Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 16, 1917, Image 2

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1 .
An independent newspaper published every Tuesday and entered
as second class matter in the post office at Heppner, Morrow Co.,
GEORGE T. PEARCE Managing Editor
The Paper Full of News Subscription Price $1.50 per year
.ut ih Comrressional Record j oi" Mr. Ford. Eu:;t Oretfonian.
, i.i to cut out tlie comic section
-ivo w more sports.
I lore's hoping that tlie expenses of
tltu great federal investigation into
the hinh cost of living now in progress
won't increase the cost of living much.
The department of weights and
measures is to be merged with the
dairy department.
The Salem tax levy has been re
duced three-tenth3 of a mill.
Stanfield Sells Sheep
R. N. Stanfield, the krer.t Pi::;.-'. .
operator in the sheep business in the
country, sent in two cars of good nr.:;
ton ewes and a car of yearling weth
ers today from his Stanfield, Ore.
ranch. They were weighed "off cars"
to a local packer who has contractc!
a weekly shipment for a month.
Portland Live Stock Reporter.
Mad Coyote Scare Near Echo
The Oregon legislature convenes
Monday, January 8. Two things the
people of this district would like it to
i,o would be to pass an increased
coyote bounty, so ns to help do away
with the varmints that are so destruc.
live to live stock nnd even a menace
to hiinrm life, firm rabies; and to
enact a' liquor law so bone-dry that
f i uulmoii will spit dust coming up the
Columbia river. Doubtless a way will
1 e found to do away with the traffic
: a'rchcjl, which leads directly to the
inline asylum and eternal ruin. Fos
: ;i J oorna!.
Fcril Buys a Franklin
Henry Ford, the automobile manu
.'.utufcr of Detroit, Mich., lust week
j.hiced his order for a Franklin Sedan,
i'.ecording to u news item received by
tl'e local Franklin agency. This
I lanklin car is for the personal use
R. F. Wigglesworth, a well known
sheepman of the Echo country, has
written E. F. Averill, of the biological
survey, reporting incidents that lead
him to believe that there are rabid
coyotes in his neighborhood again.
Recently he stated a coyote engage!
ono of his herder dogs in a fight un
der the house, and when poked with
a stick, showed no fear. It was dis
patched with a gun and the dog w;:r
also killed. Another herder was lead
ing his horse, he reports, when a coy
ote sneaked up close behind the horse
The herder killed it with a club. B itli
coyotes were frothing at the mouth
Mr. Wigglesworth writes, lie slate
he has seen a good many of the ari
mals and that they are unusually bo! i
East Oregonian.
It i3 our desire at this time to
express to the many people ofj
Keppner and Morrow County,
our sincere appreciation for their
i patronage and-kindno'.ses. lhe
Palace Hotel and Palace Grille
' are now both under the manage
ment of Joe L. Wilkins. The es
; ccUent accomodations of the
Hotel and. the splendid cuisine
and service of .the Grille will be
continued and as fast as we
find it possible, ' imp-ovements
w 'ill- be made throughout the en
tire building-.
Visitors in Heppner are cordi
ally invited to make the Palace
(heir headquarters while in town
if only for a few hours. Our ser
vice is at their disposal and we
will make every effort to make
their visit pleasant and agree
The public of Heppner will
find the Palace headquarters for
everything:,, as usual. Make our
ill , i
loooy your meeting -place, use
our service, dine in our grille
and be at perfect liberty to ask
our help to assist you in anv way.
With the most friendly feeling
to all.
The Palace Hotel Co.
An important meeting of the
Heppner Commercial Club will
be held Monday night, Jan. 22nd
1917. Election of officers and
ether important matters. Come.
A. M. Phelps, Pres.
W. W. Smead, Sec'y
Resolutions of Condolence
East, Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above des
cribed, before C. C. Pattersnn,
U S. Land Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon on the 19th
day of Junuary. 191".
Claimant names as witnesses:
1 French. Monte E. Bun
dy, Ben Brown, Joseph Sibley,
all of Lexington Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock. Register.
John Morrow, tombstone sa'c
man of The Dalles, was in th'.s ee
several days last week.
Go to
For Your
Harvest Supplies
Oi!s, Greases, BeMn i
Lace Leather, etc
We will give you the quality
and the price that will command
your patronage, otherwise we
do not look for it.
Ve have got it-will get it or it isn't made"
Commencing Tuesday, Jan. 1G
program will change at Star
Theatre Tues.. Thurs., Sat. and
Sunday. Some of our best pat
rons who do not attend the show
on Sunday, have expressed their
desire to see the Fox Features
which have been running Sunday
only, so in the future the pro
gram will be Fox Features Sun.
at 10 and 20 cents and Mon. at
10 and 15 cents; Mutual mixed
program Tues. and Wed; Pathe
program including the weekly,
The Red Circle, Scenic Cartoon
and a comedy Thurs. and Frh
and commencing Sat.,, Jan. 20
we are going to start what is
known as "Blue Bird Photoplays
These are recognized as the very
finest screen productions. This
prorram will include a feature
in five a:ts and a comedy and
commencing with the first of
these Blue Bird specials we are
going to give a matinee every
Saturday afternoon at 2:H0 P. M.
i which will give the countrv Deo-
$ ! pie a chance to see the best fea
tures obtainable. Remember,
j Blue Birds run Sat. only. Mati-
iiee, ii am. Jo cis. hvenn g,
10 and 20 cts. 0 reels.
Whereas in view of the loss
we have sustained in the death
of our sister and associate, Fan
nie Hunt, and of the still heavier
loss sustained by those who
were nearest and dearest her;
Therefore, be it resolved that
it is a just tribute to the mem
bers of the departe to say that in
regretting her removal from our
midst we mourn for one who
was in every way worthy of our
respect and regard.
Resolved, that we sincerely
condone with the family of the
deceased on the dispensation
with which it has pleased Divine
Providence to commend them for
consolidation to Him who orders
all things the best and whose
chastisements are in mercy.
Resolved that the heartfelt
testimonial of our sympathy and
sorrow be forwarded to the fam
ily and a copy be spread upon the
minutes of Sausonci Rebecca
Lodge No. 33 of Heppner and all
go in the County papers.
Fi ankie Luper,
Mattie Edmondson.
Olive Frye.
In the matter of the Estate of
Lenora Langly, deceased.
Notice of final account.
' "Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned, executors of
the estate of Lenora Langley,
teceased, have filed their final
account in the above entitled
Court, nnd that Monday the 8th
lay of January, 1916, at 10:00 of
-laid day, at the Court room of
aid Court, has been appointed
i- the time and place for the
hearing of objections to said fi
nal account and the settlement
George W, Turner
Joseph Di-vine
:' c 'cr- o" said Estate,
Department of the Inferior
United States Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon Nov. 27. 1916
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Com missioner of
the General Land Office, under
orovisions of Section 2455, R.
S., pursuant to the application of
Math'as Hlvorsen. Serial No.
014G67, we will offer at public
sale, to the highest bidder, hut
at not less than S3 50 per acre,
at 9:30 o'clock A. M , on the 13 h
day of Feburary, next, at this
office, the following tract of land:
SW1 4 SE1 4 Shc. 12. Twp. 1. S.
I 24, East,. W. M , Cnnta ninsr 40
Acres. This tract is ordered into
the market on a showing that the
greater portion tin-reof is moun
'ainousor too rough tor culiiva
The sa'e will uot he kept opr..
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour nanierl
have ci'a-ed bidding Thn pei
son inak i ny t lie highest hid win
be ' eqni red o i u, niedia' I y p i
the Receiver I he amount i hereof
Any persons claiming ad ver'
Teddy soothed the Japs, gave
us the steel trust and Frat Money
and didn't "eat Mexico alive."
The genial Mr. Taft let the gri
sers kill Americans and he m '
no war. 4
Woodrow gave us farm leans,
road money and peace.
We do not believe this country
is lost but is the best on earth aud
Heppner one of its brightest spots
so we will go right on buying and
selling second hand goods, re
pairing stcves, furniture and sew
ng machines.
The G.W. Verdot Co.
Watch the shows
Theatre this week.
at the Star
Washes everything but the baby.
rs ti . . r '
uur excellent equipment insures penec
work od collars, shirts, and womens lancy
dotnes. Send them to us by J
Parcels Post
Our Work is Guaranteed
TROY laundry;
ore. :
ly the above. described land are
advised to tile their claims, o
Oojeci ions, on or beloie lhe till,,
d 'xisrnated for sale
L. A. B"oth, Recei' er
Palace Hotel
O. B. Hottman
First Class Strright Rail and
Pocket Billiard Tables
Soft Drinks, Fancy Candies,
A Complete Lnie of Cigars,
Cigarettes and Tobaccos
nhn MrNair.pc v:u
ch-.y.-i la-t wvcli.
ill Heppner a
"- -;
THE luamy Furniture
BEST PHce Undertaking
Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore.
The New
Model No. 10
Glass nclosed
Dust Proof
You Regulate the Touch To Suit
Strength, Simplicity and Service never before
found in any typewriter
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office at
L i Grande, Oregon.
Dec. 20, 1016
NOTICE is hereby given that
.Charles II. Johnson, of Heppner,
Orcein, who, on July 3rd, 1913,
made Homestead Entry, No.
112-203. for Lots 3 and 4 S 1-2 N
W 1-1, Sic. 2, and on June 7,
llHt;, made Ad. H. E. OloLtsS. for
lots 1 and 2 and SI 2 NEM.Sec
tion 2, Twp. 4 South. Range 2S
East. Willamette Meridian, has
Med notice of intention to make
y ;:r W, to est.ilidh
I i mi to th'' 'a id oln)vt' deseibed.
H fur. (). (.'. Patttrsop, Unitid
vatos Commissioner, at his office
,u Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th
day of March, 11)17.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Davi.f O. Justus, Ernest II. Mer
ritt, Charles Buckman, and
Harry Hayes, all of Heppner,
C. L Dunn,
I have any thing you want in Second Hand Typewriter.
Phone 13 Heppner, Oregon
sot lei-: i-n iTULie.vnoN ,
1) p.irtmciit of th Interior.
I S. Luul Othe.' at The
l.il!i',. Oregm.. December 6.;
l'.'lti . i
3 mm
M iA IK per
I mm
N"tic i htTeb Riven tlut
Joiin II. 'riioiiiu ,f Litn:tn
Or eg.-n w li5 on (letnher CUt.
1012. iinle H.m-tt.l KiUjr
N. 01 '-:;: for SVJEJ. .SKJ s
, X lot 4 S.'O. I'.l. lot I. Sc.
They insure ju more miles
dollar me comfort-
greater frecda from skid-
the rcatire service
you are atitled to.
We put te quality in
to them ithat you will
get the .rvice out of
them, 'hey are the
"tires th keep down
the upkp."
Oregon Gaige
,C. To wd k Lip i North, lnBe i0