PCE FOl'K HEPPK'ER HERALD, HEPPN'FR, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1014 This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Slop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7lh St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel LOCAL ANDJPERSONAL Ed Brown was a business visi tor in lone yesterday. j Tete Farley left Heppner yes j terday for a trip back East. Pete will go first to New York land will then visit many cities and places of interest. Wm. Matlock of Portland came in last Saturday night. l Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap Phelps Grocery Co. Elmer Hunt went to Portland yesterday on business. Reasonable Rales Lee Sloeum was in from Slocum's Mill yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Farren and children were in the county seat over night during the last week-end, from their home in the west end of the county. Dan Fugleman came up with Frank Hall in the latter's ma chine from lone last Saturday and spent Sunday in Heppner, j returning Monday morning. WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do you work on time. Wc work 24 hours per day and lull sized G inch hole at the same price you are paying for small wells. I will have one machine in the lone dist rict Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lexington, Oregon. . D. NEWLON 500 posts for Company. sale Phelps Grocery Ralph Jones left Heppner for Ontario, Monday morning. Guy Boyer and V. Gentry were Heppner visitors yesterday. Sloan Thomson drove in yes- terday with Miss Georgia Perry, who has been at the Thomson ranch on Butter Creek, that she might visit her sick mother. Keep Your Eyes Open for the Special Announcement That Will Appear SOON R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON Car of Yakima potatoes just re ceived Phelps Grocery Co. Miss Jesse Vickers returned, Sunday from a visit in Condon. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. Jack DeVore, continues very ill. E. G. Harlan is back at his desk in The Herald office. E. G. i managed to win a turkey at the ! E. W. Rhea home on Butter Creek at a shoot last week and the Herald family has been liv-; ing in style the past couple of 1 days.' ; ELKHORN RESTAURANT Hesl Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style WANTED Two or three rooms for 1 light housekeeping . .Inquire at this I office. Royal Wakefield went to The Dalles yesterday for a visit with friends. ! Arlington is to have a rream i cry. The matter was definitely ; ! settled at a meeting held there i last week. The money has been i subscribed, a suerintendent of ; construction has been employed and is on the ground, and the' proposition is a sure go. City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock AlwaysWanled at Market Prices. Phone 563 !nBojEirciK3a2Bs Mrs. Roy Glascock is spend- Marion Round came in yester ing a few days with her parents ! day irdn Monument and left in The Dalles. this morning for Salem and will j bring his son back home. It will See Knappenberg of lone for milch I he remembered that he broke j cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms , MS leg on the tourttl ot July and to responsible parties. Has nacl climculty in its healing. Thanksgiving was celebrated at Clyde Bock's by the arrival of a new daughter. Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open fur hitsinrsN under new and. experienced management, Solicit and will appreciate ijuur patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats Mrs. Oscar Borg returned from an extendea visit in Port land the first of the week. WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 tons good wheat hay for sale Phelps Grocery Co. The dates of the Poultry Show have been- deflinitely settled. They will be the 6, 7, 8 and 9 of January and the premium lists arc now being rushed through the job department of the Herald and will be ready for distribu tion tomorrow. Remember the Poultry Show. J. E. Forter, a prominent Monument rancher, was in the city yesterday for supplies. M. F. Maxwell, the postmaster jat Parker's Mill, returned the ! first of the week from Portland. 0. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder. 1HE HERALD SOLICITS 1R SUBSCRIPTION AT S1.50 PER YEAR 104 LIVELY ISSUES Frank Parker Jr. left Hepp ner yesterday for Dayton, Wash., where he will install a heating apparatus. Rev. Orr arrived in Heppner last Saturday and preached in the M. K. Church South, Sun iday evening. Notice to Members The entertainment committee j of the I. (). O. F. Lodge wishes to inform members of the order ; that they have arranged some ! special stunts for the regular ! meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) j night, and promise the members some interesting entertainments. Notice to Customers. I am now able to accomodate all my customers as I have my old barn ready for line. W. T. McKoberl. The O.-W. U. & Co. has secured the services of Mrs. Elinor Mencham Red inirton as Traveling Lecturer on 1 I Apple Cookery. i Mrs. KcdinKton is a typical western ; ! woman, a daughter of an OreRon Roy Ashbaugh, n Well known I pioneer, Col. A. M. Meacham. She is wheat rancher in the Eightmile ;, K,alunto of Willamette University country, was in the city yester- nni ms i.,. a teacher of Art and :day on business. WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 Ions good wheat liny for Male I'helpa Grocery Co. The Stapleton wagons were hauling feed from town yester jday. They are feeding 180 porkers near town. Domestic Science ruich of her life. The O.-W. R. & N. held an apple Cookery Contest at the Spokane National Apple Show the week of November lii-21 at which Mrs. Red inirlon viM deliver two lectures daily and (rive lessons on apple cookery. Immediately follnwinj; the Apple Show at Spokane Mrs. Keriington started out on a trip over our lines, Mrs. Hollo Bucknam, of Raker j?'"rP'R r''ipl P""". and triv City, came in Saturday evening THE H ERALD to he at the bedside of her moth- ' -nipl.-te iliiwrHry. etc., w, b, an- er, Mrs. Luanda Elder. nounced later. Some people cheat Nature by occu- Miss Georgia Perry left this' pyinlf , space than they are worth. morning for her parents home near Lone Rock. Mrs. Perry is very ill at the present time. wp jti iM Business is Good -AT THE- P alace Hotel IF YOU SEE IT IN THE HERALD YOU KNOW IT IS SO. HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. . .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE I Notice Farmers j Why pay big prices to have your wells drilled when Nichoson & Buffington will drill them for $1 to $3 per foot and furnish everything. 3 Machines 20 Years Experience Nichoson & Buffington lone, Oregon ' iiiK leL-ons on apple cookery. The I Opportunity consists in doing the things that others overlook. For rat ruica and rir carpet weav ing anil bIho ruira from nUI invraiu carpel, we the Heppner weaver Just wl" 1,'"nl l" h"w south of the Catholic Church. I If you associate with wolves, you Charles Jones and family went 1 to The Hallos yesterday. Mr.1 Jones went as the Heppner dele-; gate to the Partners I'nion meet-! ing. r or Sale Reaches You While The News IS NEWS. Harry Turner is building a new burn and erecting some new fences on his ranch in Sand Hollow and is fixing thing up generally. Oscar Keithley left yesterday .'or The Hallos where lie will at tend the Farmers I'nion meet ing now in progress. Ho is the F.ightmile delegate. I m in (rnt for Mr. Summer' fimou home nmnlim, Simple cM on rrqurM. Mm. llruVtjr, Mitrgmt, Oregon. Mr. Dallas, and Mrs. Phillips, of who have been spending ft I ' yY 1 V, ! Ill i - iTM-iWMHIl IT- mWm I J-C'"",,.r-j 15. r. KKKNKY the past two w,ks at the Claud u , iC ,ht Poultry Fx Huston homo in F.ghtmde. left , ., . h Third Annu mir Mrs lln.tnn i. ,i,.,,..M,.r Morrow ( otinty I oultry Mrs. Huston is a daughter 1 A one and one-half horse power Stover Gasoline Engine at this office. Has been replaced by electric motor. In good condition. Used only five months. Price is cheap and terms will be given to any responsible party. THE HERALD Show i of Mr. and Mrs. Philips. I