Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 06, 1917, Image 2

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An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered
as :;ocond class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co.,
the city is to control jitneys. School Superintendent Lena
The Southern Pacific Co. adopts a ; Snell Shurte will have charge
plan of building all wooden freight 1 f tne Children's Department
S7pW",UMlTbeIkrd appointed the follow ,
ingFair Board assistant mem 1
New Era-The stats is to provide1, , . . . t.: p.,. 1
$15,000 for a highway here, in adcli. ! bers for districts; Irrigon, Petei
Lion to Ciackcmaa county's $16,000 Susbaur, Cecil. C. A. Minor,
md federal aid of $30,000. West lone, J. T. Knappenberg.
BOOTS! BOOTS! We have 100 j
pairs of good riding boots left. All :
sizes in Tan Russian Calf. :
.Managing Editor
The Paper Full of News
Subscription Price $1.50 per year
Umatilla county income tax payers
will show a large increase owing to
the past year's prosperity.
S:,km nt;n:-'9 to furm.-:h the required ; tj,e latter." Roseburtf Review.
ncieage to any firm that will estab
lish a flax products manufacturing
,:.ii;t here.
It h reported that the Oregon
l ower Co. will make improvements in
the Willamette valley to the extent
,f from $SUO,000 to $400,000.
Corvallis Sixth street here is to be
paved. The property owners will Se
lect the quality.
Iioseburg B. W. Bates & Son have
bought the Evening News and will
enlarge and improve both the paper
und the plant.
Oregon City The paper mill here
plans another addition similar to the
$1,000,000 unit about completed. The
woolen mills is to big a large addition.
Uost'burg A pool of fiOOO acres has
1 .i; jii made in the Klournoy valley to
drill Cor oil.
"Two corps of government ngin-c-r
have already decided that Port
Gil'ord harbor is the most suitable
j.ort IVr hundreds of miles along the
) u ilic const for building a harbor of
i ugc." Port Orford Tribune.
"Oregon legislators should bear in
mind the fast that this state wants
fewer hoards and commissions and
more good roads. Some of the money
Icing uselessly spent for the former
v uiiid be very beneficial if applied to
Portland It is forecasted that the
Southern Pacific Co. is preparing to
go ahead with the formerly planned
double track electric system to Salem.
Goshen The Southern Pacific Co.
has purchased and deeded a parcel of
land to the county highway to elimin
ate a dangerous crossing.
North Bend Preliminary work has
been begun on paving the waterfront
Astoria The port commission is
East lone, Alex Lindsey. Eight-!
mile, Oscar Keithly, Hardman,
Geo. Bleakman, Lower Butter
Kar.don A fertilizer factory here 1 Creek, W. W. Howard. Assistant
members for the districts of
Lexington, Morgan and Upper
Butter Creek have not been ap
pointed yet. It is the idea of
the board to have these assist j
ant members to take work in the
way of ascertaining the location
of the most suitable product for
exhibit and have general charge
is Kiii"'estt;d to utilize fish
Deer Creek A California company
Is to start a chec3e factory here.
Grants Pass Utah-Idaho Sugar
Co. Iet3 a contract to quarry 2000
tons of limestone annually for five
years from a .quarry 18 miles from
the factory.
Coquille The Dollar Mill, which
We are now selling at prices less :
than same can be bought from manu-
facturers today. Hurry and get your
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Gold Beach-
to bu.ld a new dredge, to be used to chaged a rock crusher and 'e(luipent
improve the Skipanon river. , ;,,. ,l ,.,i ;., tU . .., ..
Eugene is to have a cheese factory
if the quantity of milk is available.
Gresham The fruit cannery hers
is to be rebuilt and is also to handle
Portland Improvements on the
North Bank, Oregon Electric, Oregon
Trunk and the United Railways lines
for the past 12 months have totaled
over ffiOO.OOO.
Vale- The stockraising homestead
net is causing a big rush for lands.
This will add millions to the tax roll.
Due to the enterprise of the Bell
system, the whole United States may
be enabled to hear President Wilson's
inaugural speech on March 5, over
the long distance telephone..
Rosehurg Owing to several recent
incidents endangering citizens' lives,
to improve the roads in the northern
part of the county.
Pendleton A local syndicate has
paid $200,000 for a 3000-aere Umatil
la ranch.
juice factory
it Go to
For Your
Harvest Supplies
OPs, Greases, Beltinq
Lace Leather., etc.
Wc will give you the oualitv
and the price that will command
your patronage, otherwise we
do not look for it.
"We have got it-will get itor it isn't made"
has been idle since 1912, is to operate 1 of the Fair Board work in their
again and employ 40 men. i . , m, , t . ,
districts. The dates chosen for
JfcSTrte "-Ithe 1917 Fair were September
lo-li-U, HIM WCCtt JlCtCCUIllg
the Pendleton Round Up.
The Morrow County Fair is
now a member of the North
Central Fair Association, con
sisting of the Fair Boards and
Boards of Managers of the fairs
held in Wheeler, Deschutes,
: Crook, Gillian, Wasco, Shermen,
The river andinnri Mnrrnw nmint.ips. Orpo-on.
and Klicitat County, Wash.
W. W. Smead represented the
Morrow County Board at The
Dalles last week when the North
A new brick garagj I Central organization was perrect
led. Through this organization
Bend Strahorn railroads will de-lit will be arranged to have a
velop a 28.000 square mile having j m uch higher class of entertain-
tnonn'nnn'000 t'1 foment and concession at future
10 000,000 acres dry farming land,'
r.0 000 acres reclaimable land, salts, j fairs in the districts. The 10L
sodas, nitrates and potash, cattle and i Morrow County Fair will be by
sheep ranges and vast waterpowers. j far he bost Fajr we have ever
Albany Peppermint growers of the t held,
state perfect organization. 1
'Masonic Building
Repairing Neatly Done
P.oseburg A fruit
may be built here.
Washington, D. C-
harbor. bill includes $80,000, for the
Oregon City locks and $1)0,300 for
improving the river above the locks.
Falls City is to have a new S. P.
depet soon.
Grants Pass-
iB to be built here soon.
Eugene Coos county cooperates to
urge a highway from this point.
Can bH had bv anv ambitious
I field of railway or commercial
Oregon is 'given $128,111 from the j telegraphy Since the passage of
.. I . . .... ..
r Umatilla county has increased in
)t wealth nearly $1,500,000 in the past
Pendleton The West End Chop
mill has changed hands and will erect
a large warehouse.
a Morrow County Fair Board
Elects Cff'cers
vj Wrihii ri cvt'iiiiiir the Mor
v rw County Fair Board met in
1 1 tin- ..m of VV V Smad, elect
e'l iif!i''eri and ili-)oed ol cii'i-
k 1 ( 1 tni-injs Folio vi nsr
h -h ,tii ... , ,,r id.. ,.,;i.m for
In e in Nil c.ir: l'j It II iiiton.
IV.-s ;
W, V
.J icit llynd,
Vice Pres.:
the eight-hour law by congress,
it has created a big demand for
telegraph operators. Positions
paying from $75 to $W per month
with many chances for advance
ment. It will pay you to write
Railway Telegraph Institute, of
Portland, Or., for full particulars.
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office at
La Grande, Oregon.
Dec. 26, 1916
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles II. Johnson, of Heppner,
Oregon, who, on July 3rd, 1913,
made Homestead Entry, No.
012203, for Lots 3 and .4 S 1-2 N
W 1-4, Sec. 2, and on June 7,
1916, mnde Ad. H. E. 015988, for
lots 1 and 2 and S 1-2 NE 1-4, Sec
tion 2, Twp. 4 South. Range 28
East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year Proof, to establish
claim to the land obove descibed,
before C. C. Patterson, United
States Commissioner, at his office
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th
lay of March, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
David O. Justus, Ernest R. Mer
ritt, Charles Buckman, and
Harry Hayes, all of Heppner,
C. L. Dunn,
W., I,.. i... .1.. l.l..
Our excellent equipment insures Dcrfert .
umrlr nn ...liar .kirl .nl f
clolnes. Send them to us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
Palace Hotel I
O. B. Hottman
First Class Straight Rail and
Pocket Billiard Tables
J Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies, J
A Complete Lnie of Cigars, J
Cigarettes and Tobaccos J
E. H. Kellogg, Morrow County I
Agent for Ford One Ton Truck
Attachments. Palace Hotel,
UC service CnmUn :
'"Quality 1 :
tltol Price Undertakina I
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. :
I nave a farmer who wants to
rent a wheat ranch of about 200
to 300 acres. Has own outfit and
well fixed to farm in first class
shape. If you have anything let
us know immediately.
The Heppner Herald
The Ne w
Model No. 10
Glass - nclosed
Oust Proof
This notifies all concerned
that I will prosecute all who al
low stock to trespass on my
property known as the Dr. Win
nard placg in Cason Canyon.
Philip Gilliam.
You Regulate the Touch To Suit
Strength, Simplicity and Service never before
found in any typewriter
Jiiav' ny ,hin(J 'ou want in Srrond land T pr writers.
Fhone 13 Heppner, Oregon
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon.
Jan. 2Gth, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that
J , Arthur Charles Keene, of Lex-
i ingion. uregon, wno, on April
1 2Hh. 1912, made Homestead
Entry. No. 101221, forSl-2SEl..
Sl-2 SWl- l, See. U- Nl-2 NE1-I
Section 21, Township 2-South,
Range 21 East, Willamette Meri-
dian, has filed notice of intention
2 to make Final three var Proof,
2 to establish claim to the land a-
2 bovo descibed, before C. C. Patt-
J erson, L . . l.ommissiitncr. at
2 Heppner, Oregon, on theHhdav
2 of March, 1917,
2 Claimant names as witnesses:
2 John R. Olden and Ota Adkirn.
2 both of HeppKcr, Oregon, Curtis
2 C. Rhea, of Kme and William T
2 Campbell, of Lexington.
2 . H. Frank Woodcock.
fll I V-
They insure you more miles
per dollar more comfort
greater freedom from skid
dingthe real tire service
you are entitled to.
We put the quality in
' to them so that you will
get the service out of
them. They are the
"tires that keep down
the upkeep."
Oregon Garage