TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. PAOETITRFK V MINOR CO. i L REVIEW (GOOD GOODS) FURS With the coming of cold weather, naturally the demand for Furs. Below we list a few of the Fur articles to give you an idea of what we have to offer you. SCARF, Japanese Mink $22.50 MUFF, " " 25.00 SCARF, Black Fox 20.00 MUFF, " " 20.00 SCARF, Long Haired Coney 4.50 MUFF, " " " 6.50 SCARF, Marmoth 10.00 MUFF, " 10.00 Our WEDNESDAY SPECIALS have come to be known as trustworthy, reliable and authentic and where economies do not begin and end with newspaper announcements, as is often the case. For this Wednesday we offer ROBELAND FLEECE, just the thing for Bath Robes e on at 22c yd Vie Or Ice uiu deer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon iver Flour I MADE FROM Morrow County's Finest Bluestem the Best Milling Wheat Known. For Sale by the Sack, Barrel or carload lots. Salem, Ore., Nov. 23. Out of a total area of 61,186,480 acres of land in Oregon, 36,216, 317 acres are under federal con trol. The forfeiture of the O. & C. Land grant will add 2,074, 161 acres that will be drawn from taxation. A campaign has been started at Portland to consolidate and wipe out boards and commis sions and reduce state expenses half a million. Lebanon votes Dec. 7, on es tablishing an electric light plant. A plant on the McKenzie is producing 250 gallons turpentine and 6,000 pounds rosin per month. The C- & E. R. Co., has won its suit in the U. S. Supreme Court for possession of tide lands. Linn County manufactures road drags at $7 each. J. H. Gray of Prineville be comes owner of the Oregon Hotel at Hood River. Astoria mud flats are to be filled in by the dredge of Colum bia. The North Bend Manufactur ing Co., has orders for doors from England. Robert S. Towne, owner of the Blue Ledge Mine, Jackson Coun ty, will develop the property and build a railroad to connect with the Bullis line. The new creamery at Hood River opens with F. W. Bluhm manager. The Fisher-Boutin mill at Sprinfield is fulling its ponds with logs. The sawmill at Loon Lake, Coos county, is running. The Municipal railroad in sures building two new sawmills near Grants Pass. The S. P. Co., is reported to have bought the line down the coast to Eureka. The State Press Association is leading in a fight to cut down running expenses of Oregon half a million. The State Reform School with 88 boys, Nov. 1st, cost $73,450 for the biennial period or $835 per Capita. The S. P. ynrds at Browns ville are being filled with build ing materials for construction work. The St- Helens Shipbuilding Co., has two new contracts. St. Helens firemen will build an Athletic club. W. Grimes will erect a $20, 000 brick at Marshfield. Junction people celebrated the second year of the success of their local creamery. FOR SALE Lincoln Bucks See Frank Honoris. -I have a low choice in Iieppner lor sale. Stolen Papers arc Found East Oregonian A note for $1000, postoffice orders for $150, naturalization papers and other valuable papers, which were stol en along with a suitcase and two suits of clothing from a local lodging house about a week ago, were found under the O.-W- R. & N. bridge just this side of the state hospital. Thev Those parties di-'.irinK turkeys or other poultry for 'l'hiuiksjrivtni; are requested to leave orders on or before next Saturday, November 21. ..De livery will be made on the day before ThanksKivinK. The undersigned will appreciate it if his customers will com ply with the above request, l'eople's Cash Market. Henry Schwartz, Prop. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE. I have rented my ranch the following articles for sa'.e: 2 wagons and racks; 1 Superior drill; 2 hacks; 1 buRgy ; water tank; several sets harness; blacksmith out lit; 1 double disc; 1 single disc; 1 were the !'lender; also have hi foot Holt com NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, November 2, 1914. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved . March 'J8, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to property of John Dohcrty of Heppner. Mr. Doherty reported the theft to the police at the time but no trace of the plunder was found until H. R. Longcox, a transient laborer, brought the papers to the local postoftke this morning and turned them over. He had found them he stated, but no trace of the clothing was found. bine which I will sell at a bargain. V number of goo.l work horses and i 4-yenr-old Percheron stallion. If you wish anything in this line meet me at the ranch or see me in Hepp ner and I will take you to the rai in my car. tf. SPENCER AKEUS. the application of Patrick Curran, Ser ial number 013273, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at ind have 9:1,") o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of V.r: ' December, 1914, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: EVbSEVi. Sec. 10, T. IN, K. 25 E. Willamette Meri dian. Any nnd all persons claiming ad versely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time designated for sale. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. S U M M ON S. PHILL C0HN, Heppner, Oregon The following resolutions were prepared by Mrs. Clara G. Esson and Mrs. T. J. Humphries, the latter ot Heppner, and adopted by the conference of Christian Churches of Pendleton last week. "Be it resolved that the con vention take this opportunity to thank the pastor and members of this congregation for their kind hospitality, the commercial club for its special courtesy ex tended the delegates, the local press for the space given to the reports of the sessions, to Miss Hilbert and Ernest Crockatt for their faithful services in prepar ing copy for the papers, the choir for its special music ren dered, Sister Johnson and Broth er Burkes of Walla Walla for their presence with us and their inspiring messages, and Brother and Sister Handsaker for then efficient services as officers of their district, with gratutude to our Heavenly rather for the peace we enjoy as a nation and for the present prosperous con dition in our own state and ioi the recent great victory over tht forces of evil in our midst. Be it resolved, that we return to our homes with a determina lton to be more laiihlul in our efforts for the development ol our individual fields and for the extension of the kingdom ol Christ into the isolated places in our state. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKCON FOR MORROW COUNTY Viola Jackson, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) SUMMONS George Jackson, ) 1'elendant. I To George Jackson, the above nam ed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Com plaint hied against you in the above ntitlcu suit on or bet ore six weeks from the 20th day of November, 1911, to-vvit: on or before the . 1st day of January, 191!, and if yon fail to so ippeur or answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the Complaint herein, to- wit: for ludgment and decree of the Court forever dissolving the Honds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the are, custody and control of Ada Jackson, the minor child of the plain tiff and defendant, and for such other md further relief as may be equitable ind just. You are therefore, hereby notified hat if you fail to so appear or answer the complaint as above required the aid plaint'll will apply to the (.curt 'or the relief demanded in said Com plaint. This Summons is served upon you '.' publication thereof once a week tor six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Herald, u semi wee'viy newspaper of Henernl circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Heppner, by virtue of nn order made and entered herein on the 19th day of November, 1911, by the Honor.-.'.ie C. C. Pattrr ion, County Judge of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and the date of the first publication ot tills Minimons is November 20, 191 1, and the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Abigal Van Horn, has been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Robert Van Horn, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has duly qalifiod for such trust. All persons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of Sam E. Van Vactor, my attorney, in Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication hereof. Dated nnd first published this Gth day of November, A. D. 1914. ABIGAL VAN HORN Administratrix of the estato of Robert Van Horn, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon.administrator of the estate of Michael Mulvey, deceased and has qualified as such. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me duly verified as by law required at the office of C. E. Wood son in the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months from date of tirst publication of this notice. Dated and publishcl the first time this liOth day of October, 1914. T. J. O'ROURKE, Administrator. ARM TO SIX IIUNDUE!) ACRE RENT Six miles from (Ilex, Gilliam County, (ood wheat land good water good fences no buddings will let first dale of :' crops go for improvements on Do you want to buy a good house, with emphasis on the good?" This is one of the most Zopf Bros., of Lebanon will desirable places in the city. Near- erect a $22,475 High School at Athena. ly new. One lot. House has seven rooms and bath. Is liui'.t Tor a T tir i it - iiuiiic niiu nan iiiujr m.i in tu?0!:a.pba:S mT?uer J materials in its construct ion. uit iiui uici ii uiYiniou ui llie O Budget for the City of Heppner for 1915 P. Co., has been given charge of the Coos Bay and Eastern. The Estabrook Co., of North Bend and Bandon is getting out 70,000 ties per month. Warrenton is taking steps to build a first-class Tiigh school. Willamette Iron & Steel works have put a large force to work The price is not so high as you might think. If you are inter ested call, write, or phone the Herald office for further particulars. he last publication of this Summons will be .I.iiiiiaiy 1, 191",. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff. place. ! L. O. RALSTON, Owner, 008 Market St., Portland. The concert and dunce at Coti don several evenings ago, which was given for the benefit of Un ited Cross Association, was the 1 THE FL0RSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU -AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot K'h-H, will see people wearing Ihp nnd the wearer Ion, snnie kind of Hose. wherever lie Tin: pi. At i: to iiiy is at Sam Hughes Co. Heppner, Oregon, November 12, 1914. Wing the Santa Catalina, a of cljjrinR $29 for this i burnt steamer. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR, AND MEMBERS OF THE The portIand Gas and Coke COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER. Co., will lay its mains around .... . . , f;i. .... . t. . t ... Gentlemen: We your committee, appointed to prepare Budget "i Jas. M. McKinney of Arling ton was killed instantly in an ue,.ue,..,.. . . v. .... - ----- djnance . he . f hei uuiomomie am., - u wm.e- riuni- of expense, for the City of Heppner, for the year 1915, respect- . . . . ,ntr geese neur Blalock. lhrcc ...... ft3 w v w ii-i a xy y w .eki i . i i n fniu- nt,mit the follow nz itemized estimates: .. . .. other men were with him in tin For Sale i 2 3 4 r 6 I 8 9 10 11 Lights and Lighting City of Heppner $1750.00 Regular Marshal's salary 900.00 Extra Marshal and Police 500.00 Recorder's salary 420.00 Treasurer's salary 100.00 Fire Chief's salary 120.00 Board of Health, salary 120.00 City Attorney's salary' 100.00 Countv Fair Board 500.00 Incidental 490.00 Bridges, Streets and Public Property 5C00.00 TOTAL $10,600.00 WE RECOMMEND: t;ty That a five mill Tax be le-vied on ail laxauie property in wie ' .ftJf I IL. t . of lit M-"i r, to cover the general expenses; Ana iun.ner, mm i ew lorK capitalists the combination or State car at the time. Tiny were driv Grange, Central ,abor Council jnK through the I'm Ms on a ro.id and People's Power League, that wnt.n u ((K 0f KM.M. Cilim. a(lK originated many of the rnoHt'Hyjng very low. Mr. M Kinney radical initiative measures finds Sr,mU'd the car towards the them all defeated. dock and became so excited over Owing to increased needs of the chances of making a good the docks commission and enact- killing of birds that he allowed ment of State Wide Prohibition, his eyes to leave the wheel and Portland taxes cannot be reduc- on front wheel ran oiT the road ed for the fiscal year beginning into the plowed ground. The July, 1915. As as result of de- momentum of the car threw it j f eating fre-uk laws and radical over twice and Mr. M' Kinney I labor laws better financial condi- was crushed beneath the steer ! Hons prevail. The Interstate ing whet 1. The other oenipants bridge bonds sold at a premium, :Werc all badly hurt, and the niu- enmc was wn-cKeu. .Mr. ,we- Kmney whs ot f the piom en. of Gilliam County. have .ll momv rieeived from alon Licenses, im u more m i ui nwu on iiiikwui j - I'll: . in u I. ,r t V.I in V lhan the S.V.fXM'O now received, be set aside lor ne ouneiing oi t:.i v, !m,i'imi ni nnd maintainence of Streets and J,..t;, .-tv f th, Htv of Herrmer. Fjrther. that all 10.000 dry cleaning plant at monevs now in the hands of the City Treasurer and all moneys J . . . . .. that may 1, derived from fines Z 1 l"? Sn , d as n serve for the purpose of oiling streets and dVfra ng the ; KrhnriHro mrKt lhc ,ttHt u.w.u p neral p nses of the City of Heppner. until January 1 JU, and , )f ().t0M.r, the jrii'd ir,t nenitig between the first day oi January i.uo ( and the V.r.w vh.n the taxes will be forthcoming, for which ' the Citv will be without apparent lunds. j . . .... i 1 he press rejoirrs OVT the de- P.ESPLCTl I LLY SUBMITTED AND SIGNED. fiHl ul frtnk an,, crank m.H$. GEO. J. CTRRIN. A. L. CORNETT. W. U. BAKU ATT. Mr .iwl Mm l!:,lt,h I'llilntl ol The Troy Uundry will erect iami,lu,n w, r,,' ,)V,.r.nlght visi- tors here Sunday, taking the train for points below. Mr. Kddon was formerly in the meat market business at Condon. offers free fartory Harry Williams and wife ar rived in the city from Yamhill. Oregon. M'veral evening- ago, and Mr. Williams is locking lor wirk. , ures. A one and one-half horse power Stover Gasoline Engine at this office. Has been replaced by electric motor. In good condition. Used only five months. Price is cheap and terms will be given to any responsible party. THE HERALD ! Astoria will vote on a 1 000 bond issue for parks. $2 i Ben Patterson left yesterday 'mormriir on a busiMss trip to I Portland.