"Show me the home wherein music dwells and I will show you a happy, peaceful and contented home." h. w. Longeiimv. You can have the world's best music in your home if you own a Grafonala. I sell all classes of Graf onolas at prices and terms which will fit all sized purses. Oscar R. Otto GENERAL NEWS ITEMS OF . INTEREST TO HEPPNER PEOPLE Workmen are now busy razing the old barn belonging to W. O. Hill that was partly destroyed by fire last week. Contractor Dennissee left Fri day morning for Portland where he spent the last of the week at tending to business matters. He returned Monday. See the Ford Ton Truck on the street daily demstration. E. H. Kellogg, Morrow County Agent. Palace Hotel, Heppner. Delmar Waters, son of Clerk and Mrs. Joe Waters, is recovering from a painful attack of throat trouble and expects to be back in school again soon. County Superintendent of Schools Shurte has a force of carpenters busy building shelfes tand tables in her office at the courthouse. Expert Crandall and assistant arc working on the county books. M. L. Oliver, of Black Horse, left for The Dalles Monday morning on a short business visit. spending a few days in Heppner visit Miss Minnie Crow, of Pendleton, is ing with Miss Anna Peterson at the J. B. Sparks home. W. W. Smead left Tuesday morn ing for The Dalles, where he will at tend to business matters. Earl Hunt was a passenger Tues day morning for Seattle, where he will spend a fortnight visiting. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirk left here Monday morning for Eugene, where they will spenr some time visiting with friends and relatives. W. F. Barratt, president of the Ore gon Woolgrowers' assciation, was n passenger Tuesday for Salem, where he wilil spend several days transact ing business and attending the legislature. The OXO-GAS is not merely a summer stove. It does a way with wood and coal, furnishing heat in a few minutes bothfor heating a room or cooking. It doc3 the business quicker, cheap er and cleaner. V. A. STEPHENS Variety Store A. W. Campbell, of Lexington, writes the Herald that the members of the Morrow County Conference met there last week and decided on the special rules) umir which the girls' basketball teams of Lexington and lone will play to decide the tie now existing for he county champion ship. The Lexington girls have three wins and one defeat and the girls of lone have two win s.one forfeit and one defeat. In our issue of January 9, in our article covering the Lexington-Hepp-ner basketball game, we stated that Carmicheal played a guard position. We are informed that the position was played by McMillian. Henry A. Conncrs genial represen tative of the Blake-McFall Co. was a Heppener visitor Tuesday and Wed day. L. Monestelli, of the Pendleton Marblo and Stone Works, spent Tues day and Wednesday in Heppner at tending to local business. W. J. Mariner, of Blalock, was a business visitor in Heppner Tuesday and Wednesday. George Blcakman was in from Hardman over night Tuesday, attend ing to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxcn, of Lex ington were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. ness visit. Mrs. Florence Paul was a passenger on the train Wednesday morning for Portland, where she will visit. Carl Yount, of lone, was In Hepp ner Tuesday. ' Paul Webb place Wednesday. The meetings which have just closed at the Christian church were very successful and satis factory to the church. Evange list Fagau and wife are both ex cellent in their respective lines of work. Just 40 answered the gospel invatation, most of these confessing Christ for the first time. A church debt of 1300 was provided for, as well as all the expenses incurred by the meet ings. The meeting closed at the very height of its interest, there being twelve who answered the last invatation. A reception for those who came forward during the meeting will be given Tuesday evening. Subjects for Sunday's JSermon Morning: "Drifting," Evening: "What is it Worth,". Dixie and W. W. McCraw were pas sengers for Huntington Tuesday. E. E. Edwards left Tuesday morn ing for Portland, where ho will make an extended visit. The large stock of the Sam Hughes Company is now all transferred to the new location in the Masonic block. As soon as the arrangement is com plete this will bo one of the best ap pointed department stores in the county. Frank Gilliam was a passenger on Tuesday morning for Portland, where he expects to make a visit of a week or ten days. WOOL CAR COMING The government's demonstra. tion wool car will be in Oregon fori wo weeks in March. As Hepp ner is one of the important wool centers of the northwest a stop of one day will doubtless be made here. Under co-operation between the United States Bureau of An imal Industry and the agricultu ral colleges of the different states, the government is send ing out this wool car to travel through the principal wool pro ducing sections of the west. This car contains an elaberate educa tional display of wool and wool products and has been got toge ther at considerable expense. The purpose of the exhibit is to educate and interest the wool- growers in the production of bet ter wool. The car will be taken from point to point in the differ, ent states and will be open to examination by all who are in any way interested in the sub- ject. The dates on which the car will be in Oregon are March 4th to 17th. Will Contract for 1917 Wheat STATE KIND AND AMOUNT Eastern Grain Company Post Office Box 896 Walla Walla, Wash. Sam Hughes left Wednesday morn ing for a business visit in Portland. 0. B. Hottman went to Portland the first of the week for a brief busi- Jim Ayers, Butter creek farmer, was in Heppner Thursday. Oral Scott was a visitor in Hepp ner Thursday from his rwich on Heppner flat. Wess Stevens, of Hardman .trans acted business in Heppner Thursday. James Sheridan was a business vis itor in Heppner Thursday. John Kilkenney is reported very ill in the Heppner sanitarium. Ed Nell, Butter creek stock man, was a business visitor in Heppner Friday. James Dohcrty, of Black Horse, transacted business in Heppner Fri day. Jess Deosi and W. B. Hermberg, federal sheep inspectors, were in Happner Thursday. Roy Campbell, Will Campbell and Arthur Keen, of Social Ridge, were in Heppner Friday. Jack Stanfield, popular youth of Echo, who is well known in Heppner is serving as a page in the legislature at Salem. If Jack shoots proposed amendments to the constitution of Oregon as well as he does blue rocks, he mortality is going to b esomcthlng awful. The Sin Against the Holy Spirit The revival meetings conducted at the Christian church by Evangelist M. T. Fagan and wife, ame to a suc cessful lose.on Sunday evening. The meetings lasted four weeks and have accomplished much good to the church and community. There were a large number of additions to the hurch. The evangelists left on Monday's train for Turlock, Cal., where they will conduct another four-week's campaign. FOR SALE 320 acre ranch. 100 acres ex cellent wheat land and the rest is the very best of grass. Good house and barn. All fenced. Enquire of the HEPPNER HERALD Or Address Box 301. Heppner. Or. The New and Popular Bowling Game sine that time the have been f , . a; eral different lines shown in Hrr ror Ladies ana uentiemen Has Been Secured for Heppner and are now installed in a fine room in the basement o( the Palace Hotel. COME IN AND ENJOY A CLEAN AMUSEMENT A SPLENDID RECREATION A HEALTHFUL EXERCISE About every business man you talk o nowadays has his holler about the high cost of goods wholesale. Also the housewives have considerable to say regarding the matter. Put we did not realize how generally the "high cost of living had affected the business world until J. B. Sparks pre sented us with some facts and figures last week. Five years ago, when he first entered the motion picture bust- j ness in Heppner, Sparks showed the popular Vitagraph line of pictures. sev- Hrppnei but Mr. Sparks has always felt that the public liked the Viagrsph best. So last week when the opportunity "wesented, Mr. Sparks arranged with the company for film service In Hcpp. j nor. He finds that it costs him more J ifor each change of picture now than ! an entire week's service five years ao. Nevertheless the renldenta of "The Sin Against the Holy Spirit" was the theme discussed on Sunday evening. A crowded house greeted the evangelist and much interest was manifested in this important subject. The speaker took for his text Mat. 12: 31, 32, "Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. And whosoever sha'l speak a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him; but whoso ever shall speak a word against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world nor in that which is o come." He said in part: "There has been much mystei-y and false teaching surrounding this sub ject. Perhaps there will be nothings new to many of you in the thought I have to present tonight, and no doubt when I am through, the last word on this theme will not have been uttered. I want first of all to call your atten tion to The Work of the Three-fold Godhead In the Plan of Salvation. "In the Scriptures the God-Head it spoken of as Father, Son and Holy Spirit Now in the plan of salvation each of these personalities has his own work to do. The work of the Father is to originate the plun. As soon as sin entered the world we find God arranging a plan for man's re demption. The first promise of a Saviour appears in Genesis 3:15. In the New Testament thero are many passages Indicating that it is God's plan that humanity should be saved h rough Jesus Christ, his Son. See Acts 2:23, 10:42. Tho particular woik of the Son is to execute, or carry out the plan that the Father has ar ranged.. Many times Jesus makes am come down from heaven, not tc do mine own will, but the will of Hiir that sent men.' Jhn. 6:38. Lvt mc illustrate. The architect originate? and prepares the plan for a house then the contractor executes thi plan. The Father originates, and tlv Son erecutes the plan of salvation. "But we are particularly interests tonight in the work of the Holy irpiri in this plan of salvation. In Luke 2:26 we read, 'And it had been re vealed unto him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death, befor he had seen he Lord's Christ.' Agai' in Cor. 2:10, 'But unti God reveale them through the Spirit.' And onc more, fcpn. a:r, it nam now oecn re ealed unto His holy apostles an prophets in the Spirit.' Many mor passages could be cited, ubt these wi' be sufficient to show hat the wor1 of he Holy Spirit is to reveal. Thu we see that the Father originate: the Son erecutes, and the Holy Spir' reveals the 'plan of salvation. "Now, with this thought let us tun for An Erplanation of Our Text (Mut. 12:22 33). "In tho above passage we notic that Jesus is casting out demons. I i verse 28 he declares that he does b by the Spirit of God. Now in thi miracle the Holy Spirit is revealiiv fo the Jews the fact that Jesus lod's son and he Saviour of the worl Tho Pharisees rejected this revelatio of the Spirit, and attributed the woi to Beelzebub, he prince of demon Then it was that Jesus suid to then 'Every sin and blasphemy against tl spirit shall not be forgiven unti me liut the blasphemy against the Spir shall not be forgiven.' From whii has been stated of the work of tb Holy Spirit, and from the incident in his chapter, I am now ready t ,tute thul the sin against the Ho! Spirit, and from the incidents in thi chapter, I am now ready to state tha the Bin against the Holy Spirit is th' rejection of the testimony or reveV tion of the Spirit, to tho fai that Jesus Ih tho Christ, the Son o 'he living God. "I next want to ask, How and By Whom This Sin Ma. Ho Committed? E. J. STARKEY All kinds of electrical wiring. Accessories and Supplies. Estimates Furnished 3 Professional Column 1 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building IEPPNER, OREGON WELLS & N ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW IEPPNER, OREGON JOS. T. KNAI'PENBEKG ATTORNEY AND COUNCELI.ORAT-LAW ONE, OREGON .. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oflici in Court Miiih such statements as the following, 'I IEPPNER. OREGON Continued Next Week DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & Sl'RGEON IEPPNER, OREGON J. H. COX )R. A. D. McMUKOO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store IEPPNER, OREGON : CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for AH Kinds of Buildings, I First Ones Work Only. Men like TEN PINNETT because it is a game requiring skill. affording them a chance to demonstrate the accuracy of their aim and their superiority at bowling. Ladies like TEN PINNETT because it is an athletic game in which they may participate in competition, afford ing them opportunity for exercise, vigerous, but not too strencous. i ' Make a Simialty of and Have r rmptett bquxpnwni for SZZ? "'d to Viu,fr'ph : House Moving VOODSON & SWKEK ATTORN EYS-AT-I.AW Vict in Puluce Hotel. U jppncr, Ore. ?AM E. VAN VACTOK ATTORNEY. AT-I.AW El'PNER. OREGON beinfr 1 Everybody likes TEN P1NNET j: because they can t help it. The harbor at Astoria is loked over as a location for a or submarine base. President W. B. Barratt, of the Ore- j I Ron Woolgrowers' Asuoclation, pre-! dicU 40c for the 1917 clip. j Oregon City The Carver railroad ; is to sell $3M),000 worth of bonds for 1 an extension to Highland. - Gardiner Preliminary work on the ' Port of Umpqua jetty Is well under I way. I. Grande The postoffice receipts for the year show a large increase. Beaver Creek, on the Willamette Valley Southern line, may get a cheese OI IS PEARSON naval TAILOR urg will ship about IjO can " of f.rofc-oli this seaitnn. About 60 cars . e J 'will be shipped from Riddle. All go MOVED TO OUR NEW LOCATION IN THR MASONIC BUILDING SAM HUGHES CO. e ; e 1 e e i jl IEPPNER, OREGON C. DENNISHE for Fine I'p To it I!f.nii Al llllEt T and OM R A( TOR El'PNER, OREGON Clyde & DICK BARBERS , ,,,, Baths in Connection direct to Chw-agt.