PACK For it HEPEN'Eft HERALD, HFPPN'ER, OREGON- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel LOCAL ANDPERSONAL Mrs. S. P. Devin continues very ill. ! The Heppner Garage sold a Ford car to Ura Adkins of Rhea Crek a few days ago. Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap I'helps Grocery Co. Reasonable Rates imgrnaiimai M. S. Maxwell, postmaster at Parkers Mill, was in the County !?eat on Saturday. WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do youi work on time. We work 24 hours per day and full sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are payini; for small wells. 1 will have one machine in the lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lexington, Oregon. W. D. NEWLON Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williams were visitors in the city from lone Saturday night. WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping.. .Inquire at this office. Ed. Engleman, well known rancher near the Egg City, visi ted the County seat Saturday. ! Theo. Anderson, the well known Eightmile rancher, was in ; the city Saturday. ELKHORN RESTAURANT Dest Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock AlwaysVanted at Market Prices. Phone 563 See Knappenberg of lone for milch cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible parties. Arthur Stone, who has been working for some time on the Spencer Akers ranch, left this morning for Mansfield, Wash., where he is think-ng of locating. Mr. Stone bought a block of sub scription stock in the Herald be fore leaving. Portal In South Wall of Palace of Education, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Car of Yakima potatoes just re ceived Phelps Grocery Co. The Pilot Rock Record ex ceeded the speed limit in the printing line for that burg last week when they printed a double page ad for a local store. The order also called for 1000 posters from the same copy. As broth er Robbins expressed it, "the or der was such a large one that the office cat threw a fit, the bull dog died and the gasoline en gine had heart failure." I am an agent for Mrs. Summers' famous home remedies. Samples sent on request. Mrs. Hardesty, Morgan, Oregon. For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and also rugs from old ingrain carpets, see the Heppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. 01 Haguewood of lone was a visitor in Heppner Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Tash are back from their trip to Twin Falls, Idaho, where they visited a son several weeks. jSuctettf Qcfos ; 1 yF- i Wk !!!!! J wftll III ylfel WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 tons good wheat hay for sale Phelps Grocery Co. Don't forget Drs. Lowe & 'iffiy- Turner, the well known eye specialists of Portland will be in Heppner again, Friday and Sat urday, November 27-28. Cnsult them at the Palace Hotel Parlors. They will also be in lone, Sunday Monday, November 29-30. They do not go from house to house. They have no agents. Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open for bitxiiicxn tinder new and experienced management, Solicit mid will appreciate your patronage. FreGh and Cured Meats Geo. Currin spent Saturday down at Jordan Siding with his son-in-law, W. A. Wilcox, and family. Do you want to rent an extra de sirable house? If so, call at the ' Herald office. TIE HERALD SOLICITS IR SUBSCRIPTION AT 51.58 PER YEAR 104 LIVELY ISSUES Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayes went down to lone today and will visit several days at the Jacob Bort zer ranch. H. L. McAllister and E. A. Zochert came up from Lexing ton to attend the reK'dar week ly meeting of the Masonic Lodge, of which they are members. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhea of , Portland were here to attend the ! funeral of Mrs. Rhea's uncle, jMr. Lafe IVnland. They return ed home yesterday. "00 posts for Bule Phelps Grocery Company. THE HE RALD A. L. Hudson, the Hardman J nu'iThant, brought a load of pro- duee in for shhipment below I Monday. Mr. Hudson has do J I'ided to quit the store business ami is noiiting a nosing out sale. Notice to CuNtomers. ! I am now able to accomodate ill my customer an I have my old barn ready for use. I W. T. McUobvrts. ! I Mr. Halo, the popular clerk at S Minor & t'o'a, left this morning tor Yani-ouvi-r, Wash., where ho will enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents. Reaches You While The News IS NEWS. 1 (. M. Yragrr, Architect and Huilder. I Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes have removed from their form- ,or rosidonoo just south of the Court House into the Civil Humphreys house. Mil K AT HAY 13 to 20 ton good vhcal hay fur all' I'hrlpa Grocery Co. ttutmnximi ? I Methodist Church South J Uov. V. A. Orr, presiding J F.ldor, will preach at I-c-xington J Saturday. Nov. 'JS. anil Sunday J the 2'.Uh; Saturday evening at J 7:.'!0 and Sunday morning at C 11:00. Quartoily Conference J at 1::U p. m. J 1 Uov. Orr w ill preach at llepp J nor on the same Sunday at 7::0 J p. tn and Monday evening at the unw hour. J All are cordially invited to at J tend these xeniec. I J. CKOOKS. Pastor. Miss Amy McHaley is in the city from Portland looking after interests of the McHaley estate here. Miss McHaley is accom pained by Mrs. Mattie Edmund son. Mrs. L. E. Cohn, whose home was formerly in Heppner, has been visiting in the city several days. Mrs. Cohn has recently been visiting in Pendleton and has accepted the position as head of the millinery department in one of the large stores there ! Her duties there will begin j soon. Mrs- Cohn will be assist ed by her daughter, Mrs. Gladys , Slaughter. Mr. G. A. Jackson invited in , a number of friends last Satur-1 day for the purpose of surpris ing Mrs. Jackson, whose birth-' A -J. 1 1 r..:i. - 1 i uuy was m iianu. yuue a large number were present, including the members of Mrs. Long's Sunday School Class, also Misses Virginia Crawford, Leala and; Lulu Campbell, Lulu and Sybil 1 lager, Marion Long, Helen and Ella Aiken, Melba Griffith and Messrs. Spencer Crawford, Harry Morgan. The evening was spent in a Jolly fashion, . playing games, etc., and the guests were served with refresh ments of ice cream and cake. The benefit eVcrtainment and cake and coffee sale given by the Heppner Library Association last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Glenn Y. Wells, was a great success. The price of refreshments was set at only ten cents and the sum of $11 was cleared by the Association. While this sum is not large, it was all that was expected by the officers of the Association and .they are well pleased. 1 ! This event was of more im portance from it social stand point than from the financial standpoint. Mrs. C. A. Minor, Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Yan Yactor were the receiving committee while the serving committee was composed of Mrs. S. W. Spencer, Mrs. Thelps, Mrs Crawford, and Miss Famsworth. Mrs. Othoo Crawford had charge of the musical entertainment. During no part of the time be tween the hours of 3:00 and t!:00 was there a lull in the en tertainment. Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Winnard each sang two solos. A quarttt of young ladies from the High School, Miss Helen Aiken, Miss Mtlba Griffiths. Miss Grace Yan Yactor and Miss I'tlith Thorley, sang several selections. Mrs. Jack son and Miss Virginia Crawford rendered some excellent piano duet.. The officers of the Associa tion desire to thank all those who attended the party and those who assisted in the entertainment. Copyright, 1914, by Panama-lJacltic International Exposition Co. THE doorway shown is one of the lesser portals of this palace and overlooks the South Gardens and the southern end of the Fine Arts Lagoon. In influence the portal Is early Italian renaissance. The twisted fluted Koninii columns have Imen given an eustern flavor by the application of contrasting colors In alternation, applied under the direc tion of Jules Guerin, director of color of tlie Exposition. The portal Is over thirty feet in height. The outer wall of the palace Is sixty-five feet high. Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Wh'.teis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. Just Received Shipment of Dalles Apples 90c Box See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON t'"ii i "ill i ifFaiBBm THE PALACE will serve an old-time Thanks giving dinner with all the good- i time trimmings. From 12 noon to 8 p. m. at Grill Telephone for Tables J. L Wilkins, Manager SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody'i Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. BINNS' REAL ESTATE Vickers Painter Sumerfield Paper Hanger Wall Paper Wc Contract and Do Painting in all its Branches Firt cJoor Noith of t!ic Tail CuilJing Phone No. 562