After Inventory Sale j APPLES FANCY ROME BEAUTIES Now $1.25 COFFEE SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES It will pay you to lay in a supply for the next few months. Phelps Grocery Co. NOTICE OF ELECTION J;i the County Court of the State of Oictfon for Umntilla County. In the mutter of tho orniuiiztition of tho Weatland Irrigation District, ''oti "e is hereby given that an elcc vi i l,c held ut the Lower Butter ' liool House, in School District . H, Umatilla County, Oregon, on ! a -Vih day of January, 1917, be the hours of eight o'clock a. m. i .'(en o'clock 'p. m. of said day, li n the proposed Westland Irriua i.i i hitiii ict for tho purpose of deter i nr. ,r whether or not the same shall i.tjc.tuizuil under the provisions of iptoi- VII of Title XLI, of Lord's v-ivgon Laws, being Soctiona 6167 to ""17, bolh inclusive of said laws, and i.iu .u i.i amendatory thereof, including ( huptcr 2'J;i of tho General Laws of Oregon for l'JU. The boundaries of said proposed district are described as follows: Hegiiining at tho northeast corner of Section 'Jit, Tp. f), N. K. 28, I'.. W. M., and running thence west one fourth of a mile, thence south one and one-hiilf miles, t lienor west one. fourth of a mile, thence south one fourth of a mile, thence west one fourth of a mile, thence south one fourth of a mile, thence west to the northwest corner of section five Tp. 1, N. K. 1!8, K. W. M,., thence south o'lehalf mile, thence weft one-half mile, thence south one-half mile, thence west one-half mile to the north east coiner of Sec. 12, Tp. 4, N. R. 'Zl, K. V. M., thence south one-fourth of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile, theme south one-fourth of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile, to the center of said Sec. 12, theme south one-half mile, thence west one half mile, thence south one west one-fourth of a mile, thence south one-fourth of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile, thence south one-fourth of a mile to the cen ter of Sec. 35 in said township, thence west one-half mile, thence south one half mile, thence west one and one half miles, thence south one-fourth of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile, thence south one-fourth of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile, thence south one-half of a mile to the west to the center of Sec. 33, in said township, thence north to the tenter ' of the channel of the Umatilla river, thence in a general northerly direction down the center of the channed of said 1 river following the sinuosities of the stream through sections 28, 29, SO, 19, l 20, 17, 16, 8, 9, 4, in Tp. 4, N. R. 28, and Section Z-i, in Tp. 5, N. R. 28, E. W. M., to the point where the east and west lines between section 28 and 33 in Tp. 5, N. R. 28, E. W. j M., crosses said river, thenco j west on said line to the tiouth- east corner of Sec. 29, thence north to the place of beginning. And that the following land situated within the I'above described boundaries are ex. cepted from said district and shall form I no part thereof, and shall not be sub ject to the taxes thereof, nor be en titled to any benefits therefrom, to wit: the northwest ouartpr nf the ;outhwest quarter and north half of northwest quarter and south half of northwest quarter of Sec. 14, and northeast quarter of southeast quar ter of Sec. 15, and the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of Sec. 2, Tp. 3, N. It. 28, E. W. M., the southwest quarter of section 34, the north half of the southeast quarter of Sec. 33, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Sec. 33, the north lalf of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, of Sec. 33, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Sec. 33, the northeast quar, ter of the southwest quarter of Sec. 31, the south half of the southwest quarter of Sec. 28, tho east half of Sec. 32, the SW 1-4 Section 32 the East one half Jie northwest quarter of, See. 32, the east half of the northwest quar ter of Section 20, the east half of the southwest quarter of Sec. 20, all of Sec. 16 west of the Umatilla river, the east half of the northwest quarter of Sec. 9, the east half of the south west quarter of Sec. 4, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Sec. 4, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and cast half of the northwest quarter of the north east quarter of Sec. 4. all in Tn. 4. N. R. 28, E. W. M., at which election j I any person, male or female of the ago ! 5 of twenty-one years or over, whether I :i resident of the district or not, who j .s a bona fide owner of land situated j J n said district as provided in said ' Chapter VII, Title XLI, Lord's Oregon I J Laws, and tho acts amendatory there-! J of, shall be entitled to vote, and such i elector at said election shall cast bal-1 lots which shall contain the words, 1 """"'""""" 'Irrigation District, Yes," or "Irriga- j lion District, No," or words equivalent I , ,. ., , , , i .hereto, and such ballot shall also con. to be distributed to his constltl - tain tho names of persons to he voted ants in Morrow County. Call AT MINOR & COMPANY S II MR HEGESSITIES II SOME SUGGESTIONS FURS We have an excellent display of furs, Muffs etc. In the varities of Squirrel, Coney, Fox. A supply of furs from which all can make satisfactory selections. BLANKETS Our assortment of wool and cotton blankets cannot be excelled, plain and fancy, Prices from $1.00 to $12.50 1 SWEATERS A real showing of real sweaters. Reds, greens, greys, browns, in fancy stripes, nov elty belts and plain designs. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE MINOR & COMPANY GOOD GOODS .'or to fill the various elective offices 1 in when you are near the Herald office or we will mail them to any one in the county on request., 01 ow, 4, iP. .1, by said statutes provided, to-wit; five N. R. 27, E. W. M., thence cast one-1 directors and u treasurer, and that this half mile, thonce south nun-half milp I .;.. i. ....i.i: .i . i . , 1Ui1M; uc uuuiibiieu once eacii wek 1 i i j l thonce east ono and ono-half miles, -or m t,.n fo. ..,.: ...r... I Varieties encluded are mnskmel- thence north one-half mile, thence east ! m-joi' such rloriion in i nnu-tmnnc on. pea, beet, lettuce, radish, one-half mile, thence north one-fourth j published in Umatilla County, Oregon, j carrot and turnip. These are of u mile, thence cast throe-fourths I uui ;n ni,l,im,t ; m.. I .om,nCf tU IWnM County, Orojron. in which said ; w:ij krjng a package of them to thence within C. II. MARSH, County Judge H. M. COCKHl'KN, County Commissioner, w c, mumc mil 111 Uliu-iuurill UI j )y a mne, tnence cast one-hair mile, ounties tho bind.,,-,- nortn nne-iourln or a mile. ' ,i;.:, ;, f ;.,i...i thenco cast one-fourth of a mile, j thence north one-fourth of a mile to' 1'atcd this 10th day of I'cccmhei the northwest corner of Sec. 6, Tp. i ' 3, N. R. 28, E. W. M thence east one mile, thence south one-half mile, thence east three-fourths of a mile, j thence south one-hnlf mile, thence east one-fourth of a ntile, thence north three-fourths of a mile, thence east one-half mile, thence north one-fourth of a mile, thence east one and one fourth miles, thence south one-fourth of a mile, thence east ono-fourth of a mile, thence south two and one-fourth miles, . thence west one-hnlf mile, thence south one-hnlf mile, thence east three-fourtht of a mile, thence north j you immediatly. L. K. Harlan, publisher of the Pilot Rock Record, spent Thurs day and Friday transacting bust ness in Ileppner. H. A. Hates of Hardman spent the day Saturday in Ileppner on business. Mr. Hates ivports two lots of irrain in his section as yet unthrashed. John Adams six settings and V. W. IVchdolt LOST, FOUND, ETC, ness repaired. Chas O'Donnell. Silk are now on dj , n Lexington, Oregon. RUGS Varied and Universal. Ranging from a Crex grass to a Persian Case Furniture Co. Store. First class furnished house keeping rooms. Mrs. G. W. Swaggert. one. which will be thrashed as one-half mile, thence east one-fourth I "" 113 uu Wl':ner permits by of a mile, thence north one and three-! Hates Hros. outfit. Mr. Bates I fourth miles, thence west one-fourth ' savs a half inch of smiw : lit llnr.l. mile, thence north throe-fourths m!in Kri.lav nii-l.t Tl. i..l tween Heupner and Hardman of a of a mile, thence west one-fourth of a mile to the Houthenst corner of Sec. m,li', thenco east one-half mile, thence j 114. Tp. 4, N. It. 'J8, E. V. M., thonce south one mile, thence west one-half i north seventy rods, thence west fifty mile, them e south one mile, thence ( rods, thence north ninety rods, thence Wood and Coal is in e;ooit shape now. As has heen hiscuston for the past two years Congressman Nick Sinnott has supplied the Ilepnner Herald with a large consignment of vegetable seeds WANTED To trade residence property in has Salem for Heppner property. See Glenn Y. Wells. NOTICE Boots and shoes made; J to order. Repair work guaran-jj teed by expert workmen. Har-, J FOR SALE - 12G acre good farm; $22,000.00 Cash. 24 miles-; south-east of Portland. iNear el-i ectric line. Equipment complete 31 acre appb orchard in fine con dition. Will exc anire for good; improved stock ranch or wheat; farm. Owner Portland, Ore. Sta-, tion C. Rox 2t. Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. If you'are eating our Hams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we are both losing. Phone ut your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. Cilt Meat k Coll Snp Co, Johnson Bros. , Props. Raising daily. Also a ious car shortage. NO HELP IN SIGHT ser- N. A. Clark Phone 396 STAR THEATRE PROGRAM TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Edward Covn and I.iett.' Thome. 2 reel lYature The POWER OF MIND MatVaivt Gibson and Win, Clifford and the IUstock Animals i-i a en at 2 reel picture The JI NGLE OUTCASTS Orral Il'imphrcys. tho funny comedian in The Iiamond IY,!M tic Sky in tho laugh producer TO HAD EDDIE S. METZ 8c SONS I IMPORTED AND HOME BRED PERCHERONS, BELGIANS, SHIRE STALLIONS AND JACKS Q i I I I :i Come to Pendleton, Oregon, and we will show you 40 head of stallions that you w ill say are real drafters.. Best of bone, cleanest lot of stallions you ever saw under one roof. Our stallions won first and Grand Championship at the lead ing State Fairs this fall, which shows you the kind you will expect to see w hen you visit our barns. If you want the best and the most for your money be sure and visit our stables where you can see more stallions than at any other place in tho Northwest. We know we can please you, prices right, terms to suit, Every horse guaranteed to pass State Inspection. Reliable guarantee. Write us for in formation, or better still, come and see us. Wo have 8") head of registered Hereford and Shorthorn Hulls all of scrvicableage for sale. 80: Theatre Phone 522 Commercial Barns. PENDLETON. OREGON. AtlmiitMon at usual S. METZ I SONS