THE HEPPNER HERALD EDITORIAL SEC TION An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered as second class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon. Surgeons are talking about the day . groat interest, when they can transplant human or-j Marshfield The Smith Powers rans from one body to another. Speed : Logging railway has been granted a he di.y when human organs will not ' franchise aloni? the effuntv road be- GEORGE T. PEARCE. Managing Editor The Paper Full of News Subscription Price $1.50 per year VMEF AND BREEZY Hero's hoping you don't fall off the resolution wagon. Arizona's two governors might try K'V.onniH on alternate days. To Rumania it must appear that the allies were so glad to have her e-ter the war that they just turned the whole thing over to her. Vu see by a headline that "House .-0., E0 suppose that pret r.o.i now the senate also, will be ' s return call upon the presi deit. 'iho erection of a government pulp Mid paper mill hus been approved by j.iint committee on printing. The government uses .'10,000,000 pounds of pvint paper a year some of it to r oo 1 purpose. Federal Judge Landjs, of Chicago, is the hort of jurist we admire. Ho dramatizes justice and makes it in teresting. Mexican generals regards the fac t'onal quarrels of their country as personal privileges. Among the objects of the various belligerents, it is safe to say that l'aris is no longer on the list of things that Germany hopes to get. Congress cannot make the investi gation into the print paper trust too thorough, or too dra;:ie. The.;e paper manufacurers have gotten together tc ! "skin the public" and they have sur j passed all other trusts, in the con. aciencelessness of their robbery. It j is hoped that the government wi'.: ; mete out justice to hem, which woul result in placing many of them ii suits of stripes for violating the anti trust laws. Tom Lawson, of Boston, of "Fren zied Finance" fame, has been havinj a few spasms because President Wi' son's peace note shook up the Wal Street market and enabled one set o Wall Street parasites called "bears..' to skin the other set of parasites called"bulls." What does the publi care about what happens to eithe bunch of those parasites? Everybody has kidded the flivver but it remained for Congressma: Gussie Gardner to go to Detroit tow and bawl out Henry Ford. There was talk last summer of put ting Colonel Roosevelt in the United States senate, in the event of a Pp publican victory. But the senate i. lively enough without him. The course of Presidents Wilson in withholding information from Secre tary Tumulty which might cause him embarrassment is considerate. In previous administrations taking the blame has been a part of the private secretary's regular duty. ieed to be transplanted. I Candidates are not required to learn ill about diplomacy beforehand, or V.ey would never become presidents, jecause life is too short. By the way, who recalls the name -,t the town f ii at made famous by the Deut3thland ? Arizona's new Republican governor the state has also a Democratic governor must be a remarkably thin man. We read that when he applied vith his followers for admission to the capitol, a guard "opened the door few inches and admitted the gov ernor." The nation will avoid rash entrance nto war when it becomes the duty jf everyone to serve. President Wilson hurt his ankle flaying golf, which is more physical lardship than any of the heads ol he nations actually at war have per .onal'.y experienied. Criticism of a man in Carrnnza's josition is inevitable, but it cannot e charged that he act3 hasiily. If love is blind how can there be ove at first sight? A stubborn fountain pen has inter rpted many a man's flow of idle thoughts. Getting the men out of the renches might be more easy if some of the kings were to get out of their kingships. tween Bunker Hill and Summit, a dis tance of 11 mile3. E. H. Kellogg, Morrow County Agent for Ford One Ton Truck Attachments. Palace Hotel, Heppner. WANTED I have a farmer who wants to rent a wheat ranch of about 200 to 300 acres. Has own outfit and well fixed to farm in first class shape. If you have anything let us know immediately. The Heppner Herald ! NOTICE i This notifies all concerned j that I will prosecute all who al low stock to trespass on my property known as the Dr. Win nard place in Cason Canyon. Signed: . Philip Gilliam. Go to 8 ij ii i 8 w M w J I ii GILLIAM & BISBEE For Your Harvest Supplies Oi s, Greases, BelMnq I ace Leather, etc. We will give you the quality and the price that will command your patronage, otherwise we do not look for it. Dr. Turner, the well well known 'eye specialist of Portland will be in Heppner again Saturday, Feb. 3rd at the Palace Hotel, at Lexington, Fri day, Feb. 2nd and atloneThurs. !uay L" eo. 1st. ur. turner is t ! specialist ot experience and Poilmnnrl rioacVintpa pnnntv mnv ... . .... standing, ana you will make no construct a Mckenzie pass roau wun .... , . , . , , mistake in consulting him about Riddle Michigan men are bringing your eyes and glasses. Head a sawmill with them to install neai : acnes relieved. cross eyes here. straightened, satisfaction guar Kosenurg me worm umpqua nsn Hnteed. Consult him. Dont for hatchery is to be improved this year, Ilermiston country proves adaptable to prunes with a heavy yield and re turns large. 'et the date. Port Orford lumber mills will ship '10,000 feet of white cedar to Bremer ton navy yards. Klamath Falls The new $111,000 steel bridge across the Link river is completed. Railroad construction in Oregon in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Jan. 26th, 1917 Notice is hereby given that the past year includes: the Southern j Arthur Charles Keene, of Lex Paciiic Co., complete toos Bay line, mgton, Oregon, who, on Apri us.6; u.-w. k. k. k in. i-o., : oath. 1912. marlo Hmv.P9fot.rl .omplete'Kasterii Oregon line to Crane j Entry, No. 101221, for S1-2SELA MORE DAYS WEAR The red ball on the sole of our rubbers is a private mark that meams lowest cost' per days wear. For Sale By E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Masonic Building Repairing Neatly Done NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Dec. 26, 1916 NOTICE is hereby given that Charles R. Johnson, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on July 3rd, 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 012203, for Lots 3 and 4 S 1-2 N W 1-4, Sec. 2, and. on June 7, 1916, made Ad. H. E. o1&)88,. for lots 1 and 2 and 1-2 NE l-4,Sec- tion 2, Twp. 4 South. Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land obove descibed, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: David O. Justus, Ernest R. Mer ritt, Charles Buckman, and Harry Hayes, all of Heppner, Oregon. $ C. L. Dunn, Register. :troy. Washes everything but the baby. S II . . . uur excellent equipment insures pettect work on collars, shirts, and womens' fancy clotnes. Send them to us by Parcels Post Our Work is Guaranteed TROY laundry; ; PENDLETON, ore. : CLUB BILLIARD PARLOR Palace Hotel 0. B. Hottman First Class Straight Rail and Pocket Billiard Tables Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies, A Complete Lnie of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos l7 Triiloc fill i f iit-n in Xi Orporin v:li road put in operation 15 miles of the 1 S1'2 SW1-4, Sec. 13.- Nl-2 NE1-4 proposed Granls Pass to Crescent City ; Section 24, Township 2-South, line; the Portland & Oregon City hnve Range 24 East, Willamette Meri ,5 miles in operation and teh Valley j jjan nas filed notice of intention Mieiz complete ii nines. , fn ... v- . a v.nai. p . potato center. ! co esiaousn ciaim 10 me land a- Coos Bay may be chosen for an i hove descibed, before C. C. Patt- iviation or submarine base. I'omuM is shipping in the neighbor erson, "We have got it-will get it-orit isn't made" GILLIAM & BISBEE j : hi -od of $7000 worth of hogs . li ii City A .f.l.OOO community i . ... p ; !' e;l Here. I: rUi'-.g permit for the , cr .1 ! and total Jl? u.g A piutinum ledge dU ei t of th;s city is causing U. b. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th dav each 0f March, 1917, Claimant names as witnesses: John R. Olden and Ora Adkins, both of Heppner, Oregon, Curtis C. Rhea, of lone and William T. Campbell, of Lexington. H. Frank Woodcock. Register. KOYA CUTS THE COST of TYPEWRITING The New Model No. 10 ROYAL Glass I nclosed Oust Proof Mechanically Correct You Regulate the Touch To Suit Strength, Simplicity and Service never before found in any typewriter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior United Slates Lund Office at The Dalles, Oregon Nov. 7. 1910 Notice is hereby given that, as (iirrrtpJ by the Commissioner of the General Lind Othcp, under provision! of Section 4", H. S., to the application of Mathu Hilvorsen. S-riul No! iHlt'.O", we will nlTer at public "H in the liij;lie-l tiidilnr. hut ui i nt l's- ilmn f3 50 per ui-re, it n'ctockaaV M.. on the l.lch (Ihv of Febiirnry. next, at this nnice, the following tract of hind: SW1 4 SF.1-4 Sec. 12. Twp. 1. S. T. 4. V, M . Containing 40 Acres. This tract i ordered into lie nmrkot on a showing that the greater portion thereof is tnoun tuitmus or too rough for cultiva lion." up service Furnitiirft i BEST Price y Undertakina I Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. 7 Stsi I have Any thing you want in Second Hand Typewriter. GEO. T. PEARCE Phne 13 Heppner, Oregon I The sa'e will uot tkpt open. i ! out ili be (iei'lareU clom'il lien Z tlmse present at the hour named i have ceased bidding. Th per S son making th highest but will be i'iuired to Ironicdially pay to ! the Kecelver the amount thereof 1 Any persons claiming ad verse 2 ly the abovc-describid land are J advised to tile their claim, or J objections, on or before tl.e time 2 defrignaU'il for sale. i 1 1 m mm ""' y 2tn ur They insure you more miles l' nov 41t. t l. greater freedom from skid- ding the real tire service you are entitled to. We put the quality in to them so that you will get the service out of them. They are the tires that keep down the upkeep." BUY REPUBLICS TODAY REPUBLIC STAGGARD TREAD TIRES Oregon Garage B 4 1 Heppner, Oregon L, A. lA;tb, Kcceiwr