything hut the baby. Out excellent equipment insures perfect work on collars, shirts, and womens' (ancy clotnes. Send them to us by Parcels Post Our Work is Guaranteed I TROY LAUNDRY; PENDLETON, - ORE. : A GOOD POSITION Can bp had by any ambitious youcg man, or young lady in the field of railway or commercial telegraphy Since the passage of the eight-hour law by congress, it has created a big demand for telegraph operators. Positions paying from $73 to 80 per month with many chances for advance merit, lt will pay you to write Railway Telegraph Institute, of Portland, Or., for full particulars. The OXO-GAS is not merely a summer stove. It does a way tvith tcood and coal, 0 jui mart i iiy nvut in u jew minutes both for heating a room or cooking. It does the business quicker, cheap er and cleaner. S. A. STEPHENS Variety Store CLUB BILLIARD PARLOR Palace Hotel O. B. Hottman First Class Straight Rail and Pocket Billiard Tables Soft brinks, Fancy Candies, j A Complete Lnie of Cigars, J Cigarettes and Tobaccos W. I). Ewing was up Cecil one day last week. from Will Furlong, of- Ilirdman, transuded business Let-.' last Moiulas S. F, Nut smi. Mayor of ll. p- E. II. Kellogg, Morrow County Agent for Ford One Ton Truck Attachments. Palace Hotel, Heppner. C service !kT Quality ;M Price Furniture j Undertaking ; Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. i CUTS THE COST of TYPEWRITING wmjj WANTED I have a farmer who wants to rent a wheat ranch of about 200 to 300 acres. Has own outfit and well fixed to farm in first class shape. If you have anything let us know immediately. The Heppner Herald : NOTICE i This notifies all concerned ! I that I will prosecute all who al ! ; low stock to trespass on my ! i property known as the Dr. Win 1 jnard place in Cason Canyon. ! Signed: M Philip Gilliam. The Ne .v Model No. 10 ROYAL Glass Knclosed Dust Proof Mechanically Correct i STAR THEATRE TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY THE TRAP Featuring the famous Bostock Animals in Two acts. THE $10,000 SEQUAL TO THE 'DIAMOND FROM THE I SKY.' Two Acts. t JERRY AND THE MOONSIIIRERS That funny little man. Featuring Geo. Ovey You Regulate the Touch To Suit Strength, Simplicity and Service never before found in any typewriter I have nny tiling you wnn in 5rcond H.uid Typrwj iters. V : a i . I i'hone 13 0 lU ppicr, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Jan. 20th, 1917. Notice is hereby eiven that Arthur Charles Keene, of Lex ington, Oregon, who, on April 20th, 1912, made Homestead Entry. No. 101221. forSl-2SEl-1-Sl-2 SW1-4. Sec. 13.. Nl-2 NE1-1 Section 21. Township 2-South. Range 21 East, Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make Final thrf e year Proof, to establish claim to the land a bove descibed, before C. C. Patt erson, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on thebthdav if March. 11)17. Claimant names as witnesses: John R. Olden and Ora Adkins. both of Heppner, Oregon. Curtis C. Rhea, of lone and William T. C.ini!'! 11, of Lexington. 11. Frank Woodcock. Register. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sixth and Seventh Chapters of The IRON CLAW. 1 THE SPOTED WARNING. Two Acts. THE HOODED HELPER. Two Acts. CAUGHT IN A JAM. A Sure Fire Comedy. . COMING AGAIN SATURDAY ONLY "GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN" EIGHT ACTS 15 & 25 cents I MlV, t.-; : r,t it T ' .-tt?V ' ' r If ii