"Show me the home wherein music dwells and I will show you a happy, peaceful and contented home." H. w. Longmow, You can have the world's best music in your home if you own a Grafonala. I sell all classes of Graf onolas at prices and terms which will fit all sized purses. Oscar R. Otto GENERAL HEWS ITEMS INTEREST 10 HEPPNER PEOPLE Phone Service Attracted The First National Bank and a number of citizens of Heppner filed a formal complaint with the i Public Service Commission Mon day, asking that better facilities be provided at that city by the Pacific Telephone Company. It is asserted in the complaint that the quarters provided are poor, the operators Insulting and the service bad. Oregonian; Manager -Humphreys of the local office, stated to a Herald representative that he had re quested the Public Service Com mission to investigatethis charge A bearing will probably be held within the next few days. Plaintiffs in this action: First National Bank, Phil Colin, Gil liam and Bisbee, Patterson and Son, Minor and Co. It is understood that this action is not against Mr. Humphreys but an action for better phone service here. Maurice Kopple, a former res ident and merchant of this city has recently ranted the building just north of the Patterson acid Elder barh9r shop, where he ex pects to start a general store in the near future, See the Ford Ton Truck on the street daily demstration. E. H. Kellogg, Morrow County Agent. Palace Hotel, Heppner. Ed Neill of Butter Creek, was a business visitor in Heppner, Saturday. Cus Williamson, bard of the Blue Mountains, passed throgh ! here Friday, after having made an extended visit with friends in the east. Mr. and Mrs Frank Cronin of lone visited Wednesday evening in Heppner and took in the dance. t The OXO-GAS is not merely I a summer stove. It docs a Z way with wood and coal, I furnishing heat ii a few minutes both for heating a room or cooking. It does the business quicker, cheap er and cleaner. S. A. STEPHENS Variety Store At the request of many of his patrons, Manager Sparks of the Star has arranged for a return engagement of "God's Country and the Woman" for Feb. 17, A new telegraph operator ar in Heppner this week. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Park er and both the boy and the mo ther are doing nicely. Another citizens arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lee White of near Lexington on Tuesday, Jan. 30. LOCAL i Phil Jones bought the interest of Wilbur Swaggart last week in the express business in Heppner and itnediately took charge. A number of Heppner people attended a dance at the Barton home on Black Horse Friday eve ning and report a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Thomp son left Saturday morning for Chicago after making an extend ed visit here with Mrs. Thomp son's mother, Mrs. E. A. Clark. Contractor Dennissee has a force of men busy removing the partition between the billiard room and the card room in the Club Billiard Parlor. The impro vement will materially assist in the appearance of the popular pastime as well as to make room for two more billiard tables. It is Mr. Hottman's intention to do away with the card tables. , Thursday, Fed. 8 will be ladies day at the Ten Pinnet Bowling Parlors. This is to give the ladies an opportunity to learn and get acquainted with the game and will be especially for them. Ev ery Thursday thereafter will be Udies day. JJ0jr NRECT ROUTE TO SUHMYj Md:z . K i Wfy Ij-1 RonndTrip Fares 'XHV B Direct cni Sail lake Cllj F ' Vfc !:' Msanfqancicco ,.,,. w.,. h.'A iKi on application ! " J fN 1 Wm.McMurr.y .-Vv ?ZW , '"'wl,V Gen. Ta... A(tl. 4S&fdV;' 'Sskrj Portland. Ore. WMZZdS I) C. B. Haywood, manager of the Machiuery department of the American Type Founders was in Heppner Thursday, from Port land. Arthur Dykstra sent a carload of hogs to the Portland market the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra went on the pass enger train and, after disposing Lexington of the bogs, will visit tor some I 205.81. tiuio near L'errydale with relatives. The following tax lovy was turned to the Sheriff Monday irom me assessor s uuiuts. vuuu ty, State and General School, $85,324.21. Special School f 45, 709.27. Road 129,503.84. High School Tuition in districts ex cept 1-35 and 12, $5,401.90. Heppner $8,044.00. lone $1,780.10 $G73.33. Hardman FIRST ANNUAL TO Evil in U 11 OH SEE ALL THE NEW 1917 MODELS OF YOUR FAVORITE MAKE OF MOTOR CAR CADILLAC BUICK CHALMERS DODGE CHEVROLET DORT FRANKLIN FORD HUPMOBILE HUDSON MAXWELL JEFFREY ALLOTHES WELL KNOWN MAKES MANY MOTOR TRUCKS AFTERNOON & EVENING FEB. 15, 16,17, '17 35 DIFFERENT MODELS OF PLEASURE CARS Also Interesting Exhibits of Automobile Tires, Auto Ac cessories. Tire Vulcanizing, Automobile Painting, Oils and Lubricants. Auto Top Making, Auto Upholstering, Radiator Repairing, Storage Battery Makinsr, Motor Re pairing. Automobile Insurance. THE FINEST DISPLAY OF AUTOMOBILES EVER SHOWN IN THE INLAND EMPIRE. MUSICAL PROGRAM EACH EVENING ADMISSION 25c Auspices Pendleton Automobile Association HAPPY Ml P alii REDUCED RATES -ASK YOUR AGENT Hoaxed tht Naturalift. One of ttie most remarkable books ever published is tue "i,u.iiosrrapuia Wlreeburgensla," written by s Wurs- burs naturalist namod Behringer In 20. Probably very few copies are In existence., as tlie author destroyed all j tbnt no could get possession or soon after the book appeared. Ho bad been Icllmizod by some practical Jokers, ' who had inado a great variety of artl- rial "foRHlls" and hidden them In a quarry, to which they then enticed the j J nrofesaor. Hehrlniter was overjoyed I by so rich a Urnl and bad no suspicion of the trick, although many of the fo- IIh were of a very grotcsquo charac ter. He took his treasures home, maae elaborate drawings of thorn and wrote mlnuto description of each, as well h an exhaustive commentary filled with liiRonlons and. plausible theories. When be had published the book the Jokers confessed, and then, of course, the professor did his utmost to sup press the work. SEE The Battle Cry Of Peace STAR THEATRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY Tickets Now on Sale Sensation Blond beautifully col- wed enamel ware at Case Furniture : Store i For subscriptions to the "Ameri I can Boy" magazine, bco Kenneth Binns, Heppner, Oregon, Professional Column U it DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently lotntud in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON In Mertifitd. I never was mortlfled life." "What's thi matter now i" "Von know tint little gown I bought for fin.Vi that looked e though It nuiHt have cont four times that and us so bei-omlng to me? I never dreamed any one would gie Its price or here 1 iKiught It." Well, did any oneV Yes. 1 wore It. fnr tli I1rl lime la nlgbt at a dinner dance, and there were Jnut sixteen other Wiiinen mere Willi gown exactly II Uf U."-Ietmlt Wood and Coal Raising daily. Also a ser ious car shortage. NO HELP IN SIGHT WELLS & NYS ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON JOS. T. KNAPPENHEKG ATTOKM- AM) Kll'M IXI.OK-AT LAW !uNE. lti.!,, itEI'PNE.t N. A. Clark Phone 396 DR. N. E. WINNARD physician & si im;i;o HEPPNER, OREGON I OR. A. D. Mc.Ml RDO i If. Free Press. ! i Douglas Jarreld In Schoel. Houglaa Jerrold wr.te -Itla-k I'.yed ; , lliisan" when he was twenty one and ) contrtlinted to rnneh the IninienseiT j popular "f'au'lle IHinea" nt long aft- j erward. But at nine ean of age young u Jerrold had leen acan ely able to read. ; and It waa not until he wa apprenticed to a printer after sen Ing for some time as a midshipman at sea thai he showed either desire or capacity fr Intellectual Improvement. J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plant and I'tlimatea Furninhed for All Kinds of Buildings First Class Work Only. ' Make a Sjtcialty of and Have rrmvunt Equipment for PHYSICIAN Si SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store IEPPNER, OREGON e i House Moving WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW fflco In Pnluce llotul. II ppiier, Ore. VAM E. VAN VACTOK ATTORN F.Y.ATL AW IEPPNER. ORE(;ON Clock Watcher. Hald a Boston bii.lne. man Hie other day, "If there la one thing I bate nmre than another It l to w e one of my em ployee el hlng the chM-k." "Yes. air." said the young man who bad 1-een rn led on the rorpet "I'll rail the tlnieki-eper'a attention to what yoij aald, air." Oil' aiio Ileiald. I. Ol IS PEARSON TAILOR Ha Named It. "Who can name a wonl with an T In Itr queried the tea' her of the Juvenile rlaa. "Needier et'talme.1 a blight lime mls - Kanaa City f lar. Ua Atamat It. "After all. It a tin rrlna Ui I poor." "Mayl nt, t-tit uo p'ir nno can af. fold 1 hire a lawrrr to prove that be Un t riUty."-sa f'w cliftkV ! MOVED TO OUR NEW LOCATION IN THE MASONIC BUILDING SAM HUGHES CO. e I HEPPNER, OREGON r. c. di:nmsi:i: For I in- t"p To Pat- Home aiu inner HEPPNER. ( (iSTRAt IOR OREGON Clyde & DICK BARBERS Baths in Connection