FRIDAY. OEfKMBER 4, 1314. i;f kh it ttEEPKER HEftALf), HEfrrNER. OREGON. 1 -J ' 111 . ' w ill This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in IN.rlland Slop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Droadway, formerly 7lli .St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates BRUM WELL DRILLING n Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do yoiii work on time. We work 24 hours per day and lull sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are pavin;: lor small wells. I will have one machine in tin: lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lcxinfilon, Oregon. W. D. NEWLON ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices. I'lione 5(53 Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCllWARZ, Proprietor () fur ImxiiirM mult r liar awl c.r)wrirurril moiiourmcnt, Suliril" cuil will a )ir(ritlt' ijoiir iKilnninjr, Fresh and Cured Meats THE HE19 SOLICITS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT $1.50 PER YEAR 104 LIVELY ISSUES jMsftagai i. i mil" i 11 1 1 f i rnxxwa SHHaauw THE HERALD ti m 14 s Reaches You While The News IS NEWS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL (). M. Veneer, Architect and Builder.! H cr CD HQ o cd k o c O 3 o CD 3 CD 0) J. 15. Sparks recently sold his Stude ! baker "4" to Frank Nash. ' Ed. Brown transacted business the I'gg City Wednesday. I A. Harlow of Parker's Mill was in IJ.eppner Tuesday on business. Ora Adkins and wife were in yes terday with their new Ford. Mrs. Dell Ward is visiting her moth er. Mrs. Jenks south of town. C. II. Hams, the hotel proprietor of Hardman, was in thee ity Tuesday. Walter Orr of Eightmile has been sick with pneumonia the past week. If your thoughts are Christmas' bent, keep an eye on Haylor'a window Geo. Blcakman, the Hardman store keeper, was in Tuesday with his car. Matt Hughes was in the city yes- i tcrday from the Parker's Mill coun try. John Jenkins was in to see our friend Sam Hughes or supplies Wed nesday. i: Guy French of Butter Creek has few been in Hcppncr for the past days. Don't fail to see "Bunny's Scheme" at the Star Theatre, Sunduyn ight. It's great. Mrs. S. P. Devin was brought back to town Wednesday, from the Skinner Creek ranch. Jim Huddleston is enjoying a visit from his brother, T. II. Huddleston, of Seattle, Wash. I'Olt SALE I have a few choice Lincoln Rucks in ITrppncr for sale. See Frank Huberts. Mrs. F. P. Vaughn left yesterday fur n visit with her parents who live at Centralia, Washington. C V. Cropp, Emmett Cochran and i Postmaster Ed Keeney of Monument were Hcppncr callers Tuesday. II. Howell has concluded his ser vices at the Palace and is now open for offers of employment. ('has. Sperry, the well known Egg City grain buyer was in the county Reat the first of the week. Marshal McCraw has been measur ing and oiling the hoso belonging to the (Ire department, a good iden. Ft) It house ; KENT Small coin fori ahli very reasonable. Mrs. Jesse Hall. Andy Hood Jr. has been feeling bad l. IT- ,1 . 1 ft ; uuciy. lie snys uini uu much night air on hi recent hunting trip. I am an agent for Mrs. Summers', famous home remedies. Samples' sent on request. Mrs. Hardest jr. j i Morgan, Oregon, I I Chan. Fuller, one of our prominent ' wheat and chicken raisers on Mr- Kinney Creek, came to town last Tups i day for supplies. ' J. T. Knnpenlerg of lone hns nn ' ill this this week in thp Herald which , J nil stockmen should rend. It menus just whnt it says. Pnn Kice pulled into town today with his stolen team. Pan dues not 'eel half so interested in that team us another party In town. l or rif runs and rag rarpel nest ing and also rims from old Ingrain rarpvla, see the Hrppnrr rarr )ul south of the t'alhollf Church. I Hr UTr l ( III t( II Kev. Will N. Ferris Minister. Our Motto: Wuh thvelf ptactur the tiiniosl irtrtncss as ttnn hing the things that hou hha'it belie f and do. I'ntn all Ibers grsnt the utniosl liberty. liiM S.h.M.I t fit.', a. ni. I'lv.i. hmg at 1 1 :Pn a. ni. t hustian r'ndmnr, lt;".n p. m. I'renchttig at p. m.t Mulwrvk pis)rr Hiikr,, y. in. Keep Your Special cd o CD c pad 3 O n That Will Appear SOON R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON I. f-r- 3 V) o 3 o do CD cd -t X o 3 CD H CD CO o 9r CJ O J! ace 3 5T o c X o 3 CD CD - CD P O c O CD rf H a DJ (A For CD r-t-3 3 ! CD OQ CD pi :rty. Eyes Open for the Announcement Business is Good -AT THE-- alace Hotel IF YOU SEE IT IN THE HERALD YOU KNOW IT IS SO. HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody'a Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. . .' .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE Farmers Why pay big prices to have your wells drilled when Nichoson & Buffington will drill them for $1 to $3 per foot and furnish everything. 3 Machines 20 Years Experience Nichoson & Buffington lone, Oregon Sale A one and one-half horse power Stover Gasoline Engine at this office. Has been replaced by electric motor. In good condition. Ur,ed only five months. Pr ice is cheap and terms will h ) given to any responsible YHE HERALD v.