I (GOOD GOODS) ; Our XM AS GOODS are now being placed on display, and we would advise you to make your selec tion: early, as " the "assortments -are much better .now than--- at the last- moment. INDUSTR1A I RE OF OREGON Vltw Bids are to be taken Dec. 15 on the Portland . Million dollar JJUSlOlllLe. I " ..v-WOOU.J W .The. Dalles postoffice building rreY" aim- BS.tne K,rl 18 U3UaI'y on 7K nnn '" the job and will shift the tareet so WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 36 inch Taffeta and Poplin Silks in -, most desirable . shades at - - 98c WISE AND OIK FOR SAI.F 1 ll!iv 9 rw rhn: Lincoln Bucks in Ueppner for sali Set; Erank Roberts. ..... . -.. , Editor of the Herald; .. I wculd like to know if it is neces sary to take, careful aim when kissing a girl Andy Rood Jr. Dear Mr. Rood: As a rule it is not necessary to take NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior. United States Land Office ct The Dalles, Ore- Those parties di-slring turkeys or other poultry for Thankssrivine- are requested to leave orders on or before ' gon, November 2 1914. next . Saturday. November 21. ..Do- Knti,. ..;., j.- livery will be made on the day before rected by the Commissioner of the Tknl...r: i . ..., . . the job and will shift the target so you can t mrss. '"' " Editor Herald. ' The following 'incident was related 000 on water supply, from Lewis Prof: .Dok of Lexington by his and Clark river.. , , brother,' Prof. DoaR of lone'.. ...It senia. is to cost $75,000 i . Coast Lumber shinments last half ,of October readier 29,528.t. 000 feet. . .. ,. Warrenton will spend $150,- Thanksgiving. The undersigned will appreciate it if his customers will com ply with the above request. People's Cash Market. .Henrj Schwartz, Prop. auu Witt river, ,. . . .. . ; w ws'... Silverton is nlannimr cluster as lf the incident happened lights for its Drincmal streets. .. English class. Vic- Groshen Ice uiu beer, Either Bottle or - Draughty To Quench The; - Thirst These Hot . - ... Summer ------ Days Heppner, Oregon -White-K iver Flour MADE FROM Morrow County's Finest Bluestem : the Best Milling Wheat Known. j For Sale by the Sack, Barrel or carload I lots. :: : The O.-W. E'.& N. will snpnd $140,000 on roundhouses at The Dalles. , , Frye & Co.) Seattle Packers, will erect a market in Portland. Oregon Citv ' reduces"' sr-hnnl tax'levy from. 8.3 to 5.7 mills. l ne noke cannery at Medford has done a good business' and will enlarge its plant for 1915.' " Wyerhauser interests' ' that own twenty billion feet of tim ber in the Clearwater district are looking for a mill site on the Snake River, ... County, city and school tax ing all over the state are whit tling down levies. Amen. . The coming legislature should pass resolutions limiting the number of bills to be introduced by each senator or representa tive to five and no, more. . Klamath Falls arid Eugene are fighting for lower tax levies. , The' Medford postofftce , is . to be built . of Jackson county, lime stone or sandstone.. . .. Nov. 28 Gresham and five school districts vote, on, a muni cipal' high school. ' Silvertson Interurban " Tele phone Co, has been granted the right to increase its rates. Mayor Vincent and a com mittee are working for a munici pal water plant at St. Johns. -All laws to interfer with in dustries were snowed under and should be kept under by the com ing legislature. ... " Oregon has 7 candy factories and 257 bakeries. Medford Owens Bors! of Eau Clarie, Wis., are planning to build a sawmill on Bear Creek. Klamath Falls T1PW pniivf house' costincp sinnnrm nnfiri Yin- completion. Halfway bonds voted to erect a $5,000 schoolhouse Salem Insane .Asylum . asks $774,711 appropriation, or $160, 353 more, than for present bien nial period. Marion and Pdk counties will build a $225,00 steel bridge at Salem. . Roseburg will build a munici- pai ieea Darn Prof, Doak, "John, what . nart of speech is, I love my teacher?" John, "Sarcasm." , .,, The following poetry was found in Heppner,, High- School boy's note book: - - Thew are meters of accen t And meters of tone: But the best oi all meters " " Is to nieet'er alone. ' Profossor Hoffman relates in metri cal form an experience of his vears ago when he' was going' to school. This is the way he expressed it to tis: A larmer in a ehem. ltitv etmmH - And (oh it's sad to telll Mixed glycerine with N20, ' And blew the J 2 L If you watch the football players, rou will mighty soon be shown: That every little movement,. Has a signal all its own. PHILL C0HN, Heppner,,0regon hospital to . hold two hundred .patients. . Portland Flourinc Mills erect a warehouse at Albany Marsftncld will establish in an FARM MACHINERY FOK SALE. I have rented my ranch and have the -following articles for sale: wagons and racks; 1 Superior drill;- 2 hacks; 1 buggy; water tank; several sets" harness; blacksmith out fit;. 1 double disc; 1 single disc; 1 header; also have 16 foot Holt com bine., which I will sell at a bargain. A number of good work horses and a 4-year-old Percheron stallion, if for sale General Land Office, under Drovision of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the application of Patrick Curran, Ser ial number 013273, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 9:15 o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of December, 1914, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: EV-iSEU, Sec. 10, T. IN, R. 25 E. Willamette Meri dian. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or ob fac tions, on or before the time designated you wish anything in this line meet me at the ranch or see me in Hepp ner and I will take you to the ranch in my car, . tf. SPENCER AKERS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE. - OF- OREGON ' FOR MORROW COUNTY M. i Elliott and Chris )"..' Erickson, Plaintiffs,. ) vs. ' ' ") " L. E. Tillotson, Caribe!) Tillotson. ..Mnrv Ii. Tn.l STTTuMnvc holz, Francis- .Buholz,) ... Dorothea Buholz and ) Elinore Buholz, also ) Mary L. Buholz, ) To L. E. Tillotson, .Caribe Tillotson, Mary Buholz, Francis ..Buholz,' Dorothea Buholz and Elinore Buholz, ' Mary L. , Buholz, Guardian of Dorothea and Elinore Buholz, De fendants: ' . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF .OREGON,- you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of Plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled court and cause- on or before six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons and If you. fail to 80 aDDear or answer. Plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint, which is an follows: ...For judgment against the defend ants, h E. Tillotson, Caribel Tillotson, Mary L. Buholz, L.. Buholz, Francis Buholz. Dorothea Buholz, and Elinore Buholz. Multnomah county will erect a alao Mary L- Buholz. Kuardiun of isnit.nl tn . VinlH Dorotheo. and Elinore Buholz for the Jtollowing sums, to-wit: For the sum Will u0'00 witn interest thereon at fit - ' L 1 . nm ui jwr rent per annum from thm lot Aav nf fnK 101 A luttiHiinuju wm esiaonsn a coffee club and free employment 3 Princ'Pal nole-for the further lum uf Jf.n Of) urllh intir..l it the rU of eight per cent, per annum from the 1st day of March, 11Z, on the firt of said interest SUMMONS. IS" THe'CIKCI'IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY Viola -Jackson, ) Plaintiff. ) , . vs ) SUMMONS George Jackson, ) Defendant. ) To George Jackson, the above nam id defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re luired to appear and answer the Cor.-, ilaint filedr-ngainst you in the above mtitled suit on or before six weeks from the 20th day of November, 1914. to-wit: on or before the 1st day of January, 1915, and if you fail to so ippear or answer the plaintiff wil' .ipply to. the Court, fur the relief de manded in the Complaint herein, to wit: for judgment and decree of the Court forever dissolving the Bonds of natrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant-and for the 'are, custody and control of Ada Jackson, the minor child of the plain tiff and defendant, and for such other md further relief as may be equitable wm: iusl. Y'ou are thorefnre. hnrnliv nntin.,l that if you fail to so appear or answer hecomplaint as above required the aiid plaintiff will apply to the Court Tor. the relief- demanded in said Com plaint.,, . .,-Thi.s Summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for nx consecutive weeks in the Heppner Herald, a semi-wee";ly newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Jregon, published at Heppner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 19th day of November, 1914, hy the Honorr.Me (I. C. 1'at.ter ion, County Judge of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and the date of the first puunealiori oi - this Summons is I November 20. 191-1. and thn dnlu of. I wo H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Abigal Van Horn, has been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Robert Van Horn, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has duly qaiihed lor such trust. All persons holding claims against the said estate are herebv notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at tne oitice ot Sam E. Van Vector, my attorney, in Heppner. Oreeon. on or before six months from the dnt.o nf the first publication hereof. Dated and first published this 6th day of November, A. D. 1914. ABIGAL VAN HORN Administratrix of the estate of Robert Van Horn, Deceased. x NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon.administrator of the estate of Michael Mulvey, deceased and haB qualified as such. All persons having claims ngainst said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me duly verified as by law required at the office of C. E. Wood son in the city of Heppner,' Morrow County, Oregon, within six months from date of first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time this 30th day of October, 1914. P. J. O'ROURKE, Administrator. publication of this Summons the last public will be January 1. 191 SAM E. VAN VACTOR, -'-"- 'Attorney for Plaintiff. SIX HUNDRED ACRE FARM TO KENT Six miles from Olex, Gilliam County. Good wheat land good water good fences no buildings will let first crops go for Improvements on place. L. (). RALSTON, Owner, (108 .Wirlu-t St., Portland. At 10NE, OREGON ' Saturday, Dec. 5, ?14 50 HEAD of FINE CATTLE HoUteio Cowi and Heiferi, springing, Young Bulli' Calve, Beef Cowi. Heifen and Calvei. 20" HEAD of. HORSES and MULES Brood Marti, Geldin'gi, Saddle Honei, Work Mnlei, broken and gentle, 2 year Old Colts, Yearlingi and Suckling! Sale absolute positively no by-bidding, begins at 10 o'clock sharp at Livery Stable in lone. TERMS OF SALE :l:'Z ium over $25.00, or.e yean time will be given upon approved lecurity bearing 8 per cent interest. Eight per cent discount for cash on inms over $25.00. J. J.-Knappenberg, Owner E. E. MILLER Auctioneer bureau The Commonwealth confer ence at Eutrene. Dec. 10-12. will promote the campaign to cut out ! $500,000 on state expenses. Donald has completed a large double brick store. Work fitarterl nn n firm mpw Catholic church at Princville. The O.-W. R. & N. Railroad shops and terminals are to re main at The Dalles and will be enlarged to become the leading industry. The effort will hp mnd tn ip- vive Rome of the bills in the legislature that were defeated at the polls. The cost of Rehool hooks Is tn be investigated and an effort made to reduce cost to the peo ple nfty percent. Seven vessels loaded at St. Helens last week taking 6,000, 000 feet of lumber. Governor-Elect Withycombe says there will be no fancy trim mings during his term. Corvallis school tax reduced two mills. coupon noteH, for the further sum of ffiO.OO, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 1st day of March, l!)i:i. on the second of said interest notes, for ins turuier Bum or jiJO.OO, with in terest thereon at the rate of eiirht per cent, per annum from the 1st day of March, 1914, on the third of suid interest coupon notes; for the furth er sum of $75.00, attorney's fees; for th farther and additional sum of 112.15, Uxm and in addition to naid leverul sums for the costs and iliiv boTement of this suit. That that certain mortifutfo made and executed and slivered lv tlx- defendants, L. E. Tillotson and Cariliel llllotson upon the lollowinK described real property, to-wit: Ia1 3 and 4 and East half of Southwest ;inrtcr of Section 31, Tp. 6 South of Ruiif 28, East of Willamette Meridian, con taining 1C0. 40 arreR of land accord ing to the United .Slates Government survey thereof for the purpose of securing payment of the foregoing turn b foreclosed and the real prop THE FL0RSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUCH FOR YOU- AND The. Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and the wearer too, wherever he rock, will nee people wearing the same kind of Honc. TMK I'l.ACK TO HL'Y IS AT Sam Hughes Co. : UJUUU&UlllL-affl OKI m tr i Mean e Odd Taylor Bros., evaporat-t erty therein dewrit-ed lie mild undiT ing plant burned, may be rebuilt, j foreclosure execution and the pro- The SUte Tax Commission jceed of the sale applied to the uiv that has raised percentages offacuon of plaintiff Judgment values in nearly all counties is j aforesaid; and that the defendants in. to be abolished, and one man will icludir g you, and each of you la do the WOlk in connection with forever harred and fowlomil from all the Railroad and Public Utility ' right, title and intent in and u Commission. id real property and every - pnrt Clarkmas will spend $15,000 1 lh""?' ur "urh "l,",r rH'M"f in 1015 on a County jail. to the court may sw-m m. .-t at.d Uostburg-Dec. 7, the county "I"'1"8- ... . . ' cl.-rk will open bids on 11.400' Thl" !"mm:,n,,J" h"' y " fc t of county road. ' Hon f';, r. , ,. I the atve entitled court made on the R. J. Rowers of Pisnio, CaIi- n0) d of Nwm ,9Ui nH fornia has leased a slmon can-L,to of hrnt vuhUrn nf ,,.,, 9' 1 V. L , (summons Is Novemler Ml. ltMI. ploy from S5 to W) hands parking ; , v K woniiKos m clams crabs and small fifh. J Attorney for iii,,fU 51 Tonight And All Week WALTEMEYEfl I O'COIHI CO. I IN Up-to-date Comedies and Dramas Picture SpeciaTtie3 Our Guarantee Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back. Thursday Amateur Night Admission 25, 35 & 50c