County Commisioner, George Currin made n business trip to lone Thursday, AT MINOR & COMPANY I j After Inventory Sale I APPLES FANCY ROME BEAUTIES Now $1.25 COFFEE SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES It will pay you to lay in a supply for the next few months. Phelps Grocery Co. Forrest Supervisor Crydpr an nounces that beginning about February 1 the District Forecas ter, U. S. Weather Bureau, Port land, Oregon, will begin sending the special weather forecasts for 5 I the bandit of stockmen. This is w 1 J! the resumption of the service! j maintained last winter and i spring which proved so valuable ' to the stockmen. The forecasts! ! will be telegraphed to the For- (est Supervisor and by him tele ' graphed or telephoned to the various distridutmar centers tor immediate distribution. Distrib uting centers are established at lleppner, Pendleton, Pilot Rook. Arlington and Condon, so that all sections of the tributary stock I raising country will be served. J The names of the gentlemen who ! have kindly consented to dUlii i bute these forecasts follow: Mr. i.l.O. I layer, Secretary - i Win I Growers Association, Hep-; ! pner, Oregon; Mr. L C. Scharpf i First Bank of Pilot Rock, Pilot j Rock, Ore.; M r. George Smith. Arlington, Oregon; Mr. O. 15. Roru-rtsoii, Cashier First Nation al Bank, Condon, Oregon. The forecasts will be placed without cost in the hands of the above ceullemen. but those stockmen desiring to receive tho forecasts mu'jt arrange to meet the expense of delivery should there be any. flilTTll FOR YOUR MID-WRff ER1ECESSITIES Iw LOCAL M. 1) (''ark and daughter Mary, spoilt, several da,)s he-t week visiiing in Portland. La V- rir Van Mi: rto visitor in lone Tliiuxlay. was u 1 .oy Turner was n business visitor in loin1 Thursday. SOME SUGGESTIONS FURS We have an excellent display of furs, Muffs etc. In the varities of Squirrel, Coney, Fox. A supply of furs from which all can make satisfactory selections. BLANKETS Our assortment of wool and cotton blankets cannot be excelled, plain and fancy, Prices from $1.00 to $12.50 SWEATERS A real showing of real sweaters. Reds, greens, greys, browns, in fancy stripes, nov elty belts and plain designs. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE From Front Page j Just one more point. I find I the following statement, attrib-; utecl to Luther as he stood before ; tlie Diet of Worms, and ques-; tioned r rather denied by the "Father," appears, though vary-: ins slightly in form, in the foil : Sam W.'hh. siilesmiimitfr of owing: isew American r,ncyv lie U'arreiiton Investment. Co,, Chambers Ency., Ency. Brit.,1 f Astoria, and his driver. OU n History of the Christian Church - 1 lv FislnMv The Light Leading Churches I y F ny, ah o N. TO c f The Harvard Classics lias on the front page a splendid picture on- Attorneynnd Mrs. S. F. Van Vac'iir sp -lit lln wop! end tran iieiing business and visiting in Portland Have, formerly of lleppner, passed through Tuesday on ttieir way to Pelidleliiii MINOR & COMPANY GOOD GOODS Wood and Coal Raising daily. Also a ser ious car shortage. NO HELP IN SIGHT 'titled, "Luther before the Diet at Worms 1521. Here I stand; I J cannot do otherwise; God Help J Me; Amen! I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to councils, nieynave m-quenuv south-east of Portland. Near el ectric line. Equipment complete lit acre appb orchard in fine con dition. Will exc ancre for pood improved stock ranch or wheat farm. Owner Portland, Ore. Sta tion C, Fox 2d. . WANTED To trade residence property in fi 1 T T . 4. . erred and contradicted each ot! - m 101 "eppner er. Unless 1 am convinced Ly 1 Sec Glenn . Wells, the testimony of the Scripture, j NOTICE Hoots and shoes made and unless mv conscience is sat-; to order. Repair work guaran isfied by the Word of God, I can- j teed by expert workmen. Har riot and will not it tract, for it is ; HCS3 repaired. Chas O'Donnell. dangerous for a Christian to' Lexington, Oregon. speak against Ins conscience, N. A. Clark Phone 396 Here I stand, I can do naught else. God Help Me. Amen! Yours for liberty of conscience and the anthority of the Scrip tures. : Evangelist M. Howard Pagan ' UUGS Varied and Universal. Ranging from a Crcx grass to a Persian Silk are now on display at The Case Eurniture Co. Store. ITrst claes furnished house keeping rooms. Mrs. !. Vv . Kwaggert. Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Moat at all times. If you'are eating our Hams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. cm u k co 1 SlOW CD. ; Johnson Bros., Props. LOST, FOiiliD, ETC. ; Watch the show Theatre this week. at the Star 9 s. METZ & SONS I IMIUV.U I D AND HOME EKED FE-iCKEnOXS, BELGIANS, SHIRE STALLIONS AND JACKS : t "nine !o Fcndletoil. Oivuoii, and we will show ou -I'l J head of stallions that ou will say are tval drafters, st if J Imim.', ch .iin - t let of stallions j 04 i or saw' . r . 1 1 r oi.e roof, J () if stallions w on fu st and Grand I'lurni -io'iship at the It ad- J ing State l'.oi s this fa',',, w loch show :i j i-ii t lie k ind j 011 w'ol ' 1 pect to s.v w Ix-n o'i vi-.t ieir hair.-. If o i want ti e he t an-l the ino-t fof jour money he sure and i-it our slah! s w l.ti'o jo'i i an sre i'ir,-st'il'ooi's thaft at at y other place hi tin- Noitiiwc.-t. We ki.tnv we call p.tase J01, pi ices null', terms to e,it. F.wry horse guaranteed to pass State Inspection. UehaMo nunranteo. Write us for in. formation, or h tier still, come and see us. We h.r-e 0" In a I of n entered Hereford ai d Sh u tlioni Hulls all of M'iicaUe:ige for paV. . LOST - On Friday evening li own ..l.tiK .Mull iH tween ro; 0:l'.ce and pepi '. I'inder please leave at I I r:iM ollice. Howard 80: l'.ali'd Hay an I Grain for sale at White Front Fare. W. T. McUolierH. riK s.M.r: I'ahu-e Hotel Fuss Tvam. Fu- quire Fa',. ice Hot,!. A ;t; i Ft l !'l IN" I'mi li" I, el l y ar.y iiio'u tiiiiK 1 g le ill. or J o's i c lad y ill V..' ! le'.l of I t ,i or 1 "iiiitii rt ii.l leh-iapiiy Simo the .lue.; iu 1 1 e -iyl.t I on r law f v i,.i:-re-s, t 5,ni cieat'd .1 tec ileu anil for 'el.riph 1 p.-r.itorH li:ii'is I ivini! f'oiii TTi to -,i p. r uioii'h w i' li i' H' V 1 I i:u -i sir ;ol v .nice 11. i nl li w id 1 iv j 1 1 t 1 w riii l y Ti'leci iph li si.'uti', of V 'rt'.uiil, O- . f,,r f j'u;:, n!ar. I Jll SAFF. y a -ie good ' fa:-nr. $J2,it.( 11 Ca.-h. 21 mile GOOD YOUNG WORK MULES GUY BOYER !0Q i 3O0 0 i mi i suns Comtnrtcial Hm. I KNDl.UTON. ORI GON. fi s"