Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 27, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1914.
Our augh Column
: : : Also a Few Wise Sayings by The "Devil" : : :
Sweet Adeline
Sing cuspidor,
But not spittoon;
Don't spit too far,
Nor yet too soon;
Tis better far
Not to spit at all
Than to spit too far
And hit the wall.
By the Staff Poet.
The Information department of the
Herald has received the following
letter from a Lexington reader:
Dear Editor:
I am a good looking young man and
would like so much to become pro
ficient in lady fussing. I have tried
everything I can th.nx of and I have
even offered money to any one who
would teach me the art. I have also
tried writing notes but the ladies ob
ject to the big words I use. What I
want you to tell me is how I should
act when I first go into the parlor
when calling on a young lady.
Should I stand up or sit down? Will
she take my hat or must I keep it in
my hand? Should I talk about the
weather or the price of wheat? Is
it improper to smoke while with her?
Lady Fusser.
Dear Lady Fusser:
I suggest that you procure a book
entitled, "What a heart breaker should
know or the scientific art of lady fus
sing." As to smoking while in the
company of young ladies, I will quote
what one of the faculty members of
a local school says, "I consider wash
ing your teeth before a young lady as
bad as smoking before her." Never
eat candy on the stret either.
Information Bureau.
Sailing, sailing, over the bounding
For many a man has changed his
But never changed his socks.
No Genivieve, cotton is not chop
ped with an axe.
This column of the Herald is guar
anteed under the Pure Fun Laws of
It is a wise corn that knows its
own popper,
Just because you get an invitation
it's no sign you are wanted.
Overheard at the Heppner High
School: "Pass your exams alright,
Bill "Naw, all the good seats were
gone when I came in."
A Letter
We are in receipt of the following
Dear Editor of the Herald:
Wie geht es ihnen? Are you still
printing your paper? Herewith I
ams sending you the last payment
for The Herald. I think you could
write better stuff than you have been
having in your editorials. Our cook
likes your jokes and threatened to
quit if we don't keep up our subscrip
tion. It has been coming off and on,
mostly off. We have subscribed for
With the coming of cold weather, naturally the demand
for Furs. - Below we list a few of the Fur articles to give
you an idea of what we have to offer you.
SCARF, Japanese Mink $22.50
MUFF, " " 25.00
SCARF, Black Fox 20.00
MUFF, " " 20.00
SCARF, Long Haired Coney 4.50
MUFF, " " " , 6.50
SCARF, Marmoth 10.00
MUFF, " 10.00
Our WEDNESDAY SPECIALS have come to be known as
trustworthy, reliable and authentic and where economies do
not begin and end with newspaper announcements, as is often
the case.
For this Wednesday we offer ROBELAND FLEECE, just the
thing for Bath Robes
at - - - - 22c yd
linor k Co.
the Yellow Jacket and The Weston!
Leader so you see we won't miss
your paper very much.
I used to like to read the lone Bull
etin until I subscribed for the Satur
day Blade. Their jokes are better
than yours. j
Please write more stuff about the
Moral Squad and the Purity League.
That made quite a hit with me. Hop
ing that the Government still admits
you to the mails and that you get this
letter, I am,
Yours until death,
Albertus Edison Johnson.
Kind Friend Johnson:
Your dear considerate letter caused
us to weep tears of joy at the thought
of having such a worthy subscriber as
you. We occasionally, as you fitting
ly remark, get out an edition that falls
a little below standard, but it is the
high standard we have, the high stan
dard. We cannot vouch for the jokes
in the Saturday Blade because it goes
as "Second Class" as they advertise.
Well, we were glad to hear from you
Bert, and I might mention that we are
getting out a corking big Annual Edi
tion next month and we will send you
an extra copy on the suspicion that
you will be delighted with it for it will
really be an approach to the ideal.
Wishing you success on the ranch and
thanking you in advance for your or
der for extra copies of the Annual,
we are,
Conversation overheard at the foot
ball game in lone yesterday:
Lexington man to lone man "And
what's the matter with you?"
lone man "Nothing's the matter
with me, you blooming idiot."
Lexington man "You gave me a
nasty look."
lone man "Me? Why you certainly
have got a nasty look, but I never
gave it to you, bo help me."
We heard a Heppner businessman
render the following a few hours af
ter he had finished his onslaught on
turkey yesterday:
"Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these; ON DUTY
Our esteemed contemporary, the
Pilot Rock Record, evidently has a
compositor who was interested in
something besides "sticking type."
Last week the compositor got a mar
riage announcement and a grocer's ad
vertisement mixed up, and the finished
item as "it appeared in the Record read
like this:
"Mr. Bill Jones and Miss Ada Thom
son were united in the holy sauer
kraut by the quart or barrel. Mr. Jon
es is a well-known codfish at ten cents
per pound while his bride has some
very nice pig feet, which will be sold
cheaper than they cost. We wish the
young couple a dozen pairs for 6c."
work at the Liberty school.
The enrollment is 13. A globe,
a set of maps, a good diction
ary and holder are among the
equipment of this school. This
school has a good bookcase for
the library books- The boys
FOR SALE I have a tew choice
Lincoln Burks in Heppner lor sale.
See Frank Kobrrts.
Those parties drclring turkeys or
other pou'try for Thanksgiving are
requested to leave orders on or before
next Saturday, November 21. ..De
livery will be made on the day before
have Commenced building some Thanksgiving. The undersigned will
appreciate it if his customers w ill com
ply with the above request.
Feople's Cash Market.
Henrj Schwartz,
piaygrouna apparatus.
In District No. 26, Miss Fan
nie Goodall is the teacher. The
enrollment is 22. The flag is
displayed from an excellent flag
pole, which is in a concrete base.
A jacket has been purchased
and will soon be jneed around
the stove. The water supply
is kept in a closed tank. A sec
tional bookcase is provided for
the books of the library. A
new dictionary, with stand, a
blackboard map of Oregon, a
set of excellent outline maps, a
blackboard map of the United
States, and some new black
boards have been purchased re
cently. The floor has been oiled.
One new outbuilding has been
built, and both are in good con
dition. Ihis school will make
an effort to become a standard
school this year.
In Joint-District No. 50-55,
Miss Arlie Rouanzoin is again at
the helm. The enrollment is 24.
This school is well equipped. The
library is fine, and the books
are kept in excellent bookcases.
There are four fine, framed
pictures on the walls. There
is a grove of fine shade trees
in the yard, and the yard is well
set to grass.
1 have rented my ranch and have
the following articles for sale:
2 wagons and racks; 1 Superior
drill; 2 hacks; 1 buggy; water tank;
several sets harness; blacksmith out
fit; 1 double disc; 1 single disc;
header; also have Hi foot Holt com
bine which I will se'.l at a bargain;
number of good work horses and
il 4-year-old I'ercheron stallion. If
you wish anything in this line meet
me at the ranch or see me in Hepp
ner and I will take you to the ranch
in my car.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior, United
Stales Laud Office et The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 2, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that, ns di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved March
28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to
the application of Patrick Curran, Ser
ial number 013273, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, but
at not less than $2.00 per acre, at
9:15 o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of
December, 1914, at this office, the fol
lowing tract of land: EVaSEVi, Sec.
10, T. IN, R. 25 E. Willamette Meridian.
Any and all personB clniming ad
versely the above-described land are
advised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time designated
for sale.
M. J. Elliott and Chris )
Erickson, Plaintiffs, )
vs. )
L. E. Tillotson, Caribe!)
Tillotson, Mary L. Bu-) SUMMONS
holz, Francis Buho'z,)
Oorothea Buholz and )
Elinore Buholz, also )
Mary L. Buholz, )
To L. E. Tillotson, Caribel Tillotson,
Mary L. Buholz, Francis Buho'z,
Dorothea Buholz and Elinore Buholz,
also Mary L. Buholz. Guardian of
Dorothea and Elinore Buholz, Defendants:
OF OREGON, you and each of you
are hereby summoned and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of Plaintiffs filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on or
before Bix weeks from the date of
first publication of this summons and
if you fail to so appear or answer,
Plaintiffs will apply to the court for ! will be January 1, 1915
Viola Jackson, )
Plaintiff. )
George Jackson, )
Defendant. )
To George Jackson, the above nam
ed defendant:
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the Com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before six weeks
from the 20th day of November, 1914
to-wit: on or before the 1st. day of
January, 1915, and if you fail to so
ippear or answer the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in the Complaint herein, to
wit: for judgment and decree of the
Court forever dissolving the Bonds of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for the!
i, vc n,,ul,K. .,.! ...,,,t,...i ,,r A.I,.
Jackson, the minor child of the plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
and further relief as may be equitable
ana just.
You are therefore, hereby notified
that if you fail to so appear or answer
the complaint as above required the
said plaintiff will apply 'to the Court
for the relief demanded in said Com
plaint. This Summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks in the Heppner
Herald, a semi-weel.iy newspaper of
general circulation in Morrow County,
Oregon, published at Heppner, by
virtue of an order made and entered
herein on the 19th day of November,
1914, by the llnnort.Tiie C. C. Patter
son, County Judge of Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and the date of the lirst
publication of this Summons is
November 20, 1911, and the dale of '
the hiHt publication of this Summons
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Abigal Van Horn, has been
duly appointed Administratrix of the
estate of Robert Vnn Horn, deceased,
by the Honorable County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, and has duly
qalified for such trust.
All persons holding claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified, to me
at the office of Sam E. Van Vactor, my
attorney, in Heppner, Oregon, on or
before six months from the date of
the first publication hereof.
Dated mid first published this Cth
day of November, A. D. 1914.
Administratrix of the estate of
Robert Van Horn, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon.ndministrntor of the estate of
Michael Mulvey, deceased nnd has
qualified as such. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notuied and required to present the
same to me duly verified as by law
required at the office of C. E. Wood
son in the city of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, within six months
from date of first publication of this
Dated nnd published the first time
this 30th dav of October, 1914.
Vic Groshen
Ice uiu i5eer, Either Bottle or
Draught, To Quench The
Thirst These Hot
Heppner, Oregon
By Supt. S. E. Notson.
Miss Gladys Musgrave teach
es the school in District No. 42.
This school has two flags. The
light is admitted from one side
and the rear of the room. A
good jacket surrounds the stove
ana window boards are pro
vided for the windows. A clos
ed tank holds the water supply
and the pupiU have individual
cups. A new globe and a chart
have been added to the equip
ment recently. The term of
school will be nine months. The
pupils are doing good work,
In district No. 3, Miss Lillian
Johnson is at the helm. This
school occupies the new building,
The building is a convenient,
comfortable building. The
light is admitted from the left
Iside. The Btove will be sur
rounded by a close jacket. The
; air will then be admitted
through a vent under the floor.
(The foul air will pass out
I through the ventilating flue in
I the chimney. The boys have
j constructed one piece of play
apparatus and they plan to con
I struct two more, so as to met the
I requirements of a standard
I school. The work of the term
is starting off nicely.
Miss Lulu Maxwell teaches in
District No. 6. The enroll
ment is twelve. The building
I White River Flour !
the relief prayed for in their com
plaint, which is as follows:
For judgment against the defend
ants, L E. Tillotson, Caribel Tillotson,
Mary L. Buho!z, Francis Buholz,
Dorothea Buholz, and Elinore Buholz,
also Mary L. Buholz, guardian of i '
Dorotheo and Elinore Buholz for the
following sums, to-wit: For the sum j !
of $750.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent per annum ,
from the 1st day of March, 1914, on I
said principal note, for the further
?um of $00.00, with interest thereon
U the rate of eight per rent, per
annum from the 1st day of March,
1912, on the first of said inteic.it
coupon notes, for the further sum of
$00.00, with interest thereon at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum
from the 1st day of March, 1913, on .
the second of said intercut notes, for
the further sum of $00.00, with in
terest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent, per annum from the 1st day
of March, 1914, on the third of said
interest coupon notes; for the furth
er sum of $75.00, attorney's fees; for
the further and additional sum of
112.15, taxes and in addition to said
several sums for the costs and dis
bursement of this suit.
That that certain mortgage made
and executed and delivered by the
defendants, L. E. Tillotson and Caribel
Tillotson upon the following desrrilied
real property, to-wit: I-oU 3 and 4
and East half of Southwest quarter
of Section 31, Tp. G .South of Runge
IS, East of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 1G0.40 aires of laud accord
ing to the United States Government
lurvey thereof for the purpose of
tecuring payment of the foregoing
turns be foreclosed and the real prop
erty therein denerild lie Mild under
forecloeure execution and the pro-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Six miles from Olex, Gilliam County.
Good wheat land good water good
fences no buildings will let first
crops go for improvements on
L. O. RALSTON, Owner,
60S Market St., Portland.
The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot
and (he wearer loo, wherever h
same kind of Hose.
goes, will see people wearing the
Morrow County's Finest Bluestem
the Beit Milling Wheat Known.
For Sale by the Sack, Barrel or carload
i hftft fwin rrmnH1tfi(H mn am art.
mit the light from the left nit le ! T-." of ""' ''lp,,-, l;' lh" .w,l,H
only. Two new outbuilding fl"'n ,?f PT..", "' "T" a"
have been built. A new WfK,,..fre...d; and that the defemUntn
house has also been built, an I h ,"f "u '-1
all the buil lintrs have been neat-. ,?rVMi T"0 " "" " "
ly painted. The stove is jacket-; ,n1 inUr"f,n ""' ';
ed. The water is kept in a ",d Ti v"ry,
dosed tank. A new man h.- s 'nJ 'urh "lh"r
d lately Tl e rurc may iwem incci ana
been purchased
floor has been oilod, which hU
n keeping down the dust. The
pupil arc working cnthusiati'-
I illy. Thin school has two flag
and arrangements will be mal!
noon for displaying one on the
j outside.
: PHI! ! fOHN. Heppner, Oregon
. , ....... ...... ..I Miw Miriam Smith directs th
Thin summons is puhlitdiril by or
ler of linn (i. W. 1'helpH, Judge of
the above entitled court made on On
llth day of NovrmUr, 1911, ami t di
late of first publication of t.u I,
summons is Novemlr 27th. I'.Ol.
Attorney for I'!mntifT".
Sam Hughes Co.
A one and one-half horse
power Stover Gasoline
Engine at this office. Has
been replaced by electric
motor. In good condition.
Used only five months.
Price is cheap and terms will
be given to any responsible