.ly.mLii, nr.fi'ir,K, imWiUii. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1914. E. G. HARLAN EDITOR an indi.pi;nii.n r ni:w: papi k TUFSDAYS ainl IKIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION L HEPPNER HERALD . K. HARLAN MANAGER MRS. WILLIAM MIT( HELL An Apiii ci;i(inn There i:s ;ui M story about ;n Eastern man who went 'i'-t to seek his fortune. He search ed for wealth in the Rockies. He pitched his tent, and for weeks prospected on the very spot where later was discovered a vein of the richest ore ever found. He kicked over the precious ore every inoi ninj,', noon and niht, and finally pulled up slakes and went on, hunting for "How did you feel when you heard what you missed," was asked of him. "A fool should not expect a wise man's i ay," he replied. And so it tfoes. In all humanity there seema to he that feelin;; that the rare and good must! he searched for somewhere in the distance. We lose sight of the fact that discovery should first start at home. Oftentimes the realization of the worth, integrity and steadfastness of. those with whom we live comes to us by some shock, (hath for instance. Such is the case in the passing of Mrs. William Mitchell of Hepp-ner. Mrs. Mitchell was trained in the hard school of adversity; taught to do things, to do without things and to do for herself. She experienced all the privations of the pioneer, doming to this state in the year 185"., when there were but few scattered settlements, she shouldered her share of the problem of making a home. The thoughts of her and her husband, both gone forever, recall to our minds the days of the old stage coach, of the times when the pony express was considered a marvel of quickness and despatch, of ox-teams and of occasional Indian scares and a hurried trip to The Dalles and of all the customs of the early days now gone never lo return. Over on the Umatilla River they built the first little cabin in 1X5'.). Many a tired and thirsty traveler stopped at their home for food and shelter and no one was ever turned away. The Mitchell home was the Hague of the com munity and to it men came to settle their dis putes, invariably referring the matter to Mr. Mitchell. It was also the social and religious meeting place for miles around. When Uma tilla County was formed from Wasco County, Mr. Mitchell was one of it t first Commissioners. Then when settlers came in and the need of another county was seen, Monvvv County was formed from Umal ilia county ami the first judge which the people elected was Mr. Mitchell. Mrs. Mifehll was one of those beings who ap pear 1 1 once perhaps in a generation to gild humanity with a ray which no difference of opinion nor change o circumstance can cloud. With her passing we feel as though one of the links holding I he present with the oast has been loosened. The old order of things, with all their associations and traditions which we hold dtar are rapidly moving out into the beyond and ere long nothing lmt their memory will serve to recall and freshen them in our minds. We of the prist nl little appreciate the initial work done in this gnat state by the men ami women of the generation which areu ov taking thiir sd. nt l aw. The ordinary Tilings of life which sci m to us. trivial and unimportant were luxuriis whuh the pioneers never knew. Yes, it is I rue we live in a diU'ei'int world, anil yet but a few years removed from their's. Life is change, life is a fluid which constantly moves on ami with it the wide life of humanity. Men come and go but their lives add !t (he blessings of the wot hi, making this a lietler and easier place in whuh I i live i.p.d surely among those whose nsim now appear as having done their work is tin n aid,' ,.; Mrs. W.lhain Mitchell. (I . HONOR I'l TILS In Ui"' i - ic m' the lb-raid we are printing the h. t of II Pap;!;. These students have ii"t Imn lii'1'. in' ale, nl duimi, ;iie month of N'om n-lie:'. I ' tr.my v.-p. this does not tut an i i'ii I', t i -l ie pep,!., it noes not mean mil' h, ail i'l v.!. nil i.. to be lApei'ted. A .'.hnit t en .!' i we happened to .see an litl c I .i on el ni ;N liK'ei 'soil Watch in which SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 be satisfied with less than a High School edu cation. The requirements of the professions, of high-salaried positions and all positions of trust are demanding at least a High School education. Mnce a mgn acnooi education nas been placed within the reach of all, it is con cluded that when an applicant for a responsi ble position states that he did not finish High School, he is a laggard, inefficient and not am bitious and one not to be trusted with import ant affairs. We should like to see every boy and girl's name on the next list of Honor Pupils. This is something within the reach of everyone and stands for their best, and to be satisfied with anything less than our best is to follow in a rut which gets wider as we travel it and which gradually widens so that to emerge from it is impossible. To get on the list shows that you are working for the future and it is the future that counts, never build on last week. Let's jcc your name next month. HOUSE AM) LOT FOR SALE Located in South Heppner and in order to dispone of same in the next two weeks I am offering same at a remarkably low price. House has six rooms with bath, sleeping porch, sur rounded by fruit trees and berry hnuhrs. Fenced in chicken yard. In quire of the owner, C. T. Humphries, or Herald office. I THE OLD RELIABLE F O It RENT Nice place at (Hex, Gilliam County. 668 acres boltom land, nice orchard. 80 acres hill and bench land has been farmed, about 200 acres in all. Will rent or sell cheap on time payments. I L. O. RALSTON, Owner, 608 Market St., Portland. o A Few Words For The Council We want to say a few kind words about the City Council. Especially in connection with their work in keeping the town clean during the past year. We have heard many people say that the city never appeared better in their re membrance than it did during the past year. To a great extent this is due to the influence of the Council. The oiling of the streets has proved a great blessing. Several physicians have remarked that there has been less sick ness this summer than usual, due largely to the absence of dust, the greatest foe to health. There is no other Eastern Oregon town of lleppncr's size, that we know of, which has all of its city streets oiled. And next year we are going to oil them better, because we have learn ed a thing or two about the business. The City Council was also instrumental in the erection of the permanent fair buildings and for this work need to be remembered. For the cleaning of the lots in its vicinity they deserve praise. J he cutting ot weeds, repairing oi sidwalks, leveling and filling streets, all clone in a first-class manner. And their reward is usually in adverse ratio to the benefits that they confer upon the town. No councilman 'need thank a voter for his office ; better the voter thank the Councilman for the handling of his and his neighbor's business in a wise, conservative and business-like manner. Remember the Council. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. In the city of Hcppner, Oregon. There is a good restaurant in Hepp ner for sale. Located on Main Street jand doing a first class business. It lis well equipped with everything i necessary to do the business.. .Clean land neat in every particular.. .There are some household effects which will go in the sale, all new and useable 1 articles.. .The right man can take this place and make money, as it is a money maker now and you know what It is to buy a business paying well, Just drop a line to the owner or bet ter yet, stop in and talk it over with him... He is desirous of making a j change. j Yours for business, GONG LANE is still ready to serve its patrons to the best of GOOD EATS Phelps Grocery Co. J. H. COX PROFESSIONAL COLUMN , F. DYE, DENTIST I'emanently located In Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and G. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings. First Class Work Only. I Make a Specialty of and Have Complete Equipment for House Moving tin . 1 1 1 1 r v .1 . h .' 1 1 - n;,i. that i; e it v ,i impii. . I.u ti'i'it . h.ue di'iii' 1 li ; i m n : i linnh and III lli.MI) pl.n i hill i In fi if lulli money .spent 1'i'iti put tn t.o t U III I I 'l.lll. I llllld with I liV I, live i l!ll t In 1 1 r lu ll.t lia.-t hi lt r II e. pl"lll'!l'i but w In II hi : HUH :. t hat pl.n t il. I'' .1 :! ndi lit III. II tn be at ; ii'i'l el! tllllC I'm' a ii.iinCi t"n a j.: ie.it dial. It t an euly It. Milt ri ( I. It ha. bull ii'.im rvi'tl that .'tiidilit v l!n )' t to t lu'i'l till tune and every day do nit tii"i I'M! in I lie er,i'lc-i, but go nil and liiu h llu I the cheapness of I'loi i r i "ill. I afford to own ii iu. ii everywhere is now i i'ii a - -tcinatic schedule, le. In some in-jnf it we call the attention of nicnilcrs of the away with their ! Commercial Club. nave tioiie away th. (1 '1 lie l,i v note of modern business is V i, ..hi p., iv be late inn e or tw ice I . I. lie the tlnld t;nie the bn.t, hs ii h.t t he habit and he is dis- liet bti'v with the Christmas shtttiping. Hcppner. the Cijsanthemum City. Dr. II. T. ALLISON ! PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, Oregon Heppner G arage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly A Commendable Convention Three boys have just returned from a Roys' ('(invention. This Convention has for its pur pose the development of leaders among boys, which as wes ee it is right, proper and all in the line of common-sense. It has been said that trust and power gravitate to those who can use them. Irresponsible and shiftless individuals never can hopet o get up in the Leaders League. To be a leader implies that responsibility must be met. The time to train a boy to shoulder responsibility is when he is young. And there are a thousand ways or doing th,s. It has been said that the reason we have so many irresjion- sible people in this world is because they never were intrusted with any work that developed thw sense of resixmsibility. The "Bad boy" is riniply a good boy who does the wrong thing. (Jive him a brood of chickens to care for or a garden plot from which he can handle as his own that which he raises. If you live in the country, give him a calf or n colt which he can call his own. (Jive the daughter a dozen tur keys or some geese, let her feed them, care for them and market them and put the money to her credit at the bank. Let them know that the welfare of those animals are in their keep ing and you w ill be surprised how they will meet conditions and learn what responsibility means. There is an old saying which one of our Revolutionary fathers is given the credit fur first uttering ami is to the effect that if we don't hang together, we will most assuredly hang separately. Not a bad thing to remem ber, we think and to the earnest consideration H s 1 (We are agents for y Ford, Overland and Mitchell Aiif nmnhilps. a Dr A P CULIJERTSON B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & IB"BBSi- " ilMifllHIiHi'i milllEMn Hcppner, - Oregon. 1 ,P C!! H Cw E OpM Uveal ; Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO I pSSjfC R PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS I 'i-Tff fl "" nr. i' r. i 11 it i. i r. mts i ir vc v'-J-- xt DENTIST 9 ZZ Heppner, Oregon i Offices with B tl Drs. Wlnnard & McMurdo C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. iSAM E, VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon Hundred-dollar men have to look for posi tions but to get a ten-thousand-dollar man you will have to go out and seek them yourself. O Consider the semi-weekly as a present. Many are. a S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House, Heppner, Ore. WELLS & NYS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW J Heppner, Oregon KNAITENRERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COIM ELOKS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER (Inly complete set of abilrict books in Morrow County. HEPPNER. OREGON ' IOR PINE IPVO-OATE HOMES T. ('. DENNISEE. ARCHITECT AN 3 CONTRACTOR. offer you stoves of every description THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE RANGE (Which has no equal) down to a $9.00 Cook Stove Heaters from $2.00 to $40 Note the parts of the New Mission Heater for wood and coal, has duplex grates the same as a Steel Range. If you want something to make a fire in Come In And See Us a We will be glad to show you what we have Gilliam & Bisbee l.Ol'IS I'EARSON TAILOR .Irppnrr. Oregon. S. !w- I. No .sMm nt should I I'.uy jour pitM'tits in Hcppner. DR. RRAZEAl.E, D. V. M. I'TY STOCK INSPECTOR in: The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Hank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.00 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated Pino. Oregon.