Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 23, 1917, Image 2

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An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered
as second class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co.,
GEORGE T. PEARCE Managing Editor '
The Paper Full of News
Subscription Price $1.50 per year
muF.r AM) ItllEEZY
I.kyd Ceoigc certainly told them a
few tiling:!.
Cent-nil Villa is such a modest man
that in comparing Mexico to Belgium
he neglected to liken himself to Von
Europe is having all kinds of
trouble except guerrilla fighting.
Who can recall the names of as
many as two members of the latest
Creek cabinet?
Carrana knows where Villa is and
possibly finds that knowledge of value
ii making his arrangements to be
Kumewherc else.
First Chief Carranza appears to be
forced to choosy between quarreling
with his American bread and butter
i.ud his Mexican chile con carne.
Moxian curreny is said to have ad
. .1 oliade in value, but at that,
owing to the high cost of white paper,
i ouiiter','eitera would probably lose
1 he probe of the high cost of living
i tin operation in which few persons
hope that the patient will survive.
The allies' repudiation of the Teu
tonic overture may not be without its
(.'f.'ect on the date of sailing of the
i-o.'onJ Ford peace expedition.
President Wilson gets up nt " a. m.
and does not eat breakfast until 8.
Germany suspects that he writes those
severe notes in the interim.
However, if Poland is to be so in
dependent, it appears that the Teu
tons might bestow the Polish crown
on a Pole.
With employes sharing in the divi
dends the clamor against huge cor
porations begins to subside.
Even the man with a package of
munition stocks wants peace, but
would like to be notified in advance,
so that.he can unload.
Nineteen seventeen promises to be
one of the greatest years for investi
gation that he country has known.
Even those nations which are net
actually fighting are suffering from
war conditions.
Latest reports indicate that King
Wetz, the Chicago egg king, still has
several eggs left.
A woman in New York wins a ver
dict of $25,000 for false arrest. Bring
on the handcuff, we are ready.
Villa is reported as being pretty
near Pershing's troops now, but if he
continues in that direction it will
probably be on some overture mission.
Newfoundland's exports to and im
ports from the United Statas showed
a large increase this ye.ir. War made t Whereas, existing legislation in
most of the difference. The question : Oregon permits intimidation of work-
for American traders is, how much men on the way to and from employ-
of the gain will be retained under I ment and the open boycott of shop-
pe.-u-e conditions? ' keepers by the display of banners and
t , ,. , , ,. ' the assembly of crowds in front of
le i.m.1 government crop f.gurc. therJore ,)e .
show that our yield of wheat this year D , , ., . '
.dually is .-,000,000 bushels larg.u- f 1 f he f act"
th.,n earlier estimates. One explana-1 m.e" amendatory legislation
aid to be that the farmers of ' , . '"""' 'B
ur uujucent 10 me entrances 01
manufacturing establishments and
stores for the purpose of intimidating
onployees and customers or for the
or ruin of ah employer or
dealer who has incurred the displea
sure or any organiation.
tion is
the West, in giving statements of
yield to government officials, made i
them as low as possible to help along '
ihe feeding that the shortage would,,' f,
i I.,... ,u" .hoyeott
iru U'.LILt-. t.L'.UV.i L1U1L, M LMl! rXJt?M
are poor gues.-:ers.
In a letter to the editor of the Her
ald, C. C. C hapninn, editor of the
Oregon Voter, of Portland, promises
from time to time during this sesgio.i
of the legislature to write articles per
taining to the action of the bodies on
matters pertaing to Morrow county
people. Mr. Chapman is one of the
best writers in Oregon on subjects
which will be touched on by these
article's. Following is a letter Mr.
Chapman writes regarding the picket
ing of tho Portland Steel Yards, its
effect on the entire state and the reso
lution he has submitted to the legislature.
Resolution submitted by C. C. Chapman.
Go to
Sulem, Ore., Jan. 1G, 1017.
Editor of the Herald,
Heppner, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
Supposedly free American work
men, on their way to shops where, they
are employed upon terms and condi
tions which are satisfactory to them,
are beset and intimidated by crowds
of pickets representing organizations
which have called strikes. " These
crowds gather around the entrances
to the shops, and although they per
petuate little violence while police are
in sight, they terrorize the workmen
by menacing gestures and degrading
imprecations. This is the situation
today in Portland at the steel ship-
budding plants
A slight
Making the people financial partners
I in public utilities is a new and poph
lar movement. The Northern States
Power Co. has sold six per cent stock
j to several thousand customers during
the past two years. The Pacific Gas
, & Electric Co., of California, success
; fully sold millions of dollars worth of
its six per cent stock to customers,
j At San Diego an entire issue of secur
i ities of the local gas and electric cor
poration was sold to the people by
It. M. Byllesby & Co.
This system ripens the .door to a
friendly co-operation between conserv
ative citizens and utility concerns, in
stead of suspicious, envious antagon
ists. Under this plan utilities will be
managed with a higher sense of devo
tion to public service.
Canyonville The Old Levens Ledge
is soon to operate after 13 years of
idleness. It it expected to install an
electric plant, remodel old machinery
j and add a concentrating plant.
l have a iarmer who wants to
rent a wheat ranch of about 200
to 300 acres. Has own outfit and
amendment to Oregon s , well fixed to farm in first class
picketing law would prevent such tor-' shape jf haye anythin jet
rcrizing and threatening demonstra-: . ,. .
uo iymuw luimtruiaiciy.
The Heppner Herald
For Your
Harvest Supplies
Oi's, Greases, Beltinq
Lace Leather, etc.
We will give you the quality
and the price that will command
your patronage, otherwise we
Jv not look for it.
j tions on the public streets adjacent to
j plants where strikes have been de-
v'ij 'dared; it would also prevetit pickets
3 i '.... ,...,u ..;.. ;., (., f t..
.i,m hil'i ii , in jiwiii Jt a, wu.ir. ui
yliestaurant in crowds, with : banners,
j ! doing everything to . ruin th shop
i j ' coper's business by intimidating his
! patrons and proclaiming boycott."
j Every community in Oregon 'is in-
' terested in legislation that will help
Jj preserve order in the metropolis so
! that its developing industries may lie
ty safeguarded. The success of ship-
building is joopnrdicd, although it
means much to every part of the
state whose products are marketed;
triut cannery has been driven out i
This notifies all concerned
that I will prosecute all who al
low stock to trespass on my
property known as the Dr. Win-
narb place in Cason Canyon.
Philip Gilliam.
.ot it-
, .11
1 U--U1 II I.UI uu,
-M nrfi' llfil nnl'-.v nnrl ft I irilni'l ti w. L' 1
M 1 rg in front of its former plant in the
U heart of the city.
tj ! It is to be hoped that every mem-
j i of the legislature will support
I s.ich legislation as is necessary to
; 'irntoct woi l.ii gmen and working wo
',' im intimidation because they
.1., i iii'i'gon industries from de-
' ruction be-ause they cannot be run
(i t:'J 'y under uaion domination.
Yoi.rs respectfully,
Dr, Turner, the well
well known eye specialist
Portland as a direct result of long- of Portland will be in Heppner
iif,'um Siiturdny, Feb. 3rd at the
Palace Hotel, at Lexington, Fri
diiy, Feb. L'nd and atloneTburs-
day Feb. 1st. Dr. Turner is
specialist ot experience and
si mm i ny. Hnu you win make no
mistake in consulting him about
ynur ees and glasses. Heud.
jaidics relieved. cross yes
! t iaij.rhtened, SHtisfuction guar
Janteed. Consult him. Dont for
get the date.
e :
The Ne v
iModel No. 10
C1 closed
:A Proof
You Regulate the Touch To Suit
Strength, Simplicity and Service never before
found in any typewriter
iyrti- I nave any thing you want in Second M.ind Typrwritrrs.
lhon13 I loppner, Oregon
Department of the Interior
United States Lund Office a
The Dalles, Oregon Nov. 27, 1910
't'C is hereby given that, as
di tooted by the Commissioner of
the (Jenenil Lund Otlice. under
prdvibions of Section "(."), II.
S., pursiiiint to the application of
Muth'us ILilvorsen, Sirial No.
('Ht')()7, we will offer at public
si - i.. the tdgtiHst bidder, but
ut i i't les Ii , n ?3.!i0 per acre,
nt ::!! o'ehick A. M.. on the 13, h
d.v of Febuniry, next, nt this
dlice, the following t met of land:
SU1'4 SF.1-4 Sec. 12. Twp. 1. S.
T. 24. Last. V. M .Containinif -10
Acres. This tract is ordered into
the market on a showing that the
irreater portion thereof it ruoun.
ttiinousor too rough for cultiva
The a'e will uot be kept open,
tint will b declared closed when
ili. se prt'seut at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The per
son in in if the highest bid will
lie required to imuicdiatly pay to
the Keceiver the amount thereof
Any persons claiming adverse
Iv ti e Hbovp.describeJ land are
a I vised to tile their claims, or
o' j -ctioiis, on or before the time
d i;nnt'il for s i'
jfrH 'i-'li -Mwrr .irtr imhi iirTn'ir i i' riM-: fe'-"' ' ' ,-mm
The red ball on the sole of our
rubbers is a private mark that
meams lowest cost per days wear.
For Sale By
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Masonic Building
Repairing Neatly Done
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office at
La Grande, Oregon.
Dec. 26, 1916 i
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles R. Johnson, of Heppner,
Oregon, who, on July 3rd, 1913,
made Homestead Entry, No.
012203, for Lots 3 and 4 S 1-2 N
W 1-4, Sec. 2, and on June 7,
1916, made Ad. H. E. 015988, for
lots 1 and 2 and S 1-2 NE 1-4, Sec
tion 2, Twp. 4 South, Range 28
East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year Proof, to establish
claim to the land obove descibed,
before C. C. Patterson, United
States Commissioner, at his office
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th
day of March, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
David O. Justus, Ernest R. Mer
ritt, Charles Buckman, and
Harry Hayes, all of Heppner,
C. L. Dunn,
Washes everything but the baby.
Our excellent equipment insures perfect
work on collars, shirts, and womens' fancy
clotnes. Send them to us by
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
Palace Hotel
O. B. Hottman
First Class Straight Rail and J
Pocket Billiard Tables
Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies, J
r - v.gu, ,
Cigarettes and Tobaccos
TUf service
Btfll Price
Furniture j
Undertaking I
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore. :
Jk 1
They insure you more miles
per dollar more comfort
greater freedom from skid
dingthe real tire service
you are entitled to.
We put the quality in
to them so that you will
get the service out of
them. They are the
"tires that keep down
the upkeep."
Oregon Garage
1 2
1 4. .. Uuutl), Kcciver