Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 16, 1917, Image 4

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    After Inventory Sale I
Now $1.25
It will pay you to lay in a
supply for the next few
Phelps Grocery Co.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
I;i the matter of the organization
of tho Westluml Irrigation District.
Notice is hereby given that an elec
timi will he hold nt the Lower Butter
tie k School Hou.se, in School District
Wo. 8, Umatilla County, Oregon, on
(he 27th day of January, 1917, be
iwvt'i'. the hours of eight o'clock a. m.
irl Ki'ven o'clock 'p. m. of said day,
within the proposed Westland Irriga-
.1).. . islrict for the purposo of detcr
i iiiriig whether or not the 8anio shall
e c.i iMiiizid under the provisions of
Chapter VII of Title XLI, of Lord's
v-r. icon Laws, lieing Sections C1G7 to
r. l' 1 7 , I mt h inclusive of naid laws, and
!). .'. u.ien.latory thereof, including
Chupter of the General Laws of
Oregon for l'Jll. The boundaries of
said proposed district arc described!
as follows: Ueginning at the northeast
corner of Section 'Jit, Tp. 5, N. R. 28,
K. V, M., and running thence Vent
i hi fourth of a mile, thence south one
anil one-half miles, thence west one.
I nut t ii of a mile, thence south one
fourth of a mile, thence west one.
.'out III of a mile, thence south one
toiutli of a mile, thence west to the
I'orthwcst corner of section five Tp.
I. N. K. 'JS, V.. V. M... thence south
one half mile, thence west one-half
mile, thence south one-half mile,
thence west one-half mile to the north-
ufl culler of Sec. 12, Tp. 4, N. R.
K. V. M., thence south one-fourth
i'f a mile, thence west one-fourth of a
west one-fourth of a mile, thence j
south one-fourth of a mile, thence
west one-fourth of a mile, thence
south one-fourth of a mile to the cen
ter of Sec. 35 in said township, thence
west one-half mile, thence south one
half mile, thence west one and one
half miles, thence Bouth one-fourth of
a mile, thence we3t one-fourth of a
mile, thence south one-fourth of a
mile, thence west one-fourth of a milo,
thence south one-half of a mile to the
southwest comer of Sec. 4, Tp. It,
N. R. 27, E. W. M., thence east one
half mile, thence south one-half mile,
thence east one and one-half miles,
thence north one-half mile, thence east
one-half mile, thence north one-fourth
of a mile, thence cast three-fourths
of a mile, thence north one-fourth of
a mile, thence east one-half mile,
i iwest to the center of Ses53?., in said'
I : township, thc-r.ee north to the center ,
J i of the channel of the Umatilla river, ,
i thence in a general northerly direction j .
S ; cown the center of the channed of said 1
J ' river following the sinuosities of the j
! stream through sections 28, 29, 30, 10, ! ,
I 1 20, 17, 16, 8, 9, 4, in Tp. 4, N. R-1 J
I 23, ai.d Section 33, in Tp, 5, N. R-1
1-6, ij.'W. ;u., 10 Liie point waci i-"-
i east and west lines between section
5 1 28 and 33 in Tp. 5, N. R. 2, E. W.
.. evossea said river, thence
west on said line to the south- J
J i east corner of Sec. 29, thence north
f tu the place of beginning. Avi that .
i the following land situated within the I J
1 I above described boundaries are ex- j
! cepted from said district and shall form
o : no part thereof, and shall not be sub
J I ject to the taxes thereof, nor be cn-
i titled to any benefits therefrom, to-
Uvit: the northwest quarter of the
J southwest quarter and north half of
northwest quarter and south half of
northwest quarter of Sec. 14, ana
1 i- .. ...,.. cij-MifliAac! nllflr.
noi uieasu ijuui i.ci ouul.moi. -
icv nf Rpe. is. and the northwest riuar-
ler of the northwest quarter of Sec. j 5
2, Tp. 3, N. R. 28, E. W. M., the
southwest quarter of section 34, the J
north half of the southeast quarter of j
Sec. 33, the northwest quarter of the I
wuthwest quarter of Sec. 33, the north j J
half of the southwest quarter of the j
northwest quarter, of See. 33, the j
nortnwest quarter w tuc uuiui".--.h
luarter of Sec. 33, the northeast quar, j J
ter of the southwest quarter of Sec. j
rJl, the south halt ol tne soutnwest
quarter of Sec. 28, the east half of
Sec. 32, the SW 1-4 Section 32
the East one half i
the northwest quarter of Sec. 32,
the east half of the northwest quar
ter of Section 20, the east half of
! the southwest quarter of Sec. 20, all
of Sec. Hi west of the Umatilla river,
the cast half of the northwest quarter
)X Sec. 9, the east half of the south
west quarter of Sec, 4, the southeast j
quarter 6"f the. northwest' quarter of
Sec. 4, and the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter and east half of
the northwest quarter of the north
east quarter of .C 4, all in Tp. 4,
M. R. 28, E. W. M at- Which election
any person, ma'e or female f the ago
of twenty-one years' or over, whether
a resident oi tne district pi
is a bona fide owner of land situ.1''-' 1
.n said district as provided in said
FURS We have an excellent display, of furs, Muffs
etc. In the varities of Squirrel, Coney, Fox.
A supply of furs from which all can make
satisfactory selections.
BLANKETS Our assortment of wool and cotton
blankets cannot be excelled, plain and fancy,
Prices from $1.00 to $12.50
SWEATERS A real showing of real sweaters. Reds,
greens, greys, browns, in fancy stripes, nov
elty belts and plain designs.
thence north one-fourth
thenco east one-fourth
Chapter VII, Title XLI, Lord's Oregon
Laws, and the acts amendatory there
of, shall be entitled to vote, and such
elector at said election shall cast bal
lots which shall contain the words,
'Irrigation District, Yes," or "Irriga
tion District, No," or words equivalent
.hereto, and such ballot shall also con
tain the names of persons to be voted
or to fill the various elective offices
y said statutes provided, to-wit; five
linvtoi .i and a treasurer, and that this
i -bee
or at least four successive weeks
irior to such election, in a newspaper
Hil.lished in Umatilla County, Oregon,
nd h a newspaper published in Mor
w CotL.ty, Oregon, in which said
ounties the lands embraced within
mile,, ad district are situated. .
city Mr. Hayes expects to go to Den
ver, Colo., for an indefinite stay on
account of poor health.
W. V. Cryder, district superinten
dent of the Umatilla forest reserve,
1 c published once each week I is spending a few days in Heppner on
official business.
thonce north one-fourth of a mile to
tho northwest corner of Sec. G, Tp.
3, N. R. 28, E. W. M., thence east one
mile, thence south one-half mile,
thence east three-fourths of a mile, j
thence south one-half mile, thence east i
one-fourth of a mile, thence north
three-fourths of a mile, thence east
one-half mile, thence north one-fourth
of a mile, thonce east one and one
fourth miles, thence south one-fourth
of a mile, thence east one-fourth of a
mile, thence south two and one-fourth
miles, thenco west one-half mil.'
thence south one half mile, thence easi
three-fourthii irf a mile, thence north
otic hulf mile, thenco east one-fourth
of a mile, theiirc north one and three-
Monv well known local men
here Tuesday to attend the convention
of the National Woolgrowers' Asso
ciation, which will be held in Salt
Luke City, Utah. Among whom were:
i .iinM Wvland. U. Gentry, John Kil-
Date.1 this D'.th day of December, ! kenney, Gcorgo Swaggart and Dave
ness repaired. Chab O'Donnell.
Lexington, Oregon.
Varied and Universal. Ranging
from a Crex grass to a Persian
Silk are now on display at The
Case Furniture Co. Store.
First class furnished house
keeping roorr,s. Mrs, Q. Wr
County Judge.
County Commissioner.
('lias Pointer, of Lexington,
was a Heppner visiting Sat rl;iy
Mr. anil Mri. (Jus Willeox, of
lone, spent S it ii rl ay in Heppner
'I I e N! sm s V.i! i I Will ox iitul
l!ent riiM Sn rrv, of Iom, wi-'re
sbn pun' in Hi ppimr Saturday
Dr. Turner, the optician, made his
regular visit to Heppner Tuesday.
Matinee Saturday afternoon
"30 10 and 15 cents admission.
Blue Bird feature -and comedy
(5 reels. Stitr Theatre.
in. to. tlience south one-fourth of u
in le, thence west one-fourth of a fourth miles, thence west one-foiirih
mde, to the center of said See. 12, ! of a mile, thtmce north three-fourths
thence south one-hulf mile, thence j of a milo, thtnire west one-fourth of
v., ,t one half mile, thence south one n mile to the southeast corner of Sec.
mde, tli Mice east one half mile, thence j H4, Tp. 4, N. R. 2S, K. W. M., ihcmv
:mi'.li m e mile, thence west one half i north seventy ids, thenco west fifty
mile, thi nce south one milo, thence i rods, thence north ninety rods, thence
l ive Nvi!'!. of ll.trdiniin was
t runs u'titii.' business in Heppner
Kranii Mnyer. of Illaek
was i business visitur i n
tier S.itureiy.
Wood and Coal
1 (ieorge riiiitiiii from liiea
Creek spent Saturday in Heppner.
ti.'orije I'errv. Km k Creo
slieepuutl was a business visitor
in Heppner, Saturday,
LOST-One Ball Muff, Mon
day night at Fair Pavillion. Find
er please return to Mrs. G. C.
LOST-On streets of Heppner
open face Swiss Watch, heavy
ll.irse chrystnl with stem ring gone.
l pp. Relic, an heirloom of well known
j Heppner family. Reward at Her
ald office.
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our
Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet
Meat at all times.
II you'are eating our Hams and Bacon you
know how good they are. If you are not we are
both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee
entire satisfaction.
City Meat k Cf Stop tu.
Johnson Bros., Props.
Raising daily. Also a ser
ious car shortage.
N. A. Chirk
Phone 396
(luv Ibiyer ret urned to 11. pp
tier Thursday, from u in tin in.
terinr, w leM e he Ii is been bavins
llllt S 'S,
.1 ii '. N!i'Cu11.ul:'ii was in t nvn
Sa'ur lny. fro u l is ranch on l'p
per Wiilo.v t're.'li
U J. .) inlay rrsu i e,l his j uiey
s"rviee bet ween Imie atnl IK pp
tier Sat aril iv. after l.aviui; been
laid up f.T ,tl.e p i-t few d iys
f..r rep ors en the eiiir ne.
y. . n .1 m - : .j
.', i 'k'"''. i- v" :.) : ,i- .l.iy en
' i r .i v . 1 ..' i-i I " t , ; .!.
t io trane resiuence piooei ij m
U ' Salem for Heppner property.
.See Glenn Y. Wt lls.
FOR SALK-Jersey hrifer 3
years old in spring. Cull at
Herald Office.
NOTICE Boots andlshocs made
to order. Repair work guaran
teed by expert workman. Har-.
: 0X0-GAS Appliances ;:
Come to Pendleton, Oregon, and we will show you 40
head of stallions that you will say are real drafters. Best of
bone, cleanest lot of stallions you ever saw under one roof.
Our stallions won first and Grand Championship at the. lead- J
ing State Fairs this fall, which shows you the kind you will
expect to see w hen you visit our barns. If you want the
best and the most for your money be sure and visit our
stables where you can see more stallions than at any other
place in the Northwest. We know we can please you, J
prices right, terms to suit, Every horse guaranteed to
pass State Inspection. Reliable guarantee. Write us for in- J
formation, or better still, come and see us. J
We have 80 head of registered Hereford and OA J
Shorthorn Bulls all of servicable age for sale. OVr
Yeager Building
Commercial Barns.
'l . 11 til ,t f9 "'
; ,