PAGE FOUR. REPPN'Eft HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS. 1914. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW OF OREGON Salem, Oregon, December 11 Miss Fern Hobs has been appointed by Governor West to be a member of the Workingmcn's Compensation com mission at $:Sf00 a year. Portland Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce want to con solidate. The Rogue River Public Service cor poration bids on liphtinpr Gold Hill by offering to put in a payroll of if COO to $1,000 per month. The Chewaucan press says several hundred thousand dollars worth of property is awaiting action of the Desert Land Board that has been de layed several months. How Oregon canneries on an eight hour and minimum wages can com pete in putting up fruit against Hawaian pineapple produced by Cooley Labor was a problem before the Commonwealth Congress. The O.-W. R. & N. has spent $4,- 1300,000 on its Malheur County exten sion on the North bank of Harney Lake. Yamhill county has appropriated $1.1,(100 for the Tillamook road West of Willamina. The State; will be ask ed for a similar amount. Clatsop gives Pacific Power & Light I Golden West Week j THE COFFEE FESTIVAL ! JUST RIGHT- NO CHAFF NO DUST 5 Pounds $1.50 1 Pound 35c Now is the time to Buy. DEC. 7 to DEC. 12 Sam Hughes Co. Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. Co. a fifty-year franchise. Baker county levy tame as last year a $000,000 less valuation. A short business session of the legis lature lopping off about half the boards and commissions, cutting down several million fixed charges on the state, and consolidating boards and functions is the popular program. Domestic Science will be taught in the Astoria High School. The declining wool industry is to be prompted with demonstrations all over Oregon. From 1900 to 1910 Oregon increased in population outside of cities only 46,or,9, or 4,607 per year. More in dustries, cheaper land and lower taxes are the remedy. The Gold Leaf mine will operate a five-stamp mill in theBohemia district with a 12-horsepower gas engine. Gov. Withycombe says down state appropriations and keep down taxes. Salem will erect a $20,000 school houaa. Portland Selection of stone Tor the $1,000,000 postoffice now rests be tween Pioneer and Tenino sandstone. The Northwest Steel Co. of Port land was lowest bidder for 8 steel bridges across the Celilo canal to be built at once. Engineers ask Congress for $1,750, 000 to complete wof at mouth of Columbia. The State Fish and Game Com mission that collected and expended $100,000 this year wants no change in the law. It sent agents on trips to Europe to find new game birds. A steel bridge is to span the Uma tilla river at MiBsiom. Scio gets anew drygoods and cloth ing store. Mill City Odd Fellows have educated a new hall. The Booth-Kelly mills have been put on an 8-hour day for the winter. The State Labor Commission collects $21,000 for inspection of factories. The Workingmen's Compensation is required to do thes ame thing. These Commissions are to be consolidated. The Granite Hill mine near Grants Tbss will install a Cynide plant. in urry county nas been broken up by a posse of game wardens. i Eugene sold $34,M0 bitulithic pav-' ing bonds at a premium. Albany business men and fruit growers will build a co-operative can nery. , Wild hogs are an Oregon product. Thirty were shipped from Curry coun ty to Marshfield to be fattened. When considering high salary prop ositions in Oregon, it should be re membered that Nebraska voters re fused to raise the Governor's salary above $2500 at the recent election. Auditing County books by the State Board of Accountants is costing the various counties double what it did formerly. Announcement by the Southern Pacific of construction up the coast from Eureka to Marshfield may be made Feb. 1st. The manufacture of show cases and store fixtures has been established on a large scale by the Woodcraft Co. of Marshfield. Good Chunky Horses D. Cox, a well known Hinton Creek rancher, is enjoying a visit from his sister who came up recently from Springfield, Oregon. This is the first time they have seen each other for forty years and heedless to say they have been having a fine time. Bob Allstott came in yesterday from his ranch in Eightmile for suspplies. $1.09 was offered for bluestem in Heppner on Wednesday, but there was none to be had at that price. To the public: There have been many inquiries concerning our annual New Year's dance and entertainment and for the benefit of our friends we wish to say that there will be no en tertainment of this nature this year. PALACE HOTEL. Mrs. B. F. Ward of Twin Falls, Idaho, will be kept posted on Heppner and Morrow County happening twice each week during the coming year through the columns of the Herald. Wanted II. S. Purcell of Whitlash, Mont., is a recent addition to the Herald's list of readers. Bring your horses to Heppner before noon on MONDAY, DEC. 21 and if they suit I will pay you spot cash. No board of in spection, I do my own in specting. All colors except White and Light Gray. Weight 1100 to 1300 No Waits or Delays. I Will Be There Ready To Do Business J. H. LUCK SEND THEM THE HERALD There is no present the. will reflect your good judgement so well. Beautiful Ties A Kift of taste for him. A great variety of new patterns made with the late flowing ends and hows. Choose early whilo the displays are crowded. Trices 25c to 7."ic Crockery Department A Few Xmas Suggestions Steak 1 'Links $5.75 Nickel Plated Serving Pishes $; Bouillon Set Tray and Cups ? 17.50 Beautiful Key F.oih-r with hur ner, including tray, cups, salt and IM'pcr shaker $11.50 Crape Fruit Set. Sickle-plated consisting of tiav. knife, and I cups SP1.00 In KOYAI. nm i.TON Ware. V.Si;s, TOISACCO J A US. SI i. INS, I'lUIIMKS, TKA PUIS. SI C AU AMI CUF AM Kits. CA.MM.K STICKS TUAYS, KTC. Community Silverware. Rogers Bros. Silverware. Haviland China. Aluminum Ware. Attention to thee gifts French Print- Pipe.;. Meerschaum Pipes. l ol lllllM' P.OVH. Skudd. r Cars. Overland Wagom, Air Guns. Buy Your Gifts for Every One at MINOR & CO. This Store is now displaying the largest and best variety of GIFT MERCH ANDISE ever shown in Heppner. Every department is rilled with unique Xmas Gifts suitable to each individual taste. HUNDREDS OF CHRISTMAS CARDS Silks 27 in. Messnline Silk of Rood weight and fine lustre, yd. $1.00 ."( in. soft Taffeta's in the most desirahle shade, yd $1.25 lit) in. Poplin silks the Benson's present demand, yd $1.00 'J I in. Plaid and Fancy Silks from 75c to $2.00 Men's Combination Sets Carters and Suspenders in holi day boxes 75c to $1.00 Carters and Arm Hands in holi day hoxes 75c Combination Sets in Burnt Wood Hoxes. Sox and Carters $1.25 Arm hands and Barters. .$1.50 Carters in Fancy Hoxes. ,35c Arm Hands in Fancy Hoxes 35c Sox and Tie Sets $1.50 STATIONERY for Gifts In I. nuc beautiful designed boxes and cabinet boxen. (See our window) This is the Irwin-Hudson Sta tamery which is ho popular as a Christmas Cift. Al wuys the most desir able present. Prices from 50c to $3.50 Dress Goods Including SKHCKS. PoPl'l.lNS. CREPES. HKDFOHDS. etc. at prices which will appeal to nil. TOYS The Children will find pleasure in visiting our TOY DEPARTMENT. A . real Toyland. Make the Children happy. A department big and attrac tive. So come along and join in the merrymak ing of Toytown, and see all the wonderful Toya that are here for your inspection. Men's Fine Handkerchiefs Men'i Fin Handkerchief Pur Llnan, plain, narrow bonier. Price 25c, Joe, 50e linen handkerchief, Init ialed 33; 3 for $1.00 Silk Handkerchief!, plain 25c. 50c. 75e Silk Handkerchiefs, Init ialed 75c WE ARE SHOWING A NICE LINE OK MUFF LERS IN WHITE. BLACK ANO FANCY COLORS. $ 1.23 and $1.50 A Variety of Worth From Which lo Chow Knivao, Diamond edge. 23c. to $i;.o Roberta Safety Rntor $2.30 Cuff Link, Gold anil Pear) Tin t'lanpn, Gold and Pearl. Tin Pin. Traveling Hag. Suit Cane. Sweaters. Mackinaw. HaU. Sho. etc. Blankets What will be appreciated more at thla time of the year than a nic pair of Wool Blanket. Wool Blanket. In Blue, Tan and Grey Plaid. Tair $7.50 Wool blankets, White only, Bluo or Pink borders. Tair $9.00 Wool-Nap Blunkota, Grey or Tun. From $2.75 to $3.50 Infants, all Wool Blankets, Whlto only. From $2.75 to $3.50 Groceries IK) not forget our Gro cery Department, which Is now filled with all kinds of good thing to Eat. Phone u your order. Umbrellas Ladic Suit Cane Umbrella, two handles, interchange able $X.00 Men's Suit Cane Umbrella, two handles Interchange able ..$4.00, $4.00 A $100 Store Will be Open Until 9 O'clock in the Evening on Dec. 23 and 24. Glove Mention Men's Dress Gloves Men'sDRESS GLOVES, Colors- Light and Dark Brown and Tan ; Silk lined or unlined. Price $2.00 Fancy lined winter and outing Gloves; Genuine Seal Guantlets $4.00 Gauntlets, doghide; long curled hair $4.00 Lamb wool lined gloves $2.50 A GLOVE FOR EVERY PURPOSE Silk Petticoats Beautiful Si k Petticoat at at tractive prices. Made of splendid quality Messaline silk. with pleated or plain flounces All the most-wanted colors, from $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies Handkerchiefs Complete with all the newest is our Ladies Fancy Hdkfs. with color ed uiee Edgings, each 35c uuiies rtincy llilkts. with em broidery corner, each 35c Ludies Fancy Hdkfs. with Km broidery corners, each 50c Ladies Fancy Hdkfs. with ed iritiir of Irish Point Lice, each 65c I.adie Fancy IMkfs. ; Two in Holiday Box. Box Indies Fancy Hdkfs. ; Six in Holiday Bo. Box., $1.50 Ijulies Initial Hdkfs.. each. .35c Furs IN TIME FOR GIFT GIVING NOTE THESE PRICES! Scarf, Japanese Mink $22.50 Muff, Japanese Mink . . .$25.00 Scarf, Black Fox $20.00 Muff, Black Fox $20.00 Scarf, Long Haired Coney $4.50 Muff, Long Haired Coney $6.50 Scarf Marmoth $10.00 Muff, Marmoth $10.00 Beautiful Gift Assortment HAND MIRRORS. HAIR BRUSHES. COMBS. JEWEL BOXES. CLOTHES BRUSHES. HAIR RECEIVERS. POWDER BOXES. NAIL BUFFERS. BUTTON HOt'KS. MANICURE SETS. MILITARY BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSH HOLDERS. HAT PIN HOLDERS. TIE RACKS. PIN TRAYS AND CUSHIONS. ASSYRIAN COLD Jewel Boxes. Pin Cushions. Score Cards. Hair Receiver. VIKING SILVER Jewel Boxes. Ash Tray. Score Cards. Vase.. Picture Frames. B'xik Holders. Card Travs. S Piece Iie.-k Set. Smokers Set.