Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 11, 1914, Image 4

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    F1 i tAY, DECEMBER 11, 1911.
John Bush, who sent throe White George L. Cleaver, who was the
Orpington chickens to the Portland j Progressive candidate for Congress in
Poultry Show which was held the j the last election, left Heppner 'this
first of this week, was awarded two j morning for his home in La Grande,
prizes; a second on a hen and a third j Mr. Cleaver is a banker by profession
on a pullet. We have been remarking with an agricultural bias. He has
all along that Morrow County poultry one of the finest apple orchards in
men raise good chickens and this
seems to prove it. In the Portland
Show were exhibited birds from every
section and the best breeders in the
business were there, but John's birds
were well up towards the top. . Judge
Keeney, who will be on hand to judge ciation.
the poultry at the Morrow County
Show next month, was awarded first
premium for the best pen of Barred
the state near La Grande which con
tains over 200 acres. He has been
over in this county to dispose of a
part of his crop. While here he drop
ped into this office and asked us to
publish the following word of appre-
Thcre are some Xmas goods on Gil
liam and liisbee's snap table that are
really Hnaps. Foolish people will sell
goods that way.bul they will do it.
Mrs. Wilt and Miss Elsie Rhutt,
prominent ladies of lone, were Hepp
ner visitors the first of the week.
Marcus Kopple left for Condon last
Wednesday, where he will assist in
the management of The Grand Leader,
one of the Kopple stores.
Anyone interested in securing a
new piano will do well to drop a line
or call on me in Heppner. I represent
the Packard Piano Factory and am
prepared to oiler you a new piano at
a lower price than you con get any
where. That statement might sound
old, but if you will talk the matter
over with me, I can easily prove its
truth to you.
I will accept livestock or old pianos
or organs in exchange at a fair valua
tion. If you have a good horse or
cow that you can spare, see me, I
will give you terms to suit.
I have the instruments here and
will bring one to your home and show
you what a fine instrument we handle.
Our "Bond" pianos, named after the
President of our Company, will suit
Iho most exacting... Prices from
$185 to $."00 for uprights; Players
$550 to $850.
I live in the Ralph Jones house in
Heppner. Mail address, Heppner,
Oregon. Write me.
Heppner, Oregon.
Representing the Packard Music Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Editor of the Herald: 1
I want to express by gratitude to
the people of Heppner and vicinity
for their liberal support in the recent
election. I spent two weeks time in
the campaign and received 15,685
votes, or over 30 per cent of the regis
tered vote. The highest vote in pro
portion to the registration ever given
a Prohibitionist for Congress in the
United States.
This is not because I was the can
didate but rather because the people.
are aroused on this great reform as
never before. I consider the vote on
the Prohi Amendment one of the
greatest victories in the history of
the reform and predict that other
states will follow in rapid succession.
Most Respectfully,
Geo. L. Cleaver.
Rev. Will N. Ferris Minister.
Our Motto:
With thyself practice the utmost
strictness as touching the things that
thou shalt believe and do. Unto all
others grant the utmost liberty.
Bible School at 9:45 a. m.
Treadling at 11:00 a. m.
Sermon by pastor on the theme;
"The Incarnation of Jesus Christ." The
most important of all doctrines and
the least understood. The subject
will, be carefully treated and you
should hear it.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Midweek prayer service, Thursday,
7:30 p. m.
By Supt. S. E. Notson.
The instruction sheets are now in
my hands for the pupils who desire to
enter the industrial club work. The
following are the projects for this
year and the dates when pupils should
enroll for the work:
Poultry Club. I. Egg production,
and III. Turkey breeding, Dee. 15,
1914. II. Chicken raising, and
Turkey raising, Mar. 1, 1915.
Fruit Club. Jan. 1, 1915.
Dairy Herd Record Keeping
ject. Jan. 1, 1915.
Baking Club. Feb. 1, 1915.
Sewing Club. Feb. 1, 1015.
Potato Club. Feb. 1, 1915.
Canning Club. Feb. 1, 1915.
Corn Club. Feb. 15, 1915.
Gardening Club. Feb. 15, 1915.
Field Pea Club. March 15, 1915.
Pig Club. March 15, 1915.
Seed Grain Club. March 1015,
Pupils shoulS enroll on or before the
dates given above. The enrollment
blanks will be on hand soon. If pu
pils who contemplate entering one or
more of these lines of work will notify
me at once, I will send the teacher of
such pupils the information sheets.
If the pupils of a school will center
upon a project for the boys and one for
the girls, it is likely that better re
sults will be obtained in the club work.
This will not interfere with individual
work for the county exhibit, but it will
be better if any exhibit is to be stent
to the State Fair. Those who expect
to enter divisions I and IV of the
poultry club work should notify me at
once, either by mail or telephone, so
the enrollment can be made by the
15th of this month. Teachers and pu
pils should not delay giving considera
tion to this work.
There will be regular morning and
evening services at the Christian
Church next Sunday. Weather per
mitting, the pastor, who is holding a
meeting at Hardman will preach at
tbo Morn';'r hour.
The city has recently received a
new hoSe cart with 250 feet of hose.
If your thoughts are Christmas
bent, keep an eye on Haylor's window.
Owners of leaded rifles can now
have the same cleaned and made as
good as new by Roscoe Johnson.
Gilliam and Hisbec's snap table for
eppner G
All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly
We are agents for
Ford, Overland and Mitchell
Salem, Ore., Dec. 7. The heads of
the state insane asylums are drafting
a payroll law that will result in re
ducing by 200 the number of patients
kept at state expense.
Marshfield is planning a new city
Greendale, Lake county, is organiz
ing a co-operative well-drillers' association.
In Washington the Blue Sky law
was defeated at the polls, as it was in
Oregon when first proposed.
The Tillamook cheese product for
1914 will total 4,101,962 pounds.
About the only cities in the state
that are not able to reduce tax levies
are those conducting publicly owned
Central Oregon irrigation projects
are planning to get $450,000 from
reclamation funds.
The fight to cut state evpenses half
a million and to limit introduction of
bills to five for each member is re
ceiving unanimous support from the
statep ress.
The Newberg cannery closed with a
pack of 500,000 cans.
Oregon City claimes lowest tax levy
in the Willamette Valley.
To get idle men employed upon the
land is one of the problems to come
before the legislature.
A $20,000 brick will displace the old
Comstock hotel at Klamath Falls.
At Ashland the Home Steam
Laundry has put in a new steam press.
A new county office sought to be
created by the legislature is public
Concrete work has started on the
Southern Pacific Bridge across Coos
North Bend banks are cashing more
pay checks than ever before.
The Working Men's Compensation
Commission law, asks for more than a
million dollars from the state and in
dustries for next two years.
Business is Good
Palace Hotel
You will find china and crockery
ware at your own price on Gilliam and
Bisbee's snap table.
uecipe ('urrin left for Portland last
Tuesday, where he went to attend the
Good Krids convention.
H. M. Olden, a well-to-do rancher
near lone, was a Heppner visitor last
. Stop and look at Gilliam and Bis-
noes store window, it there are no
(iuina Pigs there Is something else
that might surprise you.
L. V. Gentry was at the station last
Turtilay to get his wife and mother
safely on the trt.ni. They were bound
for Twin FUIii, Idaho.
A. Harlow came in from Parker's
j Mill last Tuesday and left the follow
ing day for Portland.
I'lans ami Uttimiit, I'lirnixlml for All Kinds of Duildings.
I irst Class Work Oki.
(i '' inllii of and I hire CompUte
i'.auipiiient for
If you don't know what is in Gil
Ham and Hisheo's store window it is
to your interest to stop and see. You
ought to know.
TERMS-Small Payment Down
Stop Paying Rent Money Into Scmbody's Pocket. Cvn Your twn
Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. '.' .' .' .'
Notice F
Why pay big prices to have your wells drilled
when Nichoson & Buffington will drill them for
$1 to $3 per foot and furnish everything.
3 Machines 20 Years Experience
Nichoson & Buffington
lone, Oregon
Harry Hodson, a former fireman on
the brunch, is visiting friends in Heppner.
Golden West Week
Jay Hintt of CarrolHon, Wash., well
known here, is reported to have recent-1
ly suffered a severe injury when a
piece of steel entered his eye while he
was chopping wood.
1 That stove window at Gilliam and
J , Itishce's is out of the ordinary; some-
thing funny there, stop and see it.
j Also see their clock window, it
2 shows you the time all over the world.
Gresham is to be connected with
Portland by hard surface road.
Last half of November coast ports
shipped 17,000,000 feet of lumber to
By eliminating the useless 1915
census the state will save $100,000.
Working men's Compensation Com
mision asks salaries for two years of
$90,720. State Labor Commissioner j
collects $21,000. These two bodies j
are to be consolidated.
Curleton boasts a new steel bridge i
and eight blocks paving. ;
Another attempt is to be made to !
enact the universal eight hour law. j
Linn county has no debt and a re- j
duced tax levy.
Silverton has more buildings going ;
up and taxes coming down.
A 31 lb. gold brick was brought out ,
of the Ogle mine, Clackamas County, !
the past week.
Portland gave a local firm of con-;
tractors the big Shattuck School con-1
tract over a lower bidder in Montana.
A modern two and a half story con
crete duiry barn for 100 cows will be !
built at Rose City.
Lents has $75,000 in new buildings
going up.
The Celilo canal is being rushed to
completion with 8,"0 men.
City Meat Market
Retail Butcher
Fat Stock Always Wanted et Market Prices.
Phone 563
Peoples' Cash Market
Open for business under new and experienced management,
Solicits and will appreciate your patronage.
Fresh and Cured Meats
On Short Notice
New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me
to do youi work on time. We work 24 hours per day
and lull sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are
paying lor small wells. I will have one machine
in the lone district Shortly. II you want
satisfactory work done on time address
me at Lexington, Oregon.
W. D. Newlon
is assured an electric light
5 Ponds $1.50
N)W is l'.K ttr.v t; Buy.
1 Pound 35c
nr.c. 7 to DEC. 12
Sam Hughes Co.
: : 77;T(;.V l:i oV.Ti:i .t. (7.:. Wh.l) . ;
ROOMS 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
CooJ Stoves in Rooms Private Parlor lor Ladies
Cl'.Ni'RAt.I.Y I .OCA IT D Main Street, Two
doors south of post ollice
1 Gold Hill secures a ten year light
ing contract.
F. W. Podge of the Rogue River
public service corporation reports tn
rease from f00 to l."00 horse power.
Men & Lather are going to give
i'orest Grove a creamery and ice
r.-ream factory.
c. n v 7 , ' Hotel I-aui'hlin at Forest Crovt,
mates on that new bungalow, rottagr ;
or hsrn you are going to build
I'ntimalr and inquiries cost you nmh.
Kg- :
The Oregon Slate Fair board atks
The rti
ly Kev. li
Juke IVarson's son. Wiley, was
brought to townl ast Tuesday, suffer
ing from symptoms of appendicitis.
He is recovering now ami will proli
nhly recover without undergoing an
Best Meals in the City and at
the most reasonable prices
Everything neat and clean
Short orders served in uick and satisfactory style
t mlucted at Itardman
-il.fr and wife, of the
Andrew Kennedy will build a coal
i luiuitlir.g plant at North Bend.
Tor 1 12:1. 6.. S to erect new buildings in
growing interest. There have Wen
good audiences from the beginning.
Services will continue over next Sun
has lowered city and school
Archie Mason, contractor is puhing
nurd surfacing of a mile of Milwaukie
road. Cost SI .'.,0O0. ,
An Ashland firm has begun manu
farturing a folding crate to ship vege
table and fruit. , ,
The legislature will tackle covering
$''.'7,000 fees now collected by state
olhi iuls into the general fund.
This is a Personal Invitation
To the People of Morrow County
When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil
Metschan, Located on Washington Street at
Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right
in the Heart of the City. '
The Imperial Hotel
Reasonable Rates